can you have both asperger's and narcissism

I watch everyone outside .. its a free-for-all in the world. I have a stepmom with narcissistic traits and I have autisim, and this article is so right We dont get along very well. I would have thought either you do them willfully or your are unaware of them altogether. Narcissism or Asperger's? How to Tell the Difference Treatment. Too many deaths I feel that could have been avoided. Take care with this as you may need support when you tackle this issue. (He had no father or siblings and was very isolated growing up.) I have no attacks, no one everyday is trying to ruin my life. And more than anything else i do it.. for me ME I try to make myself proud not others Thats the weird thing with my condition. He responded that since I just couldnt wait until he was better to hear from him, and since we had no interests in common, that some time apart would give us perspective. The relationship will fail if you think that "dropping hints" or describing your needs in vague terms is enough to get your point across. I hope anyone having been hurt or hurts others can stop and take some stock of their own behaviour, as Ive had to in this last year. This means being around people she doesnt know causes her anxiety she cant control, so to counteract this she retreats back into her safe place. Oh i was not that smart i mean it was crazy to do that but with the list of things i was dealing with (ADHD, autism, bipolar, borderline, ptsd, violence etc) i guess i was allowed to not be perfect? No matter how much patience and perseverance you have, you may discover nothing works to change the other person. Good luck whatever you decide to do, and do value yourself as you know its not an ideal situation for yourself and your future together. We were not monogamous. Break up and never look back. Clearly, aspies struggle with meeting the emotional needs of their partners. Break up and never look back. A lot to learn but worth trying. I didnt want to hurt them or have children that would end up like me. You be the one in charge, not him. I have to say Id not come across this behaviour at all and wondered what was happening, but we never consummated this union as I was very, very unsure about this particular intimate activity. Realize you can teach a person on the autism spectrum how to be different. Well, finally after two + years with my boyfriend I finally got the courage to leave. They are the predictably outcome of antisocial society as normal. He has not worked for 10 years now (hes 46) and I am the only person bringing in money. I tick many of the boxes of the list in this article and its so confusing. In addition to related terms, my husband has been linked to narcissism and Asperger's by people concerned about him and others in his life. Lol the good thing is it forced me to figure it all by myself.. i got a master degree in narcissistic disorder lol and now i spot them from miles away. Some are lucky to find someone who can cope with the behaviours developed by the unfortunate individuals, but many fall into excruciating crises in older age. He never asks how I am, and only asks what I think about something to help him make a decision, because hes incapable of making them. For Your Own Good, and Thou Shalt Not Be Aware, by Alice Miller The reason for this confusion is understandable since some of the symptoms found in people with AS and HFA are also found in those with NPD. That said, she was abusing me over an extended period of time whether it was High-functioning Autism, NPD, BPD, ASPD, C-PTSD, Substance addiction, or any number of combinations of these conditions. On the day of our court hearing for our settlement my barrister told me that my ex husband was narsistic which I had never heard of before and went home to try and find out what that meant. I felt guilty and sad that he didnt tell me about his difficulties, but not sure I could have coped with it on an intimate level anyway. she left. Do c-ptsd sufferers hoover? I understand Frederics frustration but lots of narcissists dont know they are afflicted, and I expect some dont care. I now realise this constant bashing I experienced was in part because I was such an easy target as an autistic person and also a constant thorn in their sides because 1. people with autism are not identical in their behavior. Narcissism IS high functioning autism where intervention has failed and been fooled by a child desperate to survive and appear normal as they approach teens and social survival starts to become paramount. I spent the next few years working on myself, looking after the family and working full time in an office which was good for me at that time. Think about all the mean things hes done to you, not the good things, and you may find there wasnt that many good things anyway, if you put the good and bad side by side. The person I encountered six months ago is very highly intelligent and kept telling me he was confused at times and aware Im being triggered by his behaviour. As Robin touched upon, I feel that we cannot begin to determine what is really going on with a persons brain until their environmental toxins and deficits are corrected. All I ever wanted was to be valued and to feel like I was an important person in his life. Lol how can society be prosper and happy when it is lead by monsters that work on self-destruction? You have to change yourself, of course with Gods great help and leading. All it did was turn everyone against me even more. Im sure you receive benefits which means you may not understand how to manage you expenses. From what you have said I can see a certain amount of manipulation going on. Develop healthy, happy connections within other relationships. Ofcourse that didnt help make my life easier haha can you believe a ADHD senstiive autistic child in a family of cold-hearted monsters They wanted me to shut up but i jsut wouldnt. I realized he does have some aspects of Aspergers but more of narcissism. He knew he carried something but he didnt inform me, so I had to presume he had either been diagnosed or had taught himself to be careful in certain areas of his behaviour, mainly due to getting himself into hot water in the past, I imagine. It is very important to me. there I said it, is the world still running? Yes both types are egocentric and lacking in empathy but it seems to me the motives and methods are almost completely opposite. One woman explained her narcissistic partner so well and all the things that had been happening to her and how she had such a guilt complex, that I could see my situation and this was a turning point in my life as well. Marriage is conventional and can be a nightmare to undo. My daughter was diagnosed as Level 2, which describes her as socially unable to mix. Advices for someone in relationship with narcissist: Autism linked to mirror neuron dysfunction. Though there are parts that are widely understood by the public the majority of a narcissism diagnosis is not. The Truth About Autism And Narcissism - Mental Health Matters Cofe When we watch TV, films etc. When Good Workers Go Bad | Psychology Today I now know to be specific with the times if we are going out and not change them suddenly. Sending you a hug. He loves history with a laser focus and when we go places Im expected to show the same level of interest he has or he thinks were not compatible. Attracting people outside your own age group is an Asperger's trait. There isnt much more important than mental health. Look to any anthropology. Its the only way, hes toxic and it wont ever get any better. Perhaps a thought is to step back and look at him like he is someone you dont know, someone just on the street. loneliness. I think psychiatry is missing out when acting as people with autism cant have any personality disorders. happy?! But we do have good times and the rages only happen every 5 or 6 months. The world upside down when you dont know yet that your family is a bunch of monsters trying to kill you since childhood who would.. even consider that as an option? I left in her bank money for me still.. i was in shock.. i was the only one in the entire world that knew i had to run .. get rid of the money.. anything but dont leave me on my computer with 100k in bank!!! Joanna. The light she shines on me is scary at times. But @ times he really gets to me & upsets me with his behaviour ! Life is much better now, I know not to expect her to do things straightaway, but to work up to them. Since they were all teaming up on me, i had no allies, i had no help. It has concentrated my mind and I have discovered Im HSP, something Id never heard of and Im taking it seriously after the experience I had Lin 2021. Retrieved from I can relate to much of what you have said as far as the narcissistic partner, and how it destroys the very fabric of who you are. All men, whether having pituitary damage or nor are already in a testosterone-diminishing environment, and testosterone gets lower with age. Realize you may not be able to teach a person with narcissism how to be different. What you are saying definitely makes sense. I firmly believe he has Aspergers(autism) AND malignant narcissism/obsessive compulsive disorder. He compliments me on how I look etc, mostly physical things. Dont know if it will really serve me in life more than just knowing the truth and feel better but All i can say is.. (and thats when i wonder if that is narc behavior or simply just.. the pain and suffering talking) but.. i call them all sad losers horrible.. god dam.. losers Empty shells that destroy lives hurt everyone.. abuse autism and other things. What I have learned is he is who he is and he will never change. Break up and never look back. One divorce later and I am living the best years of my life now. Does he do horrible things, yes. I was partner of person with high functioning Aspergers for 18 years. If I get upset about something he says Im too sensitive and were not compatible. Author clearly has major prejudice against people with narcissism. Perhaps if you did some research yourself on narcissism and manipulation you may get a better sense of whether this is happening to you or not. I wondered how anyone with narcissism could show empathy or how people on ASD could be social. Im so unsure of myself now, perhaps I am too sensitive and feel like Im the one who has screwed this up by asking him to change behavior he cant help. I get your point. People making excuses for Narcissists, hiding what they are behind Aspergers, which is not something to joke about, need to stop. Were taking time apart now as he thinks were not compatible because I didnt show enough interest in some historical place we were at and I lectured for an hour (was really about 15) about a subject I liked while at another historical place and he feels the list has gotten too long.. Should I chalk it up or try to understand this affectionate but one sided man? If you saw him, youd think nothing was out the ordinary. Questions or concerns about the preceding article can be directed to the author or posted as a comment below. Nobody will valorize or say good things so i have to. I now underdstood that this was something he was never going to be able to give me now matter how good, kind generous, forgiving I was. After over 30 years I have been worn down and become apathetic, permanently tired, lacking in motiviation and unable to find much joy in my life. People are not.. really smart in general, sorry for straight talking. I get silence which is painful to me but caused by his inability to communicate. I was hoovered not once, not twice, but thrice by a woman Im pretty sure has high-functioning autism and c-ptsdthat is, if her story checks out. I met my second wife, and same thing happened, but it lasted longer (the books and strategies worked). As far as possible I stay away from him and try to remember not to start a conversation. There was an element of narcissism too. So on top of all that.. i am trying to convince myself that im smart, good, etc. 1- they had food, 2- i had asked that therapist to be registered to food bank in case for months she knew.. so no she was not bringing me anywhere. Now, Im older than him and odds are he will be left with the house, but it annoys me he puts nothing into it. How can narcs understand me, how can narcs call other narcs for waht they are. Some good results for my brother once the assessments were concluded. I wrote that.. i was dying.. humans cant stay alive forever without eating just because See.. thats .. narcs stupidity their lack of empathy.. care.. made them totally unable to understand i lived in a foundation for autistic peep that suffered.. with therapist sand psys and NO ONE saw the problem with me asking for help and ways to get food and have Everyone ignore me The director had even humiliated me in front of everyon else to establish her domination on me she jumped af when she got my message that was sent to everyone. I feel so sorry for my mom who has lived with this man for thirty six years, Goodness me. I hate liars and evils but that i have to deal with it as everyone is around me so well ya lol. Courage my friends.xx. I read your piece about your life and trouble with interest. And you are correct. Takeaway. Observe the persons behavior, dont absorb it. This is my second marriage. They are able to talk themselves up and can be dismissive of others. Yes you are right, some days I feel okay then others I feel I have failed and sad. As to your question of whether they can pick up narcissistic traits from their parents, I believe any child can pick up these traits, as children we learned a lot by copying what we saw. That may be that Ive touched a window with my fingertips, or dropped something on the floor, or laughed too loudly. Im guessing he didnt understand that his guilt-tripping behaviour was in fact guilt-tripping and would cause me to feel horrible, because he has the autistic trait of not having some of that surface-level emotional and situational understanding. When he acts like this is really hurts me because I do put in so much effort to accomodate this situation with the aspergers, yet he can not relate to how important it is for me to have family and friends in my life. And i checkmark some of boths. I liken it to the logic of the Vulcan in Star Trek. ADHD and Narcissism: Is There a Connection? - Psych Central Do I really like this man, no. He can say inappropriate things without realizing it. The unabomber didnt want to be touched by his parents when child and more autismtypical traits. Thank you so much for your comments on this website! The last one disappeared somehow, I noticed, when I began to recover from the 2nd 2015 breakdown. i also enjoyed reading your notion that autistic people are unable to correctly support their loved ones; thanks for throwing me under the bus by inferring that im somehow incompetent at anything my loved ones care about. Then dont be responsible for what they think); I am not my brothers keeper (in other words everyone has a brain, what we do with that brain counts. Ugh. I was a slow learner as far as see my hubby as a narcissist. Study the concept of narcissistic supply and you will discover that people with narcissism are fed by the reactions they get. It is liberating to understand the situation and adjust yourself accordingly rather than expecting the situation to adjust to you. And while they were all working on their own masterplans to ruins everyones life i was seeing, understanding the lies, manipulations. The only question is why isnt everyone mentally ill? were also capable of doing it unintentionally, and sometimes thats due to our autism, sometimes it isnt, and sometimes its a mixed issue. hey if why are you doing this or that. Copyright 2007 - 2023 GoodTherapy, LLC. Its possible that my subconscious just wanted that bridge to burn once and for all. I been destroyed and they tried to ruin my life up to .. erasing it for decades. So very saddening. Heres the kicker though: I think I might be somewhere on the autism spectrum AND a narcissist. and sympathise and I think that may be where some people with Aspergers may have difficulty. As I look at the descriptions of each in this article, what behaviours of each look like in everyday life, it is not as clear cut as it is often made out to be. I did VERY well considering my start in life. As my daughter says, those on the autistic spectrum are not quite the same as those, not on the autistic spectrum, but then she says she just doesnt fit into the guide of what a normal person in this world is expected to be. But its hard to feed from happiness these days.. everyone is so in the dark :( . They do not do this to be controlling, feed their ego, or fulfill a personal need for superiority. How to Tell the Difference. They cant or wouldnt. I want to share my home with my loved ones but he makes it so unconfortable I have to do this outside of my home. She now feels much better about herself and her anxiety levels have gone down somewhat. Even if i can prove that my father committed horrible crimes against me and my family and frauded his work for millions, nobody listens or care what i say. I understand medication is a great deal better these days, but would it have made a difference back then, I doubt it. I just recently started therapy and was SO fortunate to find a great therapist. -Animals are generally uncomplicated and undemanding in the relationship department so there would be no pressure. Even if i had multiple therapies, therapists, psychiatrists. Asperger's syndrome may manifest as narcissistic social isolation, as well as difficulty reading others' feelings. Prior to 2012, people with mild symptoms, considered high functioning, were identified as having Aspergers syndrome. I dont believe she will ever change, but if there is a chance I would be willing to slowly, but very slowly let her back in. You only have one life you can live, no one gets a second chance. Because i could sit .. and write down all of this.. all the proof that shows.. its real. Maybe they have to be taught, if willing. Only the Good Lord know where this, our story, may lead. Thank you James, I appreciated reading about your rather unpleasant experiences, but feel uplifted by your courage, determination and perseverance to get yourself into good and positive emotional and mental awareness . Emotional and mental health is such a fascinating subject, and Im not expert at all. I feel fortunate that I STILL have that confidence and it has gotten me far and I believe it was because I had great parents (not perfect) but very good people who showed their love and support.. It would be good if this article was at the very least amended because it still comes up in search terms and it is perpetuating harmful beliefs. I did this often to remind myself what I was dealing with. She has gained a great deal from some of the information and has been able to relate to information in these non fiction books. All these children DO NOT exhibit full blown narcissism as my ex partner did. I call my mother i tell her about the 5k.. im thinking about therapies, ways to help myself. I just feel so incapable of meeting her needs in terms of being empathetic and sympathetic to her emotional needs. So you can think of it as neurotypical women working past 40 are internally driven TOWARD accomplishing something big. No. 8. When autistics and allistics communicate, it might come across that the autistic doesnt care, but the core difference between them and someone with NPD is the intention behind their actions. Even if they have high IQs they are still total retards on a human level and its mostly them that run the society.. wonder why its going so bad? The DVD was called Imagine Having Aspergers Syndrome. He spoke about one of his patients having an attitude that he was king and the rest of his family were his servants. Its your personal journey and it sounds as though you need specific support, for some reasonable time. He drives 20 miles to see me, we used to take turns but now I cant go to his house anymore because of the dog. Because my family were nasty game players, I became more desperate to fit in and then easier to use and manipulate. Rescuing the Inner Child: Therapy for Adults Sexually Abused as Children To understand her better I read books, watched DVDs and sought any other information that was informative. My main problem is that I still keep forgetting that I cannot treat him as a normal person, so I make problems for myself. Big thanks for that. I can prove all my allegations, its the sad truth that more than just me live. You can only change yourself. Over this past couple of years through my unconditional love for him he has come to the realisation that he does have aspergers syndrome and is now starting to understand himself and why he is different to most other people around us. When I have these thoughts I think of it as the Mammoth thats weighing me down, and after a little practice I can now make that lousy thought from my Mammoth disappear. Narcs ofc I had the potential to do whatever i wanted, i even had the hospital CEO of my region offer me a complete scholarship and all expenses to end of university in anything i want as long as its high management or medecine/pharmacy etc. Thank you again for making contact and please take very good care of yourself.Mind, Body and Soul. And it was clear, looking back, his autism was in fact a bit to blame. I would think generally no, by definition, those with asperger's could not also be narcissistic. I try to be as humble and honest as i can but in our world the narcs are everywhere and they abuse it everytime they can so i had to change. Schizo. Asperger and HFA are all Autism so they are the same, just a spectrum meaning traits that can range from mild to severe. We must consider that individuals can be both. Courage is needed along with perciverance. Thank you so much. I mean other than my pure grades, the behavior of all the important people around me outside my family says a lot. A lot of these unfortunate individuals end up with menial work and cannot afford decent therapy, as not all therapy is appropriate, its a minefield and awareness of the condition in question is vital. Ever since we got together he has been judgmental, critical, controlling and insistent on being right about everything. Your new life is just waiting for you to find it. So i try to open my own eyes, sustain the face in the mirror which i do pretty well these days hehe :) . Furthermore, many on the autistic spectrum are hyper-empathic and hyper-feeling, and if you speak with autistic people, you would know that. I just came to the understanding that narcissism is a spectrum, and that my mother might be on it. Thats my biggest question right now. I guess we choose our own poison. He certainly seems to be a box of tricks. One minute you are feeling ok about your relationship and the next asking yourself was it you that caused the situation where you needed time apart. Read some anthropology. Therapists foundation staff that have a guy like me.. messed up like me.. living there cauz i cant on my own ask help.. over and over.. and none understood that ignoring me.. or telling me to deal with it was.. CRAZY. I told him I would if he kept making these remarks more appropriate to a locker room so he put it on the list as he calls it and says when the list is too long were through. I have a daughter that is Level 2 on the Autism spectrum. This article is great and I love the comparison table. But there is a big difference from one who knows he/she needs help and one who thinks he/she has all the answers and is always right, because they want to cover up their demons. I tend to forget people if we don't see them regularly even though we care about them and when we remember them we do miss them, but . Now ignoring email without consequence is standard. Im too strong of a person to let the pain and frustration linger for too long; but at the moment my curiosities are running on high, high octane searching for answers given the information and memories I have of our brief relationship. I have had a difficult life, one near nervous breakdown in my early 20s, averted at the last minute when I came across a book by J.Krishnamurti and this writer and speaker and philosopher has helped me all my life, the insight I had back then stayed with me, without that I would not be here writing this. Eat clean, detox, stand in a forest in the sun. 2. Is the author advocating that partners of aspies should stay? Asperger's: When Narcissism Just Doesn't Explain Your Partner's However, hes very one-dimensional and not connected to his feelings. She kept sending me by force to therapies then after enable me to gamble use my father psychological attacks on me or do it herself if need be to take me down down then when at the bottom .. finish me off with a big loan i never wanted. My sister phones me from time to time, but she doesnt want to hear any more about my abuse. Please fill out all required fields to submit your message. Yes, they are as varied in character as other folk. Thats a bit of a rant folks, and Im not sure why Im posting here I guess because I would certainly welcome any thoughts from anyone who has been is a relationship with someone like me (or who is like me). Do You Have Aspergers Or Narcissism? Another factor in his behaviour is that he is affected mentally by being disabled and unable to do much except sit around. But, even if i know i am sensitive, empathic. How is that to their advantage? Am saying that all these DSM inventions, are real yes, but not as these frauds explain them. The World and technology is moving so fast and many of us are not equipped to deal with it at all, and not because we arent willing.

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