did dumbledore love harry as a son

A portrait of him was later put in place at Hogwarts. After James's death Dumbledore returned the cloak to James's son, Harry. He did this by questioning people who had known him as a child and a teenager and obtained Voldemort-related memories from them. While he didnt get to remember their love for him, Dumbledore reminds him of how that love exists even after they are gone. Dumbledore held private lessons with Harry, revealing in them much of what he had learnt about Voldemort's past, life and Horcruxes. After Dippet's death, he became the new Hogwarts headmaster. Albus Dumbledore has some of the best quotes from the entire Harry Potter series. Michael is a graduate of the University of Stirling with a degree in English Studies. Elphias suffered from Dragon Pox, and everybody avoided him. Later, Hogwarts played host to the first Triwizard Tournament since 1792. The last two Fantastic Beasts movies can develop Aurelius Dumbledore's character, but the creators must tread lightly: if Aberforth and Credence becomes too big a story (and if Credence survives the fifth movie), the Harry Potter canon will definitely suffer a negative impact. Quirinus Quirrell was the Muggle Studies Professor, before he started to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts. During theirconversation, Aberforth discusses his older brother and Ariana (in the movie, he only explains she was one of the "things" Dumbledore sacrificed in his pursuit of power). In 1995, Dolores Umbridge was appointed the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor by the Ministry of Magic. [15], Albus fighting Credence Barebone in Berlin, Sometime after, he found Aurelius Dumbledore in Berlin on a street. Dumbledore casting a very powerful firestorm. Dumbledore wore half-moon spectacles and a colourful array of robes, ranging from purple to crimson-red. Harry has severe PTSD this year and I had to go and save him from being expelled even though he almost got got by a Dementor over the summer. Elphias also told Harry to never believe Rita Skeeter and Muriel's slanders about Albus Dumbledore's family life, including that Ariana was a Squib. When Voldemort returned, Harryyearned for Dumbledore's support and wisdom more than ever before. He also had a friendship with Filius Flitwick, the Charms Professor and Head of Ravenclaw House, Pomona Sprout, the Herbology Professor and Head of Hufflepuff House, and Poppy Pomfrey, the nurse. Newt did not want to see a friend thrown out of school, so he took the blame for Leta's actions, and was thus sentenced to be expelled from Hogwarts in her place. Though later in his young life, under the influence of his love for Gellert Grindelwald, some anti-Muggle prejudice did develop, but he soon saw the error of his intent. After reading them, the instructions fell apart. Was I better, ultimately, than Voldemort? Despite Harrys protestations, he went even further to say that power was his greatest weakness, his greatest temptation, and that he should never be trusted with it; he even revealed that he turned down the post of Minister for Magic several times, for fear that absolute power would corrupt him absolutely. He learned the truth in 1994, when Harry Potter saved Pettigrew's life from Sirius's and Remus Lupin's attempt to extinguish it for his crime. We welcome respectful comments. Among these students were future Order members Arthur Weasley and Molly Prewett, Death Eaters-to-be Bellatrix Black and Lucius Malfoy. Dumbledore, Snape and Minerva McGonagall quickly overpowered the Death Eater. [38] Having once been kept out in the open where hundreds of people could discover the apparent delights of the Mirror of Erised,[38] it had since been given a new home after a large number of them had become so entranced by what they had seen as to waste away before it. [46] It was revealed in that two of Fawkes's feathers form the magical cores of both Harry's and Voldemort's wands. Albus Dumbledore was tall and thin, with silver hair and beard (auburn in his youth) so long that they could be tucked into his belt. Dumbledore also knew Gilderoy Lockhart, the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor (1992-1993), when he was still a student. If Harry actually learned Occlumency properly, he might have been able toshield himself from the mental manipulations which led to Sirius' death. [7] However, she did not hesitate to disagree with him when she felt the need to do so. [38] He eventually found it, however, safely tucked away in a hidden room on the uppermost floor of the castle that would only reveal itself to someone if they were in great need of it. Finally, Credence lets Aberforth know he wants to come home and Newt (who has just savedhis brother's life) sees the message in the mirror, so he lets Albus know and thus finds out (together with the viewers) the story, or the secret, of Aberforth and Aurelius Dumbledore. Albus successfully defended himself, but Credence's condition did not allow him to win this fight. Looking for Pottermore? Ultimately, Vicncia Santos won the election, as the Qilin bowed to her. When Harry recovered from the ordeal in the hospital wing, he questioned Dumbledore about why Voldemort had tried to murder him as a baby. Some had reportedly even gone mad; not knowing if what it showed them was real or even possible. During his fourth year, he accidentally set the bed-curtains in his dormitory on fire, (although he admitted that he had never liked them anyway). "He'd probably blast us through the door if we wake him at the crack of dawn; he'll think we're trying to attack him while he's asleep. When they returned, Dumbledore instructed Jacob's sibling to invite Professor Snape next, even if they had to bribe him with a gift. Given that she read stories to him, it can be assumed that Albus had a good relationship with her, or at least a better one than the one she had with Aberforth. Arthur and Molly Weasley always respected Dumbledore and were very loyal to him. In the same year Dumbledore became a regular columnist for Transfiguration Today, with the Daily Prophet quoting him as saying he was "enraptured!" Dumbledore clearly underestimated Snape's capacity for love, and years later was very surprised to learn that Snape still maintained his devotion. He knew countless powerful spells that couldn'tbe found in a book, but he somehow failed to teach Harry a single one of them. He also adopted the role of secret agent for Voldemort and supplied him with strategic scraps of information about the Order. When the Potters became Voldemort's targets due to a prophecy made about their son and the Dark Lord, Dumbledore attempted to protect them by casting the Fidelius Charm and offering to be their Secret Keeper, but the role of Secret Keeper went instead to Peter Pettigrew, which turned out to be a fatal mistake, as Peter turned out to be a spy, and he betrayed Lily and James to Voldemort, who killed them. [68] And even though Jacob's removal was prominently covered at the time in the Daily Prophet,[69] the faculty still denied any knowledge that the vaults' existence, both to dissuade students from pursuing them, and to prevent the Ministry and concerned parents from inserting themselves into Hogwarts affairs.[70]. To escape the accusing eyes of the local community, Kendra Dumbledore moved her young family to the village of Godric's Hollow which, like Mould-on-the-Wold, was a part-wizarding village. According to Rowling in 2018, we will learn more about Grindelwald's and Dumbledore's past in the upcoming films. 10 Albus Dumbledore Quotes About Love - Screen Rant Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. During his Hogwarts career, especially as Headmaster, Dumbledore always maintained his composure, even in situations that would terrify others. Albusshould've just broken it. For example, he placed Harry Potter with the Dursley family despite knowing that they would be unlikely to treat him well, as pointed out by Professor McGonagall, all for the sake of keeping him alive. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, and Neville Longbottom all rushed to the Ministry in the hopes of saving Sirius. Over the course of the two months Grindelwald stayed in Godric's Hollow, the two young men's friendship became romantic, with Albus ignoring any misgivings he had about Gellert's dark intents by convincing himself the revolution they were planning to embark on was truly "For the Greater Good", and that any harm caused would be repaid a thousandfold after its conclusion. While we do know from the Harry Potter series that Dumbledore did eventually take that position, his refusal in that moment reminded us of him turning down the job of Minister . and realised that it was not a Horcrux, meaning the locket was a fake. Physical information Join the Fan Club and bring your traits with you. In a series of tweets, Rowling explained her reasoning. Being attacked by Ministry officials, the opening/reopening of the Chamber of Secrets, having Dementors at the school, being surrounded by a plethora of Inferi and soon thereafter, staring death in the face (although they may have made him uneasy for the safety of others) did not frighten him. She only stepped back at Dumbledore's insistence when he reminded her that Hogwarts and her students would need her in his absence. Due to his optimistic personality and tendency to see the good in people in order to try to give them another chance, it can be assumed that he may have once thought that Lockhart can overcome his love for vanity and become a great wizard due to his talents. Dumbledore explained to Harry everything he had not told him when he was alive: the nature of the Deathly Hallows, his friendship with Gellert Grindelwald and a number of other things. Dumbledore also sent Hagrid on other important missions, such as attempting to persuade the giants to join the side of the Order of the Phoenix. Yusuf was ordered to go to Nurmengard and spy on Grindelwald, while Lally already had the Portkey book. Dumbledore at the Sorting Ceremony of 1984, At the Start-of-Term Feast during the 19841985 school year, Professor Dumbledore witnessed the Sorting ceremony of first-year students, including Charlie Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks, and Jacob's younger sibling, after which he stood behind the Owl Lecturn and gave a traditional welcoming speech. On his last drink he fell unconscious. We'll always long for a learning experience like the one Harry received at Hogwarts, for friends like Ron and Hermione, and for a mentor like Albus Dumbledore. All protagonists would later witness their mentor's demise firsthand affecting them greatly, but the latter are later able to establish communications again with their mentees, either through visions, or being reborn (in Gandalf's case). He did this largely through the use of the Pensieve. Unable to leave Brazil until her work there was finished, an arrangement was made where she would instead come to Hogwarts at the beginning of the next term. These revelations troubled Harry; they tainted his perception of a man hed long admired. But above all else, the series is a story about the power of love. For some reason, though, he didn't go on to do everything in his power to ensure Harry would make it out of the dangerous event alive. Its also Harrys own ability to love that gives him power and allows him to beat Voldemort. After Harry saved Sirius from the Dementors, Dumbledore congratulated him by saying that as long as Pettigrew was a Death Eater in a life-debt with the last Potter, he would requite. They learned a lot about each other and even shared the same inspirations and what they wanted to spend their lives doing. Dumbledore's first year was met with much whispering about his father's crime. Phoenix[19][20][21] Instead of teaching Harry himself or arranging for Harry to take lessons with someone the teenager trusted, however, Albus selected Snape as Harry's tutor. Dumbledore participated in his trial and saw him betraying many Death Eaters to avoid imprisonment in Azkaban. While Albus likely alienated him, along with Ariana, during his obsession with Gellert Grindelwald, when Grindelwald attacked Aberforth, Albus immediately came to his brother's aid and fought against his lover, clearly displaying that even at the height of his worst years, Albus still cared for Aberforth's well-being immensely. Igor Karkaroff was a Death Eater in the First Wizarding War. While some of his best quotes are full of sage wisdom, he also has some pretty funny lines. Despite this, after learning of Sirius's innocence, Dumbledore forgave Remus for his supposed betrayal, understanding his Marauder friends only became Animagi to help Remus in his werewolf form and considered it an extraordinary achievement. At some point in his career, Albus also became involved with the recruitment of students for Hogwarts, becoming a special messenger for the school whose job it was to visit the young witches and wizards whose names appeared in the Book of Admittance and came from Muggle families in order to explain to their parents that magic existed and to deliver the acceptance letter in person. Think I might just die rather than tell Harry exactly what he needs to know this year. Dumbledore showed cold fury and disgust at Crouch Jnr's actions but was still disappointed and revolted when Cornelius Fudge sentenced him to Dementor's Kiss as it both meant that Voldemort's return could no longer be testified and that the Crouch family blood line had permanently ended. [28], After he had finished their talk, Dumbledore and Harry parted ways for the time being: Harry returned to the mortal world and Dumbledore moved, as he would put it, "on". Also, I know exactly whats up with that diary, but Im not going to tell him, hell find out precisely five minutes after everything goes wrong. They also made a blood pact, and they swore an oath never to fight each other. Dumbledore fell in love with Grindelwald, and that added to his horror when Grindelwald showed himself to be what he was. Though Dumbledore had failed to capture or defeat Voldemort, the Dark Lord realised himself that he could not overpower his former teacher, and so abandoned his effort and disapparated. It was also during this encounter that Albus first learned that the boy was a Parselmouth; a fact that he did not find nearly as concerning as the boy's "obvious instincts for cruelty, secrecy and domination". When Dumbledore met Aurlie, he talked about his own experience of learning Alchemy with Nicolas Flamel and denied the existence of such item at Hogwarts, but nevertheless encouraged her not to give up on her goals. Newt decided to take the blame and was sentenced to expulsion. They got along almost instantly, according to Bagshot. Marta Zabo is a writer with an Art Theory background who once published a novel inspired by James Joyce and Kurt Vonnegut. Grindelwald knew Credence was Aurelius Dumbledorefrom the moment he realized Credence was an Obscurial (much like Ariana Dumbledore), and that he had survived the Obscurus for so long (which meant that he came from a very powerful wizard bloodline). Dumbledore figured out that when Voldemort cast a Killing Curse on baby Harry, he accidentally turned Harry into his final Horcrux. Dumbledore also allowed Remus Lupin to be a pupil at his school and later a professor, despite the fact that Remus was a werewolf. [83], When Dumbledore found out Jacob's sibling and their friends had broken into the Locked Room, he talked to Jacob's sibling in the Courtyard. Before she died, he took a memory from her, in which Tom Riddle showed his interest towards the magical antiques of a recently deceased Hepzibah Smith. Dumbledore wasn't really a hero in 'Harry Potter.'. Dumbledore admired him, because he didn't care about power or popularity, which is quite ironic as Dumbledore once craved at least one of these things. He enchanted the Mirror of Erised to contain the Philosopher's Stone, only to be removed by someone who did not intend to use or possess it, but only to keep it from the hands of evil. Unlike all of the other staff members, Dumbledore did not let her rebellious streak, a trait for which, seen as it went beyond mere mischief-making, many of his colleagues came to distrust and dislike her for, cloud the fact that she was an exceptional student and spoke highly of her abilities even after her graduation. Human[9] Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore A young man around Albus's age, he lived for the next two months with his great-aunt, the celebrated magical historian and family friend of the Dumbledores, Bathilda Bagshot, who introduced the two soon after Grindelwald crossed her doorstep. Despite this, Dumbledore was capable of fear and feared, above all else, that he had actually cast the spell that ended his sister Ariana's life. Therefore, he feared that he may have indirectly given Voldemort a servant to return him to power. . Harry was only able to tip the water over Dumbledore's face before the Inferi climbed up out of the lake and attacked them. He acknowledged that Sirius's death was his fault, and that if Harry let him explain, the boy would be free to rage and storm at him, even attack him if he chose to. Yeah, that's how I always saw Dumbledore.". Dumbledore asked Newt if he knew which of the suitcases was real, to which Newt replied that he did not know. Initially prevented from opposing Grindelwald directly because of the blood pact they once made, even once that was destroyed, Dumbledore still felt conflicted about going after his old friend. Grindelwald was indeed telling the truth or at least using his very strong intuition about Credence's identity to turn him against Albus Dumbledore. Dumbledore understood the evil in Riddle as a result of a string of unfortunate events and performed intensive research on him, eventually discovering his Horcruxes. Hence his seduction by equal Gellert Grindelwald, a Dark wizard with plans for a new wizarding order: a world in which Muggles were taught their place. Aberforth bitterly painted Dumbledore as pompous and arrogant, as thinking he was above the task, that it was a waste of his talents. This quote serves as a reminder of following the important things in life. Elphias soon became a member of the Order of the Phoenix, an organisation that Dumbledore had led. )[23]Headmaster of Hogwarts (pre 1971[24]1997)Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards (?1995) They were great friends and lovers for two months until Aberforth, Dumbledore's brother, confronted them over the neglect of Ariana Dumbledore. Shortly thereafter, Dumbledore gave Snape employment at Hogwarts as the Potions master, and later defended Snape against the Ministry of Magic, who were rounding up and arresting remaining Death Eaters. This led Voldemort to angrily jinx the position of Defence Against the Dark Arts instructor, preventing anyone from holding the position for more than a single school year. Things got progressively worse from there. However, tragedy ensued on the eve of the departure when Kendra Dumbledore was killed by an outburst of Ariana's uncontrollable magic, leaving Albus the head of his own broken family and now in charge of his younger siblings. Despite being aware of the criminal abuse Harry had suffered while living with the Dursley family through a contact, Arabella Figg, he did not step in to prevent the abuse Harry suffered as a child, leaving him to suffer with his magical hating Aunt and Uncle and bullying cousin Dudley. With this quote, Dumbledore once again reminds Harry of the importance of love. While readers and viewers alike appreciate every new addition to Rowling's ever-expendingworld of witches and wizards and magical beasts, nothing can ever quite stack up to the originalHarry Potterbooks and films. [62], Dolores Umbridge, the new DADA professor interrupting Dumbledore, Dumbledore had come to fear the connection that existed between the Dark Lord and Harry, and purposely avoided him throughout the school year. Well aware that their initial reaction, namely to try and keep him from entering their home, stemmed from fear more than anything else, the Headmaster took the liberty of finding his own way into the house. Credence replies by asking Aberforth, "Do you know what it's like to be alone?" Everyone, apart from Albus, took one suitcase and they all used a Qilin Ceremony Portkey to the Magisterial Chamber of Ancient Wizardry in Bhutan. In many ways this explains so much about Dumbledore. Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledorefinally addressed the Credence/Aurelius Dumbledore (Ezra Miller) twist, confirming Aurelius to be Aberforth's (Richard Coyle) long-lost son. Knowing that he was going to die in a year and to save Draco Malfoy's safety and his soul, he begged Snape to give him a quick and painless death when the time came. This last defence could not be removed by Vanishing it or scooping it out; someone would have to drink it to get to the Horcrux that lay within. Following the global wizarding war, regardless of Aurelius's fate, Dumbledore became most famous for defeating Grindelwald in what was considered to be the most epic duel of all time. "[9] She also served more than once to bring Dumbledore back on track when he became distracted from the matter currently at hand.[58]. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. [62], Voldemort's curse, however, was prevented; Dumbledore quickly animated a golden statue to cover Harry and shield him from the curse. Harry and Dumbledore forged a strong Student Headmaster bond, comparable to that between two close family members (most likely the case of a great-grandfather grandson), in spite of the century in age difference. On the orders of Voldemort, Crouch brewed Polyjuice Potion, which he used to impersonate Moody and take his place at Hogwarts. . At first, the two headmasters greeted each other as old friends, seemingly showing no animosity. He's really unfit to be Head of Slytherin. Dumbledore chose to reform the Order as he feared that the start of the Second Wizarding War was lingering and inevitable to happen.

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