dinosaurs that never existed

An interesting article John, always enjoy a good alternative to what we are taught. If millions of years of separation between us and dinosaurs doesn't make figuring them out confusing enough, sometimes mischievous humans make things even harder. Sea dinosaurs should be alive nowadays! The most crucial dates in modern human evolution are unfortunately beyond the range of the radiocarbon method, which has a limit of about 40,000 years (Cavalli-Sforza, 2000, p. 61). Please check out this post which describes why K-40 is also wrong: https://www.creationliberty.com/articles/kardating.php. The problem with this great dino hunt is that, since they lived dozens of mega-ennia ago, our perception of them is limited at best, and always changing. Im not a nay-sayer or anything like that. There were certainly many creatures that have gone extinct over the past few thousand years, and if any bone does not apply to any known life forms (as if it were possible to really prove, which often it isnt possible to prove), it may very well just be an extinct normal animal that used to be around just a few thousand years ago. p.s. Check out my other articles why Flat Earth Theory is wrong. Everything made so much more sense when we could say, "No, they were just ducks.". Dinosaurs and the Gravity Problem. PC vs Mac in 2021 Which Is Better? ", Joshua Franzos/Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Dinosaurs never existed? - Red Ice Of course, because dinosaurs are very popular, and its cool. Different dinosaur species lived during each of these three periods. Something has baffled me for years regarding the ancient Egyptians and believe it or not it has led me to research the existence of dinosaurs. Then there's the Tethyshadros insularis, whose beak was almost snowplow-shaped, with a serrated upper beak that was highest in the middle. But my argument with my friend I said well if there were so many dinosaurs and they lived for soo long here. Dinosaur is a term which is defined as a terrestrial reptile with one of two possible hip structures. Great article! This doesnt mean they couldnt get on the moon maybe they could. good to hear a like minded person. You have 1 skeleton and 10 museums around the world. Ok I read the entire article and read many of the comments. It's impossible that dinosaurs existed because dinosaurs are too big? Id rather that be in the textbooks (encouraging people to remember that their brain is just as competent as anyone elses here on this Earth) than any of the complete nonsense Ive read in all of my classes except Communication and Mathematics. A flesh eating plague perhaps? If dinosaurs were reptiles, that means they were cold blooded, and so the amount of food they would have required would have been not comparable to a mammal. The Greatest Deception In History.. All The Latest Videos In One Place All The Latest Videos Jeranism Eric Dubay Globe Busters Allegedly Dave Mark Sargent Odd TV Latest News 16th Jul 2017 in Nasa Channel: FLAT EARTH - LATE SHOW - NUCLEAR PUNK BOMB INTO FE Today, visitors have the opportunity to see the bones in-situ, which means that bones have been carefully exposed but left in the ground as they were found. carbon dating itself has been proven a hoax. The brontosaurus once ranked along with the T-Rex and triceratops as the most identifiable of the terrible lizards. We have an over 50% complete Allosaurus skeleton in our Creation Museum, dug out of the ground in northwestern Colorado. The Brontosaurus Is Back - Scientific American like uranium and lead? Paleontologist Darren Naish asked when summarizing the dino, "Did [they] help Tethyshadros to bite at specific food items? Cam'ron on dinosaurs: 'There's no proof' they existed Dinosaur is a term which is defined as a terrestrial reptile with one of two possible hip structures. This photograph from 1934 shows the Carnegie Museum's Apatosaurus skeleton on the right wearing the wrong skull. Were they for grooming? There are entire websites devoted to buying fakes to populate your museum. There was a lot of, even, melted rock in that area. Dragons do not count as dinosaur mythology. Shortly thereafter, a professor named Xu Xing found an "Archaeoraptor" tail on another dinosaur at a Chinese institute, proving once and for all the dinosaur was literal fake news. Thanks for the great information! However, Im also not going to perpetuate that dinosaurs did exist. Anderson, J. F., Hall-Martin, A., &Russell, D. A. Regarding nephilim, youre going to have to be more specific. Loss of vegetation leads to soil erosion as the exposed soil is washed or blown away, removing valuable soil nutrients required for new plants to develop. Youd be surprised how wild the skeletons of normal animals like whales and rabbits look so different from the animal itself, look it up. How could they have built such monuments without tools and todays knowledge my bet is they were knowledgeable and that this knowledge has been passed down through the ages. I already knew a lot of what was in this article and more. Perfect humans and living forever in harmony with All of Jehovahs creation will be the Best Life Ever! Amazing article! Theory of this magnitude can only be disproven with theory/common sense since the details and science are lacking. The reality is that the only way to determine the age of a rock would be to have a person who was alive at the time it first originated in order to confirm the age of said rock. I cant believe lamestream media outlets dont ever discuss this. The Geological Society of London - Dinosaur deniers A dog skeleton doesnt even look like a dog. Whats wrong with replicas? Well, that really isnt proof of anything because no one receives harsher criticism than flat earthers; does that mean the earth must be flat? Could Humans and Dinosaurs Coexist? Here's the Science. Me and you have the knowledge we have today regarding microwaves, TVs, How To harness electricity etc but the other 100 people dont (lets say they had Amnesia after the war). I agree that many dinosaur bones are replicas and/or fabrications but there are plenty of finds out there that are real and come from deep underground (in cliffs). BBC's various dinosaur documentaries Paleontology is controlled by established swindlers You stated it would destroy all life on earth. I wish this theory wasnt taught in schools and to the public because it supports evolution which is a complete fraud and confuses many Christians and even causes them to question the Word of God. if it was a strong argument that it would have gained traction by now. Sir Richard Owens "discovers first dinosaur" Marvelling at the specimens being uncovered in southern England at the time, a young Owen recognised that the remains shared a number of distinctive features. https://cosmosmagazine.com/life-sciences/great-dinosaur-fossil-hoax Bones found could be from any number of animals, even extinct animals (such as the do-do bird or sabertooth tiger) that are not giant godzilla lizard creatures. The rocks provided evidence that there were tsunamis. However since I was little I believed in God (Im Christian). Note the word "mostly." on this stupid fantasy. But as it turns out, it never really existed. In the real world, paleontologists have found huge numbers of insects and other invertebrates in. There are lots of reasons for the dinosaur myth to be perpetuated by the liars and the fooled people, in the pseudoscientific industries, digital media, advertising, and even for anti-religious atheists. Those are probably not dino bones but just bones of normal marine life. And last,what if those few real bones were the bones of the nephilim? The best option is to make replicas of the skeleton so all the museums get one to keep the public happy while the original is kept nice and safe for study. probably. I love questioning the unquestionable. The only thing that is certain is that it is impossible to know for sure, without time travel. (2010, September 14). A man made lie to achieve whatever goal you had in mind for the planet. "There are stories of either Cope or Marsh telling their fossil collectors to smash skeletons that were still in the ground, just so the other guy couldn't get them," Lamanna tells Guy Raz, host of weekends on All Things Considered. Cool, but not true. First of all, keep in mind that it is absolute certain and proven historical fact that Jesus of Nazareth was a real person who lived on Earth. The air was totally different with more carbon in the air (or was it less), and so the feeding requirements would be different from todays animals. Oregon State University. And yourre right, believing in big animals is more acceptable today than believing in dragons, fish-women, little humans like trolls, etc. It was missing a skull, so in 1883 when Marsh published a reconstruction of his Apatosaurus, Lamanna says he used the head of another dinosaur thought to be a Camarasaurus to complete the skeleton. He then gave it to museum paleontologist Henry Osborn for a closer inspection. "Brontosaurus means 'thunder lizard,'" he says. Biblical creationists believe that man and dinosaurs lived at the same time because God, a perfect eyewitness to history, said that He created man and land animals on Day 6 ( Genesis 1: . They were "terrible lizards", he said. Forget Extinct: The Brontosaurus Never Even Existed : NPR As the museum's head of paleontology, Mark Norell, explains, "We've got nearly a million specimens. DINOSAURS NEVER EXISTED.. Thus, ever since their discovery in the mid-1800s, hadrosaurs have been depicted with big ol' bills. Then, as one continues reading, some French scientist-entomologist, who had access to the vegetation surrounding Cro-Magnon man, and it was dated at 20,000 years, lo and behold, that French scientists son goes roaming around in France in the Loire valley for a year and discovers fabulous cave paintings by cavemen! They could have simply been taller humans. Let me explain. Like a monkey into a human. It was in the heat of this competition, in 1877, that Marsh discovered the partial skeleton of a long-necked, long-tailed, leaf-eating dinosaur he dubbed Apatosaurus. Second, dinosaurs actually have existed in mythology in most cultures for thousands of years. Now over the course of that 170million years there must have been species that cropped up and lived for a few thousand years, maybe some only hundreds. Joshua Franzos/Carnegie Museum of Natural History If there is anything that might have been preserved, it has been buried under layers of rock so deep into the earth that we probably will never find them. They couldn't safely dig Kevin out until 2011, and two years later they had their snout. Or is it true, that giant dinosaurs roamed the Earth in prehistoric days? Wouldnt you propagate a story, true or not, if you owned a news organization? What the latest animal to become extinct? Where's the Evidence of Dinosaur and Human Coexistence? Author reply: credence and again I didnt right a book here, just pointed out some obvious facts. The armor-plated destroyer never existed, and this one meat-eater now had two names. I've heard that the devil himself put the fossils there to throw us off the truth the dinosaur's never existed. Dinosaurs are one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world. And man has always been good at making FICTION popular in the world. Dinos are big business, just like dragons. Dinosaurs Never Existed - The Prestige Top Ten Scientific Flaws In The Theory of Prehistoric Dinosaurs : With Eric Dubay. And in some ways I theorize it is possible, but it seems someone else already thought that too: https://answersingenesis.org/dinosaurs/when-did-dinosaurs-live/what-really-happened-to-the-dinosaurs. Roy. Several years later, however, Osborn realized he had bungled, and that both dinosaurs were actually the same. K-Ar (Potassium-Argon) dating is just as flawed and for many of the same reasons. I read the article you linked to, basically it is talking about the theory that the dinosaurs were killed during the Great Flood. I will check that out next time. The theory of evolution has not even been proven for us. Third, if you believe in Noahs ark, Noah could have taken young dinosaurs on board. We could bring out an incredible invention the black and white TV for example. Until we find a fully preserved dinosaur embedded in clay or frozen in ice in Antarctica then we will just have to enjoy dinosaurs as weve been told. The mokele-mbembe is a fun story, but nothing more probably. . Ive never heard anyone address fossils. Youve truly convinced me dinosaurs are faked. First, the Bible says that all the animals were brought onto the boat, two by two. We dont live in a dome, please check our my series on the 20 reasons why Flat Earth theory is ridiculous. The word dinosaur was coined only within the last 100 years or so, so of course youre not going to see that word anywhere before then. (n.d.). I look for a few hold nuggets in every thing I read. All those years I thought they were real bones, but they werent. Your most compelling points are the scientific ones. But something must've been there for Cope (and later the Museum) to write about, right? Discovery Raises New Doubts About Dinosaur-bird Links. In fact, based on historical evidence, it is more likely that dragons and trolls existed at some point than it is that dinosaurs ever did. Like always. 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It seems to me that if somebody has enough money ,they can get a dino manufacturated for promotional purposes XD. Also, the fake dino fossil business is huge business, making billions of dollars, as well as it is really great for movies and makes tons of advertising revenue in museums and news stories. Even if you knew that, you may not know how the fictional dinosaur came to star in the prehistoric landscape of popular imagination for so long. Today, you dont see any wolves in places where there used to be many; perceived as a threat, they were hunted until every last one was gone. All radioactive dating works generally the same and none can reliably predict any dates and all have been proven false at some time or another. It only says behemoth etc. (1994). Above all if we have a minimum sense of mathematics we would not believe dinosaur like animal ever existed in this world. It is too easy to fake a footprint. Actually what would really happen in that scenario is the same thing that happened before a new multi-billion dollar industry born revolving around a new species (product). Science can prove how bumblebees fly. Nowadays its Jurassic World. This is compelling evidence on its own. This theory would provide an explanation as to why we were told dinosaurs existed as it means we accept that as reality and do not question the past. Thanks to half a dozen of my computer saavy supporters helping scour the internet archive, we have now found and can present Robbin Koefoed's article "The Dinosaurs Never Existed," from his deleted GVENews website. However, there are a couple problems with that. Anything that would decompose easily would be missing and therefore the scientists excited by the new discovery forget these simple things. Just like in the justice system: motive, weapon, opportunity. Dinosaurs never existed : r/confidentlyincorrect - Reddit The claim: Dinosaurs aren't real and were only 'invented' in the 1800s A Feb. 10 Facebook video shows a montage of various clips of dinosaurs from the Jurassic Park film series as a narrator. JULY 8, 2018 BY ERICDUBAY Dinosaurs Never Existed The class "Dinosauria" was originally defined by "Sir" Richard Owen of the Royal Society, and Superintendent of the British Museum Natural History Department in 1842. That is my honest take on all of this. 3. Also keep in mind only a very few number of people are actually perpetuating the myth intentionally, the rest of people perpetuating dinosaur mythology are just going with the flow, they just blindly believe what they are told. Battlefield 1 vs Call of Duty Infinite Warfare: The Fans Weigh In And Choose Which Is Best, Can You Guess Which One Wins By A Landslide? The possibility exists that the concept of prehistoric living dinosaurs has been a fabrication of nineteenth . Truthfully, Im fascinated by the subject but secretly hope that dinosaurs actually existed (the little kid in me). 1.7M views 9 years ago A huge triceratops skeleton was found in Wyoming! They are not larger than the biggest dinosaurs, and they live underwater which has buoyancy negating much of the negative impacts of gravity from such a large creature. Obviously the Earth is round, and anyone who uses their brain can see that its ridiculous to think the Earth is flat (or that leprechauns or dinosaurs or unicorns existed, for that matter). (1985). 10 Reasons Dinosaurs never existed : r/conspiracy - Reddit Notice my evidence above regarding how there should still be sea monsters today, but there arent. I want to see the end of this false science before I die. Even reputable publications like the Washington Post declared "Brontosaurus Still Lives," which wasn't just sensationalism it was inaccurate sensationalism. New York: North Point Press. Dragons may have existed, as there is historical evidence of dragons throughout the ages. so much can change geologically and that long time. Gingerly on Twitter: "I was thinking I read a lot of right wing For example, the Jurassic dinosaur Stegosaurus had already been extinct for approximately 80 million years before the . And by the way there is a big difference between pictures of jaguars and turtles in Chichen Itza (real animals that exist today), and supposed dinosaurs, of which there is zero talk of. It dates back 130 years, to a period of early U.S. paleontology known as the Bone Wars, says Matt Lamanna, curator at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh. There are articles and pictures of that. We have no idea yet even regarding the deep oceans. It isnt easy to sort out fact and fiction. No real historian worth their salt would deny the fact, unless they were outright lying. It was then supposedly shipped to a Philadelphia paleontologist named Edward Drinker Cope, who wrote up a description of the vertebra and the dino once attached to it. and very well written. My kids know more dinosaur names now then living animals and I am curious why we still push kids to learn about dinosaurs so much. And this isn't the first time for. That Brontosaurus finally met its end in the 1970s when two Carnegie researchers took a second look at the controversy. They like to have something to look at that makes them believe the Earth is millions of years old. You are watching too many movies. It seems like a big business, as you said. Theres no real concept of 1 million years. Dinosaurs That May Never Have Actually Existed. How anyone could believe these things existed when they took sooooooooo much food and water to maintain, its beyond me. Carnivorous dinosaur researcher Tom Holtz at the University of Maryland in College Park, US, agrees there would have been some extinctions 66 million years ago anyway, due to eruptions and. Fact is things like the fact that there is no evidence for dinosaurs, big bang, evolution, o other popularized theories taught to us as fact when they are not a fact but pure speculation without evidence. You cant say they were more dangerous because if its all the animals, there were also lions and tigers and polar bears. If you look hard enough, you can find lots of evidence for aliens from outer space too. They determined a skull found in a quarry in Utah in 1910 was the true. No, seriously. Expect to hear things like conspiracy theory and other similar liberal ploys and tactics. What if the Dinosaurs Hadn't Gone Extinct? - Museum of Science They suddenly disappeared without reason? Normally in cases like this, whichever name came first got to stay, so it would be Dynamosaurus imperiosus. I found a really interesting video on youtube that kind of explains what I mean about the explanation. Even if the Earth were 300 below zero for 100 years, it would only form a relatively thin layer of ice (maybe 10 to 100 feet thick) at the top which would insulate the water below. How so much pseudoscience is being forced on our kids and if they question it then they not only fail they are ridiculed. It is impossible! Trans. There are some amazing dinos out there, but no dinosaur is more famous and beloved than Tyrannosaurus rex, even though it would likely devour your flesh if you asked for an autograph. The React team investigates as conspiracists take to social media to dispel dinosaurs' existence Though the first dinosaurs appeared about 243 million years ago, they remain as prominent as ever today. A showman named Carl Hagenbeck wrote a book, called Beasts and Men, declaring that dinosaurs might still be alive in Africa. Take the story of the archaeoraptor, which is just that: a mere story. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronological_dating No one knows for sure, but many people have theories. #7- You site Holden 1994 so Ill have to check that out.

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