jessica adams predictions for 2022

Your courtship/courtships for 2023-2024 are unpredictable, liberating, the last thing you expected, offer you space/independence and a zig-zag through life. You wont. Until then, the ebook edition is on Amazon. You can watch my predictions for your sign on YouTube here. AQUARIUS Its very important to be discerning about the networks and circles you move in, and are surrounded by, in 2022. You approach and explanations surpass other sources. Something else may be influencing your situation, though, and thats the long-running transit of Pluto in your solar Fourth House, which began on January 27th 2008. You star with an important group and shine brightly in 2023. Same cycle as the Black Death. Will there be supply chain issues again? They started using condoms; having safe sex; probably gave up smoking when the class action lawsuits against cigarette companies exposed the cancer and heart disease risks. Yet youll do it. It really depends on your values. There are other kinds of qualifications, of course, and then there is the vast world of publication. Thank you so much Jessica. 2022 & Earlier Predictions PISCES Covid is Virgo and Sixth House. I am so sorry your partner passed away; you are hoping for better days and they are in fact coming. This prediction ran the day before the World Cup kicked off. Thank you. In 2023 we begin to see Jupiter move into a square with your Leo Sun in this sector. My Aries Ascendant is at 18, so Saturn will still be in my 11th house even when Saturn moves into Pisces, will I need to wait for friendships to get better till Saturn moves into my 12th house? Its creative conflict with potentially spectacular outcomes, but youll have to work at it. I understand how incredibly busy you are so I appreciate if you take the time to respond. More good news. This may be work-life balance or just sunscreen. Dear Jessica I think you are amazing, fascinating and so kind. Those with money have influence, dont they? Michelangelo, William Shakespeare and Leonardo da Vinci all had rich patrons. This rollercoaster with the world of books (this will have personal meaning for you) brings jaw-dropping highs. I think your biggest issue has been the barriers, obstacles and barricades with friends, groups and your social life. A sudden reshuffle at work, home or university offers a lot. This is with you until May 2024. I am glad you have become a Premium Member. The problem then was that after a panic in 1987, 1988 people dropped their guard. Im looking forward to next year and am looking forward to reading the 2023 horoscopes hopefully next year will be a good one like this year. Have a look at the movement around that, worldwide. That is why it was possible for me to predict the virus, twice, and even date-stamp it (on this website) back in 2019. It really doesnt matter if were talking about the Vatican or the essential paganism of Roman astrology its really up to both of you, and what you do/do not believe. Dangerous shared air. Aquarius, it is tremendously important that you plant this concept, qualification or brainwave somewhere so it does not come to nothing. I am not alone in thinking this. I also like the idea of a shorter working week, allowing for more work/life balance. New translation options for the web that make the internet global for girls and women in developing countries. Along with that I start a new job in a few months in a health centre, so worry too about lack of mitigations regards Covid, although I do mask and own HEPA/UVC units. Thank you. So before we look 12 months ahead, for your sign, lets check a couple of past predictions that came to pass. Prince Charles will become king but his reign will not last long. Are you a Premium Member? Hi Jessica, hope you are well & enjoyed the festive period. Happy holidays from California! Will Saturn in Pisces remove my reliance on these types of things? I cant see a chart here, so can only read for you as a Sun Taurus. Replying to . Alan Turing, 23rd June Happy New Year. The housing market will begin moving in your favour as the new year gets under way. This is a Robin Hood year, Leo. Kate Moss, 16th January This was predicted on 6th October, two months before it happened, and date-stamped a plunge for Wall Street. Leo, Virgo and Sagittarius will exchange notes. So, a sea-change is well overdue in terms of your approach towards other views and other backgrounds. The solutions are already here for children. You are a Sun Gemini who quit and you have a mortgage to pay. Trump collapsing is of course, when, not if. You know what to do. The other cycle coming around now is the big, big 1990s class action lawsuit cycle against cigarette manufacturers. TAURUS Is relaunching as simple as buying a new wardrobe? Psychic Predictions for 2023 - askAstrology The move to reintroduce masks in public and travel restrictions is being met with great irritation by most even the supporters of the current ruling party. In the years 2020, 2021 and 2022, as the South Node in Sagittarius brings back the year 1983, you'll notice something. Until then, have Plan B and C. I think youd gain from using an accurate house system for prediction; have a look at your library on this website, which is free to use. Michael Stipe, 4th January. Read More. Really hoping to find love and a fun, caring partner this year too after too many years of solitude post-divorce with just me and my fiery Aries 12 year old boy, and a pick up in my social life too. A journey, met by you, or taken by you, changes your life. That South Node in Scorpio transit is very important because it brings back karma from the past, either with the same group of people, or other friends, frenemies and groups yet with the same basic theme. What happens for you is personal. You will make new friends from March 2023 who are quite powerful people. Of course, charity begins at home. Your most restrictive, limiting financial cycle in 29 years ends in March. Absolutely not. It may involve religion, self-help, counselling, meditation, hypnosis or other solitary pursuits. Yet, you need to organise this very carefully, Pisces, as there may be a lack of attention to detail (especially the numbers) which results in wasted opportunities. You dont have to go with it. Her astrology books include Astrolove, Handbag Horoscopes and 2020 Vision (Penguin) and the #1 Amazon bestseller 2020 Astrology - Your Five Year Horoscope Guide. With a group. I Had to share this, it hurts that this is printed. This comes from Leos solar Eighth House, ruled by Pisces, where Saturn enters in March 2023. And yet, youll still take holidays overseas. I predicted the Ukraine crisis on 24th November 2020 (two years before it happened) at The Conscious Caf on YouTube. So, what else does the master see for 2021 and beyond? Happy new year to you when it comes, warrior women unite! A creative community, like a theatre cast, or an environmental movement which needs you. It is very unlikely to grow, where you are. This year will put you strongly in touch with your value system and that of others. When life pulls backwards like this, it tends to produce a process with a strong outcome. Jessica Adams B.A.. has written horoscopes for Elle, Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, Bloomingdales and Marie Claire during a global career as a professional astrologer. In this life you have been given the chance to use your power. Thanks for a wonderful blog. If your marriage is on the rocks you may split, at last but create a superior life around a child. All prices are charged in US Dollars. That ends in July but there is a strong theme of owing others, and being owed. Best Regards, Jessica thank you! Applied for a new job on the new moon on 23 Dec. Hope I not only get it but interviews wont be terrible with Saturn any advice on when to schedule interviews? Will you be teaching or learning at a high level in 2022? It could qualify as one of the most severe Mercury Retrograde events of all time. And yes you will be able to create internet versions of yourself, to walk and talk in new online spaces. Love and light (and sparkling wishes for 2023 ahead for you) She is the Roman goddess of wisdom, represented by wise old owls, and turns up in a perfect conjunction with powerful Pluto, not once, but three times. I was wondering if you see Ron Desantis as the Republican nominee in 2024 if Trump collapes? Premium with Preview posts are exclusive member only content. Will we be fingerprinted electronically? 2. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!! March 2023 brings a major choice about how you are to work; how you are to look after your health and fitness; how you are to begin a different lifestyle, with a daily workload. I am glad you are across UVC and HEPA. We have see this before. Paul Weller, 25th May The big stretch with finance, property, business or charity is over in July, when the node leaves Scorpio. You are a Sun Leo with the node at 0 Capricorn so March 2023 will change your life. 1996-2023 Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited. You may have moved on from these comments but Im wondering about my story. Please keep reading for your diary dates and Tarot card prediction. Neptune and Jupiter are both in Pisces, your own zodiac sign, helping you to shine in 2022. This horoscope for the FIFA World Cup 2022 final shows a religious nation winning the cupTheres some slight tension there about whose deity is actually in charge of the result. As so many readers predicted, the Pope is from Argentina and Messi is a deeply religious man. This is extremely unusual. First of all the Rising Sign is not important. Hello. I am hoping for a better year as 2022 has been challenging. Part of this whole story in your chart is about understanding that people (especially women) in unity can move mountains and achieve miracles. Besides, the HEPA filter and UV light.. Is there anything else in particular we should have extra in our home that may be hard to find come March? Your solar chart suggests there are still too many obstacles and hurdles in 2022, 2023 at home. A great deal depends on how Ardern handles China. You will find some parts of the world engage in limited stay-at-home orders when the morgues and hospitals are overflowing. Thats unusual and its not happened since April 14th, 2003. Four years later, the BBC reported China was banning new skyscrapers on 4th November 2021. Much depends on what you did around 12 years ago, as each cycle nods to the last one. Your Sun is in Capricorn in the Tenth House of success, ambition and goals, so you shine when it works for you, and have to try harder when it doesnt. The Suns conjunction to Pluto on 16th January, as the year begins, is a classic sign of Back to School as everyone begins thinking about the first term in a new year or just, improving their C.V. or their knowledge base, by taking on part-time study. You will be pooling resources with the community, or the group, and shining very brightly this year, but keep an eye on your organisation, your routines and your grasp of boundaries. I need to leave a toxic relationship but in order to do so I need to find my own place to live. It is possible that your firm gaze on a younger generation is connected to all that you have in mind; perhaps this is an art exhibition aimed at Millennials. Login using classic mode. Charles and Camilla will not be King and Queen. He named the COVID-19 variants, as far back as the 16th century. Pluto in Capricorn, in your solar First House of image, presentation, packaging, reputation and profile suggests reinvention. Can you tell me what is going on with my career? Fran. Hes probably the Harry Potter generation, I would assume. The Medici family of Florence, allegedly became art patrons to cleanse their money, acquired from loans. And the message is powerful, spiritual, legal and/or moral. Deborah. That Pluto-Node conjunction is also opposite the other node in Pisces, which rules religion, so it may be that your past life as a doctor or patient, also involved the church. Maybe he will again? Your employers should protect you from Covid. Just as fascinating is the possibility that you will so thoroughly convince your opponents, that they will change their position and go to you. Predicting 2020, 2021 and 2022 With Astrology. You are concerned about your twins, who are Capricorn Millennials. It is very important that this is nipped in the bud. Thinking back to 2003-2004 and perhaps 1984-1986 this may have been a political party, As Ive mentioned, a football team, a chamber orchestra or even a Facebook group that you left behind a long time ago. Are you a Premium Member? The 78 Tarot Card Meanings This short guide to the meaning of the 78 Tarot cards is taken from the Smith-Waite Tarot Deck from U.S. I have a fairly high level of debt accumulated although I do earn a good income, putting my daughters through university post divorce has been costly. Psychic Predictions For Australia In 2019 Pluto is in Capricorn in 2023 so you may graduate this year, or next year, or watch successful students graduate and win new jobs, or just go on to the next rung of qualifications. Anthony Kiedis, November 1st Its really simple. Ukraine will win. Thank you so much again! I hope you have had a lovely Christmas and all the best for 2023. The new travel will be travel in the mind, in online spaces with virtual versions of yourself. We will see the worst phase of Covid worldwide begin in March, but the solution will also begin people power against employers and politicians. At least for a short time. Whenever we see the North Node in Taurus and Uranus in Taurus (the global economy) we can learn from history. Sometimes there are two people involved, so typically, an ex-wife and a new girlfriend. Once one school does it, the others will follow. As the New York Post reported, Currency king loses $13 billion in a flash Crypto crash.. Yes, Nicola Sturgeon is doomed, just looking at these astrology charts for 2023 and 2024. Read More. Maybe both. The generation born with Pluto in Sagittarius will do that they are younger some call them Millennials. If you are in a duel, not a duet (the Seventh House can rule rivals or opponents, as well as husband and wife) then it may be that you both turn towards someone who is spiritually elevated or well-educated in matters of the soul. Because you spend so much time pondering and preparing. Capricorn, you cant really change karma. Predicting 2020, 2021 and 2022 With Astrology. Especially around travelling to work as I commute to my job, in a different city to where I live so I am hoping I have made the right job choice. Thank you for your good wishes for other readers and myself; Happy New Year. Yet, predicting Democrat or Republican winners for any election is a bad idea. Three generations have a lot of money to share this year. Same virus. Chiron is a symbol of mavericks and outsiders. The transit ends in July, so that month you will no longer be bound by karma. Cant wait for Jan 1!! Youve predicted lots of stuff for some countries. It makes for an important 12 months, particularly if you are in a marriage, or a professional partnership. All prices on this website are quoted in United States Dollars (USD). You are identified with duets, pairs and partnerships, but its funny how often people forget that Libra is a terrific combatant. Its astonishing to me that there is dead silence in the media about COVID, especially in NYC. Keep reading for your 2022 diary dates and your Tarot card prediction. I am sorry your children are going through these challenges. Pisces can so often end up everywhere, all the time, all over the place you know the feeling and it would be a shame not to tightly control the flow of money, or other resources, so that you make the most of it. What is your life budget? This is the famous Pluto in Capricorn relaunch, always at the end of a cycle. Between 2023 and 2026 breakthroughs with UVC lighting (safe Ultraviolet) will finally control Covid-19 at home and work. Your Asianscopes for May 2023 Jessica Adams: Psychic Astrologer Login $ 0.00 Cart. The generations are shown by the transit of the South Node in Scorpio in your natal Fourth House of family. Thank you so much in advance for your time and help!!! Rick Buckler, December 6th In fact, if you examine why you are so far apart from others, as the year develops, you will soon see that its about words and the way they are used. Thank you. I have also been experiencing the opposition of Neptune to my Virgo stellium and its still thereclose to reaching my natal Saturn, which worries me. I want to build a house by a tidal pond in the shape of a wave. How will I overcome this. Thank you. Before we look at the astrology of 2023 , how about all the predictions which came true? Yet, it will become the norm by May 2024 for a huge number of patients as we see Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus trine Virgo placements for millions. Were still not there with Covid but negotiating with employers is part of it. Personally I am desperately hoping for a better 2023. Thank you. Yet, you cant have the brilliant rebirth, the stunning resurrection if you like, or the personal renaissance without the grit in the oyster. 2022 psychic prediction Archives - Jessica Adams: Psychic Astrologer Covid in Tarot and Oracles 2022 - Substack Will they invade Taiwan? Andy Serkis, April 20th March does bring a clear choices, though, for both of you. I agree with you. You have some diary dates worth noting, in terms of timing. I use the Natural House system, so at 21, 21, 29 Aquarius, your patterns are in the Eleventh House of friendship, social media, your social life and particularly groups only until the start of March. Comment moderation is in force, which means your comment will not appear immediately if at all. The cover-up involving the Governor-General I predicted (as it was happening!) You may also be one of lifes jugglers, so while you are hoping to expand and explore through your son, you may want to do something concrete with a concept that you know could take off, if you only had the time to research a home for it. The astrology of the 2022 Australian election shows delayed results, reshuffles during the campaign as well as post election, wrong calls by the media and a high chance of a hung parliament it may be that Treasurer Josh Frydenberg risks losing his seat.. Thank you. That is rare. Unfortunately COVID-19 is now entering the same astrological cycle as HIV-AIDS, some 28-29 years before, and it starts in March. However i dont have his chart here. Were they to pay for care it would be expensive so you are living out your Eighth House transit by serving them. You will relaunch your reputation, title and appearance quite successfully by May 2023. Mercury Retrograde is in Capricorn so proceed with orders, but have Plan B and C. Yes, there will be supply chain issues in 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026. Just the way they did in the 1950s and 1960s. You are in Hong Kong and I am in Tasmania, but the problem is exactly the same here. Personally, I think this is about trying to avoid a major recession, so profit over peoples health. The tools are there. Nostradamus predicted that. Happy New Year. You are a Sun Libra with stelliums in Scorpio, Sagittarius, Virgo and Capricorn. The 2024 elections in India, America, the United Kingdom are all about a radical new world economy. will that be a combined variant? You are right that I have been isolated from friends due to COVID, and naturally learning through that process who are my true friends and who are superficial/taking advantage of my kindness/listening skills. Your Royal family prediction doesnt sound good either. Jupiter in Pisces helps open the doors of new possibilities with your house, apartment, garden (or a new residence). This man is sincere, decent and has a great deal to give you. In fact, it holds in 2023.

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