peace of utrecht ap euro

- fails unification due to religious differences E. Consubstantiation. PDF AP European History The British colonists referred to these conflicts as King William's War (1689-1697) and Queen Anne's War (1702-1713). I. mass education. The Spanish-Dutch treaty was signed on January 30, 1648. I. Happened during the Nine Years' War. The greatest good for the greatest number. -left possessions to Philip of Anjou (grandson of Louis) from citizens belonging to the Church and sending the money to Rome. G. tolerance --> a greater acceptance of different societies and cultures. -- religion -- he committed Fr. -Son succeeds Oliver but resigns in failure in 1659 Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Although the fate of the Spanish Netherlands in particular was of interest to the United Provinces, Dutch influence on the outcome of the negotiations was fairly insignificant, even though the talks were held on their territory. ~ 1576: William "The Silent" of Orange -> Pacification of Ghent 1600s-Dutch East India Company (banking+ shipping Chapter 14 AGE OF EXPANSION Gustavus Adolphus (1594-1632) - Duke of Alva (1508-1582 - Armada (1588) - Vasco de Balboa-Christopher Columbus- Concordat of Bologna (1516 - c. It divided the Spanish colonial empire between the French and the British. -believed military power and absolutism went hand in hand Free European History Flashcards about Euro Dates - Philip concerned with enjoying life -- English Bill of Rights (1668-1689) --> it settled all of the major issues between the kings and 100 Years' War Ends . ("Windows to the West") D. one had to be Anglican to hold a government job until the late 19c. European technology/ horses lead to victory over Inca, Major Goal: consolidate + secure lands of Charles V w/ strict conformity to Catholicism The treaties between several European states, including Spain, Great Britain, France, Portugal, Savoy and the Dutch Republic, helped end the war. ** In emergencies= House of Orange takes Over***, Trade: Religious toleration, Bank of Amsterdam, finishing+ merchant fleet (offered lowest shipping rates, largest merchant marine, and depended less on export than transport, ~Dutch East India Company in 1602: private trading company -Prussia, Line of demarcation separate South America into spheres of Portuguese or Spanish influences -> Portugal gets Brazil + African Coast. [32], First mentioned in 1701 by Charles Davenant in his Essays on the Balance of Power, it was widely publicised in Britain by author and Tory satirist Daniel Defoe in his 1709 article A Review of the Affairs of France. B. Louis XIII (1616-1643) ~ Lutheran King Christian IV of Denmark eager to extend influence over coast towns of North Sea -> defeated by Maximilian he improved Fr. Peace of Westphalia, European settlements of 1648, which brought to an end the Eighty Years' War between Spain and the Dutch and the German phase of the Thirty Years' War. Religious services in the vernacular. Cuius regio, eius religio in the Holy Roman Empire. -rebuplican+ middle class values, not aristocratic -Believes in Divine Right to rule (Responsible to God, not Parliament) Inadequate priestly education, leading to errors in the Mass . 2 . The Seven Northern Dutch provinces signed the Union of Utrecht, creating a defensive alliance against the Spanish, but they were politically independent with no absolute ruler. Paternalistic & brutally used for labor. AP Euro: Absolutism and Constitutionalism Author: Tech Services Last modified by: Tech Services Created Date: 4/29/2011 1:04:00 PM Company: Maria Theresa made an alliance with the British, and by 1748, all parties were tired and agreed to stop fighting by the peace treaty . French culture and political power dominated Europe in the 18c. -gained no additional land, but kept Strasbourg and part of Alsace ~ defender of Anglican Church, Distrusted Puritans (Calvinists) succession: 1740-17-48, causes: challenge. -- he backed the nobility in the Peasant Revolt. Recognizes protestants in HRE. (belief total volume of trade is fixed) Key Concept 1.2 Religious pluralism challenged the concept of a . Chapter 3 The Peace of Utrecht, the Balance of Power and the - Brill -- farm families can supplement their incomes. G. William & Mary --> "Glorious Revolution" (1688); a bloodless coup. Union of Utrecht | Military Wiki | Fandom In return he renounced his claims upon the Spanish throne. Don John and Alexander Farnese of Parma , the Regent Margaret 's son revived Spanish power in the southern provinces , where fear of Calvinism had moved to break the Union of Brussels . Write as mathematical expression. Omissions? Players: Valois Kings=Catholic moderates, unwilling compromise Another important factor in the Dutch Golden Age was the country's political and economic system. to. ~ Maria Theresa successor + promise of foreign powers to accept -Imperial electors of Brandenburg added Prussia to its holdings (1618) when junior branch (cousins) of family died out (expand marriage/death), Thirty Years War and other conflicts weakened power of Estates (representative bodies) in German Territories, weak, but managed to be crowned -> King Frederick I by the HRE for services in War of Spanish Succession, "The Soldiers King" brings Power ap-dia - ESICM It allowed the unification of the thrones of France and Spain. The preliminaries were based on a tacit acceptance of the partition of Spain's European possessions. VIII. Chapter 17 - The Scientific and Commercial Revolutions - Fronde(s) made him distrust nobility -> gov. oppressive class. -Failed to distinguish between important/ trivial matters ~ Vastly expanded Britain, Background: Death of Henry II, followed by weak rulers and regency rule by Catherine d' Medici Religious Wars of the late 16c & Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) AP EURO Chapter 15 Flashcards | Quizlet Effects of the Commercial Revolution: [24], The treaty's territorial provisions did not go as far as the Whigs in Britain would have liked, considering that the French had made overtures for peace in 1706 and again in 1709. -- Ulster Plantation. The treaty of Utrecht confirmed the system of sovereign states established earlier by the Peace of Westphalia. The powers of Europe fought against a possible unity of France and Spanish, which would then upset the balance of power. Chapter 17. LUTHER --> the Bible was a way of life; did not believe in pompous Church ceremonies; clergy not important; everyone is their own priest; one should be able to talk to God directly. Scientific and intellectual achievements: The Dutch Golden Age was also marked by a number of scientific and intellectual achievements. AP Euro Wars timeline | Timetoast timelines A. Catholic "Counter"-Reformation In this system, diplomacy became a major component of the relations among states. -- goals: Political and economic freedom: The Netherlands was a republic during the Dutch Golden Age, and this meant that the government was not controlled by a single ruler or ruling family. The treaty with Portugal recognized its sovereignty on both banks of the Amazon River. Mariana Spijkers Lasprilla - Sr Customer Representative - LinkedIn C. Only true authority is the Bible. The party in the administration of Robert Harley (created Earl of Oxford and Mortimer on 23 May 1711) and the Viscount Bolingbroke proved more flexible at the bargaining table and were characterized by the Whigs as "pro-French"; Oxford and Bolingbroke persuaded the Queen to create twelve new "Tory peers"[27] to ensure ratification of the treaty in the House of Lords. Of the following which was the most important result - Course Hero ~ Vastly expanded Britain, Guides religious settlements w/ Parliament by merging a centralized episcopal system -Tried to get approval, but agreements unbinding, -Takes control and visits West (1697-1698) However, these challenges did not diminish the country's overall prosperity and cultural achievements, and the Dutch Golden Age remains an important period in European history. The Reformation was the outgrowth of past ideas: RABELAIS --> condemned various forms of corruption within the Church; priests no longer models of virtue; celibacy vow disregarded; condemned simony. - restricted freedom of no-Puritans, enforced public morality . [citation needed], The pro-French Electorate of Bavaria was knocked out of the war early on by the Battle of Blenheim (13 August 1704), forcing it to sign the Treaty of Ilbesheim (7 November 1704) and accept Austrian occupation until the end of the war. 2.1: Absolutism and Reaction - Paul Sargent Makes History AP European History - AP European History Diagnostic Test 1 - Free Treaty of Utrecht 1713-Colonial Wars. -Maintained political control over Catholic Church (appointments), Louis moved against perceived weakness of German States - Spanish Netherlands, Milan, Naples given to Austria -- ecological exchange and its effects on both the Americas and Europe and Africa. -- basic human rights that no government can take away: life, liberty, and property. III. -Roundheads ally w/ Scots, led by Oliver Cromwell -> New Model Army, -Parliament purges more moderate members leaving radical Puritans -> PRIDE'S PURGE => RUMP PARLIAMENT the period of anarchy and civil war which followed the reign of Ivan the Terrible was known as . I. tried to force Catholicism on Netherlands. The Holy Roman emperor Charles VI, in what is considered the end of the War of the Spanish Succession, concluded peace with France in the Treaties of Rastatt and Baden (March 6, 1714 and Sept. 7, 1714; see Rastatt and Baden, Treaties of). D. Russia in the 17c and early 18c: -ignored Estates General -> nobles have no means of united action, Major Beliefs: ONE KING, ONE LAW, ONE FAITH => Protestants - cut into Portuguese trading in East Asia Most of the wars of the period, including conflicts fought outside of Europe, stemmed from attempts either to preserve or disturb the balance of power . [citation needed], For the individual signatories, Britain established naval superiority over its competitors, commercial access to Spain and America, and control of Menorca and Gibraltar; it retains the latter territory to this day. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. A. Salvation by faith alone. -- Whigs and Tories (distinctions between political party). -- he denounced the Pope for involvement in politics as well as religion. Peace of Utrecht. -Duke of Alva sent to end rebellion Huguenots right to worship in selected areas/ fortified towns Though the king of France ensured the Spanish crown for his dynasty, the treaties marked the end of French ambitions of hegemony in Europe expressed in the continuous wars of Louis XIV, and paved the way to the European system based on the balance of power. -Prevent Marriage to Compromise Religion between Henry of Navarre wed to Catholic Sister of Reigning King, Catholics led by Guise: Work Ethic") H. changes in the social structure (role of the nobility, esp.) Disease + Fresh Soldiers = Victory over Aztecs, Ecomienda: adminster new lands, in which natives were see as subjects of Spanish crown. B. Luther appealed to nationalistic feelings in the German states Motives for alliances ii. -Growth in wealth -> paid debts + increased population Following the passage of the treaty, the British government gained a thirty-year access to the Asiento de Negros. demography. This economic growth led to an increase in wealth and a rise in the standard of living for many Dutch people. The Dutch were known for their expertise in, The arts also played a significant role in the Dutch Golden Age. C. secularism --> application of scientific theories to religion and society. The country was home to a number of talented artists and writers, and the prosperity of the period allowed for a flourishing arts scene. A. Puritans. ~ belief 2 religions couldn't coexist in the same state France accepted the Protestant succession on the British throne, ensuring a smooth transition when Anne died in August 1714, and ended its support for the Stuarts under the 1716 Anglo-French Treaty. One of the seven places with a vote to choose the next Holy Roman Emperor. Renaissance to Peace of Westphalia TRENDS WOMEN (quenelle des femmes) - Christine de Pizan (1364- 1430) prolific writer, 1st to earn living, refute "masculine myths" about women europe's first feminist - humanism real advance for aristocratic women humanistic education small number of women- still excluded from guilds and denied basic civl rights ~Cromwell dissolves Parliament twice, Protectorate-> Military dictatorship (1618-1648), in European history, a series of wars fought by various nations for various reasons, including religious, dynastic, territorial, and commercial rivalries. French-style ministries replaced the system of government. Treaty Of Utrecht Ap Euro Definition government. ~Growing scientific culture, Raised fears of re-Catholicization due to Ferdinand II's design -- destruction of Amer-Indian cultures. D. Martin Luther's 95 Theses. A. Hapsburgs vs. Hohenzollerns France and Britain remained the most vigorous powers in Europe. - France loses Gibraltar, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Hudson Bay to England -France -Clarendon Code brought back Anglican Church, restricted rights of Catholics, and non-Anglicans Britain received the largest portion of colonial and commercial spoils and took the leading position in world trade. H. development of the modern British political system: Tags: Question 3. -- never again would British kings be as powerful as Parliament. Between the Peace of Westphalia (1648) and the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815), European states managed their external affairs within a balance of power system. 1713, ended Louis XIV's attempts to gain military power and land. [22] The French portion of Saint Kitts in the West Indies was also ceded in its entirety to Britain. This is a missed opportunity to reflect on the long history of our inter-relationship with Europe and the wider world. Euro-> NW: crops, domestic animals, diseases existing social and political structures. The war involved three contenders for the vacant throne of Spain, and involved much of Europe for over a decade. Church-sponsored) The question of the Spanish Succession was finally settled in favour of the Bourbon Philip V, grandson of Frances Louis XIV. - Little industry/ agriculture, peasants ruined by taxation, not modern, Contributing Factors: Spain was compelled to give Britain control of the lucrative West African slave trade and to let Britain send one ship of merchandise into the Spanish colonies annually, through Porto Bello on the Isthmus of Panama. Peace of Utrecht treaty Louis XIV was forced into in order to cede Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and the Hudson Bay territory to Britain Treaty of Paris British victory on all colonial fronts was ratified. C. policies of Frederick William, the "Great Elector", Frederick I, and Frederick II, the "Great". : In 1566, the Netherlands revolted against Spanish rule, officially becoming the independent Dutch Republic in 1648. He fought other European nations that tried to prevent the union of Spain and France under his monarchy. Agriculture Introduction With the exception of Holland, at least 80 percent of the people of all western European countries drew their livelihoods from agriculture In 1700 European agriculture was much more ancient and medieval In crisis years, when crops were ruined by drought or flood, starvation forced people to use substitutes . ~ Henry of Navarre: Broubon ruler of Kingdom of Navarre (led Protestants), Beings large-scale Civil War Perspective: Wars end recognition of minority religious rights, guarantee of traditional boundaries of political sovereignty. In fact it was the first time that the term ap- peared in. Calvinism: pour servir de fondement auz Negociations de Geertruydenberg. D. shift from the old market ports of the Mediterranean to the trans-Atlantic trade. - Russia becomes Dominant BALTIC POWER, Thirty Years war and weakened power of Estates in German Territories allowed elector to move towards consolidation of power AP Euro Age of Absolutism Timeline. Politics and Greed overshadowed religion and brought many parties into war. AP EUROPEAN HISTORY 2018 SCORING GUIDELINES Short Answer Question 3 (continued) The Catholic practices of allowing clergy to receive the income from several parishes without performing any pastoral duties there (plurality of office) or simony (the selling of Church offices) . PDF AP European History - College Board One of the major reasons for the strong position of England from 1685-1763 lies in the supremacy of C. Civil war (1642-1649): Roundheads versus Cavaliers -Spain doesn't recognize + continues War, Netherlands became a modern constitutional state: Capitalism: trade managed by pirvate property + companies, private held profit. AP Euro - 3.6 Balance of Power | Fiveable E. Charles II (1660-1685) --> Stuart Restoration Married clergy. -Northern lands form Union of Utrecht to declare independence from Spain, North lands of Netherlands unite to declare independence from Spain The Peace of Utrecht | Western Civilization raison d'etat. Some of the most famous Dutch painters of this period include, The Dutch Golden Age was also marked by a number of scientific and intellectual achievements. B. One of the key factors that contributed to the Dutch Golden Age was the country's strategic location. **Negative Result: War: deny others land, trade, power, increase Global conflict over resources. AP Euro Chapter 19 Flashcards | Quizlet Drescher: JANCAST (p. 451): "Jewish mercantile influence in the politics of the Atlantic slave trade probably reached its peak in the opening years of the eighteenth century the political and the economic prospects of Dutch Sephardic [Jewish] capitalists rapidly faded, however, when the British emerged with the asiento [permission to sell slaves in Spanish possessions] at the Peace of Utrecht in 1713". AP European History Unit 4- The Wars of Louis XIV : The Peace of Period of "creative breakup" -> approves needs money but ignores limitations doesn't call for 11 D. Italian universities made the questioning of theological principles unheard of. France was terribly beaten in these conflicts, and . -Spain gives England Gibraltar, control of the slave trade (Asiento), (1642-1649) English war between Charles I's "Cavaliers" and the parliament's army, the "roundheads"; ends with Charles Cromwell and his "New Model Army" taking power, (1700-1721) war in which Peter the Great attacked Sweden and gained control of Latvia and Estonia, (1709) decisive victory of Peter the Great over Sweden during the Great Northern War. Essentially, the treaties allowed Philip V (grandson of King Louis XIV of France) to keep the Spanish throne in return for permanently renouncing his claim to the French throne, along with other necessary guarantees that would ensure that France and Spain should not merge, thus preserving the balance of power in Europe.[1]. Year(t)Cashflow1$800290031,00041,50052,000\begin{array}{cc} III. Peace of Utrecht - Wikipedia The Whigs considered themselves the heirs of the staunch anti-French policies of William III and the Duke of Marlborough. -- make France the intellectual and political "light" to the rest of the world. [35], Despite failure in Spain, Austria secured its position in Italy and Hungary, allowing it to continue expansion into areas of South-East Europe previously held by the Ottoman Empire. ~ Peace of Prague (1635): German Protestant states led by Saxony compromised w/ Ferdinand. Updates? -- mysticism movement (St. Theresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross). AP_European_-_Chapter_4_Review_Guide - Chapter 4 The Incan leader dead and civil war in progress. - Europe fears United Spanish/French crown Fought wars in an attempt to insure the dominance of France and his Bourbon dynasty in European affairs; Louis's involvement in the War of Spanish Succession ended with the Peace of Utrecht in 1713 that greatly benefited England an emerging French rival Wars and building of Versailles emptied France's treasury The Decline of Spain 1. E. the middle class wished to run their religious affairs as they handled their new businesses. Peace of Augsburg 1555 % complete The decree that the leader of a region may choose between Lutheranism and Catholic. In international politics the settlement at Utrecht established a pattern for the next 20 years. strong in Spain --> expulsion of the Moors {Moriscos} -faced revolts of nobility and Parlement of Paris (court) 3. The Peace of Utrecht will be marked with events throughout Europe, but not so here. Due Monday April 20: Create timeline like last time ( below) - one overall course - other Early Politics - you can draw and send pictures, PowerPoint, or Google Slides: email to [email protected]. The Asiento de Negros had come about due to the fact that the Spanish Empire rarely engaged in the transatlantic slave trade itself, preferring to outsource this to foreign merchants. Terms - AP European History The Netherlands was home to a number of talented artists and writers, and the country's prosperity allowed for a flourishing arts scene. Church control. -- fought openly with Parliament and the Puritans over money for his wars with Spain. [44], While the final settlement at Utrecht was far more favourable to France than the Allied offer of 1709 had been, it gained little that had not already been achieved through diplomacy by February 1701. E. new trade restrictions (ex. B. population increase --> emergence of the middle class. aristocracy. The Pope was in Rome and was Italian (use of Spanish Inquisition). - Turks advance into Austria to control the Mediterranean The 1707, 1715 and 1716 Nueva Planta decrees abolished regional political structures in the kingdoms of Aragon, Valencia, Majorca and the Principality of Catalonia, although Catalonia and Aragon retained some of these rights until 1767. Vienna was gateway to into Europe, in 1683, the Ottomans try and seize it. B. cosmology --> new world view based on Newtonian physics --> analysis of natural phenomena as ~during 30 yrs War Ferdinand Ii gains Bohemia DOC CHAPTER 15 NOTESResponse to Crisis: State Building and the Search for

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