prayer for someone waiting for test results

To lean into them for support. Plus, sending them messages here and there can show that youre thinking about them and help them feel a little less alone. You already know the outcome of this situation, and we believe that you are prepared to meet every need. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. God bless. It can help ground and root you in a place of calm and trust. By commenting you accept the CaringBridge Terms of Use and Privacy and Cookie Policy. It took days for the insurance company to authorize the CT scan. Romans 8:28, And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. Lord, I pray that You will glorify Your Name as You do a healing work in my body. Years of sports and walking across concrete floors at the family hardware store had done a number on Jeffs spine. I trust in Your compassionate care for me. Thank You for this confidence and comfort You've given me. Amen. You walk with me through the Whether thats watching a whole box set on Netflix, having a lovely candlelit bath or listening to some of your favourite tunes. Its never a good idea to postpone necessary medical tests because nearly all conditions are more treatable when caught early. Thank you and God Bless you, Your email address will not be published. Comfort me and my loved ones in seeking you now as we place all our concerns in your loving hands. Intensify your practicesWhether thats meditation, yoga, prayer, mindfulness or walks in nature. Copyright Aleteia SAS all rights reserved. Help me to rest in You. I Pray all this trusting and believing in your Son Jesus Christ. These words and prayers are so helpful to me. Dont let that be you! I ask that you grant me faith in what comes next. Prayer for Peace My Lord of Loving Devotion, I am so nervous about these test results. Yet, you should never underestimate the power of simply being there. Lord, please do this to the glory of Your Name. Prayers For A Better Relationship With God. Required fields are marked *. Simply a text or phone call each day to say Im thinking about you might be just enough. How many? Father, I ask that you show me the path towards healing. In an instant, my peaceful state had done a total 180. Lord, allow my doctors the knowledge to see this plan in plain sight. Please, allow me grace during this time. No explanation needed as to how or why, just an unwavering faith in whatever divine higher power you believe in. Help me sleep. Well, at least not for myself! I ask that guide my doctors to see normal results and that they tell me, everything looks good! when I meet with them. My Lord and My God, I set aside this prayer time on behalf of I and my friends who have just written our school exams. Father I thank you for your mercy and your grace upon my life and my family, be thou magnified, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Of course, I pray that this test will prove there is nothing wrong. 4. We know that no matter what happens, Thy Will Be Done on earth as it is done in heaven. In faith and love, I keep my focus on You, waiting for Your rescue. 1 1) Prayer for Positive Outcome. Help me be patient and calm during this time of waiting. Prayer for Students Awaiting Exam Results. Thank you father for your divine healing and divine confirmation of sound health, blessed be your name, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I frustrate the kingdom of darkness and every of their evil personality planning against my health, I decree that your plots shall backfire speedily, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, 10. I got the call nobody wants from their doctor weve found something in your blood, you need to go for an urgent scan. My eyes look to You in hope and love, waiting for Your deliverance. After MaryAnn and Drew Szilagyi, a Houston couple in their early 30s, saw their physician for routine physicals a few years ago, they didn't have to wait for his call about the blood work. Going in for medical testing is scary enough, but the wait afterward for the results can bring on strong feelings of anxiety and doubt. But if its something, I pray for effective treatments and healing. Please heal my bones, Lord. How to ask for and receive confidential prayer. So too with your potential worst-case scenario. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy. When were waiting for something, minutes can feel like hours and hours like days. We had friends who were dealing with difficult diagnoses. Encouraging Texts to Send Someone Waiting for Test Results. may this fear that is coming upon me be displaced by a firm faith in Your love and Your Word. I can handle anything. In You, oh Lord, I have taken refuge. In Jesus name, Amen. And put on your favorite jeans, the ones that make your . Its this waiting, Lord, thats about to do me in. Let this blood test come out normal. But I can honestly say I feel God's peace now. Though this may be a standard procedure I must have, there is always a chance of something serious being found and I ask that You give me strength for whatever may come. Father, I ask that you show me the path towards healing. Prayer for Routine Screening Faithful Father, I confess that Im a little nervous about this recent screening, even though I know that it is routine for a person my age. Give them a plan on what to do next, Lord. It can help you recognise that we are all connected and we are all having a human experience together, with all its struggles and its pleasures. I pray this in Your Infinite Wisdom. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. thank you in advance for your prayers. The waiting for my test results was, at times, excruciating. Now is the time to step into them more fully. Lord, I ask that you allow the sound waves to produce the images my doctors needed. I graduated from Michigan State University and have a Master's Degree from Concordia University. 7:14) - "You will see that in prayer you will find more knowledge, more light, more strength, more grace and virtue than you could ever achieve by reading many books, or by great studies. interview, author | . views, likes, loves, . comments, shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Pastor Agyemang Elvis: ALPHA HOUR. fire. your darkest fears a voice. We knew there were problems with discs and bone-rubbing-bone, but when the doctor called, he had a shocking finding. Lord, I pray that You will glorify Your Name as You do a healing work in my body. We immediately said a prayer of gratitude for good results. With God beside us, we would do what had to be done and be at peace. I asked Jeff, Where are they? 6 6) Prayer for a Positive Attitude. I receive divine peace and joy in my health, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Things I had been putting off are now being made a priority. Prayer for Disease to Retreat God of Miracles, I stand in confident and joyful expectation that these labs will show that all my numbers are returning to normal and that I am being set free from this evil disease. The joy, the relief and the gratitude I felt that day were immense. 26. There is such comfort and clarity to be found from quietening the mind and allowing higher guidance in. But they see so much, Lord. Thats why we put all our trust and faith in you Jehovah, You confound the wise. I know thousands of others are as well. But I feel strengthened by what has gone before. Show them the direction you have for me. Here, youll find their ideas to help you encourage your loved one. In the above Scripture, God assures us that when we go through the fire, He will be with us and when we pass through the waters, He will be with us. Father I am sitting here waiting for my chest x-ray results to come in. What I learnt from when this did eventually play itself out was that I handled it in a much more accepting and courageous way than I ever imagined. There is no disease that You cannot heal. But instead, grant me the faith to walk towards you for grace and strength. Keith Negley. Practice acceptance and surrender Instead of resisting what is happening to you, try practicing acceptance and surrender to what is. Prayer For Good Biopsy Results You may ask if theres anything you can do for them, whether thats watching their kids or sending dinner so they dont have to worry about cooking a meal. I hope his neck issues are resolved soon. . Try to do something fun together to help take everyone's mind off of the matter at hand. Guide me on what my next steps should be from here on out. I am about to enter the treatment phase which also comes with some fears and anxieties for me to navigate and a journey into the unknown. If there is something found, I pray You make it a simple thing to treat. You know that I have been leaning in on You for full and complete healing of this problem, and I am standing on Your Word in this God is walking with you; he is standing by you through all of the pokes and scans. And to help you strengthen your connection to Source (in a way that can also be felt across all other areas of your life). Spread your calming nature all around us and ease our worries. Help me, Father, to see all of the good you are putting into my life right now. It doesnt mean that you dont take action, just that you open up to the possibility of a turnaround, even if everything feels like it is pointing towards the worst case (as it was for me). Jeff is a business professor at Lamar University in Beaumont, and they have 5 children and 4 grandchildren. Learn how your comment data is processed. Even if you cant visit your loved one in person, consider sending them a heartfelt text to encourage them during a tense time. It all makes perfect sense now. Discover the 8 Empowering Beliefs That Will Bring You Calm & Confidence When Considering Your Next Career Move, 2023 Rebecca Kirk. It's this waiting, Lord, that's about to do me in. Lord, thank you for being with me during my biopsy and now as I wait for the results. .I reject every evil manipulation regarding my health, it shall not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, 23. The weekend before my test results, I realised I had two choices. I pray for God's peace to come over them. This word came up for me several times as I was waiting which I took as a sign to believe in them. I thought I knew everything about my situation based on very limited conversations with two medical professionals. Praying for you and your wife. 1. What Miracles Did Pope John Paul II Perform? Your fretting needs an outlet, though. 25. The Anxiety of Waiting for Test Results Take way all my fears, anxiety, nervousness, illness and restore my body the way you created and everything will be ok in Jesus name. Lord I ask that you anoint my mouth this day, that every prayer I make will be speedily answered by your power, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, 5. During this time, it can be hard for your loved one to stay positive. God bless. I realised that the Universe had gifted me the opportunity to test out my ability to practice equanimity. I pray that You give me peace and calm my nerves. Just two days later, Mr. Szilagyi, a banker, logged onto a Web site, perused his lab results and sighed with relief. So right now, I pray that the results of this medical test will come back favorably. A former English teacher, Pat is a freelance writer, who has written for Guideposts for over 20 years. Now I am more frightened than ever. Help me have that childlike faith, believing in Your mercy and Your great power, so that no matter whether I get a good report or a bad one, I know Lord, I ask that you help me with the pain I am in right now. Humility: how it has held me back from reaching my own potential, The secret to happiness at work I discovered in India, Career Inspiration: How Rebecca Found Her Purpose, Making a Career Change at 40: Taking a Spiritual Approach. Whatever Your path for me includes, I place my trust fully in Your Wisdom, Lord. Give me the faith and energy to accept your outcome. Lord, allow them the ability to put my bones into a position that relieves this pain. St. Jude, I pray to you and The Lord and ask for assistance. Were praying for you and your family, Chris. Be There. I decree that I am healthy, I am wealthy and I am blessed, I shall not spend my money on that which is not bread, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, 20. That sounded scary. Heavenly Father, You know how fearful I am as I await the results of this biopsy. I am a proud Christian, wife of 7 years, and mother of 3 small children. I ask You to give me and my family a clear course of action Lord, and spare us the stress of a serious diagnosis. 8 Final Words. I wanted to offer some words of encouragement and reassurance to others who were waiting for test results. A quick text with an inspiring quote or Bible verse can encourage your loved one. This really is a moment-to-moment practice. I ask that you allow me to be open to the path you are taking me down, Lord. Yes, Lord, I trust in Your healing power, but at the same time, it helps to know what we're dealing with, so we can And while its hard not to lean on our understanding, we have to admit that we are frail and only human. 30. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. All our focus today is on our loved one who has been a bit under the weather. And Paul's statement that "faith comes from hearing" ( Romans 10:17 . I ask that you allow me to be open to the path you are taking me down, Lord. Normally they suggest removing the thyroid right away, but due to my pregnancy we had to wait 17 weeks. On a seemingly normal Wednesday morning in late July, whilst typing up some session notes (Olympics on in the background) I was jolted out of my peaceful bubble. Thanks to their partnership in our mission, we reachmore than 20 million unique users per month! Father let your fire run through my body system to rid me of every disease that can cause me pain in the present or future in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, 7. Please keep me focused on You and Your goodness and mercy. I will appreciate and thank you for your prayers while waiting for the results of my biopsy. I pray that the lab results of this medical test will come back favorably and without an iota of disease. Lord, I know you can heal all things. Amen. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. In your mind, run through the scenario of being given your results and feel the feelings you wish to feel before, during and after. Ive had a scare on my health Mighty God. I know they work through Your divine touch. Please dont let it be cancer, Lord! Worrying is a natural response to unsettling news. Its only natural to worry. My God of great compassion, help me to be patient as I'm waiting for these results. . Waiting on Test Results: Be There for a Loved One or Friend But like the Bible tells us, Ill put all my faith in you and take it one step at a time. I am so glad to have this verse to share with you today. Email address (will not be displayed in comment). Acceptance that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that can involve pain, discomfort and challenge. All of this is ready for you when you start your personal CaringBridge site, which is completely free of charge, ad-free, private and secure. Lord, I am Yours. I ask Lord God for strength during this time and a mind set on staying focused and not worried. All rights reserved. I believe and trust that you are sovereign over my health. May You be magnified in my life. Acceptance and surrender does not need to be a passive state. Jesus My Lord and savior, through the power of your Spirit, I pray that you enlighten us to make wise decisions as to treatment. I want to offer all my anxieties for your good and your glory as my family and I await the results of this medical tests. 20 Encouraging Bible Scriptures on Waiting Or, you could mention that the results are not yet in and it very well could be better news than they thought. In these moments, it may feel as if youre not doing enough. Calm our troubled hearts and help us to trust that whatever the results, we see Your grace in it all. You will repel it and cause it to retreat from my life. waiting for test results have brought you even the tiniest bit of hope or comfort. For tips on how to find someone to pray for you, you can get ideas in our article How to ask for and receive confidential prayer. Amen. Eat breakfast (if you're allowed to). Often tests are ordered to rule out possible conditions, so ordering a test does not necessarily mean you have anything of concern. Even if (especially if) you feel like doing them less. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. Journaling can be a really helpful tool for this. 9 Comforting Prayers to Pray before and after a Test - Father, help them see no fluid in my body. God my Healer, as I'm awaiting the results of this lab work, I ask in the Name of Jesus that I receive a positive report. Please deliver me from these deep waters of anxiety. We asked the CaringBridge community, many of whom have experienced this exact situation, their thoughts on what to say during these hard times. You walk with me through the fire. I ask that You stand with me today, as You always do, and bless me with a routine procedure and good results. Please guide the hands of the doctors and medical staff who are caring for me, and give them wisdom and discernment as they interpret the results of my tests. Catholics & Bible is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amen. I invite you to challenge your belief that you will not be able to handle it. You know that I have been leaning in on You for full and complete healing of this problem, and I am standing on Your Word in this matter. I also ask that you give those close to me absolute peace of mind. My worst-case scenario had not played itself out. So now, loving Father, please give a clear result. Im still curiously searching for answers as to why as it serves no real purpose, other than to maybe protect us from the disappointment of the best-case scenario not occurring (or so we think). Having been fortunate enough not to ever need to go to hospital or undergo anything other than a routine medical procedure, this was a very scary time for me. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Believe me, I have. Try not to catastrophise It seems to be almost an automatic reaction for many of us to revert to the worst-case scenario when we are considering an outcome such as waiting for test results. thank you for your prayers and support. Here are 10 powerful prayers for medical tests. Lord, please do this to the glory of Your Name. But then I took it back. Praying for your father. If a friend or family member reaches out to you while they wait, you may find yourself at a loss for words. In Jesus name we pray, Amen. And telling your loved one not to worry may inspire unnecessary guilt in an already emotional time. Heavenly Father, I ask that you sit with me while I wait for my CT scan results. It can help ground and root you in a place of calm and trust. Thank you. I trust You. Be kind to yourself When you are going through the anxiety of waiting for test results, the last thing you need to be is hard on yourself. Catholic Prayers for Good Test Results (41 Examples) Amen. I pray for all those around the world who are awaiting biopsy results. Show the doctors, Lord, what they need to see on my x-ray. Take steps to feel more in control. As I was met in the hospital entrance by a kind volunteer and taken to my appointment on a buggy, I knew without question that my Mum was with me (she hated walking anywhere). There is nothing too difficult for our God. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I just need to know what it is I'm facing. So too with your potential worst-case scenario. Whatsoever evil was discovered in my health that brought about this test, I command it to vanish in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, 19. I believe this is an important part of the process of managing your anxiety. And now we have released all anxiety, doubt and fear into . Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to safely arrive to the hospital for treatment. One of my devotionals during that time said, Pray without ceasing. During most of my waking hours, thats what I did. Having said that, as believers, we are expected to keep our Faith and hope in God alive no matter the situation we find ourselves in. 5. Walk beside us Lord, as our exam results are approaching. Father, I come to you asking for good results for this urine test. I said that too. It takes strong faith and grace of God to remain calm and hopeful during this period. ~ Isaiah 26:3. I pray that you would bless me with good health; motivate me to take all the necessary steps to care for my body. Therefore, that test result you are expecting shall come out in your favor in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Please pray for my husband Roger who will have an ultrasound of his testicles now. Allow me the opportunity to be home soon. Amen. 12 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Holly Springs Church of Christ: Sunday Morning Bible Study There is no disease that You cannot heal. Omnipotent, Omnipresent Father, we humble ourselves before You, oh Lord, requesting Your Holy presence. 30 views, 1 likes, 1 loves, 12 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Gerrardstown Presbyterian Church Life: Worship Service Help me to be calm, and not even think about the test until the results come in, and just spend my time praising Your Name and exalting You with thanksgiving. Deuteronomy 10:21 says, "He is the One you praise: He is our God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes . You relinquish resistance and connect with the higher vibration of trust. May he will have normal results. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My eyes look to You in hope and love . Recent Comments. .css-tadcwa:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}Sophia Swinford - @media screen and (max-width: 767px){.css-1xovt06 .date-separator{display:none;}.css-1xovt06 .date-updated{display:block;width:100%;}}published on 07/02/18. Ways that could without a doubt impact, or even threaten, my life. To be honest, Im not really sure how this whole thing is going to play out. My doctors are concerned, as is my family, and I know Your plan for me may include a difficult diagnosis. Please pray for my Mother whom we are waiting for her lungs results that God should free her from every sick assume to be in her system. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. Prayer For Good Medical Test ResultsWaiting for medical results can be nerve-racking. I have decided not to look online through the portal but rather speak to a doctor first. I know this type of scan can be more successful than others, Lord. Give me the answers I need, so I can help others keep their families safe. His chiropractor just wanted a close look at what was going on with Jeffs poor, beat-up back. it'll be okay. Biggest Christian Prayer and Bible Website. Battling Fear about Test Results - Living By Faith Blog Lord, I place my faith in You. God of Healing and Mercies, we come to you today with heavy hearts and troubled minds. God bless. Sam is a founder and editor of Catholics & Bible. For example, you could simply share some advice on avoiding looking up outcomes of their particular health condition (in other words, avoid Dr. Google). After 8 days of waiting, Jeff got the CT scan. Amen. pray more precisely. Lord I thank you for your strength, your love and your peace, all glory belongs to you, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Stay close to me and comfort me and remind me You are with me, no matter what the circumstances. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Amen. Amidst the anxious waiting, try to spend some chunks of time when you connect with the feelings of things going well. 24. Please pray that my prognosis keeps me alive to help my daughter and sick grand daughter. There are many emotions involved in the waiting process. It presented itself as a low-lying background anxiety for much of my adult life. The MRI on my husband Jeffs back was pretty routine. By staying conscious and transmuting our suffering into awakening, I believe that we can all become alchemists. I know there is a deeper message for me or something I need to acknowledge and release. Keep busy - or keep still. In Jesus' Name, I pray, Amen. Dear Lord, today we ask for some good news. Dear Father, I come to you in prayer today, asking for good medical results. How Do You Comfort Someone To Waiting For Their Results? And then consciously choosing to change and release them. Write your fears down on paper and see what shifts for you. Fill me with the motivation I need to take all the essential steps to care for my mind and body. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. To your loved one, that simple act may mean more than youll ever know. At least it was done! Below are some short examples of what you can send to check-in: What words of encouragement and support have you shared with others to help ease the tension of waiting for test results? John 14:27 . Indeterminate lesions? My Lord of Loving Devotion, I am so nervous about these test results. Praying for you and your husband. 6 Prayers for good medical test results - Christian Faith Guide Prayer for Those in Prison Using Scripture. Amen. (And if you dont have any practices, what better time to start one!). I am allowing that to emerge in its own time. Amen. I'm strong and I have a good family who will stand by me. That fearful, anxious part of you is not who you truly are. Father, I ask that you give me the results of Covid-19 test quickly. As you go through these 40 prayer points for a good medical test result, the Lord shall make everything turn around in your favor, and you shall testify in the end, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Command Your Day with Bishop Kevin Foreman | Command Your Day with Waiting for Medical Test Results Prayer - Prayer Ideas Since fear is caused by unbelief, I needed to strengthen my faith. He believes it is more important than ever before to help people find a genuine faith. Pictured above is Claire Schwab, whose story is part of the CaringBridge How We Heal Series. May You be magnified in my life. Earlier this year I had written ashort social media postabout the topic of equanimity the Buddhist idea of maintaining composure and anchoring ourselves deep within to a state of inner peace which remains during stressful or challenging times. It wasnt cancer or anything dire. Romans 12:12 teaches us to Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Try to stay positive as you wait. Where To Donate Catholic Religious Items. I know a lot of people did not wake up today, but you made it possible for e and my loved ones to see another day. Lord, You are Good and You see everything that I have done or will do. I was sent for another round of testing and the doctors decided I probably had thyroid cancer. Visualisation is a powerful technique which can raise your frequency so that you attract what you want (as opposed to spending all your time ruminating about what you dont want). Please pray for my husband who will be undergoing an MRI scan to determine why his PSA is elevated. Amen. You are Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent. Following my scan and reading into every little nuance of what the radiographer said (and didnt say), I hit rock bottom.

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