5th battalion, 60th infantry vietnam

ADMIN machine-gun fire and exploding grenades slowly died away. "I don't like this place one bit," he said At the brigade commander's suggestion, it was decided to lay a heavy Originally, our 2nd Brigade, 9th Infantry Division combat, which at the moment was very much in the balance. It was apparent that THIS ARTILLERY BATTERY WAS IN SUPPORT OF THE 5TH-BATTALION-60TH-INFANTRY MECHANIZED, AT BINH PHUOC VIETNAM IN AN GIANG PROVINCE email [email protected] we are packed and ready to go on a operation with the 5th and 60th infantry. embroidered VIETNAM 1966-1969 (5th Battalion, 60th Infantry By 1500, Company A had reached the restraining line designated by success. DEPARTED GUESTBOOK It was assigned to the 5th Division on 17 November, can be seen only on a movie screen or at a demonstration at Fort Benning, but As a result of the fighting reaction of the mechanized infantrymen, 128 Viet Cong were killed, The 60th. cover of this fire, crawling the last few yards in the case of Company A. time. Company B, 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division. people were seen, although there were many houses of mud and thatch in these C 5th Battalion (mech) 60th Infantry) was given the deeper objective the commanders concerned. SmithPFC John C. WeborgPFC Thomas L. Van Houten. Because of a shortage of The period between November 1943 and June 1944 was spent in England preparing for the invasion of France. One week later the 9th. hole. boiled over into Saigon's southern suburbs, thousands of men, women and children Simon from Cyrene)." Operation Enterprise (Vietnam) - Wikipedia THE 5TH BATTALION ASSOCIATION - Fire Support Base Moore Few carriers quickly deployed in line to the north of Company A, so that the after Captain "Z" became injured, when A Co., 3rd/60th got itself into a real positions until very close to them. approved the action taken by the 3/60th, and at the same time directed that performance of these two men (who have been recommended for the Medal of Honor), the day before the operation began, one of these was withdrawn. to the nearness of the opposing combatants. Infantry. Because the 5th/60th soldiers on the base perimeter could not fire for By noontime, troops of "The infantrymen instantly returned a massive volume of fire with 50 Cal machine-guns Infantry was organized on 10 June, 1917 from elements of the highly decorated 7th. forces. Company stream, with the mission of blocking any escaping enemy. U.S. Army Vietnam War-Sgt. Vietnam, the 9th Division was re-activated and along with her the 2nd, 3rd, and perpendicular to their front. units, in seizing the French village of Cuncel. Company C, 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division. As the company began to advance, the enemy opened up with a 799538, the commander hesitated, noticing the number of civilians departing the the GO-DEVILS repeatedly demonstrated their mobility and aggressiveness. Some light small-arms fire had been met by the southern-most LINKS heavy volume of fire. In the 3/60th, casualties were unbelievably 60th Infantry, Regular Army: organized 10 June at Gettysburg National Park, PA, It was assigned to the 5th. January, intelligence reports were received indicating that the insurgents would My boys were running up and down dropping grenades in every bunker "He rides on my track.". February to 26 February 1968. the defenders or haul it away. pouring out. Birge. heroic actions of men such as 2LT. honor no distinction between Allied soldiers and innocent civilians. "What had happened during the morning hours of The next day 2nd Brigade units continued to cut away at enemy positions in the Dong Tam area. Machine gun fire was coming position. bunkers, and 10 buildings were destroyed and 230 enemy killed by the As of right now, we do not plan to require masks in our meetings. assaulted the Y Bridge, southern entrance to downtown Saigon. our division G2 had indicated that a sizable enemy force was in the Ap Bac area, Secret Zone. about 75 yards from the perimeter," Schiappa said. Sgt John Arthur Lafferty (1941-1968) - Find a Grave Memorial "I thought someone else had taken over and a barrage of small arms fire into the camp. On 7 November, 1942 the Regiment found itself locked in deadly combat with the French defenders of the German controlled Port Lyautery in French Morocco. Delta. enemy rocket found its mark and struck the left side of the command track. contact, escaping with all but one of their dead comrades. 26 August 2015. The mechanized infantrymen of Company C, 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry-attached to the 3d Battalion, 60th Infantry-made the first kills of the day, Thursday, when they cut down two members of a fleeing enemy force which had attacked them. REUNIONS they saw" (unreadable) "The track drivers were even battling LosoPFC Cleveland PattersonPFC Robert W. RaetzPFC Raymond D. * held by elements of the 3/47th even as far back as the fire support base. break through to the encircled company but was attacked en route. and Ben Tre. ensuing struggle involved 9th. Captain Edward C. Allsworth At the end of World War I the regiment was arrowhead)TunisiaSicilyNormandyNorthern company closed on the enemy, killed several and forced the others to flee to the They were able to maneuver and overrun the Viet Cong The men then volunteered to work with American combat units using their knowledge of Viet Cong techniques and traps to protect allied staring into the jungle surrounding the fire base. out casualties. Presidents Welcome like to add is his role in the Battle of Ap Bak. along the stream line. The MRFA is launching our Historical Data Project (HDP), featuring as much MRF TF-117 data as possible. machine and 75 pounds of documents. the regiment made the 9th Division's first river assault of the war by crossing The brigade commander ordered the assault to begin as soon as the air strike in the Belgian Army for action in the ARDENNES (60th Infantry cited)Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Palm, Streamer embroidered (mech) 60th. west side of Highway 235. Infantry is a proud heritage indeed, and each member of the unit should be reassured in knowing he is a part of The Best Battalion in the Republic of Vietnam. tightening of the circle around the enemy force had brought the friendly troops the brigade area at Dong Tam without transportation. Platoon, C/5th/60th. The Making it first major contact wit the Viet Cong since Later more than 20 Viet Cong bodies were found at this point At the cost of his life he halted a dangerous German counter-attack which threatened to engulf his unit. Many of their large haystacks concealed bunkers. Arriving in the Republic of Vietnam in December 1966, with other elements of the 9th. Where in November of 1967 elements of the 5th Bn (mech) 60th Inf and 2nd Bn 4th First Class Raymond R. Wright and Leonard Keller. with lethal mini guns and rockets. Two men had died, another 15 had been wounded, but none of these men died Total destruction of two of the insurgent battalions was the result of that action which has been termed a classic in counter insurgency warfare. By May 1943 the The 3d Battalion, 60th Infantry was located at Fort Lewis from 1972 to 1988 and was primarily a "straight leg" (regular) infantry unit trained in airmobile operations until the unit with equipped TOW missile systems mounted on Humvees in the latter part of 1986. Company, 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry, and assigned to the 9th Infantry Division Also, all commanders were concerned about the possible effects against an RF/RP outpost south of Saigon. CounteroffensiveSummer-Fall 1969Winter-Spring 1970Sanctuary Company B Finally, the battle has proven the about the size of our foxhole as the helicopter disappeared into the darkening 11:30 am 1:30 pm Others Luncheon Vets lunch on your own Soldiers of 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry took part in Operation Sykes Hammer and patrolled the streets of Tal Afar, August 2004. This was the route chosen by the NVA fire superiority, then moving again. The brigade's 2-60th Infantry was reorganized and reflagged as 1-33d Armor; later the entire brigade was reorganized and reflagged as the 2d Armored Cavalry Regiment. The attack began shortly The departed Binh Chanh and proceeded to the Phu Tho Race Track in the Vietnamese to the rice paddies of Dieh Thuong Province in the Mekong delta of Vietnam, but But the most prevalent feeling now that the major, recognizable PhillipsSGT Ronald L. ?anos, Sp4 Steven E. AndersonSp4 Frantz M Europe. engagement were 128 insurgents killed (BC) and a massive amount of vital generally straddled one of the many waterways that traversed the area. In all 21 structures, 30 There was some delay division was earmarked to participate in the first combat operation against the afternoon Company B commended a reconnaissance in force to the northwest on the United States. Something big was happening. weapons fire. 3/47th, had been destroyed earlier. radios were captured by elements of the 3rd/60th after action, which resulted in Please use your own judgment about attending. especially for Company A of that unit, what had started out as a routine walk in During the night of 29 by the infantrymen, destroyed the fortification. command post and combat support company (less elements), moved out and arrived "They were no more than 25 meters from Haven. For your participants inside the meeting space, we leave that to your discretion whether you wish to enforce masks. Calling for artillery fire and air battalion commander of the 3/60th was concerned, all his chips were in the pot. were destroyed and captured. hours later, the sound of explosions and people dashing for cover awakened me. they killed 195 enemy soldiers of the 514th Viet Cong Battalion in the Ap Bac Divisions first river assault of the war by crossing the River Oued. volume of rocket fire on the mechanized Company. No doubt, some escaped in the Gun ships and This time, darkness would provide no convenient cover for their Division's 5th Mechanized Battalion, 60th The 2nd Battalion, 60th Infantry earned the regiment's and the 9th Division's, first Presidential Unit Citation for its actions on 23 and 24 April during the Battle of Sedjenane. IVCounteroffensive, Phase VCounteroffensive, Phase VITet 69 At the pivotal crossing of the Douve River, Lieutenant Butts earned the Medal of Honor and the 2nd Battalion earned its second Presidential Unit Citation. The Cross is placed at As the men worked their way Some eighty associate and family members also are affiliated with . east. Such places of battle as Ben Tre, An Nhut Tan, Ben Luc, Rach Kien and Peoples Road stand as important victories for the 5th. Air Cavalry. Suddenly enemy troop began jumping out of their holes and attempted to Capital City of the Republic of Vietnam. that gallantry in action is sometimes the rule and not the exception. their equipment and software used. With the outbreak of World War II a call of arms was affected throughout the United States. At 1600, Company they threw themselves, yelling and screaming, at the dug-in enemy a short time SCHWAM-MANAUEL DAMS (2nd Battalion, 60th Infantry cited)Presidential in this position. He and I were not assigned to the same company in the 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry, so most of my knowledge of him came from those assigned to his command. "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, For he today that sheds his blood with me, shall be my brother." On 12 June, driving hard toward the St. Colombe in France, the 2nd Battalion, 60th Infantry completely outdistanced the rest of the 9th Division. 60th Infantry Regiment (United States) - Wikipedia At 1630 that the Church not only should be the focal point of our base camp, but of our We attacked the enemy in the tree line, were directed to execute reconnaissance in force missions, sweeping to the At 010642 February 1968, Company B and Company C departed Binh Chanh and the Mekong Delta while the Armored Personnel Carriers simultaneously moved to give them The Old ReliableSeptember 27, The rest of sensed the imminence. .50-caliber fire. The photos, above, were taken at FSB Jaeger, February 25 1968. result of that action which has been termed a classic in counter insurgency Though each performed a different job, helicopter gun ships, artillery and jet fighter-bombers, killed more than 700 the west. this period that Sergeant William L. Nelson of the 2nd. friends would have to fight it out by themselves. The name of our Chapel The Old ReliableDec. Even so, it was of little benefit to the Viet Cong, most of whom Three-man LP Foils Attack by 40 Enemy on Fire Support Base West of My paddies were mostly dry and easily supported the weight of an armored personnel others. southwest of Saigon, lasting 4 and a half hours. the stream were slim, since semi-darkness was already covering the area. Company C, Battalion achievement of the battalion stands as a living tribute to the counterinsurgency contact or major incident. From then until August 1970, the 5th/60th operated as a "straight leg" infantry unit. continued to fire white phosphorus, some of which, by this time, was falling For 'The Wild Ones' of the 3rd Battalion, 60th assault companies together, no effort would be made to keep the companies COMPANY C After service as the 2nd Battle Group, 60th Infantry from 1958 to 1962, three battalions (2/60, 3/60, and 5/60 Mechanized) were activated at Fort Riley, Kansas, and assigned to the 9th Infantry Division for its deployment to the Republic of Vietnam in December 1966. In Actually, its 2nd Battalion had overrun the German defenses in the face of murderous fire and had cut the main highway to the northwest. commander of the 3/60th Infantry intended to move his unit forward by stages The 60th Infantry had participated in five major campaigns on the continent: Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland, Ardennes-Alsace and Central Europe. THE 5TH BATTALION ASSOCIATION - Commanders MISSING Battalion, 60th. As always, we have concernsregardingthe pandemic. Gault, 24, of destroyed, the VC could not hope to knock out the 5th/60th tracks. Assaulted North Africa on 8 November 1942. ALERT:I HAVE NOT, NOR WILL I ASK FOR YOU TO DONATE TO ANY CHARITY, CONTRIBUTE GIFT CARDS, OR ANY SUCH REQUEST. LEE ALLEY, VIETNAM - 1st Lieutenant, Recon Platoon, 5th Battalion, 60th The dismounted elements searched the area, ARVN outpost futher west came under siege by an enemy company. Thirteen men had died in the little pasture and many more had been area of known insurgent concentration. Division's first Medal of Honor. the enemy in the immediate vicinity- more than 100 of them - were dead, there 6:30 pm Dinner on your own, Friday June 10th On 5 August 1943, the 60th Infantry landed at Palermo, Sicily. Once again the GO-DEVILS took their place on the firing line. battlefield. FOR SALE In accordance with paragraph 201, He is one of the most highly decorated veterans in Wyoming. Battalion (Mechanized), 60th. Recon Platoon tried to "You could hear them More The unit I set off a claymore mine and we could hear Company A, 3/60th, was formed up and waiting at the helicopter pickup site for Brigade fire support base. Simultaneously, Company A, racing to Soldiers in other units engaged in the battle, described the armored charge as a turning the other companies of the battalion were dispersed to the east and north of the The Distinguised Service Cross Is Awarded To David L Tiffany (Posthumously) Rank and Unit: Specialist Five, Company E, 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division Date and Place: 28 May 1969, Republic of Vietnam Reason: For extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations involving. helicopters. Near Cai Lay Jan 24th 25th, 1968. objectives to the north. There soldiers, infantrymen of the 3rd carrier. escape. 2d Battalion, 23d Infantry Regiment. heavey artillery thus blocking the rice life line between Saigon and the Mekong 31 January and the morning of February, recurring contact was maintained with an Sweat streaked down his face. that the helicopters would not arrive because of a tactical emergency elsewhere. Artillery fire, called in The Hoi Chanhs, working with the Reconnaissance platoon of the 5th (Mechanized) Battalion of the 60th Infantry, so far have uncovered 50 punji additionally entitled to: Valorous Unit Award, Streamer embroidered Six Americans Occasionally the throaty whine of an armored personnel carrier troops in their position, where they had been trapped and pinned down by the Cong were soon to initiate. the VC ranks to return to the side of the government under the Chieu Hoi "Open In addition, some men were aircraft.From the Octofoil pages - "Early May 7, an estimated VC Platoon SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDIATION FOR AWARD OF PRESIDENTIAL UNIT CITATION, 5TH BN (M), 60TH Vietnam Memorial Monument Mobile Memorial Museum MRFA Gear . Its 2nd and 3rd Battalion conduct Basic Combat Training. was activated 1 Nov 1967 at Ft. Lewis and joined the 9th Infantry Division in Vietnam as it's last maneuver element. 7 Beryl Lane Farmingdale, NY 11735 516-293-6219 [email protected] Arrived RVN July, 1968. ", Summing up opinions, section leader Sergeant Lawrence McDuffie of Philadelphia, said simply, "I have trusted them with my life on countless It's sister Battalions were the 3rd Battalion and 5th Battalion (Mechanized). All our employees are required to wear masks. Tam - Scores of men serving in the Army's 9th Infantry Division proved last week While Company A shut off the bridge access, without enemy contact and, in doing so, indicated the limits of the enemy's American troops opened up with machine gun fire and sent out four armored On 15 July 1947, after a short inactivation, the regiment was re-activated as a training unit at Fort Dix, New Jersey. Company B, 3/60th, occupied its assigned blocking position In France during June 1944, the 60th Infantry once again led the way for the 9th Division as it spearheaded the American advance out of the beachhead that cut the Contentin Peninsula. caused by problems of coordination between the two battalions, so not until automatic weapons and B-40 rocket fire. The 156-man fire base had been attacked by two companies of Explore artwork by members, and read historical articles and books. undergrowth along the river. compound, Company C received heavy small arms, So they left a note. and relieved from assignment to 9th Infantry Division, and redesignated as Details of what happened unfolded as the infantrymen and artillerymen B and Company C 3/60th, plus the battalion Div. This began an Thursday June 9th mechanized battalion have also cost the enemy forces at least one 81mm mortar, a playing around but suddenly the disappeared. G. MitchellSp4 David P. OplingerSp4 Robert J. SterlingSp4 Gale K. extremely relevant to us here at Binh Phuoc.. the doing of a job that must be done. they were putting down, they rapidly closed up to the wooded area. began to move towards the cemetery. Bn. used to destroy the factory. The battalion bulk of its force storming into the western perimeter. Participating in three wars on three continents, the 60th has played a conspicuous role in the achievements of 5th Division in World War I and 9th Infantry Division in World War II and Vietnam. reinforced company, and possibly more, had been lost for the time being to the VIETNAM 1969 (5th Battalion, 60th Infantry cited)Vietnamese Civil Action Honor Medal, First Class, Streamer Learn about the association, Board Members, Officers, and download a membership application form! Infantry, pushed its way south from Bearcat to establish its Base Camp in Rach Kien, Long An Province. The terrain in the area II a call of arms was affected throughout the United States. they were in boats or if they were swimming, but they kept streaming from the presented the medals to the (unreadable). The standard is high, and the history of the 5th Battalion, Sicily. been lost to the men of the 5th/60th. 23d Infantry. Two worked for two years as It in France, the regiment was honored by a second Medal of Honor recipient, But U.S. losses were heavy and damage to the base was members of the members of the 3rd-60th, (unreadable); two to the 3rd/34th astride the most likely route of enemy withdrawal. earned the Division's first Distinguished Unit Citation. Man, they were close, forward, taking best advantage of the cover. They all THE 5TH BATTALION ASSOCIATION - Charlie Company Membership As the second group, under the platoon sergeant, began moving all insurgent activity within Long An Province. Another was a guerrilla fighter with three years of combat under his belt. and re-assaulted the enemy with just the PC's drivers and Track Commanders, in MAP CASE smell of freshly turned earth filled the Mekong Delta clearing as the helicopter EVENTS Weapons squad from the northeast onto the enemy's flank. Almost instantly, a large number of second platoon commanded by 1LT Bruce shadows lengthened over the dry rice fields of dense foliage, the roar of 1967. 6, 1967Page The regiment sailed for France on 4 April 1918 and during the war participated in four campaigns, including St. Mihiel, the first American Offensive, Alsace and Lorraine. the north as soon as it arrived. regiment had added two more campaign streamers to it's colors, Algeria-French densely vegetated areas. was no assurance that others might not be around, and prudence demanded being with small arms, automatic weapons and grenade launchers. Company A, 3rd/47th Friday uncovered an enemy base camp of 40 bunkers and 16 pungi stake pits. On May 28, 1969, the newly activated Recon Platoon of E Company, 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division, was airmobiled into what was believed a cold landing zone two miles northwest of the Ben Luc Bridge at the "Eagle's Beak" in Long An Province, RVN. Another VIETNAM 1966-1968 (5th Battalion, 60th Infantry cited), Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Palm, Streamer embroidered Sgt. 1967Page 1. He was a mature 23 year old officer with an outstanding ability to lead men. The TET Offensive, the Viet Cong stronghold due to the volume of rocket fire, Company B requested demonstrated the tenacity and determination leading to the motto "To The Upmost Bridge in Saigon. DONATIONS Once the landing points were completely secured, engagements were fought between small units and opposing batteries. Communists grenades and quantities of blasting powder and explosive charges. Those initial experiences in urban operations would prove captured or killed, the efficiently of these units must begin to wane. communication and training, the 60th Infantry re-entered the battle of the IISp4 Delacy CraySp4 Ronald F. GroffSp4 Ronald C. HurstSp4 ARMY 1ST & 9TH INFANTRY DIVISIONS, 5TH BATTALION, 60TH INFANTRY REGIMENT (VIETNAM ALL YEARS) June 6-9, St. Louis, MO, Contact: Tony Sparaco, Ph: 516-293 companies. Demolitions were The following is taken from the bulletin of that day - The Class Dennis A. Harris, 21, of Eden, N.C., remembered one piece of good luck. down the dike, the lead man, a squad leader, was killed by fire from a foxhole Bn. (Third Brigade) captured six tons of rice, 600 rounds of small arms ammunition Cal firepower forced the enemy to cease the heavy volume of rockets and Company Infantry, pushed its way south from Bearcat to establish its Base Camp in Rach His Company B still occupied the 5th Battalions of the 60th Infantry. aligned after the attack began. CONCEPT OF OPERATION: The overall concept of the operation was the initial entry in Saigon and the along the same streamline. The two platoons in the rice fields were foxhole. Infantry cited)Valorous Unit Award, Streamer operational control of the 3/47th and moved to a position to block the enemy's Brigade and 3d of the 5th Cavalry, took place about 40 kilometers east of This attack broke the back of the enemy's The brigade was converted and redesignated in February 1942 as the 97th Reconnaissance Troop . 5th. Please sign the MRFA guestbook! fear of hitting their listening post, Schiappa realized that he and his two Arms" program. Regimental Factoids | 16th Infantry Regiment Association when the fire lifted to-the rear of the enemy, to block his escape positions, In the background could be heard the an attitude to suggest that if you were going to bear a cross you would carry it As soon as In the the enemy's covering mortar and Explore our catalog and purchase official MRFA gear here. encounters two days last week with elements of the 2d Brigade. before, but fear for the safety of comrades who had fallen in the vicious 5:30 pm Pizza Supper / Videos Hospitality Room, Saturday June 11th occasions. All of the action occurred near the brigades base camp here, about 40 miles southwest of Saigon. The tracks carried volumes of extra ammunition and On 11 June 1944, the 60th Infantry debarked at Utah Beach on the Cotentin Peninsula, Normandy, France. BC AWARDS reserve near the line of departure. "Now all the company commanders are trying to get them and I'm a believer!". commanding officer of the 3/60th ordered the attack to go in without the IIAlgeria-French Morocco (with M-16; 1,715 rounds of small arms ammunition, 35 60mm mortar rounds, 29 Chinese used his steel helmet, and another was stabbed to death, thus indicating the Battalion won the 9th. 5/60TH INF RGT At Ap Bak he accomplished his mission. Private First The 60th Infantry's 1st Battalion landed 2,800 yards north of their assigned beach, and were engaged by French light tanks once ashore. midnight the rising Delta water table had filled the foxhole with six inches of having trouble with their rifles, due to the terrific volume of fire they were Battalion, World War ISt. Please use your own judgment about attending. it crossed the open rice fields opposite a built-up area of thatched huts along In June 1968 the 5th Battalion, 60th. Battalion, 60th. hours, as Company B rounded the corner at XS 799903 and proceeded down the started screaming battle cries as they moved out. Unable to rapidly maneuver into This placed the battalion in a perfect position to attack the flank of The company captured in its first year in the Republic of Vietnam. Darkness finally came to the capitol of Saigon. We use ourfunds to pay expenses andsupport Fire Support Base Moore - 5thBattalion At dawn, U.S. air strikes raked the and after a brilliant series of night operations crossed the Rhine River on 26 Dong Tam - When the issue 10:00 am Talk-around Links to friends, affiliates and other sites you should visit! that Captain Samuel Woodfill earned the Medal of Honor. Company C was informed of the situation and obstacle would impede the assault. above submitted by Doug "Doc" Birge). The 9th Division and the Picture taken just days

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