american experience the abolitionists worksheet

For this reason, they are now, as never before, looking out into the world for a place of retreat, and asylum. Spencer Gentry James Brewer Stewart, Historian:And Garrison can sense that this is a way to really make the abolitionist cause incarnate. The Abolitionists - Episode 2: 1838-1854 - Video Response Worksheet In the face of personal risks beatings, imprisonment, even death abolitionists held fast to their cause, laying the civil rights groundwork for the future and raising weighty constitutional and moral questions that are with us still. Narrator:Over the course of a few months, Douglass traveled three and a half thousand miles. What is this? Alan Davis Sound Effects/Dialogue Editor Diane Heery, C.S.A. Narrator:For William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass, it was the last straw. Gregory Patterson And this, Garrison felt, was a fitting occasion to print the last. You will receive a PDF file which contains a Video Response Worksheet and Key and a TPT Digital Activity for students (worksheet only). At one of their first appearances, Garrison couldn't even finish his speech as the audience drowned him out with chants of Douglass! Film Delaware I soon found, however, that they were soundly hated by slaveholders. They're not gonna be hung. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school district is prohibited. Kwame Washington Season 1 Episode 1Year: 2013 Subjects: Social Studies - History, U.S. History, World History Grades: Not Grade Specific Types: Activities, Homework $2.00 Word Document File It's started! Russell Scott, Jr. For example, on May 17, 1838, an abolitionist convention was held in Philadelphia's Pennsylvania Hall. I was never so happy and confident as I am at the present time. What are you talking about? Still, Southern repression of free speech allowed the abolitionists to link the slavery issue with the cause of civil liberties for whites. When Garrison died in 1879 at the age of 73, Frederick Douglass was transported to the days of his youth, to the days when, as a newly escaped slave, he had first heard William Lloyd Garrison, and thought him the new Moses. Captain, it pains me more than you will know, to leave you. Everyone knew what would happen if you were caught: flogging, branding, elaborate tortures to strike terror into any other would-be runaways. The pacifist printer chastised Brown for his role in the Pottawatomie killings, and insisted that nonviolence was still the only path to victory. Marc Bicking Ronald Jenkins, Jr. Narrator:As news of the event filtered out, the city grew tense. In the spring of 1846 the United States went to war with Mexico, hoping to gain vast territories in the Southwest. I could not always obey, for it did not satisfy me to simply narrate wrongs; I felt like denouncing them. That could be accomplished only by amending the Constitution. Shelby Crouch He sat silently at the back of the room as one speaker after another fired up the congregation with accounts of Lovejoy's death. Stephen G. Shifflette, Set Dressers Melissa Panos John Brown (T. Ryder Smith, audio):When I was a child, I stayed for a short time with a very gentlemanly landlord who held a slave boy near my own age. Charles Williamson "Whatever political or personal differences have divided us," Douglass wrote, "a common goal makes us forget those differences and strike at the common foe." Although fighting for a common cause, abolitionists Frederick Douglass and William Lloyd Garrison suffered a major falling out. Freddy Galfus You said yourself, you became a man when you fought Mr. In 1828 he was 22 years old, newly arrived in the city from his hometown of Newburyport. Oscar Contreras In many ways he reflects this for the rest of black America, that while Garrisonian tactics were just, earnest, they simply were not options that he thought would eventually lead to the end of slavery. As Douglass listened to the proceedings, a friend from New Bedford unexpectedly called on him to speak. Animals & Historic Transportation Provided by John Brown (T. Ryder Smith, audio):Had I interfered in behalf of the rich, the powerful, the intelligent, the so-called great, every man in this court would have deemed it an act worthy of reward rather than punishment. We'll get him Hey, we'll get him on the way back out! Jay Hairston "I live a new life." You have a gift, sir, you really do. I am glad -- I suppose -- that you are so diligent about your faith. They could feel the strength of their growing numbers -- the time had come to unify their far-flung groups into one national anti-slavery society. Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):Good Lord, man. Your prayers and hymns are fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy -- a thin veil to cover crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. Corruption is general, constitutional restraints are as cobwebs. Angelina Grimk (Jeanine Serralles):I stand before you as a Southerner, exiled from the land of my birth by the sound of the lash, and the piteous cry of the slave. It's war for sure, that's what everyone's saying. George Bearer Dorothea Swiac He mortgaged his house to pay his debts and looked about to give up when a friend arrived from Britain to help. Let the Christian women of the South arise, and salvation is certain. Newberry Library Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):It will kill you. But that was nothing compared with Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):It is never nothing. Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? Phillis Wheatley - Poet (c. 1753 - December 5, 1784) We must convert the sinner. Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):What do you mean, sir? This product would work well in a unit which looks at. Fifty! We're gonna keep this thing going. Each gave him their heartfelt support. These Video Response Worksheets and Keys are based on the PBS documentary series "American Experience - The Abolitionists. Dorry Marie Narrator:Garrison welcomed the notoriety. Narrator:Many abolitionists wondered if their pacifist ideals were misguided, whether the conflict had entered a new and violent phase. It is nothing but the word of cowardice." Dani Scarcella, First Assistant Camera Edward Kelahan William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff): You must not give or take any quarter. Anna had sewn his sailor disguise, and sold her featherbed to give him the money he needed. Narrator:William Lloyd Garrison attended a performance of the play in New York, and marveled at the response of toughs in the front rows. Danny Caporaletti My baby. And then in great big letters, three times the size of the rest of the letter, he writes, "I have loved you from the first moment I met you." But at the beginning of July, Charley, Stowe's beloved little boy, was taken ill. Joan D. Hedrick, Historian:She called him her summer child. Narrator:The only voices advocating the abolition of slavery were black. Somerville Community Access Television, Somerville, MA Fugitives starving, freezing to death, being torn apart by wild animals. The First Baptist Church Choir, Petersburg, VA, Locations Finally, John Brown stood up and raised his right hand. Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):You know God's thinking? Southerners perceived a mortal threat, and talked openly of secession. Paul Taylor, Second Associate Producer Norman Outlaw Wisconsin Historical Society Anthony HobbsYoung Frederick Douglass I was nothing before. Slavery was an incredibly controversial issue and abolitionists were not only risking being fined or arrested, they were also risking their own safety. John Stauffer And I'm sure Angelina had the same response I had in reading, "You're terrible. A meal like this is a rare pleasure these days. I never saw joy before. They vowed to spread the anti-slavery gospel to every city, town, and village, and they agreed to use what they called "moral suasion" to convert slaveholders to the cause. Nat Turner, the man who led the rebellion, would elude a massive search party for 68 days before he, too, was caught and executed. Post Production Video Services William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff, audio):Just God! There is a kind of work that Garrison can do, precisely because he is a white man in America in the 1830s. His first experience of slavery would haunt him to his grave. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Let's negotiate. When Garrison appeared, the freedmen seized him joyfully and carried him on their shoulders around the square. Film Watch Film | Freedom Riders The powerful, harrowing and ultimately inspirational story of six months in 1961 that changed America. Sharif Folks Youre eternally in sin. Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks, audio):It so happened that I was speaking to a large audience in National Hall. Daniel Bainbridge Sheldon King He rose not by the power of the Church or the State, but in bold, inflexible and defiant opposition to the mighty power of both. Come on, boy. And that becomes very, very divisive very quickly. With five dollars to their names, Frederick and Anna headed further north. Although, curriculum is inquiry-based, lessons are full of engaging, participatory, hands-on learning experiences. Narrator: For years, John Brown had been trying to divine God's purpose, to make sense of his afflictions. Narrator:In November of 1837, news came that an anti-slavery printer had been murdered by a mob in Illinois. As the arguments escalated, Angelina began linking the rights of enslaved people to the rights of women. As he headed west from his home in upstate New York, he collected money and weapons for the fight. Narrator:For the first few months, Douglass's newspaper hemorrhaged money. Garrison would have been even more wary had he known the full extent of Brown's plans. "All persons," Lincoln wrote, "held as slaves within any State in rebellion shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free." The infighting left the abolition movement fragmented and disheartened. A collection of American Experience's most literary content. But Angelina found it almost unbearable -- an empire of sin. I'm not afraid of you We're not fighting each other, we're fighting the God-damned abolitionists Just relax You back off of me Don't you mess with me, boy. Far from Garrison's Boston headquarters, Douglass was free to explore the political, and even militant, anti-slavery strategies that were circulating in Rochester. Without the abolitionists, the Civil War would not have occurred. The Abolition Movement was prevalent in the Northern region of America around the beginning of the 1830s. We've been telling you for decades that there's a slave power conspiracy out there of presidents, Supreme Court members, of congresspeople, of bankers, of ship owners, to not only preserve but expand this system of slavery until it dominates every aspect of American society and economy." Soon,Uncle Tom's Cabinbegan reaching vast new audiences, including many who had never read a novel, when it was adapted as a wildly popular play. Abolitionists were baffled. Neal Huff The announcement came upon us with the startling effect of an earthquake. When the House passed a gag rule forbidding their consideration, it added to Northern suspicions that the government was operating for the benefit of slaveholders. Julia Griffiths' editorial skills and business savvy keptThe North Starafloat. Supervising Sound Editor (Enter your ZIP code for information on American Experience events and screening in your area.). Cynthia Snyder Special Collections, Lavery Library, St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY Such conduct grieves me to the heart. TheNew York Globeurged that, "No public building, not even the streets, must be desecrated by such a gathering of traitors." "Women's rights should not be your preoccupation," he told Angelina, "at least not until the slaves are free." David W. Blight, Historian:John Brown had a very beguiling personality. My friend, I have been over this a thousand times. David Graham Ian Edwards Carol Berkin, Historian:And he writes back to her, "You're young and you have too much pride, and you're not helping the cause." Artee Fabrics They're going to be murdered. Vanessa Ezersky, Legal And if the salt and pepper were next to the person sitting next to you, you didn't ask them to pass it. Finally, near midnight, a messenger rushed onto the stage. Slave Auctioneer (Brian Elder):What will you give for this woman? It was a tribute to fervent ideals, generosity, and love, to the bitterness and the passions that had moved men and women to bend the arc of history. A terrible fight is at this moment going on between Fort Sumter and the fortifications by which it is surrounded Narrator:Frederick Douglass canceled his trip to Haiti. I am constantly receiving anonymous letters filled with abominable and bloody sentiments. But, some made it. "Africa" was their code word for the slaveholding South. William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff):Put on the whole armor of God Narrator:Douglass's new life was fraught with danger. New Year's Day, 1863, was an anxious vigil. Charles Hibbler Thomas Winston What if that mob should burst in upon us and commit violence on our persons? And in the spring of 1854 this wave of resistance came to a head, when the national battle over slavery suddenly focused on a solitary prisoner in Boston's city jail. Douglass and his fellow agents were sent out to recruit the foot soldiers for this campaign: the men and women who would organize boycotts, raise money, and petition Congress. John Seaborne William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff, audio):When we first unfurled the banner ofThe Liberator, we did not anticipate that to protect Southern slavery the free states would voluntarily trample underfoot all law, order, and government. Jordan Swenson Many abolitionists lost hope in the president when they read reports of a meeting at the White House later that summer. Westover Plantation, Charles City, VA, Special Thanks This is not the punishment of man. Douglass would write a lament for the movement they had led, for their youth, for the generation that was passing from the scene. On this Julie Roy Jeffrey, Historian:All kinds of rumors had been flying around Philadelphia about the wedding and the guest list and the social amalgamation, or mixing, that had gone on. One has to see evil in order to be committed to a life of good. Paris Jones By 1846 to 1847, Douglass was a household name in the United States. He had few subscribers, and no experience as either a printer or a businessman. For Garrison and many other abolitionists, it seemed that the Slave Power might finally suffer a fatal blow. This cannot be.". Theodore Weld (Steve Annan):And I reject all authority, all government, save the influence which love gives us over each other. Madison Bay Company John Wicker, Set Medics Angelina Grimk (Jeanine Serralles, audio):Can't you just stand here side-by-side with us? Michael Lair Twenty years of struggle had yielded not emancipation but a million more slaves, and a political agreement to preserve the institution in the United States forever. Washington immediately descended into chaos, as one Southern state after another seceded from the Union. Coll Anderson M.P.S.E. David W. Blight, Historian:The Mexican War unshucked slavery. But all the same, Garrison's continued radicalism would be a great help in paving the way for a moderate, anti-slavery Republican. The questions are designed so that they occur at a regular pace to keep the students engaged but not overloaded. Ken Perham W. Caleb McDaniel, Historian:There's no evidence that Garrison'sLiberatorhad any influence on Nat Turner. John Brown (T. Ryder Smith):I do, Douglass. Sumner would never fully recover. Rochester Public Library / Democrat and Chronicle The Abolitionists - Episode 1 - Worksheet and Key PDF & Digital The Isenburg Collection at AMC Toronto The City of New Castle, DE He hides out at a friend's place in Philadelphia, and in fact he finds out from the telegraph operator in Philadelphia that the president of the United States on down has put out the equivalent of an all-points bulletin. R. Blakeslee Gilpin, Historian:This guy's just led a raid to destroy slavery. ", Narrator:After the massacre, Brown and his followers hid out in the wilderness, resurfacing occasionally to battle pro-slavery forces. And abolitionists are accorded a newfound respect that they had never experienced before. Henry! They are absolutely engrossed within, stories of Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, John Brown, Angelina Grimke and Harriet Beecher Stowe. Sir -- God has placed these mountains here for a reason. Cheryl Stark She sees these people, I mean they are human beings. William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff):What a horrible, horrible crime. Early abolition (article) | Khan Academy But for Northerners, the most galling provision in the Compromise was the Fugitive Slave Law. I don't know any shortcuts. They are also designed so that a review of the completed worksheet gives students a basic overall summary of the video. Kwabena Ampofo Anthony Burns In the 1820s, Charleston's aristocracy was one of the wealthiest societies on earth. Shaun WoodlandWilliam Nell And when she read it to her family they were all crying and they said, "Mama, you've got to write the rest of the story.". John Stauffer, Historian:For Douglass, what better symbol of democracy and of racial equality is there in the United States is if the federal government arms and gives uniforms to black soldiers and tells them to kill white men. Narrator:The vehemence of the reaction in the South took the abolitionists by surprise. They proposed printing 20 to 50,000 pamphlets a week, and mailing them to ministers, elected officials, and newspaper editors in each state, especially in the South. American Antiquarian Society California wanted to be admitted to the Union as a free state. The City of New Castle, DE Angelina Grimk (Jeanine Serralles):He's my brother! The City of Petersburg, VA She had a weapon that no other abolitionist could claim: a pedigree among the slaveholding aristocracy. A volley of insults and allegations appeared inThe Liberator. You do it by convincing them that there are human beings in peril. As soon as I heard it, I came here. Sold to the gentleman here. Lee Rogalski, Location Managers Meghan Malloy Carol Berkin, Historian:Of course, since they're women, to speak in front of a mixed -- or as they called it, promiscuous -- audience of men and women was absolutely forbidden. Angelina Grimk (Jeanine Serralles):You know! William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff, audio):The Liberatoris causing extraordinary agitation among whites in the slave states.

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