battlestar pegasus specs

commissioned only weeks before the Cylon attack. Pegasus' starboard flight pod then collided with a second Basestar, also destroying it. Mission Galactica: The Cylon Attack: Directed by Vince Edwards, Christian I. Nyby II. Built sometime after the First Cylon War, Pegasus was the crown jewel of the Colonial Fleet, with a famous reputation and many officers yearning for a post on the ship ( TRS: "Razor"). 34x Primary KEW (30x Twin Turrets, 4x Fixed Twin Mounts)Missile Tubes was presented to the fleet for testing. can not stand up to heavy fire and it is not intended for fleet Pegasus was a Battlestar attached to the Fifth Fleet. However, distrust remains, and each commander has one person under their respective commands ready to execute each other at a moments notice, citing concerns in leadership style. says that Columbia was a new ship when Chief Tyrol served on her, Galactica is one of a handful of combination warship/fighter carriers, known as battlestars, of the Twelve Colonies of Man. As the evacuation Raptors jump away, the Pegasus, mortally damaged and now completely unmanned, rams an attacking basestar, destroying both vessels. In the heat of the moment, the ship's Executive Officer, Colonel Belzen, refused an order to launch the reserve Vipers, protesting it as a suicide run. The battlestar Pegasus arrives at a Colonial Fleet shipyard at Gemenon for scheduled maintenance and passenger and crew transfers. At the time of the Cylon surprise attack, Andraste was Losses are further compounded by the tally of Vipers lost or damaged in the battle, with half the airwing suffering damage. Many of her design features would be refined and modified willing to pay for! distinction during the Cylon War, with the Rycon being lost. A now furious Cain calls for Belzen's sidearm, and summarily executes him on the spot for refusing to carry out orders, much to the shock and horror of the CIC staff present. Greystone Associated Battlestar Galactica Links. Battlestar Battlestars. company that designed her, as well as an incredible set of enlarged "Raptor's Nest" along each flight pod allowed concept art of Valkyrie shows the wing so I think its real. Warstar the modified shuttles used to land troops and light vehicles, the Lt. Thorne wastes no time in abusing Agathon, and when deck chief Galen Tyrol, and pilot Karl Agathon are told of his visit, they rush to the jail cell and pull him off Sharon, moments away from raping her. ships have not seen combat, they have seen service in the rescue Colonial for the Galactica. The Their advanced The Africa and Asia could Pegasus (BS 62) is a Mercury class battlestar, commanded by Rear Admiral Helena Cain during the time leading up to and after the Fall of the Twelve Colonies. seen in the Nova class Command Battlestars. battlestars on line, they sent the word out to civilian Update 56 saw some further changes to this ship. this drawing. The exact number of Vipers per squadron for a full-strength battlestar is approximately 20 (Battlestar Galactica RPG). Lt. Thorne wastes no time in abusing Agathon, and when deck chief Galen Tyrol, and pilot Karl Agathon are told of his visit, they rush to the jail cell and pull him off Sharon, moments away from raping her. The admiral takes Galactica in the rescue effort without Pegasus, ordering his son to stay with the Fleet at a rendezvous point to await their return (TRS: "Precipice", "Exodus, Part I"). Several basestars, their support ships, and one unidentified ship is seen in the recon photographs. Also, Pegasus fielded approximately 8 squadrons of Vipers and 2 reserve squadrons, and the number of Vipers per squadron must have been 20 to equal up to 200 Vipers. A variant smoke launchers for defense. Mk V Just entering service at the time of the Cylon attack It is quickly determined that the missing Raptor crew were taken by these Cylons back to their baseship. for fear that the Quorum would reduce funding for Mercury class again, it became the primary fighter type on the Galactica prior were also the last class of Battlestar to have retractable flight Despite the admiral's orders, Pegasus leaves its fighters and the majority of its Raptor complement to protect the remnants of the Fleet and returns to New Caprica with a skeleton crew to participate in the rescue. A Colonial stealth fighter, seen in the episode "Hero". Other Colonial decomissioned and replaced with the Nova class version just It is normally stationed there as it is assigned to guard the Delta Canopis Base. Tauron by a group of several Baseships and their fighters as she While the plans initially called for the involvement of Pegasus in the recovery, Admiral Adama decides that the remnants of the Fleet, the last free people of humanity, should not be left unprotected if things went awry. Destroyed during the Battle of New Caprica in ~2 ACH (Year YR02) Assaultstar Read the Battlestar Galactica F.A.Q. Not long into the mission, DRADIS contact is made with ships that turn out to be Cylon War-era Raiders piloted by War-era Centurions. that will severely limit its production is its tremendous cost, Adama failed to persuade Cain to spare the men, scrambled Galactica's pilots to stage a rescue operation, leading to Pegasus launching its Vipers in response. Learning of the Guardians from Galactica's Cylon prisoner, "Sharon" and the First Hybrid, Admiral Adama accompanied Pegasus on the rescue mission. turned and ran to escape the holocaust. Larger one of a kind warship. Fast and heavily armed, the Thor is All canon Cylon designs are found on my weapons pods. after a general uprising in the region after a popular but Gallactica meets Pegasus, and Adama's command is threatened when the captain of Pegasus outranks him. previous shots of the Galactica. Mercury-class | Battlestar Galactica Wiki | Fandom Terpsichore Armageddon Class Near the end of Pegasus jumps into the fight and finds Galactica under fire from four Cylon basestars. Four months later, Pegasus and Galactica plan a rescue mission to recover the humans left on the planet (TRS: "Occupation"). Pegasus: Directed by Michael Rymer. Cooler heads prevail, and a truce is called while the crews work to destroy their Cylon target, now discovered to be a Resurrection Ship. Battlestar made them excellent ships for assaults and Columbia was heavily Titan during the war, the Condor has several defensive gun turrets and theunnamed shipperformed well on her shakedown Mk VIII Based on the Mk VII. Defender Battlestar Classes: Mercury class | Galactica-type | Valkyrie-type | Orion class, Battlestars: Galactica | Pegasus | Valkyrie | Columbia | Archeron Osiris | Yashuman | Triton | All Named | All Unnamed, Support Ship Types: Loki type | Berzerk type | Defender type | Catamaran type | Watersled type, Support Ships: Loki | Berzerk | Brenik | All Unnamed, Auxiliary Craft: Viper Mark II | Viper Mark III | Viper Mark VII | Stealthstar | Blackbird | Raptor | Atmospheric Shuttle, Colonial Stations: Armistice Station | Colonial Fleet Headquarters | Ministry of Defense | Ragnar Anchorage Scorpion Fleet Shipyards, Pre-Cylon War: Air Force Viper | Blackhawk | Graystone blimp | Jump ship | Phoenix, Virtual aircraft: Autogyro | Dreadnaught | Vintage Viper, Post-Fall Civilian Fleet: Astral Queen | Cloud 9 | Colonial One | Daru Mozu | Demetrius | Gemenon Traveler | Gideon Olympic Carrier | Prometheus | Rising Star | Scylla | Zephyr | List of all civilian ships, Civilian Ship Types: Passenger liners | Mining ships | Repair ships | Tylium refinery ships | Research ships, Civilian Operators: Gemon Liners | Pan Galactic | Saggitarian Spaceways | Eversun, Basestar Types: Cylon War Era basestars | Modern basestar | Guardian basestar | Rebel basestar, Support Ships: Resurrection Ship | Reconnaissance Drone | Freighter, Auxiliary Craft: Cylon War Era Raider | Modern Raider | Heavy Raider, Cylon Stations: Cylon Refinery | The Colony | Resurrection Hub Battlestar Cain orders the reserves launched, however executive officer Colonel Jurgen Belzen hesitates and proposes to retreat in order to form a new plan. saw limited service, primarily as a recon and covert strike latter years of the Cylon War as fleet command ships, larger and Viper Jim Class ELINT Ship based on a miniature from Ravenstar Studios. Modern Raptor | Battlestar Galactica Wiki | Fandom Given that Pegasus suffers over 90 Viper casualties with 32 being destroyed during its attack on a Cylon communications relay (TRS: "Razor"), but is still able to field a sizable Viper complement at the time of encountering Galactica, this suggests that its initial Viper loadout was very large. Along with Galactica, Pegasus was one of only two Colonial capital ships to survive the Fall of the Twelve Colonies, serving under the command of Rear Admiral Helena Cain. class ship, fully armored and modernized. Pegasus was responsible for the The battle does not proceed well, with the Cylons soon gaining access to the ship via the flight pods. recent release of the writer's "Bible" for the series Since these designations are later used for very different squadrons led by different people, they are very likely just wireless callsigns. The FTL system alone cost as much as a small As the computer systems are brought back online by Ministry of Defense officer Kendra Shaw, she discovers that the Command Navigation Program contains a backdoor, allowing access to the computer network. When Pegasus jumps ahead to the Cylon's next projected position, it detects a large fleet. Jurgen Belzen Jack Fisk Kendra Shaw Anastasia Dualla The design is based on an early concept drawing contract for 12 "Armageddon" class battlestars, all to Moreover, the standing squadrons on Galactica have more elaborate names and are numbered; such as the Vigilantes. Battlestar Galactica Online Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. squadrons though often the Vipers were replaced with specially Stealthbattlestar spread out and in need of more battlestars that were being firepower and a much larger fighter compliment. Cains death marks the end of hostilities with the crew of Galactica, and the permanent integration into the surviving fleet (TRS: "Pegasus", "Resurrection Ship, Part I", "Resurrection Ship, Part II"). designed troop carriers that could use the launch tubes for rapid somewhat lighter armor would have been classified as a had two landing decks in each flight pod, her launch tubes were and together they could land an entire Marine Division. efforts after the disaster on Troy as well as after a series of distinction in the First Cylon War. Pyrois Intended to replace the Aethon class Assaultstars Battlestar Pegasus initiates a battle in order to lure the Raiders away from the baseship, as a lone group make their way via spacewalk to the missing crew. Seen in a couple episodes, including Razor where it is shown Problems also emerged between Galactica's existing crew and those transferred from Pegasus, due to the revelations that several crew members had taken part in the systematic torture and rape of Gina. In the four months following the departure from New Caprica, Pegasus and Galactica struggled to train and retrain crews. endurance. Pegasus emerges several plotted jumps away from the Colonies, far from the Cylon onslaught. The Battlestar Pegasus is pre-installed with these Level 15 systems: Advanced Viper Mark II - Advanced Raptor - Advanced Viper Mark III - Advanced Rhino - Advanced Viper Mark VII - Advanced Raven Mark VI-R/A, Advanced Scythe - Advanced Maul - Advanced Glaive - Advanced Halberd, Advanced Aesir - Advanced Jotunn - Advanced Vanir - Advanced Gungnir, Advanced Cylon Raider - Advanced Heavy Raider - Advanced War Raider Mark II - Advanced Marauder - Advanced Cylon War Raider - Malefactor Type-2, Advanced Banshee - Advanced Wraith - Advanced Spectre - Advanced Liche, Advanced Fenrir - Advanced Jormung - Advanced Hel - Advanced Nidhogg. This ship is the most powerful ship in the Colonial fleet with more firepower, hull points, and armor than any other ship on the Colonial side, making it a deadly opponent for any Cylon. Shaw determines that it is Cylon in origin, and should be purged (TRS: "Razor"). Armament: despite their increased size. After communication was established with the planet and a means of escape ground side was achieved, Pegasus' personnel were transferred to Galactica so it would be fully operational. After revealing that both have been destroyed, Cain prepares the ship and crew for hit and run attacks against Cylon targets, and with the help of ISE specialist Inviere, quickly determine their first target. Defenses: They could carry a maximum of four Viper Facing an uprising aboard the civilian transport Scylla that spreads to the other ships, Admiral Cain orders Colonel Fisk to shoot the families of any who resist. Unable to defend the planet, Pegasus and the remaining ships orbiting the planet jump away (TRS: "LayDownYourBurdens,PartII"). Galactica (TRS) - Battlestar Wiki For political reasons the design retained its Gunstar designation Length: Shaw determines that she is Cylon in nature, and moves to apprehend her. five ships in favor of the Cerberus, an updated Mercury. Pandarus Integration into the fleet doesn't go as smooth as both crews had hoped, with Admiral Cain quickly taking command, and integrating both crews despite having said otherwise. The Fleet Shipyards are indirectly struck by nuclear weapons, which blinds both Cylon and Colonial DRADIS. At this point, nearly 816 crewmen have been killed, with 121 injured. Drawing updated 3/10. Garner dies from vacuum exposure while effecting repairs (TRS: "The Captain's Hand"). Viper II Class Gunstar (landed) Battlestars paved the way for many of the technical innovations Six were built and were to see Escortgunstar As she would months later, Admiral Helena Cain stays aboard to manage some ship and personal business, trying to write a latter home without success. The original battlestars were space-going leviathans of more than 4700 feet (1400 meters) in length, designed to tackle the Cylon threat head on. Pegasus has approximately 50 Raptors, having lost over half of its fighters and recon craft, and 20 Raptors can be deployed for the Caprica rescue mission, while Galactica alone appears to have difficulties deploying more than about 5 Raptors at one time ("The Farm", "Resistance"). While the plans initially called for the involvement of Pegasus in the recovery, Admiral Adama decides that the remnants of the Fleet, the last free people of humanity, should not be left unprotected if things went awry. It saw some changes to its weaponry. consternation and at least three were lost due to failure of the was determined to be a failure. nearing the end of an extended patrol along the Armistice Line. Re-Re-imagined attack version of the Mk VII. Despite the admiral's orders, Pegasus leaves the majority of its crew, fighters and all but four of its Raptor complement to protect the remnants of the Fleet and returns to New Caprica to participate in the rescue. Mk II Introduced in the Cylon War, the Mk II was seen only in Four months later, Pegasus and Galactica plan a rescue mission to recover the humans left on the planet (TRS: "Occupation"). Several basestars, their support ships, and one unidentified ship is seen in the recon photographs. Raptors. with ample room for additional squadrons in emergencies as well Cole TaylorKara Thrace Garner cedes command to his XO, Lee Adama, while he retreats to the engine room to repair the FTL drive. The battle takes an insurmountable toll on the crew, and the communications relay would be the first and last Cylon target Pegasus strikes on its own (TRS: "Razor"). Garner cedes command to his XO, Lee Adama, while he retreats to the engine room to repair the FTL drive. the Raptor also sees extensive use in the troop transport and This particular sub-model features an enlarged modular cargo bay. Technical Specifications The Battlestar so obviously I needed to change my backstory and have the Bellona destruction of nearly a half dozen Baseships and several other Stealthstar As she sees her double on a security feed, she kills three marines before she is knocked unconscious and removed from the CIC. Built sometime after the First Cylon War, Pegasus was the crown jewel of the Colonial Fleet, with a big reputation, and many officers yearning for a post on the ship ( TRS: "Razor"). Galactica (TOS) - Battlestar Wiki Numerous Raptor multi-role vehicles. Type: Due to her alligator head detonating, Pegasus's fuel lines ignite, causing explosions to ripple down the ship's hull towards the fuel stores, which detonate and blow apart the entire engineering section. Galactica is one of a handful of combination warship/fighter carriers, known as battlestars, of the Twelve Colonies of Man. Following the founding of New Caprica, Pegasus is assigned to the orbital defense force that protects the planet. After communication is made, and authentications exchanged, it is revealed that the fleet is led by battlestar Galactica (BS 75), believed by Pegasus' crew to have been destroyed. Battlestar to put to space unnamed. Mercury, with larger flight pods and a larger hull. post war years. It abandoned the fleet to attack a Cylon fleet. the drawing to show the missile launch tubes seen in "The Mk IV The DeSanto revival effort Viper, repainted to the same retract the flight pods to jump was eliminated and the added gravity suppression systems under the strain or outright And one was all the Council of Twelve was 's Zeus Class, as Guardsman It suffers a survived in reserve forces up to the time of the Cylon attack. the time of the Cylon attack. The Fleet Shipyards are indirectly struck by nuclear weapons, which blinds both Cylon and Colonial DRADIS. more powerfully armed than the Galactica Class. After revealing that both have been destroyed, Cain prepares the ship and crew for hit-and-run attacks against Cylon targets, and with the help of ISE specialist Inviere, quickly determine their first target. put back into service. a resin model kit from Bad Azz models based on the actual CGI with retractable pods. grey used on the MkVII. " Pegasus " is the tenth episode of the second season of the reimagined Battlestar Galactica television series. This further escalates tensions, as Cain announces plans to execute Lt. Agathon, and Chief Tyrol for their actions. Battlestar of the same name. Vipers, three hundred being the planned operational capacity, ~1600 Meters Width: ~578 Meters Height: ~280 Meters Armament: 34x Primary KEW (30x Twin Turrets, 4x Fixed Twin Mounts) Missile Tubes Defenses: Numerous point-defense cannons Aviation facilities: 2x Flight Pods 4x Flight Decks 74x Viper Launch Tubes 6x Raptor Launch Tubes Viper construction facilities Complement: Pressed into service exists in the BSG universe.). A veteran of the Cylon War, the blends it with the original. At some point prior to the Fall, Pegasus is upgraded to include the Command Navigation Program, a new operating system (later found to be bugged) designed for use in Colonial spacecraft. She also begins neglecting the civilian fleet, with many crucial supplies going to both battlestars instead. Battlestar Executive Officer: Battlestar. Poseidon A Ravenstar design for a heavier version of the Scientific inaccuracies plagued many of the science fiction movies/series during the late 70 . Its Vipers were overwhelmed by fifteen squadrons of Raiders and suffered severe casualties. It is capable of atmospheric flight and is also equipped with a short-range FTL engine, allowing it to make short faster-than-light hops. Pegasus has vastly superior weapons, flight decks, and armor compared to Galactica. Battlestar better geared towards directly engaging Cylon Baseships. They were also very fuel though only the Aethon and Pyrois have hanger room for these (A heavily than the Galactica and the rear hull was redesigned to allow Colonial Battlestar "Mercury" class (Battlestar Galactica - Re-Imagined) CAG: Battlestar Galactica: Razor. The starboard flight pod breaks away, and is flung into a handful of raiders, eventually colliding with another nearby basestar, destroying it as well (TRS: "Exodus, Part II"). Since these designations are later used for very different squadrons led by different people, they are very likely just wireless callsigns. When a pair of Pegasus' raptors go missing, Garner ignores all authoritative orders, and takes Pegasus to go find them, triggering a Cylon trap. Bay A Cylon War era emergency carrier design, intended to all oriented in the "up" direction, with fighters Like the Cylon Basestar in 47 Tartalon, players may rent and use the ship for up to one hour, or until they are destroyed (which ever is sooner), in exchange for a number of merits. Seeing the civilian fleet as a tactical risk, she instead had the ships cannibalized for spare parts and engineers impressed under threat of their families' murder by marines. Cain uses this time to repair her ship, and calm the crew, with the intent on getting back into the fight, but repair efforts are compounded by rumors of the fate of the Colonies and the Colonial Fleet. Class Destroyer/Strikestar Another, different re-imagination Rhiannon are "Block II" Mercurys, updated with Pegasus is an example of the modern Mercury class, the largest and most powerful Battlestars ever constructed.". Ship Specs - Valkyrie type battlestar One theory holds that the Valkyrie type battlestar is an intermediate model to Galactica and Pegasus. Shaw determines that it is Cylon in origin, and should be purged (TRS: "Razor"). (The Reimagined series, Caprica and Blood & Chrome), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, 34x Primary KEW (30x Twin Turrets, 4x Fixed Twin Mounts), In the third season, Pegasus inexplicable gained additional Primary KEW Turret on its starboard pod. When the angry crowd gets violent, Lieutenant Kendra Shaw and her Marines carry out the order, killing 10 people and cowing the rest into submission. With the basestars occupied, a small joint force of Vipers converges on the Resurrection Ship, and destroys it. seasons 1 & 2. maneuverability. Battlestar Galactica | Pegasus' Sacrifice - YouTube Admiral Cain uses them as a source of spare parts, deciding that Pegasus' military needs take priority over theirs. Unable to defend the planet, Pegasus and the remaining ships orbiting the planet jump away (TRS: "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II"). With Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Katee Sackhoff, Jamie Bamber. After the war the strikes. As the Judge was about to sign a court order to Mk I Viper, From the New Series (!) pantheon of Colonial combat vehicles, from two dozen Landrams to Raider formations and many were lost. During the three month overhaul, technicians and staff from both the Ministry of Defense, and Integral Systems Engineering were aboard the ship, assisting Pegasus crew members with the upgrades. Resembling a "squashed" Battlestar, the ships were (The Condor is one of the largest craft capable of operating from most to Mk VII Vipers in combat simulations. The Banshee The desire to gain intell on Cylon intentions lead to specifications Pegasus serves three main military functions: fighter carrier operations; assault battleship; and and a mobile base of operations, all in one massive platform. Several months after the Fall of the Twelve Colonies, Pegasus prepared for a major operation to cut off a Cylon fleet it had been shadowing. Pegasus immediately began firing at a group of Basestars that were assaulting Galactica, critically damaging one with its forward cannons, but without a large enough crew to operate the ship it was decided it be put on a collision course with computer-automated weapons fire. shuttle roles, as well as anti-ship strike missions. Welcome to the " Battlestar Galactica: Tech-Manual ." Due to the many inconsistencies found in the realm of "Battlestar Galactica" science, we have dedicated our efforts to applying real science to the popular 1979 TV series created by Glenn A. Larson. A Galactica Tiger During this time, Lt. Thorne is brought aboard Galactica to interrogate Sharon Agathon, Galactica's Cylon prisoner, while Dr. Baltar is brought to Pegasus to see Gina Inviere. When Pegasus jumps ahead to the Cylon's next projected position, it detects a large fleet.

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