boquila trifoliolata for sale

From the Arunachal Pradesh, the NE Indian form of this astounding plant with three handsome leaves and hooded inflorescences at ground level possessing ridiculously, hilariously long spadix tips widening at their base to a 'mouse going down a hole'. 1 watching now Premiere in progress. Proven to represent the best of all seed grown collections, large corymbs of flowers, deserving a cultivar name. Best grown in fertile soils in bright conditions though will be resentful of too much sun. Gordon Collier selection, hybrid between the smallest (F. procumbens) and tallest(F.excorticata) Fuchsia species, clumping to 2, intense red foliage in full sun, hardy. ALL of us should have at least one unblossomed, unconfirmed plant in our gardens. Full sun and average draining soils are best. Insanely good. Of uncertain origin but received from friend Darrell Probst many years ago, a selection of our eastern U.S. woodland species, forming low spreading mats of light green spears from which appear in mid spring lovely and relatively large light blue flowers. Privacy Policy Slight shade, humusy but draining soils best. Thanks to Tony Avent for sharing seed of this from our time together on Ulleong in 1997. Light shade is best in evenly moist, humus-rich soils. Accessed: June 11 2022. Any draining soil. The first time offering, anywhere, of a Primula from extreme NE India, last seen in 1928 and presumed to be extinct. As with many Impatiens, watch for any self-sowing; we will refund your full amount if it does (as long as you destroy your plant). Full sun or light shade ok. Utterly fantastic. Full sun or light shade in evenly moist, draining soils. Heloniopsis orientalis var. Full sun or light shade. The genus as a whole is under appreciated in American horticulture, bringing ease and longevity to the front or mid border. Ads from car dealers and private sellers. One of the best, in partial shade in draining but evenly moist soils. Recent Hubei collections described by E.H.Wilson as most beautiful of Chinese broad-leaved deciduous trees. Representing an undescribed species, this highly textural low spiny mat is one of the most distincitve Epimediums we grow. The flowers, formed at ground level. Volume 29, Issue 3. Tolerant of dry shade once fully established. Hinkley, Sichuan, 2004. From a species known for its garden rambunctiousness- it will persist and spread- one could hardly complain about too much of this sensational selection, with erect stems to 2.5' carrying relatively large deep carmine flowers in mid to late summer. Long lived and durable flowering stems, lupine-like, to 2.5'. A widespread 'tropical' genus across Asia in the weird Hypoxidaceae, it visually gathers up a germinating coconut palm when seeing it in the wild. As of yet unblossomed seedlings from seed collected in 2014 from NE Hubei, in a fantastical floral region of gigantic trees and equally gigantic lilies. Full sun in draining soils. A bizzare tubular foliaged lily with equally strange flowers arising atop seperate stems cloaked by a frilled prophylactic-like membrane. Full sun, draining soils. Extremely large heads of flaring, rich blue held on sturdy stems to 3.5' in mid season. Full sun and draining soils. Seedlings raised from our extremely vigorous white flowered form procured from Japan years ago. Easy and dependable. An elegant and hardy evergreen (small) tree with linear, deep green, leaves and clusters of orange/red flowers offered in mid-winter. Light shade, evenly moist soils. This has thrived at Heronswood for three decades in full sun and well draining soil with regular summer water. These express a range of colors and shades, none of which can be rejected, a gift revealed upon the opening of each. One of those perplexing, unknown genera that one MUST have in their garden, just to drive their gardnerd friends crazy. The quantity of flowers produced is staggering. Retreats quickly after flowering to full dormancy. Aukland's Bev McConnough selection of a fantastic golden foliaged form of Abraham-Isaac-Jacob, forming beefy mounds of durable, slug resistant foliage especially bright in early season. Partial shade, best, in draining, cool soils. Brick red flowers from early spring low mats of ferny bluish green foliage. Corymbs of white flowers surround white bracts; think white poinsettia Bold leaves, pyramidal growth makes it worth growing if it never flowered; a good thing, as it takes a long time to flower. A hybrid selected by and named by the founder of Western Hills, this large shrub to 10' possesses small, silvery gray foliage and an extremely long display of sizzling orange flowers throughout the year, peaking in late winter. Wonderful foliage. A very pretty, slowly spreading woodland Iris native to the woodlands of E. North America, with with a doubling of the styles amidst orchid like blue flowers rising to 5 above the flattened mounds of horizontal foliage. Seldom seen species in cultivation, from Hubei and Hunan Provinces in the PRC, seed of wild collected provenance provided to us by the Changsha Botanical Garden in 2016. Bright filtered sunlight best. Full sun and draining soils but even moisture. Planted in draining soils and full sun, these will prove hardy though equally good as a container plant worth protecting in cool, unheated places in winter. Probably best in bright shade. Bright shade is best in cool humus rich soils. A jewel of a Rose for the PNW, but not a shrinking violet, forming an astounding specimen to 15, covered with large single red flowers throughout June. Bright shade is best in cool humus rich soils. We propagate a seedling selection we feel is superior in many aspects to sister seedlings we trialed. A Japanese wonder acquired while visiting nurseries in Japan and at the moment wondering why. Begonia sp. Pittosporum illicioides var. 2 and slowly spreading. Compact stature and and glowing rosy pink flowers in late summer and autumn, highly attractive to pollinating inects including butterflies. Gianoli and Carrasco-Urra found examples of the vine climbing a tree and having its leaves assume the size, shape, color . Will tolerate a bright window in your home if you wash them as often as you should. In keeping, we offer two for the price of two. Full sun. EXTREMELY hardy. An extremely handsome species collected from 9,000' on the slopes of Phonganrazi during my 2013 trip to northern Myanmar. Very hardy. From Hongping Hubei in 2014. A stunning large-leaved species collected in northern Myanmar in 2013 from the slopes of Pongarazi where this species provided a ubiquitous overstory at 7500'. Somewhat like D. lasiostylum but astoundingly tall (to10'+) stems of bambooesque evergreen foliage, present terminal clusters of yellow green bells in early summer. We think an appropriate name for a good plant, forming evergreen mounds of glossy foliage, emerging royally regal in spring, capped by large flowers of ermine slash diamond. Full sun and draining soil. I saw the parent plant in flower during a spring trip in 2017 and was able to return to it in Y Ty in the autumn of 2019 when it provided me a bit of seed. Though native to moist shaded sites, it performs best in the PNW in sunny, well drained positions with supplemental water (this does not say much for the climate of the PNW.) Easy and reliable. Truly superb and comely ground cover, especially for problematic areas in the garden. Excellent cut stems, no longer just for funerals. Full sun, draining soils. A natural occurring hybrid from the 'Haast' on the South Island of New Zealand, forming globe-shaped, compact evergreen shrubs to 4' x 4', smothered by clusters of small white 'daisies' in mid-summer. Evergreen, large black purple flower from the area of Y Ty in NE Vietnam. A wowser conifer from a familiar Japanese species, this with narrower leaves than standard, but with new chartreuse-lemon growth, a selection from Japan introduced to cultivation through Ted Stephens, Nurseries Caroliniana. A simple, elegant and rare species of Deutzia collected in the mountains of Hubei Province in 2014, forming dense mounds of dark green linear foliage and a flurry of lovely white flowers in mid to late spring, for full sun in any draining soils. Easy and charming for bright shade and evenly moist soils. The hardiest of the evergreen Daphnes, and certainly the longest lived, producing months of fragrant flowers and a perpetual ripening crop of bright red fruit throughout the summer and early autumn, forming a dense rounded shrub to 3.5', for sun or light shade in even moist soils though quite drought tolerant when established. Taxonomy information for Boquila trifoliolata. A curious and noteworthy shrubby 'mint' appearing superficially like a Buddleia when in blossom, with elegant, pendulous racemes of purple flowers produced at the terminal of each branch in mid to late summer. Full sun, draining soils, some supplemental water during the growing season. Sturdy, glossy evergreen leaves provide good foil to late and large winter blossoms of vibrant pink. Simply marvelous. Handcome, glossy green, weevil resistant foliage on a small shrub to 6' and huge fragrant blossoms of white in April. As all Agapanthus, well drained fertile soil, full sun. Left and right photos show fraud (red) and host (blue) leafs. Clone from NE Sichuan 2003, noted for enormously long fronds to 6' and stunning new red growth emerging in spring. One of the most startling of the Begonias I have collected in Vietnam, and successfully cultivated outside for numerous years, with bristly red stems, hairy leaves and large white flowers. Narrow habit of growth to 30', stunning white flowers in profusion in late spring. Prefers light shade in humusy, evenly moist soils. Bluish green pinnate foliage in lovely foils for drooping chains of yellow green flowers which later result in long fleshy fingers of succulent fruit, filled with a sweet pulp and quantities of large black seed. My collection of this species from northern Yunnan, in the Snow Mountains, in 2000, forming hardy clumps of rounded, silver-streaked foliage and striking 1 panicles of large. Open pollinated seedlings from our garden plant, an exceptional and statuesque species forming clumps of dramatic upright foliage to 3' from which arise large pokers of yellow fading orange in October. Medium-sized heads of cobalt blue flowers are produced in quantity and held on sturdy stems to 2.5', while the deep green strappy foliage is relatively short It is one of the most frequently asked about Agapanthus in our collection when in blossom in mid-August to mid-September. Draining soils. Intriguing! Considered the most beautiful of the genus with Hydrangea-like flowers, to which it is closely related, atop wiry stems to 15, for light shade and humus rich soils. Too infrequently encountered, a vigorous and exceedingly handsome selection producing blue flowers with a central boss of petaloid stamens, appearing quite double-flowered. Performs admirably in containers or in a slightly shady rockery with draining soils. For wise souls that realize nothing in the Hamamelidaceae is going to disappoint, this superb evergreen tree with dark glossy green foliage and late winter flowers of gamboge will only affirm that belief. A refined species on the cusp of hardiness in the PNW but profoundly worthy of cultivating. Very interesting form of this climbing Hydrangea collected in Hunan Province, with leathery foliage appearing nearly evergreen during the season, reluctantly dropping in tones of yellow in November. Ideal for full sun and very droughty or at least well-drained positions. A stunner, as is Maria's daughter, with large heads of pendulous, flaring bells and deep purple blue floral bases giving way to lighter lavender towards the tips. A sensational and rare species worthy of greater cultivation in the Pacific Northwest. Boquila trifoliolata is the first known plant to exhibit mimetic polymorphism - the ability to impersonate multiple different host plants. Full sun best in evenly moist soils. A very pretty and durable evergreen 'Iris' from South Africa, with very leathery spears of foliiage to 15 whose leaf bases are enveloped by a curious netted sheath. Seedlings derived at Windcliff between R. Spice Island and R. purpurea 'Red Ghurka', showing a range of colors in both foliage and flower, all worth growing, but we cannot grow everything now, can we Best in light shade and evenly moist soils with some humus. Hybrid between Phlomis fruticosa and P. russeliana, which forms a mound of large coarse leaves 3-4 ft tall by 5-6 ft. wide. Thrilling to see this in large sweeps in late winter throughout Honshu and Hokkaido, Japan. Very clever fully evergreen and finely textured species in a remarkable genus, with glossy green heart shaped ever present foliage along moderately vigorous twining stems and pipes typical of the genus, cute, not small, purple and yellow striped, possessing all the marvels of the natural world through its pollination strategies. More a localized form of this European species rather than a cultivar, Betburg emerges in spring with dramatic tones of purple, fading to copper before ultimately becoming green. Disporum cantoniense var. Shade is best, in cool, humus rich soils. Can be easily pruned to restrict size. Protect in a cool, bright position during arctic blasts. A gemstone! Full sun and draining soils. From Five Fingers in northern Vietnam, collected at 7600' in the autumn of 2013. A tough, durable and handsome small 'daisy shrub' from New Zealand with small evergreen needle-like foliage casting an aura of gold, while small white daisies are presented in mid-summer. We thought it apt for RBG to join ranks of the Willful Women of Windcliff series, and find this one deserving in honoring a remarkable American dedicated to justice for the little people. Flurry of white honey-scented flowers early spring often autumn repeat provide strong visual and olfactory presence.To 6', full sun and draining soils. Cut foliage in mid-winter as per H. X hybridus. Sarcococca hookeriana var. Mid-to-late winter foliage emerges with handsome purple mottling, while graceful nodding pink flowers are presented in April. In full sun and well drained soils. A glorious Japanese Iris cultivar with a heavenly unfolding of immense white flowers emargined with blue in June, for a full sun position and moisture retentive or continually soggy site; will grow in standing water, i.e. Correct. Rhododendron sp. Full sun or light shade on the fence or trellis, Schizophragma aff. Collected in NE Arunachal Pradesh in 2018, a robust species to 12', with fine, bluish-green foliage and enormous heads of small (uncertain of) flowers in mid summer. A very pretty, diminutive white-blushed-pink flowering selection from S. Africa, forming mats on tiny crocus-like leaves and a long progression of relatively large star-shaped foliage. Our collection of this rarely seen deciduous shrub in cultivation, from the Milke Danda, E. Nepal in 1995, producing handsome upright shrubs to 8' with deeply ribbed leaves picking up pretty autumn tones of red. A finely textured Banksia from SE Australia with conifer-needle-like foliage possessing a silvery cast and upright cone-like inflorescences born from older branches throughout the winter. Hinkley Sichuan collection forms vigrous 2 mounds with single white cups then jewel like sapphire and red seed heads in fall, full sun partial shade. Cool, humus rich soils and in partially shaded sites. The typical species, native to Korea and E. China, this collection from Mt Odae along the NE coast of S. Korea in 1997, with grassy foliage in mounds to 6 and white/dunn flowers rising slightly above in late spring. Of a large genus of extremely ornamental plants, this is perhaps the most distinctive of the lot. As with all Anemone nemorosa cultivars, we find that the chromas are enhanced if grown in full sun is evenly moist soils. If there were a Hope Diamond of Hydrangeas, a Star of the East, a Venus de Milo, this is it. A good value, evergreen shrub for droughty, full sun conditions. Full sun. Perhaps the most startling true blue of any Agapanthus we grow, on sturdy stems to 3. Get on with it. One of the hardiest Aloes for the PNW, a vigorous tufted species with erect stems to 1' capped with orange/red flowers in early summer, for extremely well drained soils in full sun. hookeriana HWJK 2102. Racemes of white flowers appear on willowy stems to 15 followed by very pretty glistening black fruit held throughout autumn. Full sun well drained soil, or for a container, where foliage and flower will provide season long interest. Full sun best, in draining soils, really best. Select seedling from Windcliff with very pretty cups of pink flowers surfaced with a silvered patina. Lovely. Glossy green floiage with summer clusters of creamy white flowers from yellow buds. An erect evergreen shrub with finely textured felt grey-green foliage and, in May-July, terminal racemes of bright yellow 'roses', each of which only lasts a day. Charming and enduring Japanese cultivar translating as Black Ink, forming dense compact mounds to 2.5 cloaked in blue to purple to somber purple lacecaps in summer. A 2013 collection from N. Myanmar, tropical (Schefflera) arbicolon look-alike has proven to be astoundingly hardy, taking high teens without damage in light shade. Don't let it. Full sun and even moisture, Stylidium graminifolium Maatsuyker Island. A very pretty species with slender stems and foliage to 20" capped in mid-summer with a long display of butter-yellow tubular flowers, deserving of greater use in the PNW for mid-summer color, responding well in evenly moist soils and partial shade to full sun. Glands on the scape trap and digest insects. Heads of tubular pure white flowers on compact stems to 3' in mid August, sensational if planted amongst the taller blue selections for a sapphire and diamond result. Hardy, long lived and decidedly saucy with bright golden/chartreuse foliage and masses of relatively large bicolor Fuchsia/Violet flowers throughout summer and autumn. 6. From the top of Jinfoshan in Guizhou Province, this aristocratic rounded evergreen in the Aralia Family possesses leathery tri-lobed foliage and late summer panicles of white/green pollinator nirvana flowers resulting in crops of black fruit. mirabile DH 16083. In May and June, pale yellow orchid-like flowers are produced in terminal clusters over a very long period. The robust clumps of handsome green leaves of this species, relatively spare in numbers, made for a satisfying day for one smitten by hardy and possibly hardy Begonias for the PNW. A much more narrow form of the holly leaved Osmanthus, producing an erect specimen to 10' with less girth than the normal species, Holly-like evergreen leaves (that do not bite) and white fragrant flowers in autumn. Cymes of white flowers turn yellow to red fruit in Octorber. Staked makes a quickly forming jade plant like tree dto 4. Very pale blushed pink buds open, age to white on this subshrubby Salvia from NE Mexico and Texas, beloved by hummingbirds despite the color with an insanely long blossoming season. Among the largest foliaged Begonias in the world, each leaf will easily compete with a moderately sized Gunnera tinctoria, making immense statements in a container or in the ground in mild locales. From the Arun River Valley in E. Nepal in 2002, this collection resulted in numerous good clones now in general cultivation. Brilliant red berries are held throughout winter. Collected Tamulipas, NE Mexico,1994 with the late Logan Calhoun, formed a large mutlistemmed shrub in nativity with handsome reddish mottled stems when mature. A beautiful small tree with handsome foliage and a blaze of red flowers in spring, from my wild collected seed in northern Myanmar in 2013. Tough as nails and time proven in the PNW, a prostrate, spreading shrub with deep green, needle-like foliage and a flurry of yellow flowers smother the carpet in mid to late winter. To 10 ft easily controlled w/ hard pruning, full sun, light shade. An impressively hardy evergreen fern with slightly scaled fronds to 10, each irregularly and horizontally striped with yellow. Full sun is best. Quick to establish and flower, creating a small tree to 20 ft in 4 years. Refined. Very pretty white tinged green flowers in mid-winter from mounds of evergreen foliage that ALWAYS appear handsome, seemingly resistant to cold damage or botrytis. Bizarre, beautiful, forgiving. Full sun best in PNW with even moisture, good drainage. Consider heading this back and sacrificing floral effects for the first two years in the garden to encourage branching from the base. Technically a subshrub, this distinctive member of the Campanula family is best cut hard to the ground every spring, for full sun and draining soils. Schizophragma integrifolium var. Closely related to Molly the Witch, this Balkan subspecies presents similar flowers, i.e. Substantial colonies will be formed in woodland conditiions though tolerant of full sun . Not fully tested for hardiness; keep in a pot until you can divide and trial. This twining vine has slender stems when young,. To be honest, I didn't believe this Southern garden stalwart would be appropriate for the PNW. Fleshy gray green leaves complete the full meal deal with this drought tolerant tough as turds beguiling perennial for full sun and well draining soils. Arisaema sikokianum var. Large heads of dazzling white flowers on sturdy stems to 2.5', one of the best late-season whites we have and superior to all others, in cultivation and from other breeders- on our site. Partial (bright) shade and evenly moist soils. This original Frank Kingdom Ward collection, from NE India has never been re-located in the wild after he first collected its seed over a century ago. White arrows point to the vine (V) and to the host tree (T). One of the most dependable Hepaticas Ive grown and a good starter for anyone wishing to explore the genus. Introduced into cultivation by our friends at High Country Gardens in New Mexico. Shaded or part shaded sites, excellent as a container plant. Rare in cultivation (untested in our climate). Full sun is best and draining soils. Seed provided by friend Vlad Sharpov from his unique and sensational garden north of Tacoma. B. trifoliolata uma trepadeira perene comum que cresce em moitas de at 6 metros de altura. A very pretty selection with bright pink flowers fading to softer shades, this S. African is best in gravel beds, rock gardens or containers provided excellent drainage in full sun. One of the gems of the evergreen Chinese species with handsomely marbled foliage displays tall sprays of purple lavender flowers above in mid spring. Full sun and draining soils. 15'. As we have a large collection of many species, this may represent a hybrid but pretends to be D. pulcherrimum. This is not dependably hardy in the PNW below 25F, but oh so worth risking it. Falling in line with other Phlomis species, being deer, rabbit and heat dome resistant, this handsome evergreen sub-shrub carries elegant, long narrow silvery flanneled foliage to 5 in length, earning high marks here for some of the best folial effects achievable. Hardy, durable, ineffable. Started less than 1 minute ago Boquila trifoliolata has a unique ability to change the shape, size, and color of its leaves to match those of the host plant. Camellia pitardii var. Retain number for future identification. Monotypic, endemic to the mtns of Taiwan, hardy in the PNW and stunning, full sun or light shade in draining soils. Flowers per the species, arising from the petiole to slightly below the foliage with light purple striped spathe. Partial shade. A lovely mountain ash, forming small trees to 12' from the upper elevations of Taiwan, with noisy tones of red/orange in autumn, heads of luminescent yellow/orange fruit. One of my favorites of the evergreen myrtaceous shrubs from Chile, forming tight mounds of small, rounded, dark green leaves with clusters of very pretty pink flowers resulting in crops of tart, edible berries. Flowers not half bad. Ten year old seedlings raised at Windcliff. Hinkley, Sichuan, 2003, Unusual and rare evergreen shrub, Hardy, with flowers and fruit emerging from center of leaf blade. Unlike most Agapanthus who have the great fortune to wow the world in floral effects, this doesn't. Pt Shade Hinkley, from SW Sichuan in 2008. Grevillea victoriae Murray Valley Queen. trifoliata DJHS 3026. Perfectly hardy in zone 8 partial shade humusy rich cool soils. Indisputably the hardiest of the Scheffleras and deserving a place in every garden; full sun to light shade. We noted in evaluations this superior seedling showed a short character with strong stems and a dazzling head of dark blue flowers. Site by LND, Order Plants To Go or Visit by Appointment, ordering our plants and Windcliff garden visits. A vine whose name has Heronswood roots, described by our garden plant ( in Sweden ), one of the most acceptable Kiwis with linear black green foliage dipped in white and lovely pink flowers in mid spring. y-tiense DJHV 8091. The leaves of this Astrantia relative are handsomely margined in cream, as are the bracts surrounding flowers of acidic yellow at ground level in late winter. Perfectly content in light shade where the flowers will last longer than under full sun conditions. The queen of all Arisaemas, with whorls of large dark green, purple tinted foliage, handsomely purple striped stems and swarthy hooded flowers produced beneath, yielding enormous red heads of fruit in autumn. Partial shade in cool soils. Axillary flowers appear in late winter, curiously pretty, while crops of blue fruit ripen on female specimens in late summer/early autumn.

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