distinguished honor graduate award bullet

SPC Doe lived the Warrior Ethos by placing the mission first. In addition, he was selected over his peers to serve as the NCOIC of seven Medium Tactical Vehicles (MTVS) and the movement of 90 pax over a span of five days. Awards and decorations of the Texas Military - Wikipedia SSG JOE consistently proved to be a valued asset as the 1-1 Cavalry Regiment Squadron Liaison (LNO) based in Camp Buehring, Kuwait. In this he not only demonstrated a personal dedication to his duties but also brought great credit to his company and battalion as well. Distinguished honor graduate Stock Photos and Images Both seniors and subordinates sought him out for his unfailing mentorship. As the newest member of the Platoon, PFC Snuffy has shown a great ability to quickly adapt to new environments and new leadership contributing to the success of his team and the mission. The upgrades greatly increased the squad's ability to perform logistics operations. SM organized, conducted, and supervised the Bravo Company Change of Command 29 August through 13 October 2011 in the absence of a Company Executive Officer. She was responsible for four AN/TRC-190(V3) assemblages that were upgraded with Quad-multiplexing capabilities. His attention to detail during the company's pack out for the deployment was a key factor in ensuring that E Company was one of the first units ready for the deployment. The distinguished honor graduate must meet all the criteria for Honor Graduate and have the highest academic average in the class, 95% or higher. As Quartermaster and Chemical Equipment Repairer SPC Richardson performed over 45 field repair missions, 40 Annual Services, and installed countless O2 parts bringing more than 35 generators and other equipment off the NMC report. Specialist Robertson installed at least five starters on vehicles. Your head and motivation are in the right place. His exceptional knowledge and expertise allowed his section to complete 27 recovery missions safely and without incident during training events prior to the deployment. ALC-NCOA | Fort Sill | Oklahoma | Fires Center of Excellence His versatility of working random tireless hours and days without complaint during this deployment exemplify the qualities of a good leader. SFC Cox effectively led 6 Soldiers to establish a centralized company Command Post which facilitated, for the first time, the ability to track the Scenario Based IED Lanes for ECT. Your extraordinary efforts and . SGT sonso showed excellent leadership skills and superior technical knowledge, ensuring the battalion readiness rate remained above 95% during his service with the unit. SPC GRAHAM, DISTINGUISHED HIMSELF BY EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE DURING OPERATION NEW DAWN. Supervision without promotion [ edit] Upon completion of ALS, the graduate is authorized to write performance reports on subordinates. Army NCOER Achieves Bullets Performance Measures Honor Graduate and Commandant's List are always pluses to any career. SFC Thompson's exemplary handling of administrative matters attests to his professional knowledge, willingness to accept responsibility, attention to detail, and the ability to adapt himself to any assignment or situation. The teams trained several thousand personnel with weapons qualification success rates approaching 100%. The distinguished honor graduate must meet all the criteria for Honor Graduate and have the highest academic average in the class, 95% or higher. SGT Wheaton proved to be an invaluable asset while serving as an Entry Control Point (ECP) Sergeant of the Guard (SOG), which provided the safeguard of over 575 million dollars worth of ammunition. The U.S. Navy was the first branch of the U.S. Armed Forces to award such a medal, doing so in 1961, when it was dubbed the "Secretary of the Navy Commendation for Achievement Medal." SPC Doe performed the duties of an Assistant Mission Commander (AMC) and was directly responsible for all aspects of the pre-execution phase of detachment's missions. He quickly made an positive impact on the company by providing detailed hands-on classes on various communications equipment. His constant critques and comments are always intelligent and help the squad better itself and be ready for an ever changing tactical situation. AS LOAD CREW NCO, SSG WOOD TRAINED HIS REPLACEMENT, AND HE CONTINUES TO MENTOR THAT SOLDIER AND THE SAFETY OF THE LOAD CREW, ENSURING SAFE TRANSPORTATION OF OVER $300,000 OF MUSICAL EQUIPMENT TO OVER 40 PERFORMANCES. SPC SO&SO set himself apart from his peers by attending, CLS, CWLC, and DEA Basic Course Course. Below are examples of both types. HIS ENTHUSIASM AND DEDICATION INSPIRED HIS PEERS AND SUBORDINATES TO RISE ABOVE THEMSELVES TO ACCOMPLISH ALL MISSIONS. Reviewer 1059 Comments.docx - SGT Doe achieved academic SPC Perales continued to serve as an Armorer in E Troop. Her efforts supported the timely close out of funding at the department of the Army level while ensuring SEDD met all requirements for a clean fiscal year close out. Fort Benning | Armor Basic Officer Leader Course (ABOLC) He was personally responsible for one M915A4 tractor, two M872 trailers, and all assigned basic issue items valued at 257,908 dollars. He was responsible for the installation and maintenance of all tactical communication assets as well as drawing, maintaining accountability, and the destruction of all COMSEC material within the battalion. - AF Annual Awds tix sales rep; $14K raised/450 prsnl attended--reduced tix cost 25%/AAFB top performers honored. ARCOM Awards - New NCOER During Operation Enduring Freedom, SPC Berdan continuously volunteered to work above and beyond his peers during his down time to ensure the Platoons Howitzers were fully mission capable. SGT --- served as the TISA section NCOIC while assigned to --- Branch; she was directly responsible for 3 Soldiers and personally inspected -- million dollars worth of subsistence. Thanks! Staff Sergeant Jose Acevedorosario has gone above and beyond the call of duty. SGT --- fulfilled the duties of -Unit- Safety NCO from --- 20xx through --- 20xx. SPC Rue while still performing all of his duties as M915A3 Driver, still found the time to also complete a 40 hour Combat Lifesaver Course. SPC Doe ensured that his assigned equipment was properly accounted for and maintained to 10/20 standard. Specialist Robertson has maintained her military appearance in accordance with AR 670-1. Honor grad is meaningless outside of NCOER bullet point if it doesn't come with at least a COA or AAM+. SSG WOOD UTILIZED HIS CIVILIAN SKILLS TO ARRANGE A POPULAR SONG FOR THE LARGE POPULAR MUSIC GROUP, TO INCLUDE LEARNING A SOLO ON A NON-MLS INSTRUMENT. Matthew C. Culver, A Battery, 2nd Battalion, 12th Field Artillery. ARCM-PERFORMANCE/SPC HOGNER ASSUMED THE ROLE OF THE BATTALION S6 OFFICER IN CHARGE OF ALL COMMUNICATION AND TRACKING OF INBOUND AND OUTBOUND CONVOYS. She executes extremely well and with unfaltering reliability; utilizes self motivation to successfully accomplish the most challenging of tasks. While working as the Platoon Sergeant for D Co 2nd PLT during Operation Enduring Freedom 12-13, SGT Delaney set a standard above the 3-144 IN Battalion. SPC DOE was a senior specialist in the fire direction section. SSG Doe was instrumental in the success of B Co 248th ASC during the Aviation Resource Management Survey (ARMS). SPC Rue contributed to the 1086th Transportation Company's succes. The DHG. He created, found, and used a variety of materials to challenge the squad and stimulate growth, as well as breaking down the training into appropriate segments for the time available and the ability level of the individual members of the squad. Awards and Decorations. His skill, competence and leadership enhanced the preparation and overall accomplishment of Operation Task Force Harvest, resulting in over 2,000 pieces of equipment turned in without error. While serving as an RTO for Task Force Shield & Team MOI, PV2 Snuffy monitored radio traffic, blue force tracker & mIRC transmissions for over 250 combat & logistics patrols. She was directly in charge of over $330,000 worth of repair parts which she meticulously tracked using the Unit Level Logistics System - Aviation (ULLS-A) and Federal Logistics data. Being both dependable and athletic, SPC Merriweather frequently paced and avidly motivated fellow soldiers in all areas of the APFT. He worked long hours to ensure all equipment was prepared for the unit. Capable of turning any mission into a great success clearly head and shoulders above his/her peers acknowledged for being resourceful in going above and beyond the expectations. SPC Artz was the winner of the May Soldier of the Month Board for the 1-63rd Armor Regiment while deployed to Operation New Dawn. The Distinguished Graduate Award is the Senior Award that a graduate can receive. SPC Walker developed the training schedules. So it doesn't necessarily indicate good . His skills and ability were essential to GREYWOLF's mission and the Government of Iraq. SGT DOE was an instrumental part of the Recovery Section for B Company, 204th BSB from 1 December 2009 to 1 June 2011. He mentored, coached, and guided Paratroopers to be the very best. His excellent leadership skills and dedication inspired his team to rise above themselves to accomplish all missions. - ACC/A3 awd board president; steered five mbrs/rvw'd six noms--improved pkgs/set-up winner for HHQ competition. Input SSN, Query Record, and click "Awards Decs" button. She displayed a high level of competence and professionalism while serving as the team leader in the Battalion Aid Station. Achievement Medal - Wikipedia SGT XXX's efforts were critical to the success of numerous operations: XXXSCOM Level III Emergency Deployment Exercise (BN's Operation XXXX XXXXX XA), National Technical Nuclear Forensics Ground Collection Task Force (NTNF), XX-01 CERTEX, Operation XXXX XXXXX BN FTX, Operation XXXX XXXXX Company FTX, and Operation XXXX XXXXX. What awards can you earn during BCT and AIT, and what is the best way PFC Doe served as a medium wheeled vehicle operator displaying phenomenal devotion to mission accomplishment in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. His familiarization with both garrison and combat operations has made him a valuable asset and outstanding Soldier for the 173d ABCT. SGT Leslie distinguished himself as a Field Crew Chief during the CAAF mission. He personally created all templates, published taskers and conducted training for subordinate companies; ultimately contributing to overall higher award accuracy. His dedication to the mission, troop welfare, saftey, and mission readiness, allowed the 2nd Platoon to complete over 30 TF Grey missions, 6 Air Force 838th KLE missions, and multiple QRF and Patols with TF Bowie with 100% success. Enter all recognitions/awards on the DA Form 1059. SPC XXXX was instrumental in spearheading the implementation of a very much needed new method of data communication for XXXX. His dedication and hard work directly enhanced the quality of life and mission readiness of personnel moving through theater. (A) The design specification on the resistance for an electronic component is 0.50 0.02 0.50 \pm 0.02 0.50 0.02 ohm. Supervised over 100 Afghan military personnel and ensured all were trained to standard. SPC excelled in teaching and leading his peers while assisting in the execution of 10 drivers training classes with a completion rate of 100% and over 250 soldiers being trained. WHILE ASSIGNED TO THE DIVISION'S G6 SECTION, HIS IMPECCABLE PERFORMANCE HAS RESULTED IN THE SUCCESSFUL FULFILMENT OF ALL MISSION REQUIREMENTS AND THEN SOME, WHICH RELATES TO THE ESTABLISHMENT, UPKEEP AND SECURITY OF DAILY NETWORK OPERATIONS AND AUTOMATED INFORMATION SYSTEMS. SSG Doe was instrumental in ordering and tracking of aircraft parts for the Southern Command Post (SCP). His expertise and knowledge as a Fuel Equipment Operator, while serving as a drivers training monitor in conjunction with the company Master Driver has been instrumental in the company's mission accomplishment.

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