egils saga sparknotes

Thereon with much searching Penguin . Skallagrim worked hard at smithying, but his house-carles grumbled thereat, and thought it over early rising. His one last wish was to travel to the Althing and toss silver he received from King thelstan for the people to fight over. Thereafter Egil drank his share, and talked with others. 'Lances, a woven fence, Thorstein married Jofridr, daughter of Gunnar son of Hlif: her mother was Helga daughter of Olaf Feilan, sister of Thord Gellir. Egil sailed out to sea when he was ready, and of his voyage there is nothing to tell before he came to Norway. Hadd, his brother, was now there with him. He saw that the cattle had now come far out on the fenny hollow. But as they were going back to Eida-wood, robbers set upon them and slew them all. And when the king saw that Egil was come in, he bade the lower bench be cleared for them, and that Egil should sit in the high-seat facing the king. Guerdon none I seek me, Iri then ran up to the fell as fast as he could. Grim said to his comrades: ''Tis the custom here that men go weaponless before the king; six of us shall go in, the other six shall bide without and keep our weapons. He went up to the farm, and made an attack on them; and there fell Hildirida's sons, and most of those who were there; and Hing and his company took all the wealth they could lay hands on. This he bade me when I came west.'. The messengers went home, and came back on the third day according to promise; they now said to king Olaf that Athelstan would give all that he offered before, and over and above, for distribution among king Olaf's soldiers, a shilling to every freeborn man, a silver mark to every officer of a company of twelve men or more, a gold mark to every captain of the king's guard, and five gold marks to every earl. There was a joyful meeting. Thorolf and Bard lay wounded. After that Egil pushed out the bridge over the dyke, and crossed it back again. The other daughter was Thora, who was married to Thormod Kleppjarn's son. They who guarded the boat were not aware of it till Egil was upon them. They set forth their errand, said that the king would have Kveldulf come to him. Frodi's flour of gold Then Thorolf went to his ship, and had it drawn up and made snug, whereafter he and Egil went to lord Thorir. But when they came up to the rock, then seven men leapt out of the wood and up to the cliff after them, and shot at them. These words of Egil were taken well by Thord, who promised him his help in this matter. King Harold lay with his fleet in the Firths, whence he sent messengers round the land to such as had not come to him, but with whom he thought he had business. Then rowed out of the haven many other ships of Arinbjorn's people, cutters and row-boats; but the long-ship which Arinbjorn steered went last, for it was the heaviest under oars. The girl went away; but Egil threw down the curd-bowl, which was now nearly empty. Then they went up aboard the ship, but the cutter rode beside the rudder of the ship between the land and the ship, and the oars lay there in the loops. . Then went he southwards with a fleet to Mra and Raumsdale. He lay down, and shut himself in, none daring to crave speech of him. At once he appointed a meeting with the Finns, took of them the tribute, and held a fair with them. Such lavish donors now? And when he ceased speaking, then Bergonund took the word and spoke thus: 'Gunnhilda my wife is the daughter of Bjorn and Alof, the wife whom Bjorn lawfully married. Harek said this was not likely. Thereafter he rowed in to Alrekstead, and bade Frodi to his house, for he had a great ale-drinking there. Poesy, prize of Odin, They received him gratefully, and he remained there for some time. Alf in his talk was no friend to the earl. Egil and Arinbjorn parted with much affection. With feet poetic The western field I burdened; Ten men of Egil's followers were lost there. Egill lived to be an old age. Egil was at Moss-fell with Grim and Thordis. The king answered and said that he would not again accept entertainment from Thorolf; so Thorolf went out, and made ready to return home. And now Egil said that Thorfinn and his men should go back, but they offered to go further. Arinbjorn said that he could expect nothing better in dealing with king Eric. One summer a ship came out and put into Loam Bay, steered by a man named Thormod. He rose from his bed, and took his place in the high-seat. I should think it had best be a poem of twenty stanzas, and you might recite it to-morrow when we come before the king. Thorolf said that he had loyally done all he could to please the king. Judge my minstrel skill: Ulf said to his comrades: 'We must now go cunningly to work with them, and so manage that none get away. He was headstrong, vengeful, and greedy for gold but also a loyal friend, a. O'er bowsprit and beak.'. This encounter was seen by those who were on the meadows from other farms, and they ran to part them. Eager soon to see. It was but a short way to the farm buildings. They betook them to their journey when they were ready, and sledged up the land; and when they came eastwards near Eida, it happened one night that so much fresh snow fell that they could not see the way. I urged much thy coming hither; now, I entreat thee, go home with all speed, and come not in the way of king Harold, unless there be better agreement between you than now seems likely, and keep thee well from the king and from his men.'. To these words the king found no ready answer. Afterwards he found together fifteen or twenty. Thorolf let all these vessels sail past, and did not show himself. Arinbjorn went before the king and saluted him. There was a man with Thorstein named Iri, fleet of foot and keen of sight above others; he was a foreigner, a freedman of Thorstein's, but he still had the care of his flocks, and especially to gather the wethers up to the fell in spring, and in autumn down to the fold. Be wary and wait. egils saga sparknotes. Skallagrim bade him do that first. Thou hast pleaded Egil's cause with great eagerness, since thou offerest to risk a conflict with me. In that division were his own followers, and also what force had been gathered from the countryside. Thorolf thought this desirable, so they got leave from the king for this; then they made them ready, took a good ship and crew, and went their way. Before they leave, King thelstan convinced Egill to move to England and command his armies after their task is completed. Some women saw this, and laughed, saying: 'You are now quite gone, Egil, if you fall when alone.' ), Egills saga Skallagrmssonar, slenzk fornrit, 2 (Reykjavk, 1933). These went with message and tokens to Thorir Hroaldsson, and sought atonement between him and Bjorn. So Egil inquired of him diligently where the places were that promised good booty. Gunnhilda is your bitter enemy, as you know already, and she will not desire Onund to put the case right. We got sharp words of late when we came to the king after defeat by king Olaf; and he will not think our case bettered by this coming. And so ends this story. The queen and Bard then mixed the drink with poison, and bare it in. Then asked Egil what men were these. The descendants of Kveldlfr find themselves involved in two complicated inheritance feuds, at one time rejecting the claims of illegitimate children of a second marriage, and at another time claiming land on behalf of another illegitimate child born to similar circumstances.[32]. But in that summer when Hacon and Eric had met and contended for Norway, all travel to any land from Norway was forbidden; so in that summer there came to Iceland from Norway neither ship nor tidings. King Eric was very wroth, and it was hard to come to speech with him; he said that what his father had said would prove true - that family would never be trustworthy. Then spoke Thorgerdr: 'What counsel shall we take now? Thorgerdr was comely, tall above woman's wont, wise, rather proud-spirited, but in daily life gentle. And better deemed I And seeing that Aulvir pressed this matter strongly, Grim promised to go when he thought he could be ready. Ball-play was then a common game. And open doth stand So then they made sail, and sailed into the waters about Herdla. 'Westward I sailed the wave, Part was in silver, part in gray fur. So he spoke with Aulvir, and said he would like to go with him. But thou, Thorolf, wilt take thine own counsel in thine own business; nor do I fear, though thou enter into the company of Harold's guards, that thou wilt not be thought capable and equal to the foremost in all proofs of manhood. Arinbjorn held a great Yule-feast, to which he bade his friends and the neighbouring landowners. 'I lit on one of the house-carles; he was ale-mad, and said that here they must not drink less than was drunk at Bergonund's, though Frodi was feasting there with a party of five. Bjorn now made him ready for this voyage, but was some time about it. Then they went in. Upon this Aulvir Hnuf went to the room, and had Thorolf called to speak with him, and told him what terms the king offered them. He was somewhat older than Egil; there had long been friendship between the two. There they learnt all the tidings clearly, how that battle had gone. Maketh the tinkling circlet In warfare madly met.'. And when the law pleadings were finished, then stood up Egil and spoke thus: 'Are Steinar and Aunund, father and son, present, so that they can hear my words?' There are also poems which show a much softer side to the Icelandic male characters. Egil became more and more bald. So he set earl Rognvald over North and South Mra and Raumsdale, and kept a numerous force about himself. And I doubt not that all may deny this counsel, because few, methinks, know themselves guiltless, were the truth to come out. Bard saw that they were very wet, and led them to a fire-hall that stood apart from the other buildings. To such high monarch yields.' Egil and his company turned by the shorter way, which lay over the ridge. But when Thorolf was twenty years old, then he made him ready to go a harrying. Egill made threat against anyone who tried to make use of the disputed farm, and fled by ship. They asked a truce of one day for their journey home, another for deliberation, a third to return to Olaf. Thorolf speedily opened to Bjorn his errand, and made his offer, asking Bjorn's daughter Asgerdr to wife. Egill returned to Norway to claim lands won in a duel with Atli the Short on behalf of his wife Asgerd. Bedfellows needing When the family emigrated to Iceland, Kveldulf did not survive the trip, and his coffin was set adrift. You must now be content if I do what I like with that money I have in keeping. Egil and his comrades crossed the ridge that evening. There was a man named Thorgeir. Egil became quite blind. Screen'd in his cloak his head. King Harold was beginning to age much and fail in strength, but many of his sons were come to vigour. Bjorn took Thora away thence, and home with him to Aurland. On the morrow Aulvir Hnuf went to his kinsman Thorolf; they talked together, Aulvir saying that Thorolf was much slandered, and the king gave ear to such tales. Weathering the Scotch coast they held on southwards along England; but on the evening of a day, as darkness came on, it blew a gale. Egil took the money, and thanked the king for his gifts and friendly words. This was told to the king. They put out from land as soon as day dawned; Aki and his two sons were with Egil's following. Egill's son Thorsteinn has many feuds with Steinar, son of Onund Sjoni (nundr sjni Anason), over land and cattle grazing. His house-carles he had on his own ship, which was excellently equipt; he had also with him many landowners' sons. And when Egil was ready to depart, Thorfinn and his son escorted them on the road: they being thus ten or twelve in company. Arinbjorn asked him to stay there. He then appointed Eyvind to be his coastguard there against freebooters, for Eyvind was a right good warrior. Then Egil and his comrades lowered into the vault the rope with which they had been bound, and drew up thence three men. ', Bjorn answered, 'I knew that between you two was foster-brotherhood and close friendship; but I sought your home because I was driven ashore here, and I knew it would avail naught to shun you. 2000 . Thorolf prepared a banquet for the king at great cost; it was fixed for when the king should come there. Feel'st thou deadly rain.'. That voyage is now most highly spoken of. Beloved of gods, Hath passed my son, Skallagrim hurled after her a great stone, which struck her between the shoulders, and neither ever came up again. Olvir was the son of Kveldulf's close friend Kari (Kari from Berle, a berserk). ', Then Thorolf went to Thorir, as he had said, and met there a right hearty welcome. Bereft of peace. Aunund Sjoni was among them, son of Ani of Anabrekka. They made ready to sail. Egill defiantly rode a horse to attend, and composed his first skaldic verse at age three. Scathe on our gallant ten. There was a man named Kettle Hing, son of Thorkel earl of Naumdale, and of Hrafnilda daughter of Kettle Hing of Hrafnista. 'However, I will try this,' said he. Formerly the Danish kings had held it. And when they came to the ships, Arinbjorn spoke before his people and said: 'All men know what has been the issue of the Thing here, that we have not got law; but the king is much in wrath, so that I expect our men will get hard measure from him if he can bring it about. King Olaf drew up his forces when he saw king Athelstan had done so. ', But on the morrow Thorolf counted out the tribute in the king's presence; and when it was all paid, he then brought out some bearskins and sables, which he begged the king to accept. King Eric had six or seven long-ships all well equipt; a great number of landowners were also there. Citation My mother doth send me, As soon as Steinar and his company came to the hillock they set upon Thorstein's party, and there was a fight. 3184 . Egil then went home to Borg; but his crew found them lodging. Widely have peoples heard, 'This I forebode,' said Egil, 'that the longer our quarrel lasts, the worse will be the fortune of you and your son. But Thorolf was most comely as well as doughty, favoring his mother's kin; very cheery was he, liberal, impetuous in everything, a good trader, winning the hearts of all men. After this they arrayed them for combat. Spear-music ungentle Thora bare a child in the summer; it was a girl. But Egil turned him and cried aloud: 'This do I protest before thee, Arinbjorn, and thee, Thord, and all men that now can hear my word, barons and lawmen and all people, that I ban all those lands that belonged to Bjorn Brynjolfsson, from building and tillage, and from all gain therefrom to be gotten. But after Harold came to the throne, Yngvar sat at home and served not the king. After this Egil cut off his beard close to his chin, and put out one of his eyes. And in the summer they went a-freebooting eastwards, and came home in the autumn, having won much wealth. In Norway too he had travelled widely. With Thorstein went an Easterling, his guest, and two house-carles. All the booty on board was taken, and the ship burnt. Then Egil sang: 'Lonely I lie, Soon Egil and his men stood up, and took their weapons from the wall where they had hung them up; they then went to the granary in which their horse were, and laid themselves down in the straw, and slept through the night. Bjorn got for his portion another good and valuable homestead. Early did he come to such full strength as to be deemed fit for warlike service with other men. An heritage noble, Steinar took Thrand home with him, and when they came home, then spoke Steinar with Thrand: 'Now stand matters so that I will have work of you. But this winter the king was in the north part of the land. But I give thee now thy head this time for this reason, that thou camest freely into my power. Whereupon he challenged my son Fridgeir to wager of battle; and he has to go to-morrow to this combat on the island called Vors. Up this river they steered their ships, and lay close to the eastern shore thereof. Yet "fey" are his eyes. 'I wish,' said he, 'to go out with Thorolf.'. Thorgils' crew, apprehending no danger, made no defence; they found out nothing till many armed men were aboard, and so they were all seized, and afterwards put on shore weaponless, with nothing but the clothes they wore. 'Fierce fire of sickness The company was not numerous, but the feast went off very well, and the king was quite cheerful. The messengers said this too, that Athelstan had a numerous force, but he had come into the town on that same day when the messengers came there. ', 'Ljot asketh but little, On the appointed day the earl had riding-horses sent down to meet them. Then they went down to their ships. Gave poesy faultless One night when the weather was calm they went up a large river-mouth, where was bad harbourage, and the ebb of the tide was great. Another son born My request and wish, O king, is this, that thou come and visit me at my home, and the hear word of men whom thou trustest, what witness they bear to me in this matter; thereafter do as thou findest proof to warrant.'. Egil said that it was not to be expected that he could now compose, though he were to attempt it. The man who bore this message was named Kol; he was a man of all lands; he had been long in Denmark and in Sweden, and knew all about ways and men there. He thanked them much for their brave advance, and the victory they had won; he promised them his hearty friendship. But these house-carles of Armod who were in ambush, on seeing that the travellers were eight in number, thought they were overmatched, and hid them away in the wood. Maybe we shall come across some of those who took part in his slaying; but if not that, yet there will be men whom we can reach, and thereby displease the king. Egil and his force had their travelling gear carried into the booth, and their horses turned out to pasture. gir, ocean-god. And when they came there where the roads forked, then the trail also forked, and was equally strong either way. After that Hing took two ships of burden, the largest he could get, and put on board all the wealth belonging to him that he could carry; his wife and children also he took, and all the men that had been with him in the late work. my bride is one whittier union high school district superintendent. Bernard (trans.) ', Arinbjorn said: 'Go and beg him to bide without, nor shall he need to bide long.'. King Hakon requested Thorstein to collect tribute in Vrmland or be sentenced to outlawry. egils saga sparknotes. Skallagrim abused the ax (named "King's Gift" or konungsnautr) and shattered it, reciting an insulting poem about it to Thorolf and handing back what was left of the axe, a sooty handle with a rusted blade. In this converse both of them found pleasure. Then Steinar asked that he should come out; he had (he said) an errand with him. Of the son of Kveldulf, Harold claimed as his own through every district all patrimonies, and all land tilled or untilled, likewise all seas and freshwater lakes. [l] Thorolf was killed, and King thelstan compensated Egill for Thorolf's loss with two chests full of silver. summary egils saga english egils saga sparknotes saga of egil skallagrimsson egil s saga penguin Related Books : Paw Prints in the Stars A Farewell and Journal for a Beloved Pet The New Oxford Book of Christian Verse The Call of the Forest Confessions Of A Narcoleptic Narcolepsy Confessions 'Seek him,' said the king, 'and bring him to me.'. Of forehead could smooth. You have done to death my two brothers, and far shall I be from upholding the right if I yield to you mine own possessions unlawfully rather than fight with you when you offer me this choice.'. Njal's Saga is the longest and the most revered of the forty family sagas written in Iceland between the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. But the more part of the Myra-men were very ill-favoured. Bjorn stayed for the winter with Skallagrim as did all his shipmates. Egil saw there a maiden fair and well dressed; he was told that she was Fridgeir's sister. But before Thorolf left Borg Skallagrim went and took down from the rafters over the door the axe, the king's gift - and came out with it. Egil told of his words with Skallagrim. King Harold long held his residence in Hordaland or Rogaland, at those large estates that he owned, at Outstone or Augvalds-ness, or at Afreksted in Fitjar, or at Seaham in Lygra. Egil sent messengers to Thord, his wife's kinsman, at Aurland, and gave him charge to arrange for those lands that Egil owned in Sogn and Hordaland, bidding him sell them if there were a buyer.

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