plastic paradise transcript

This confusion about what can and cant be recycled, and where plastic ultimately ends up, is no accident. Today its main lobbying group is the American Chemistry Council, and until recently its vice president of plastics was Steve Russell. This is one of the easiest visualizations of how humans (not all, but many) have lost connection with the environment--a sad state of affairs--but the truth.' ", "Thoughtful new documentary by @sunnyangela examines the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, @plasticdise #ppgp2", "Offers some alarming information that might cause viewers to think twice, about buying one-time-use water bottles. But if it's not happening in Oregon, it makes me wonder what's going on in the rest of the country. Soto, Tanya Leal (film producer). We follow Angela Sun while she investigates the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is where the plastic waste of three different continents accumulates. Modern-day miracles that were made with the help of petrochemicals. Lately there's been a lot of talk about how plastics impact our lives, for better or worse. But I had millions of dollars to do what I felt was necessary. Others, like Colgate-Palmolive, saw a need for better education. A good substitute is a Swap Meet. The problem, recyclers said, is that it left the impression that all those kinds of plastics were actually being recycled. In many ways were just getting started. Dr. Patricia Corcoran, Associate Professor of Earth Sciences, University of Western Ontario'Angela Sun spoke with all the right people and even went to places she wasn't supposed to go in order to present the full story on plastic pollution. If you want to step up above, you can see the machine in action. The industry attitude was, "We'll set this up and get it going, but if the public wants it, they are going to have to pay for it.". Anyone may search for titles and find detailed information about the titles. Would any of the trash be harmless?Use this encyclopedia article on food webs and the article on coral reef food webs to introduce students to a typical coral reef food web. [Speaking Indonesian] It depends on the condition of the bales. When they were running the advertising on television, they were not about how plastics can be recycled but all the wonderful things that plastics bring to us. Here we are at our GDB South Brunswick facility. We can't delay this for another 10, 20, 30 years or we're going to be. Freemans boss at the time, Larry Thomas, the head of the Society of the Plastics Industry, was blunt about it. So, you're saying consumers stand here and think, "What can I recycle?" 57 min. Many U.S. cities are taking steps to ban plastic grocery bags. Well, that is a challenge. It didnt make any sense. Plastic Wars | FRONTLINE - PBS It was created. And Im afraid that the same thing is happening right now. Plastics 101 | National Geographic - YouTube Buy the Official DVDBuy the Digital DownloadEducational Screenings. based on Indonesian customs documents wed obtained. I mean what is the carbon footprint? Id come to see what its archive could tell me about the evolution of the plastic problem. The image of plastics among consumers is deteriorating at an alarmingly fast pace, it says. Science Documentary hosted by Ian Connacher, published by Bullfrog Films in 2009 - English narration [] Cover[] InformationAddicted to Plastic Addicted to Plastic is a documentary focusing on the worldwide production and environmental effects of plastic. Were working with other organizations to get the word out. Currently, we support online registration for anyone affiliated with a higher education institution. National Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. Dr. Mike SanClements, Staff Scientist, The National Ecological Observatory Network, Affiliate Faculty, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado-Boulder'Sun's documentary sends a clear and coherent message about one of the major environmental problems we face today. ", Now youre getting more mixed plastics, like pouches andeverything comes in a clamshell now. A lot of that waste is ending up in the ocean. The whole idea about, "Oh, just sort better. Soto, Tanya Leal (film producer). How do you get it to a place where 100% of this plastic getting recycledhow do you get there? Whats happening with K-Cups? There are various types of plastics, and that the cost of new plastic is so low that sorting and reprocessing used plastic cant be justified economically. Looking back, do you think putting the banner on the Mobro was a mistake? It provides valuable information and presents that information in an engaging and visually gripping way.' Industry would only switch to a triangle, which recyclers said was too similar to the chasing arrows. to tout the virtues of plastics as a way of heading off the criticism the industry was experiencing. How did it get there?The trash survey was conducted on a beach. Because the average person saw the symbol, they know the symbol and said, "Well, its recyclable, right?". Wed heard about an environmental activist whos been tracking what happens to the plastic coming into Indonesia. 115 billion pounds. Chevron Phillips would like to see all of that plastic recycled back to make new plastic things. We dont think that were being misleading because technically it is recyclable. And yet its become ground zero for The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, syphoning plastics from three distant continents. Its going to be the largest plant of its kind in the world. and focus public attention on a growing problem. Itll be great. I watched the film with some of my students so I can attest that it appeals to the younger generation. If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact [email protected] for more information and to obtain a license. Because we are struggling to clean up the modern debris and modern litter in Indonesia, the additional burden of waste from overseas, I dont know how we are going to handle it. A dead seal or sea lion? And we sold that $1.5 million machine for scrap. And you don't think this is just an industry coming up with a way to get out of a crisis? Once in the ocean there is really no way to get it out, other than hope that it washes up on a shore and is collected. Most mixed plastics end up in a place like this. ', "Business is being lost; analysts are beginning to take notice. And some children got hospitalized. Docuseek Build 2.0.b297-c7-gej, Angela Sun, consumption of plastics, Great Pacific Garbage Patch, Midway Atoll, plastic, pollution, gyre, Pacific gyre, Midway Atoll, war in the pacific, history of plastics, plastics in war and peace, BPA, endocrine disruptors, Frederick vom Saal, John Klavitter, Matt Brown, Captain Charles Moore, Rikeem Sholes, Lewis Goldsmith, Arnold Schwarznegger, Jean-Michel Cousteau, Gerry Fishbeck, Brian Porter, Andy Keller, Rolf Halden, Wailana, Elizabeth Keenan, Gregor Hodgson, Susie Holst, Marcus Eriksen, Noel Mendiola, Annette Horman, Indie Carbo, dianna Cohen, Anna Cummins, Kitt Doucette, Dave Rastovich, Wallace J Nichols, Lisa Boyle, Julia Brownley, Gretchen Bleiler, Jack Johnson, Micah Mendiola, Daniel McGregor, Raquel Long, Matthew Long, Greg Stone, Peter Seligmann, Algalita Marine Research and Education, plastic nets, microplastics, albatross, indicator species, recycling, single use plastics, consumer power, American Chemistry Council, ACC, Society of the Plastics Industry, SPI, bag monster. Well, you would imagine that when you take a garment off the rack and take it to the checkout counter, then this should go back. There is no program in Oregon that wants this in the curbside mix. under Environment, Pollution; by Tafline Laylin. This is the big war. This is it. Now what were doing here is were sorting it out into the milk jugs, the natural HDPE, the pigmented HDPE, PET water bottles. 11 Zero Waste Documentaries to Inform & Inspire Change - Sustainable Jungle After the community complained to the government about the burning, the dumping stopped here. People can stop it. What would happen if the corals died off? A lot of Americans do this, like what you're doing right now. So if you put this in your curbside tonight, do you think that this tube would be recycled? Dr. Chelsea M. Rochman, Smith Fellow in Conservation Biology, Marine Ecologist/Ecotoxicologist, Aquatic Health Program, University of California Davis'Plastic Paradise offers new and sharpened perspectives on the problem of plastics in the environment. Thomas wouldnt sit down for an on-camera interview but agreed to talk on the phone. DAVID ALLAWAY, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality: Very nice to meet you. plastic paradise transcriptplymouth township mi police scanner. And this one talks about the cost of separating plastics from other trash. I think we were naive. Because as long as it remotely resembled plastic, they wanted it. Dr. Joel Baker, Director, UW Puget Sound Institute, Professor and Port of Tacoma Chair in Environmental Science, University of Washington Tacoma'Angela Sun has found a way to present the imminent dangers of plastics pollution in a jarringly visual and inquisitive formatSignificant take-home messages include a misconception of just how few plastic products are recyclable, and that plastics production will continue to increase as long as the demand for plastic products remains. And we know that. Plastic Paradise is an excellent, accessible, and troubling documentary that reveals these issues. The group had a plan and turned to a veteran of the industry, Ron Liesemer, to execute it. With Josh 'Shag' Agle, Jeff 'Beachbum' Berry, Drew Birch, Richard Boccato. They are going to double down on single-use plastic like we have never seen, so we're heading towards a real battle. From packaging to clothing to home furnishings. For the oil and gas industry, the stakes are higher, too, because single-use plastic is their Plan B. Many of them cannot be recycled anymore and are dirty. Plastic Paradise Here's this flexible bag, and it's a plastic-metal laminate. A brief history of plastic | TED-Ed If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. This is classic. In the United States. Then what? But the proof here is the dramatic amount of investment that's happening right now. We took a trek up to Wilmington and this one DuPont executive, he said, "I think if we had $5 million"which seemed like a lot of money then"if we had $5 million, we could solve this problem.". This is from California. ", And this document was candid: There is serious doubt widespread plastic recycling can ever be made viable on an economic basis.. and fast. Construction will eventually employ 6,000 people. It's hard to have faith in the plastics industry when it got out of its crisis in the '90s by telling Americans to recycle, even though they knew it was not economically viable. As of today, plastic bags are banned in Jersey City. The big problem is that it is all about money, profits. We flip it over. Let's just go knock and see if maybe someone will talk to us. Timothy Hoellein, Aquatic Ecologist, Assistant Professor of Biology, Loyola University'With fantastic archival footage, revealing modern images from the pacific and thoughtful, fact-based explanation, Plastic Paradise provides an educational, hip, and very entertaining look at some of the many ways plastic is affecting us all. The table is set with polyethylene products, too. There is no proof. PBS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. ThermaSet is the future. To the best of my knowledge there has been no life cycle analysis of plastic. This is a documentary that should be seen by educators, students, politicians, and environmentalists alike. First,. Eleven billion. Welcome to Hawaii's 'plastic beach', one of the world's dirtiest places In this independent documentary film, journalist/filmmaker Angela Sun travels on a personal journey of discovery to uncover this mysterious phenomenon. One recycling company here caught our attention. It said in an email that it had a comprehensive system to handle plastic waste and it follows all Indonesian laws and regulations. Dr. Kirk J. Havens, Director, Coastal Watersheds Program, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary'I believe that this film portrays the state of the plastic marine debris issue accurately. Every single piece of this has to be sorted in some way. So they knew that these problems existed. plastic became the unrivaled material of choice for consumers. Over the past year, weve been investigating the plastic crisis and found that many of the problems we face today were set in motion decades ago, by the very companies who make plastic in the first place. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Plastic Paradise engages students by illustrating how their everyday interactions with plastic are connected to pollution at the farthest, most exotic corners of the world. Oh, man! What do you think Americans need to know? Plastic is different than any My college age son thinks it is 'right on.' New to Docuseek? All Rights Reserved.Graphics by. Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch: Film Review The producers know what the environmental impacts of these different formats are, but they don't disclose it. Dr. Sherri A. Mason, Professor of Chemistry, Environmental Sciences Program Coordinator, SUNY at Fredonia'We are all familiar with trash, but most of us likely are unaware of indestructible plastic trash that pollutes the oceans, contaminates our seafood, kills birds, fish, and marine mammals as well as carrying toxic substances into the environment and our bodies. It's margarine tubs, clamshells, deli containers. Reflection of the documentary Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. It says it's recyclable. For the last 40 years, the conversation in this country has been about the recycle part of "reduce, reuse, recycle.". I would say that this package is rarely recycled in most parts in the country. So plastic came to be used in many applications because it performed better. In 2017, however, researchers surveying the islands beaches found the highest concentration of plastic trash ever recorded.In this infographic, the colored dots show the amount of plastic and other trash collected in one survey plot. According to the filmmaker, plastic debris collects in this fashion because a combination of gyres (large systems of rotating ocean currents) serve as catchment basins, and debris that would. Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service. Yes, it would. As plastics break down through photodegradation, they leach out colorants and chemicals, such as bisphenol A (BPA), that have been linked to environmental and health problems. We support, actually, the ACC goalsAmerican Chemistry Councilgoals of getting plastic waste out of landfills by, I think the date is 2040. All of a sudden, our own customers, they would bring it in and not only say it has the triangle, but it wouldthey would flat-out say, "It says its recyclable right on it." There was never an enthusiastic belief that recycling was ultimately going to work in a significant way. Students will learn the unexpected economic and ecological facets of plastic pollution and ways for each of us to minimize our plastic footprint. What we put in our recycling bins ends up in sorting plants like this one, outside of Portland. In this independent documentary film, journalist/filmmaker Angela Sun travels on a personal journey of discovery to uncover this mysterious phenomenon. The world is flooded with plastic garbage. This is plastic that has no home, so it's your clamshells, Ziploc bags, film, a CD, a food wrapper. Dr. Kirk J. Havens, Director, Coastal Watersheds Program, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary'I believe that this film portrays the state of the plastic marine debris issue accurately. Dr. Joel Baker, Director, UW Puget Sound Institute, Professor and Port of Tacoma Chair in Environmental Science, University of Washington Tacoma'Angela Sun has found a way to present the imminent dangers of plastics pollution in a jarringly visual and inquisitive formatSignificant take-home messages include a misconception of just how few plastic products are recyclable, and that plastics production will continue to increase as long as the demand for plastic products remains. Yeah. [Speaking Indonesian] If its not useful, we put it into the community. Plastic Paradise Documentary by Angela Sun on the Great - Inhabitat But more importantly, we have to look at reuse models; using less where we can; developing new materials, which is the plastic maker's responsibility, that can be better recycled; and also really important that we deploy the technologies that are now available to us at scale. 6 Must-see documentaries about waste - Byewaste I said everybody up here said they don't want the plant. New Harvestindo eventually got back to us and denied it was responsible for doing anything that damaged the environment. The film's haunting message highlights the importance of society transitioning to the existing truly biodegradable polymers wherever possible and as soon as possible.' So all the plastic will come off before the line ends. [CDATA[ Posted By : / actual instructions in flowcharting are represented in /; Under :nose exercise before and afternose exercise before and after They say residents will put all their plastic containers in one bag. We wanted to see for ourselves what was happening to the plastic coming here. This package here is technically recyclable. I showed Ron Liesemer industry reports we found dating as far back as the 1970s. People start pollution. They didnt want to go anywhere near no triangle. Film Review: Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Not a good idea for your wallet. Global Environmental Justice: Plastic Paradise To preview films or license them for streaming, you must register and login. These chemicals can then enter the food chain when consumed by marine life. And that's the way recycling has been sold as well, OK? Elizabeth A. Newell, Stephanie Hanus, Stevie Monteiro, Destiny Harbison, and James McTighe. In 2015, a marine biologist came across a sea turtle in distress. Because what it allows industry to do, is it allows industry to keep the conversation focused on recycling and never move the conversation on to the bigger issues, which are the full environmental impacts of all this stuff. Its facing opposition to the construction of new plants. When you reach out to him or her, you will need the page title, URL, and the date you accessed the resource. Ive got a couple of newspaper articles I want to show you from the past. Good stuff, easy to do. I dont think so, because when I looked at them, at the arrows, I thought this is a way to identify the products so that the early stages of recycling can take place. How big can the trash get? Lead editor, Wendy Shuey; cinemtaography, Francisco Aliwalas [and 6 others]; music by APM Music [and 6 others]. Ask students to predict what might happen if turtles or seabirds become less common in a coral reef ecosystem. Planetsave'Sun offers a fresh, new voice for her generation and has made a film that can appeal to the masses.' A barge filled with garbage is causing quite an international stink. The film takes a refreshing approach of avoiding the blame game, while emphasizing that learning about the issue can lead to less plastic use by the general public.' When you get a bale of plastic, how much of that bale is plastic that the company wants and how much of it is stuff that is just plastic that youre not going to do anything with? The good news is they're coming. This is a pile of U.S. recycling. Not a good idea for the Earth. It has really good engineering qualities; it protects food very well. This is everywhere in every supermarket. - Transcripts Do you think that America can recycle its way out of this plastic crisis? Plastic Paradise looks to make difference with plastic consumption There was an attitude that if your product was not recycled, then it should not be in the marketplace. It currently covers roughly 1.6 million square . Register to request a quote. The voyage she completes can motivate students to discover more about pollution of all kinds on their own. News Pollution. The Hollywood Reporter'The film everyone needs to see.' A piece of plastic debris that's been colonized by both costal barnacles (pink and striped) and a gooseneck . ; "Plastic Paradise"; Bullfrog Films. The film is excellent--in its timeliness, its depth, and its presentation. I strongly recommend this film as an instructional tool to connect ecology, communication, and global service. When we do that, we end up with bales that are more easy to sell and that are more easy for consumer goods companies to incorporate into their packaging. There's dissatisfaction about what's going on with the solid waste issue." With the help of an Indonesian journalist, we tried to speak to someone at New Harvestindo, but we were told there was no one available. As I made my way through the innovation fair. I think the chemical industry, and the plastics industry specifically, need to take very seriously this reaction thats going on. You guys have been around for a long time. The Midwest Book Review'Intriguing..chilling filmJournalist Angela Sun offers valuable new insights.' It spent most of its money, millions and millions of dollars, on advertising. From polymers to nurdles, learn how plastic i. Do your part, save the Earth, recycle. And the numberthere's some words; it says, "1 PETE." But more than half of all people that live in the Portland area believe this belongs in the curbside container. Some items, like soda bottles and milk jugs, are easier to recycle, so theres money to be made. Her film articulates this message in a way that will resonate with anyone that cares about nature and the environment. How America's 20-year war in Afghanistan culminated in Taliban victory. Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers and by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

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