richard kelvin autopsy report

His lawyer believed a handwriting analysis would clear von Einem. They found him asleep and snoring on his bed. His leg was broken, as were some ribs. He was afraid for his life, recalls Lewis. The case against him was so weak, though, that he was found not guilty in his 1980 trial. Studying the gay press of the 1970s, looking for evidence of bashings and murders, hed found cases that the gay community clearly treated as hate crimes. Suddenly there was a person behind me and they sort of said, Do you give it or take it? he told the ABCs Simon Royal in 2005. Kelvin was 15 years old at the time of his death. Asked if his friend Londema had punched the victim, Verco replied that he didnt know. Negre, 37, was the type of bloke who could walk into a pub not knowing anybody and walk out with a dozen new best friends. She noted that the glove box had been rifled and papers were strewn about the front seat. Bevan Spencer Von Einem - Criminal History - Murder of Richard Boston Marathon Bombing Prosecution Rests; Graphic Autopsy In his first statement to police, he said he was feeling dizzy as he drove along so he pulled into Veale Gardens to see what was happening down there and also to watch the Festival of Arts laser show. Just not this night. Shannon used his earnings to move around the country and found himself working Veale Gardens where, in about 1985, he claims to have been picked up by a well-known South Australian politician, though not one of the two implicated in Woodlands allegations. However, police raids on various locations around Adelaide linked to von Einem and his associates yielded few clues. Soon after his presumed time of death, someone attempted to use his ATM card to withdraw money near the Mars Bar in Gouger Street. McGowan did suggest that Williamson changing his story might tend to substantiate charges being preferred, and I submit this report for directions. Youre gunna drown one., It seemed to OShea that the practice of tossing homosexuals in the river went back a long way. Right at the same time, a group of men was coming towards him along the path until, just as they drew level, one of them was thrown in the river. It would appear that robbery was part of the picture because his bag and wallet were missing, but the fact that his assailant had wanted to take him home would indicate that he was targeted as a gay man. A 2010 study in Queensland showed 23 per cent of LGBTI people had been victims of assault in their lifetime three times the state average. He kept looking at me with a smiling face, Blaxland would recall. There has been no justice for Duncan, but within seven weeks of his death, the first bill in Australia to decriminalise homosexuality had been introduced into the South Australian parliament, by a conservative politician. In an extraordinary twist, a close relative appeared on Big Brother a few years later and told her fellow house-mates what the girl had done. But Mildwaters didnt see who delivered them. She decided to call him to find out where hed got to. WebAutopsy: The Last Hours of: With Michael Hunter, Eric Meyers, Linda Papadopoulos, Iain Glen. Next thing, Negre was straddling Lindsays lap, moving his hips backwards and forwards, having a laugh. Negre struck up a conversation with the strangers and hit it off right away. Twenty-year-old Peter Stephens had Doig on the ground with his hands behind his head. Past the toilet block. I formed the impression that the gay community in Adelaide, afraid of being lumped together with these sadistic paedophiles in the public imagination, had been making itself into as small a target as possible ever since. Given these facts, on 25 May 1984, Magistrate Nick Manos ordered von Einem to stand trial for the murder of Kelvin. And now there was a lot of talk about a body that had been pulled out of the river. Richard Cabot studied 3,000 autopsy reports and reported that more than 50 percent of diagnoses were incorrect. Now they just need a name to match it to. An inquest was called. Tyres screeched. Growing up in suburban Adelaide, I was one of six children, but I never really fitted in with my family and I was always in trouble and truanted school often. One of them was Peter Millhouse, who died in a retirement home in 2015. They were white-collar office workers. We had a few to drink so I wasnt, er, wasnt too clear. He described how he and Londema had started smoking cones in the morning, then drank Strongbow cider through the afternoon. In Victoria, sodomy carried the death penalty until 1949. It was a big buzz around the place. After a few minutes, he saw four men in suits and waistcoats running along the bank. Justice Duggan did rule that "Mr B"'s evidence could be heard, but that the defence would be allowed to question the evidence as it was being given. Mate its unreal, he said with casual bravado. Despite the intricate details of von Einem's alibi and his version of events, his alibi had two huge problemsit completely contradicted his initial statement of his whereabouts on 5 June 1983, where he said he was in bed with the flu. One of them, according to Lewis, was Robert Woodland. Von Einem first came to attention on the night of 10 May 1972 when two gay men were thrown into the River Torrens by a group of men believed to be police officers. Lewis says he probably has a copy in storage but he wasnt able to go looking for me. His arms are folded and a cigarette dangles from his lips. This answered the question of how fibres from von Einem's carpet got onto Kelvin's clothes. Also testifying for the defence was the bushwalker, who while walking his dogs through the airstrip had discovered Kelvin's body on 24 July. They were tradesmen. I wasnt an alcoholic but I was a binge drinker, so for the next 14 years, either on alcohol, dope or speed, I would do the beats.. Hed left a big party to go to Veale Gardens. James has only ever given one public interview about the night that was going to change everything for him and for all gay men in the state. People thought he was one of the suspects. But it didnt take long to figure out that it wasnt about that. The man, known as "Mr. B", was located and informed police in great detail how he and von Einem picked up young male hitchhikers, gave them alcoholic drinks laced with hypnotic drugs, and took them to von Einem's previous home in the Adelaide suburb of Campbelltown, where the young men were abused overnight and sent home the next day. I wondered why and where these poofters would gather in order to let themselves be bashed by little guys. He turned out to be Dr George Duncan, an Australian academic who came to Adelaide to teach legal history and Roman law. When he refocussed, unsure if hed slept, he noticed a car parked close behind. He too denied knowing it was a beat. They also found traces of hypnotic drugs. She wanted him to come home because it was getting late. I mean fair enough at work where mates want to give you a slap on the bum, but you know hes only mucking around. After several attacks, I left the group and went and lived on the streets in another part of town. In 1983, 11 years after Von Einem had rescued Roger James on the night George Duncan was murdered, he abducted a 15-year-old boy, Richard Kelvin, the son of long-time Adelaide Channel Nine newsreader Rob Kelvin. CLASS. We were in the under 13s and Gavin, blond haired and freckle-faced, was the smallest member of the team. More people suspected in the abduction and murder of Richard Kelvin He admitted going home and putting his bloodied jeans and his Metallica T-shirt in cold water to soak before washing them the next day. How big a purse do you carry? No, no, no, please dont say these things over the phone at the moment, Steve, for Gods sake, youre trying to get arrested before I even attempt to try to protect myself. When that was on the news my boss said to me, I think its time you left. And I said, Is it because of the court case? And he said, Well thatll be your word against mine, wont it.. While the Mullighan inquiry was underway, the mystery of Shaine Moores death was solved. Documentary series. Those 88 deaths are the worst of the tragedies. This day shed left parliament and was heading home when Williams rang. If you consider that the accused, Mr Lindsay, was so provoked, then you must consider whether the conduct is capable of causing an ordinary person to lose self-control.. It was known from the beginning that vice squad officers were the chief suspects in the murder, according to OShea. Despite the court rejecting the gay panic argument, the jury convicted the pair of manslaughter, not murder. The now controversial forensic pathologist, Dr Colin Manock, had him pinned as a homosexual at his autopsy, owing to the funnel shape of his anus. You have to keep your wits about you. As recently as 2015, two men were convicted of the vigilante-style murder of Warren Batchelor, 48, in a Perth toilet block, aiming to rid the area of gay men. Robinson pulls up alongside and winds down his window. She had no solid material or food in her stomach; only a dark green material that had "the consistency of dried leaves." The first time he went to a beat, at what is now the Himeji Japanese Garden, he was a 23-year-old with a girlfriend, still in denial about his sexuality. Four days after Richard Kelvin's body was discovered, von Einem was questioned by the police about the murder. In Dantes Inferno, he has the homosexuals endlessly walking Youre walking around looking; looking for the signs, the signal, for the pick-up you go to a beat and walk and look and cruise and walk and get back in the car. The defence then called various witnesses in an attempt to corroborate von Einem's story. He cant see anyone in it. With all the fibres being accounted for with his new story, von Einem concluded his statement by saying that Kelvin had stayed for two hours before von Einem dropped him off in the Adelaide CBD near the Royal Adelaide Hospital and gave Kelvin $20 to pay for a taxi home.[5]. Not only had Alan died only one or two days before his boy was found, meaning hed been held for at least 5 days being tortured and beaten, but the cause of death was massive blood loss from an anal injury, probably from the insertion of a large object. I looked around me and looked into the rear-vision mirror and I could not see anyone else around. Hes dead, thank Christ. On a clifftop in Sydneys Manly on sunny weekends, men were divided into seekers and seekees: the seekees might be sunbaking naked until a shadow appears over them the seekee. This made police suspect that Kelvin had been dumped by a single person, most likely after nightfall in order to avoid detection.[4]. Five known victims of kidnapping, sexual abuse and murder showed up in those years, and police became convinced that the perpetrator was actually a group of several men, although only one has ever been identified and taken to justice. The murders focused attention on the sort of things that went bump and grind in the night, and threw up rumours about a cadre of paedophiles in high places. Tarrant County Lindsay kicked him and stomped on his head. Soon after Todds email, another one lands in my inbox: Heard of your research and can maybe help, anonymously. What makes it interesting is the name at the bottom that of a prominent Adelaidean. He had arrived from a teaching post in England only six weeks earlier. To detect them and deal with them you had to sort of operate partially covertly, which sort of put you in the realms of being a queer yourself. If he made one, it was gobbled up by the legal system and buried under suppression orders. He winces and rubs his now loose-skinned face as he recalls the job that would define him. Lindsay stole a Subaru Liberty and robbed an On The Run convenience store. Of the 92 offenders he studied, 43 were teenagers and 23 were in their early 20s. Police previously did see this harp in his room when they seized the drugs. Lewis had wanted something more wide ranging. As a vice squad officer, the diligent 22-year-old had a duty to uphold the laws against gambling, SP bookmakers and prostitution, to monitor the nightclubs and to keep the homos in check. Interested Parties may contact Coroners & Medical Examiners for questions about: Finding Dallas death records; Locating death certificates; Order autopsy reports Within hours of the story going live, I received an extraordinary email from a guy well call Todd. Penley said the most common assaults were well-planned, with gangs jumping out of cars and dragging their victims off to be kicked, bashed and left bleeding in the darkness. Finally, to answer evidence about how fibres from von Einem's cardigan had got onto Kelvin, von Einem stated that he had put his arm around Kelvin and hugged him because Kelvin was upset about how his peers had been bullying him at school. It was also announced that von Einem had been excused from attending his court hearings so that he could avoid an "unpleasant" three-hour drive with other inmates.[12][13]. Dr. Millhouses refusal to cooperate with police and circumstantial evidence found at his home (like trash bags and rope that matched the one found with the body) led him to be arrested and charged with Neils murder. Which brings us to the curious case of Robert Woodland. The prosecuting authorities, however, declined to act. Since homosexuality has not officially been considered a mental illness since 1973 the defence has morphed into a more straightforward matter of he came on to me and I flipped out. The justices of the High Court of Australia, however, disagreed. In fact, the prosecution had to present the evidence of provocation to show a motive, but not so strongly as to turn a motive into an excuse. Worth another look, that one. James knew him from parties and the beats. It can also be available for the police to check if it helps with their investigation. Even after homosexual acts became legal across Australia between 1975 (South Australia) and 1997 (Tasmania), what went on at beats has remained an act of public indecency. Police first linked him to Von Einem through the drugs found in his system, Mandrax and Noctec. From there she saw Lindsay and Hutchings either side of Negres prostrate body. So just imagine the besieged atmosphere of an office where you were hearing stories like this every day implicating powerful people. When Rex Robinson was doing his first cruise along the strip that summers night in early 1992, another man who well call Tom also cruised in. He was doing his job. Yeah, it was pretty crawling with them.. It was a talking point, a laughing point, all those things rolled into one., So when they asked John why he hadnt come out to them earlier, hed said, Well everybody carried on so much about Bobby, I couldnt do that to Mum and Dad. He came down very, very early in the piece on the Thursday morning to advise us that it was a terrible thing that had happened and that [senior officers] Lehmann and Turner were doing the inquiry and quite clearly they were investigating vice squad officers and there were instructions that we were to know nothing about it, absolutely nothing.. A judge ruled there was no case to answer, but the director of public prosecutions reinstituted the charges. With Iain Glen, Lucy Drive, Antti Hakala, Enrico Lange. He at first denied ever meeting Richard, saying that on the day he disappeared he was home with the flu. I dont remember a lot of it, but I went into the bushes with some guy. WebAn autopsy revealed that Richard had died from massive blood loss due to an anal injury, likely caused by a blunt object with a tapered neck, such as a beer bottle. Autopsies | Georgia Bureau of Investigation Division of Forensic Forensic scientists were called next to give evidence first on when Kelvin had died and when his body had been dumped in the Adelaide Hills area, and a leading entomologist claimed, from the larvae cycle of flies that were on the body, and comparing these to the larvae cycle of flies on a dead dog that was nearby, that Kelvin's body must have been dumped beside the airstrip near Kersbrook on 10 July 1983. Richard says its not surprising that so many have weighed in. Proceedings began on 19 June 1990 before Justice Kevin Duggan, and six months later on 17 December 1990, Justice Duggan released his findings. I googled his name along with the word gay and dont find any clues. Pushed on this point in a later police interview, he said hed been there before. Autopsy Reports I remembered it was an automatic and it was a six-cylinder and I remembered the first three letters of the number plate.. The witnesses included colleagues and friends who testified to him being unwell and at home during the first week of Kelvin's captivity. Homosexuality was never discussed and I could not understand why I found guys attractive. The Warren Commission in 1964 had hoped that its well-written, 450-plus-page report would put questions about the assassination to rest. Of course, the relationship between the police and the community at the time was such that I cant imagine anybody wanting to go into the van and have a chat with the police, says Purcell. I phone the number attached and the voice confirms his identity. WIthin five weeks of the discovery of Moores body, Lewiss failure to hand over the documents and a video tape (which hed never claimed to possess) to police led to him being forced to resign as Speaker. That was the actual wording of the charge in those days, was it? I ask. They took me into a room, he told the ABCs Simon Royal. This page was last edited on 1 April 2023, at 21:47. However, another suspect emerged strongly: a doctor named Peter Millhouse, whom several witnesses claimed had seen with Neil on the weekend before his murder. Robinson drives to the end of the track, past two more cars, and does a U-turn at the car park of the Adelaide Pavilion restaurant. It belonged to Neil Muir (25, first picture), a transient and drug addict that had been seen alive the night before. He spits bile at me through the hard mesh screen about the way the judge let the families in the gallery yell out faggot and poofter when he and other witnesses took the stand. This time the charge was murder and he got a minimum of 22 years. The teenagers body was found almost two months later, but examination revealed hed been tortured for five weeks before his death. Police had the right to go in and look. Despite the blood, he was chatty. He said there were people who didnt want him to be able to talk about what, he wanted to tell me. One of them, which had also been in Langleys blood, was called Mandrax, which required a very specific prescription to acquire. They were professionals and managers. We took our complaints to Minister [John] Klunder and said, This has got to stop or sooner or later somebodys going to get murdered.. So the backlash began. He cruises back, senses fully alive. During their search they found a prescription for Mandrax issued to a 'B. Von Einem then tortured, drugged, raped and held Kelvin captive for five weeks, before murdering him and dumping his body alongside an airstrip near Kersbrook in the Adelaide Hills area (to the north-east of the city and close to where relatives of von Einem lived). They won the court case but lost the fight. The other, Roger James, suffered a broken leg and after crawling to the road was rescued by von Einem, who was driving past. As time has gone on, the desire for reform has got larger and more radical. Defence lawyer Sam Abbott said he expected the Director of Public Prosecutions to drop the most serious charge of producing the material and, if not, he would argue there was no case to answer. So the vice squad knew nothing. You know hes going to go home to his girlfriend., Verco claimed at first not to remember any of this the next morning. von Einem', a name familiar to police as he had been questioned previously over the deaths of three young men and the alleged sexual assault of another. Homosexuals got together with each other and had great parties, says historian Tim Reeves. At trial, he argued it wasnt him that stabbed Negre, it was Hutchings. The woman called 911. He had died from the head injuries. Thats robbery. Two and a half months after Williamss murder, she and Standfield were charged with criminal libel, an extraordinary move that had only ever happened once before in the state. And thats how it went when Michael Lindsay, his two sisters, his de facto and a couple of mates came through the doors of the Hallett Cove Tavern around midnight. Thanks to the phone call, the attackers were caught and tried. The fact is, though, that Lewis and his team already had a deep distrust of the polices ability to handle the allegations, given what theyd been told by their informants about police cover-ups. There was also that person who had tipped off police about Von Eimen initially. With Mandrax being regulated by the Central Board of Health in 1978 stocks for it in Australia had declined somewhat by 1983 and police began sifting through prescriptions for that drug in particular. Pearce rolled a scoob when, according to Pearce, Ruks started all this poofter shit and grabbed his crotch, causing him to snap. It must be such, as in a case like this, it causes the accuseds blood to boil to the extent where reason has been temporarily suspended. He told them he was gay and that hed been bashed by a man hed met who wanted to take him home. Within days, Walter Handley was killed with a single gunshot wound to the head while attempting to buy a gun in the car park of the Smithfield Plains Sports Club. Mick OShea arrived at the vice squad the next morning unaware that his career had already been thrust onto a new trajectory. Part of the thrill of it all is straight boys experimenting, says our Adelaide identity. Soon after Handleys death, Utting received a phone call from another of her contacts, the former local chapter president of the Gypsy Jokers, Steve Williams. Mr. Justice White then gave his summation of the trial, and in the early afternoon of 5 November 1984, the jury retired to consider their verdict. The guy moans and rolls over, revealing a face covered in blood. All 52 cards featured the faces of unsolved-murder victims. On August 28 of that same year, a body cut in pieces was found inside garbage bags thrown in the Port River. On numerous occasions while researching this story, I was told stories of men attempting to report such crimes but being jeered out of the station once the officer heard where theyd been, what theyd been doing. But after the pink-shorted Premiers reign ended in 1979, problems resumed, according to Purcell. Negre apologised and Lindsay accepted, being heard to say, Just dont go doing shit like that again because Im not gay, or Ill hit you.. Autopsy Reports Despite the efforts of police and the investigation passing on to the Major Crimes unit, the teenager remained missing until July 24, when his body was found in Mount Crawford Forest. In his unsworn statement, von Einem detailed his alibi with what he claimed happened between 5 June and 11 July 1983. Autopsies are conducted by a coroner, medical examiner or forensic pathologist in the state of Texas. There is some good news. They had to tell her before she read it in the paper. Bevan Spencer Von Einem - Tortured 15-year-old boy to death Gay bashing is something that is almost monopolised by teenage boys and young men, Tomsen says. Lindsay declined. In 1983, I was placed in a foster home by my parents. She saw Lindsay with a knife in his hand, now wearing gloves. And Utting and Standfield were on notice that they faced criminal libel charges over the letter. The prosecution opened their case with the jury being taken to the various sites around Adelaide that were important in the trial, and over the first week they called various witnesses to the stand. The South Australian appeal court agreed.

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