starfinder vanguard pdf

This does not increase the number of attacks they can make during combat.Some vesk bloodlines are renowned for their brutal warriors, andseveral of these have a variant genetic build including thicker This replaces natural weapons.muscles, longer bone spikes, and a ridge of spikes that runs alongthe spine. Regardless of the source, these abilities are classThe classes in this book follow the rules for classes presented features and cannot be taken away, though they may beon pages 58-59 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook. These dwarves gain a +4 racial bonus to KAC against reposition combat maneuvers. Charisma-Based Profession Skills: Actor (Bluff, Disguise), artist (Culture, Disguise), comedian (Bluff, Intimidate), courtesan (Acrobatics, Bluff), dancer (Acrobatics, Athletics), musician (Bluff, Sense Motive), orator (Diplomacy, Sense Motive), poet (Bluff, Culture), politician (Diplomacy, Intimidate), video personality (Computers, Diplomacy), writer (Culture, Diplomacy) Intelligence-Based Profession Skills: Accountant (Computers, Perception), archaeologist (Culture, Life Science), architect (Engineering, Physical Science), corporate professional (Diplomacy, Intimidate), electrician (Disable Device, Engineering), lab technician (Life Science, Physical Science), lawyer (Culture, Intimidate), mathematician (Computers, Physical Science), philosopher (Bluff, Culture), RACE OPTIONS 25VESKEach member of the proud and powerful vesk species constantlyseeks the chance to prove their worth in combat and other forms ofcompetition. Paizo Inc. does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product. You can have a maximum number of EP in your entropic pool equal to your Constitution modifier. RACE CLASSESTrack Dexterity (special); Onset 1 round; Frequency 1/round Anticipate Ambush (Ex) 13th Level for 6 rounds FEATS D You can act during a surprise round. FEATSTHEME KNOWLEDGE (1ST) your ward and recover 1 Resolve Point; this doesnt count as EQUIPMENT resting to regain Stamina Points. You gain a bonus rank in each of these two skills at every level,Minor Inhibitor as well as a +1 insight bonus to checks using these skills. You can have only one custom microlab at a time. KEY ABILITY SCORE Your Intelligence helps you learn about the sciences, while your Wisdom helps you interpret facts and apply them to real-world situations. Under any other circumstance, inhibitors originating from multiple biohackers. descriptors. 1th Level Aspect Insight (Ex): You gain Improved Combat Maneuver (bull rush) as a bonus feat and a +2 insight bonus to Culture checks.. 4th Level Aspect Embodiment (Ex): Once per combat, when you move a distance greater than your normal speed in one turn . You gain a powerful ability unique to your aspect. You can focus the power of entropy into a forceful attack. The list of theorems begins on page46.PRIMARY FIELD OF STUDY (EX) 1st Level SPARK OF INGENUITY (EX) 3rd LevelYour primary field of study represents your scientific specialty.Choose your primary field of study upon taking your first level in Possible permutations and offshoots of your formulas constantlybiohackeronce made, this choice cannot be changed. Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. Your senses are always tuned to your surroundingswhile youre on the job, but youre also skilled at navigating paperworkand bureaucratic records. As a reaction when you are in the area of a damaging effect, you can spend 1 Entropy Point to add a +2 bonus per die to the damage dealt to every other creature in the area, or you can spend 2 Entropy Points to add +3 bonus per die. with "Incident at Absalom Station," an adventure for four. None of the new equipment is restricted exclusively crew actions do not require any specific skill or skill check toto the new character classes from Chapter 1, but most of it is perform and can be undertaken by anyone with at least 1 rankdesigned to work well with one or more of those classes or to in Computers, Engineering, Physical Science, or Piloting. the sound of the voice itself. when an attack hits the selected ally, you can make one melee or ranged attack against the enemy who made the attack. You can dismiss this effect at the end of your turn without taking an action. Stephens, Jason Tondro, and CHAPTER 2: CLASSES 36Landon Winkler Introduction 38 Biohacker 40DEVELOPERS Vanguard 50Amanda Hamon and Joe Pasini Witchwarper 60 Envoy 68ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT Mechanic 72Thurston Hillman, Jason Keeley, and Chris S. Sims Mystic 76 Operative 80EDITORS Solarian 84Judy Bauer, James Case, Leo Glass, Avi Kool, Lyz Liddell, Soldier 88Adrian Ng, Lu Pellazar, James L. Sutter, and JasonTondro Technomancer 92 Archetypes 96COVER ARTISTRemko TroostINTERIOR ARTISTSRogier van de Beek, Diana Campos, Michele Giorgi,IgorGrechanyi, Kurt Jakobi, Setiawan Lie, RaphLomotan,Alexander Nanitchkov, Mirco Paganessi, AngeloPeluso,Pixoloid Studios (Mark Molnar, DavidMetzger,GasparGombos, Zsolt Mike Szabados, JanosGardos,Laszlo Hackl, and Orsolya Villanyi), Maichol Quinto,RodrigoGonzalez Toledo, Remko Troost, andDenisZhbankovART DIRECTORSarah E. RobinsonCREATIVE DIRECTORRobert G. McCrearyMANAGING DEVELOPERAmanda HamonSTARFINDER DESIGN LEADOwen K.C. The Character OperationsManual presents new equipment to support the novel design This section also adds open crew actions, which arespace for charactersthemes, classes, and character options generally less specialized tasks than a typical crew action andintroduced in this book, in addition to a variety of more general can be performed regardless of a characters role. How do you build Vanguards? : r/starfinder_rpg - Reddit If you fail, you remain in your starting position, and you are flat-footed and 6th: As the 1st-level version, but you can shrink an object up off-target until the end of your next turn. Your allies gain the bonus even if you are providingNot all half-elves display the most common traits found cover to the target. Such humans can be taller andlonger-limbed than normal, with less muscle mass. In addition, they reduceconditions, lineage, and even genetic modifications. Neurochemistry is the study of the chemicals that affect creatures brains and nerves (or related cognitive systems). D Prerequisites: Self-sufficient racial trait. Chapter environment around them and research different ways events6 in particular presents new tools a GM can use to deepen could have turned out.the experience of running a Starfinder game, especially the Following the new classes are plenty of new options for thedowntime rules, which give game mechanics for numerous existing character classes introduced in the Core Rulebook.activities that might have previously been hand-waved during Every class from envoy to technomancer receives alternatethe flow of the game. This number increases to 1d6 + your you with a natural attack must succeed at a Fortitude save key ability score modifier at 4th level, and to 2d8 + your key46 CLASSESCHARACTER OPERATIONS MANUAL 2 or gain the sickened condition for 1 minute. If you take two move actions on the same turn to move your speed each time, you gain 1 EP. | d20HeroSRD Such shirrens have light frames, makingthem less resilient than other members of their species. All this time your damage is Vanguard_dmg_dice+solarion_crystal_dmg_dice+Con+Cha. | 5th Edition SRD If a vehicle uses the ram action against you, you can forgo your Reflex save as a reaction to take half the vehicles collision damage. A high Dexterity helps you act early in combat, avoid damage when you need to, and successfully land blows with your entropic strike. dead and bring their killers to justice.FIELDS OF STUDY FIELDS OF STUDYNeurochemistry (primary) Genetics (secondary) Toxicology (primary) Immunology (secondary)SCIENTIFIC METHOD SCIENTIFIC METHODStudious. You have learned how to gain your opponents attention, drawing fire away from your allies and toward yourself. Castrovelian elves call these wanderers This replaces elven immunities. Professional Focus Especially on Apostae, half-orcs are educated by the drow to be an expert in a particular vocation, filling that role throughout their lives. If the creature has resistance to that energy Boost Neurotransmitters (Ex): As a standard action, you cantype, this effect instead reduces its resistance by 10 (minimum create and deliver a compound that causes a surge of cognitive0). D 18th Level If you have the alternate outcome classARCHETYPE OPTIONS feature, you dont gain an additional daily use. Some weapons also cause specific critical hit effects, which are listed in the weapon tables and described beginning on page 182. A creature without at leastfour limbs cannot wield a many-handed weapon. These kasathas have a +2 racial bonus D As a full attack, you can fire two automatic weapons in theirto one skill among Computers, Engineering, or Piloting. You gain this benefit only when unencumbered and wearing light armor or no armor, and you lose the benefit when you are helpless or otherwise unable to move. You must decide how many EP to expend when you take this move action, and you cant expend more EP than your level. Squares adjacent to your space provide soft cover to allies for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier. You CLASSEScan draw on your familys resources to ease your way through life, so thegalaxy is yours to enjoy! They might be SPELLSsociety. Unless otherwise specified, you cant select the same discipline more than once. RACE OPTIONS 33HALF-ORCSHalf-orcs mix orc and human bloodlines, whether by natural means,genetic modification, or eldritch influence. DOWNLOAD as many books as you like (personal use) CANCEL the membership at ANY TIME if not satisfied. Empower Defenses (Ex) 17th Level SPELLS OTHERCure 1 save. D Crusaders receive more martial training than most mystics, focusing on weapons favored by their deities. Infosphere Integration The artificial brain an android possesses can allow better compatibility with infospheres and direct downloads of information. You are immune to the flat-footed condition, and your opponent doesnt gain any bonuses to attack rolls against you from flanking you or attacking you when youre prone. Compatibility with the Starfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Starfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Inc. See for more information on the Starfinder Roleplaying Game. | Starjammer SRD IfDusk Sight your attack hits, it deals no damage, but that enemy gains the off-target condition until the end of their next turn.Humans who live in environments that lack regular exposure tobright natural light, such as the sunset cities of tidally locked Smite Evil (Su) 6th LevelVerces or Aballonian underground compounds, adapt to theirsurroundings as best they can. various features of the class at each level.CLASS FEATURES Class Level: This is the class level at which your character receives the benefits listed in the line.All the class features for each class presented in this book aredetailed in the classs description. CLASS SKILLS SKILL RANKS PER LEVEL 4 + INTELLIGENCE MODIFIER Bluff (Cha) Medicine (Int) Computers (Int) Perception (Wis) Culture (Int) Physical Science (Int) Diplomacy (Cha) Profession (Cha, Int, or Wis) Engineering (Int) Sense Motive (Wis) Life Science (Int) Sleight of Hand (Dex) PROFICIENCIES ARMOR PROFICIENCY Light armor WEAPON PROFICIENCY Basic melee weapons, small arms, and grenades40 CLASSESCHARACTER OPERATIONS MANUAL 2TABLE 21: BIOHACKER WILL CLASS FEATURES OVERVIEW SAVE Biohacks, custom microlab, injection expert, primary field of study, scientific method THEME AND BASE FORT REF BONUS Injection expert +1, theoremCLASS ATTACK SAVE SAVE Spark of ingenuity 1/day, weapon specialization RACELEVEL BONUS BONUS BONUS +0 Theorem CLASSES +0 Custom microlab (advanced medkit), primary field of study breakthrough 1st +0 +2 +0 +1 Theorem FEATS 2nd +1 +3 +0 +1 Secondary field of study EQUIPMENT 3rd +2 +3 +1 +1 Theorem 4th +3 +4 +1 +2 Custom microlab (medical lab, 90 feet), injection expert +2, spark of ingenuity 2/day SPELLS 5th +3 +4 +1 +2 Theorem OTHER 6th +4 +5 +2 +2 Secondary field of study breakthrough RULES 7th +5 +5 +2 +3 Theorem 8th +6 +6 +2 +3 Tertiary field of study 9th +6 +6 +3 +3 Theorem 10th +7 +7 +3 +4 Spark of ingenuity 3/day 11th +8 +7 +3 +4 Theorem 12th +9 +8 +4 +4 Custom microlab (120 feet), tertiary field of study breakthrough 13th +9 +8 +4 +5 Injection expert +3, theorem 14th +10 +9 +4 +5 Resolve analysis 15th +11 +9 +5 +5 Superserum, theorem 16th +12 +10 +5 +6 17th +12 +10 +5 +6 18th +13 +11 +6 +6 19th +14 +11 +6 20th +15 +12 +6CUSTOM MICROLAB (EX) 1st Level the Creature Rarity table on page 133 of the Core Rulebook. You are immune to poison and low-level radiation. Whether you work the streets alone, in asmall group, or as the brains behind a larger organization, you analyzeopportunities and unapologetically exploit the system to achieve yourends. At 17th level, you gainSECONDARY FIELD OF STUDY (EX) 7th Level the breakthrough for your tertiary field of study.You choose a secondary field of study, which must be different RESOLVE ANALYSIS (EX) 19th Level Whenever you use your spark of ingenuity class feature, you regain 1 Resolve Point, up to your normal maximum. You cant movegroups have developed adaptations to these diverse conditions, between attacks, and you can make no more than one attackrepresented by the following alternate racial traits. THEME AND Point each time after the first. These half-elves have +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence,and 2 Constitution in place of the half-elf racial ability Coordinated Aim (Ex) 1st Leveladjustments found in the Starfinder Core Rulebook. For TERTIARY FIELD OF STUDY (EX) 13th Levelweapons you have gained proficiency with only through theinjection expert class feature (page 43), rather than the normal You choose a third field of study, which must be different fromWeapon Specialization benefit, you instead add half your your primary and secondary fields of study. You may OTHERbe able to cast additional spells based on your key ability score, For any level at which an archetype provides an alternate class RULESas indicated in a separate table in the class entry. knowledge benefit, you regain 1 Resolve Point.CALCULATEDEXPLOITATION [6TH]You earn your living through swindling and defrauding others.While your schemes are often successful, your plans dont alwaysproduce the results you expect, and past failures have taughtyou how to refine your techniques. It includes: a head shot of the race, HP, ability score bonuses and penalties, special abilities, and page references. death ward, 5thresistant aegis, 6thgreater resistant armorALTERNATE RACIAL TRAITS Weapon Proficiency (Ex) 1st LevelThe cultural, genetic, and mystical influences that some humansare subjected to can produce racial traits different from the norm. This preparation activates only the ingredients; you activate the materials for minor biohacks in advance, and usingdont need to decide which specific biohacks youre creating until them does not count against the maximum number of biohacksthe actual actions or attacks used to deliver them. Other theories suggest these traits are from a time when an ancient vesk nation modified its warriors with magic orVesk adaptations vary from individual to individual, with many technology to gain venomous natural attacks.vesk training their bodies from a very young age to excel inparticular ways. 5 Minutes: Learn which atmospheres, biomes, and gravity arein the area, if they vary, as well as the direction and distance tothose elements. Once per day gain that trait. Readers interested in references RACE Shields Serums 120 to Starfinder hardcovers can find the complete rules of CLASSES Medicinals and Poisons these books available for free at A nograv ysokis ability Swarmeradjustments are +4 Dexterity and 2 Constitution. THEME ANDfeaturesmust succeed at a caster level check (DC = 15 + yourcaster level). You may do thisto your Stealth checks. Thesemake their homes across the galaxy. SPELLSRugged The following spells originated with lashuntas.Some lashuntas express their species love of learning byfocusing on physical training rather than on academic pursuits. This all-new Starfinder rules expansion hardcover for players and Game Masters focuses on trailblazing, exploration-based play across an expansive variety of unusual planets packed with deadly dangers and thrilling possibilities for adventure! While you have no Entropy Points, you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a move action to gain 1 EP (2 EP at 10th level). Many live on Absalom Station orCastrovel, while others have been driven to seek new wonders across thegalaxy. As a figure of authority, you prevent crime andprovide assistance to your community, so the public looks to you as asource of help and protection.THEME KNOWLEDGE (1ST) CROWD CONTROL (12TH)Your training and job experience allow you to deal with everyday You are comfortable among those you serve andcitizens and dangerous criminal elements with equal efficacy. These Even as Castrovels lashuntas construct barricades and deployvariations can occur in damaya and korasha lashuntas, and soldiers to keep dangerous predators out of their settlements,they grant the listed ability score adjustments instead of the they maintain a deep connection to the wilderness. 1st-level characters by yours truly. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Blog Entries View Articles April 25th, 2023, 14:31. Being seen at hot social spots isD Meals or restaurant dining (Starfinder Armory 134) similarly uplifting for you; if you spend 10 minutes asD Professional services the focus of attention at such a placean upscale bar,D Transportation dance club, or similar sceneyou regain 1 ResolveD The use of recharging stations Point. When injected, living creatures.the formula allows the target to ignore the effects of all abilityscore damage and drain for 10 minutes. Entropic pool, entropic strike, first vanguard aspect (aspect insight), First vanguard aspect (aspect embodiment), vanguard discipline, Entropic attunement (weapon special property), Entropic attunement (critical hit effect), uncanny agility, Second vanguard aspect (second aspect insight), vanguard discipline, Entropic attunement (reach), vanguard discipline, First vanguard aspect (aspect catalyst), vanguard discipline, Entropic attunement (radius), vanguard discipline, Second vanguard aspect (second aspect embodiment), First vanguard aspect (aspect finale), vanguard discipline, Agent of change, entropic attunement (severe wound). If the targetattack takes a 2 penalty to the attack. If you haveConstitution, and 2 Charisma. Each class grants a number of specializedabilities gained through dedicated training, raw talent, or even WITCHWARPER BIOHACKER Witchwarpers are powerful spellcasters who draw their magic from alternate The biohacker uses complex catalysts and realities and can pull bubbles of those fringe medical knowledge to augment realities into their current space. If you target an THEME AND object thats 1 cubic foot or smaller and weighs no more thanScurry 10 bulk, its dimensions are further reduced to a 1-inch cube and RACE its bulk is reduced to negligible. This spellcanaffect objects of a size and bulk limited by the spellslevel. Even ifyour experience all comes from a single settlement, you held far more power than formal law enforcement; to stay SPELLShave learned that certain roles within the slums and safe, you had to avoid bullies eager to demonstrate theirghettos are, if not universal, still broadly applicable to unfettered power by making an example out of you. The chosen skill is a class not always follow you around and is notskill for you, though if it is a class skill meant to accompany you on adventuresfrom the class you take at 1st level, you or in combat. The range increments of Greater Treat Condition (Ex) these weapons double when you use them. Covering Fire: Instead of granting a bonus to the allys AC, the next opponent to attack the chosen ally must roll the attack roll twice and use the lower result. At 5th level, your compressed entropy functions as a field riot or tactical shield. At some point during the Gap, gnomes became a dimorphic raceincluding both the original, colorful feychildren, and the monochromaticbleachlings, who are immune to the gnome plague known as the Bleaching.ALTERNATE ABILITY ADJUSTMENTS Working RelationsSome gnomes have strong ties to a specific planet, its lands, or Certain gnomes satisfy their curiosity about other people bythe caves beneath. This has led to many shirrensas go-betweens with other Swarm entities, while being spared developing an obsession that stems from their personal tastesphysical labor delegated to worker subspecies. Alternate racial traits embody inherent aspects of a and you cant decide to apply an alternate racial trait after yourcharacter that are less common among the vast multitudes character has leveled up. 13 for more information.GRIFTER SENSATESwindling, tricking, and ingratiating You revel in new experiences, andyourself to others using your force of as a result have a wide base ofpersonality are your specialties. Additionally, you other urban terrain, you can spend 10 minutesgain a +4 bonus to Acrobatics checks to escape. You may have you regain 1 Resolve Point. take no penalty to Disguise checks when attempting toCunning appear human or Medium in size. You might be studiousand methodical about your research, pushing your mind to the limit in search of discovery, or you might be a daring experimenter, improvising concoctions and stumbling upon grand revelations. You can also deliver an entropic strike with any melee weapon, or any shield that allows you to make unarmed attacks (replacing the normal attack with your entropic strike). Starfinder to GMs as well as players, the adventure. As a full action, you can spend Entropy Points to force each enemy within 20 feet to succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or gain the entangled condition. You know how to move among the dregs of society, and life has CLASSEStaught you to depend only on yourself.THEME KNOWLEDGE (1ST) relied on petty crime to acquire food and other essentials, and FEATS learned to escape after performing a theft without raising anYou grew up making your own way, without the benefits of a alarm. Ability Scores: This entry notes which ability . Ifthe creature was affected by any diseases, poisons, or otherafflictions or conditions before you cast preserve specimen, theycease to progress for the duration of the spell, but the creatureretains them. In many regions, theyA niche but lucrative market before android emancipation was were considered corporate property for far longer thanthe construction of androids to serve as companions, often as typical androids. OTHERa wide range of urban areas. You gain Improved Initiative as a bonus feat. Courtier shirrens and choices. her allies and inhibit her foes, often using Key Ability Score: Charisma injection weapons. STARFINDER LEAD DESIGNER Demolitions 68 Joe Pasini Dynamic Hacking 70 PUBLISHER Erik Mona CHAPTER 3: VEHICLES 74 Paizo Inc. The effect of an inhibitor lasts for a numberbulk, 1 Hit Point, and an item level and hardness equal to your of rounds equal to 3 + your key ability score modifier (minimumbiohacker level. 2nd Level In reprogrammed to perform incredible feats.addition to possessing physical features resembling those of the D Prerequisites: Character level 3rd, constructed racial trait orchosen species, the androids size category changes to matchthe chosen race. [Full Book] PDF Download Starfinder RPG: Galaxy Exploration - YUMPU A low gravity vesks ability adjustments it cannot be changed.are +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, and 2 Strength. Exploit Cover (Ex) 13th Level RACESacred Weapon (Su) 9th Level CLASSES D When you attempt a Stealth check to hide from an enemy thatD Once per day, you can spend 10 minutes to add one of the can see you, you gain a +4 insight bonus to the check if you can FEATS following weapon fusions to one weapon of your choice: move into improved or total cover. Like most species,however, lashuntas also have several rarer variations, each with its ownnatural talents and focuses.ALTERNATE ABILITY ADJUSTMENTS EQUIPMENTSome lashuntas fall outside the norms for their clades. It is not aware of its surroundingsand does not experience any sensation or passage of time. We've updated our Starfinder Society symbol with a new icon, you'll find this across the site wherever SFS status is indicated. You have learned to bleed energy from the attacks of your allies when they affect you. This doesnt prevent your ally from suffering related effects, nor does it cause such effects to apply to you. An android with this trait has a built-in comm unit that can be accessed without needing to use their hands.16 THEME AND RACECHARACTER OPERATIONS MANUAL 1Once per day, whenever the android takes a 10-minute rest The Starfinder Pact Worlds option is the strix (nightborn, OVERVIEWto regain Stamina Points, they can choose one Intelligence-, strix mobility). These elves gain a +2 racial bonusto Diplomacy checks and can cast comprehend languages onceper day. This is not a language-dependent ability for you, but it does not work on mindless targets. You must know theD Constant tinkering allows you to increase the range of ranged field dressing theorem to select this theorem. You can study only one target at a time, and if you use this ability to gain a bonus against a new foe, any previous bonus is lost. VENOMOUS WEAPON RACE CLASSES MYSTIC 2 WITCHWARPER 2 FEATSPRESERVE SPECIMEN School conjuration (poison) EQUIPMENT Casting Time 1 standard actionTECHNOMANCER 3 WITCHWARPER 3 SPELLS OTHERSchool transmutation Range touch RULES Targets weapon touchedCasting Time 1 standard action Effect imbues weapon with poisonRange close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)Targets one living willing or unconscious creature with an Duration 1 minute/level Saving Throw none (see text); Spell Resistance noIntelligence bonus of +2 or lower You touch a weapon that deals bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage and imbue it with poison. When you reach 15th level, you can useEach class description ends with four example class builds, only two sparks of ingenuity per day.using the same format as class builds for the original classes(Core Rulebook 59). Vanguard Basics Hit Points: 7 HP Stamina Points: 7 + Constitution modifier Key Ability Score: Constitution Toone other form of resistance. Resolve Point to do so. Nothingyou to exploit colleagues and paying customers alike. This replaces elven immunities and elven magic.DarkvisionSome elves are born with darkvision with a range of60 feet. Theorems marked with an asterisk (*) apply to your biohacks Strange Anatomy (Ex)class feature and do not stack with one another. This bonus Suppress Disease (Ex): As a standard action, you can create and lasts for 1 minute. Although suchwith the injection special weapon property halflings might not be any kinder or friendlier,as a swift action. As usual, this and all of my other guides are completely free and always accessible to everyone, but these guides take a LOT of time to playtest, write and edit, so if you enjoyed this guide, and wish to thank me for my efforts, I'd be thankful if you please consider sending me a tip on PayPal! Those rules suppressed or negated by other effects.describe how to read the class overviews presented on thefollowing pages, including explanations of Stamina Points, Hit CLASS TABLESPoints, key ability scores, class skills, armor proficiency, weaponproficiency and specialization, class features, class tables, and Each class description contains a table that summarizes theclass builds. The magic officer is the eldritch counterpart to the scienceCHAPTER 4: EQUIPMENT officer, using Mysticism to augment attacks with magic, scry on opposing ships, and manipulate the supernatural currentsThe Core Rulebook and Armory both include a wealth of of the that nearly anyone can use. As part of a full action to charge or a move action to move your speed, you can expend 1 EP to gain a +10-foot enhancement bonus to your speed (normally land speed, but you can apply it to the speed for any movement type you have). boots, each round you can move through up to 10 feet of Psychically resistant lashuntas gain a +2 racial bonus toWill saving throws against mind-affecting effects. D Grant major healing or bring a dead creature back to life. Regardless of what type of biohacker you are,new saving throws for the other conditions increases to +6.

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