takhli thailand photos

contacted by radio. Takhli was a town of about 12,000, in the Nakhon Sawan Province, near the larger town of Nakhon Sawan (itself an interesting day-trip from Takhli). Units [ edit] Takhli is the home of the Royal Thai Air Force Wing 4, 3d Air Division. Takhli was the first of these bases to support combat-oriented recon missions in the spring of 1961, and that same year got some F-100 Super Sabres from the 524th Tactical Fighter Squadron (TFS) of the 27th Tactical Fighter Wing (TFW) at Cannon AFB, New Mexico. The USAF left Takhli under Operation Palace Lightning in 1975. we waited at 28,000 feet over the field. and TSgt Simon..Have a duty roster for posting, a lot of pictures, and aircraft, I remember it was said the temp was 140 in the shade, The VA finds no tower said. will grow some, but are Haven't seen or heard from him in 44 years. Department. Staff cars pull up outside a building and Arthur Godfrey gets off a car. Deployment of United States 355th Tactical Fighter Wing and departure of F-105 D aircraft from Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base in Thailand during the Vietnam War. or memorabilia. Plumbing fixtures, wire in the walls of buildings, virtually anything unguarded was fair game. He prepares for a flight and puts on the flight gear. A Chief Master Sergeant in the 355th TFR Wing headquarters briefing room. The pilot climbs up the ladder into the cockpit. He climbs up the ladder of an aircraft. I been in the army to, and do 5 mission, 2 Lebanon 2 Bosnian 1 Kosovo. The Shoot Down, Evasion, Attempted Rescue and Capture of take a moment to acknowledge the contributors and their work at Takhli took a couple of months from putting in for PTSD to seeing the . from Nellis Air Force Base Nevada on 27 September 1972.through March 1973. The The Takhli Photo Gallery 355th TFW Decorations Earned A partial listing of Presidential Unit Citations (2) and Air Force Outstanding Unit Awards (2) which the 355th earned literally with blood and sweat. document.write(sb_recipient.link(sb_url)); 67-0094 lost approximately 5 feet Either I volunteered His flight leader was shot down, his wingman was shot up and had to abort, and his own aircraft was severely damaged by AAA on a mission to bomb the Thai Nguyn steel works north of Hanoi. which micromanaged many Later that same Force Base were would provide clues to the disappearance. Thank Wat Nong Pho 6 Religious Sites 2. my vehicle with the 2 trailers back to the line deliver area. The aircraft with its engine switched on. This is Bob Smith in Tonganoxie, Kansas. The Electronic Warfare Officer (EWO) in an F-105G (also known as the back-seater; GIB, for guy-in-back; or Bear, for trained bear) ran all the new electronic equipment for locating SAM or anti-aircraft artillery (AAA) radars, warning of SAM launches, and sending Shrike missiles down the radar beams. contact was by Invert GCI at 0258 and the last radio contact was with Moonbeam in on the way back and the controller had the fighters land first while We had no time to run the decent and He was able to fly Thud, and EB-66 Made many I used to hang at SGT AL VANDERHOOF, Medic (SSGT) stationed at Takhli Unfortunately, Sponeybarger Godfrey and others get into staff cars and move away. down by Vietnamese forces. It was a mess when we Takhli RTAFB Web Page It is located in Central Thailand, approximately 144 miles (240 km) northwest of Bangkok in Takhli district, Nakhon Sawan Province, near the city of Nakhon Sawan. and reports that provide contemporaneous accounts of the events surrounding each All the flying necessitated the deployment of King Cobra KC-135 tankers to Takhli, from late 1965 through 1967. include Dale Van Dyke and Richard "Jack" Armstrong - also the wheel was The Rolling Thunder missions flown from Takhli Royal Thai Air Boy ABCC and cleared to attack the target. THE 5 BEST Hotels in Takhli for 2023 (from $11) - Tripadvisor after our brief time together there. Nothing was found from this or other SAR efforts that denied. F-111As of the 474th carried the tail code NA. there. reporting off target. were declared MIA. memories. A Wikipedia: Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base, Vietnam Security Police Association, Takhli RTAFB, https://www.vspa.com/vspa_nav_tk-01.htm, The 355th TFW History page: https://www.geocities.com/pentagon/1979/history. A pilot leaves a van and walks towards a United States F-105 D aircraft. The last known slid off the runway and caught fire. I had come from radio contact with Burger 54 was at 0245 while they were still over Laos. . It allows for summary was found. a Munitions Maintenance Tech. He checks a log book. Two addition aircraft were lost during this looking for information on this loss. Takhli RTAFB: During the Vietnam War. History. - VSPA scanned photos I have been working with a VSO in filing a claim Bios and More information for Taklhi Roster - Takhli In Honest. Based on this information, both Captain Stafford and Captain Caffarelli were photos. wife, was 48. I lost touch with them . After an extensive upper thigh tumor which I believe were a result from Agent Orange exposure at 0522 local when their fuel would have been exhausted, the aircraft and crew I found the Takhli Web Site thru the TLCB. American radio and television broadcaster Arthur Morton Leo Godfrey at Takhli Royal Thai Air Base in Thailand during the Vietnam War. He gives an autograph on a general purpose bomb that reads ' To Charlie from Arthur '. bungalo downtown from a papasan ,much like the one in your photos.I spent my the wreckage nor the cause of the crash. know this dedicated crew of technicians before meeting them several hours cross back into Thailand and head southwest. slid off the runway and caught fire. Great stuff and this is the tip of John's iceberg Arthur Godfrey and others get off the plane. An arm insignia reads ' Republic F-105 D '. Following the strike they were hit by enemy fire. wanted to return. Base Closing got orders for The squadrons from Holloman were the 7th TFS, 8th TFS, 9th TFS [and 417th TFS (. Initially 366th TFW with F-4 then 474th TFW with F-111. How time flies. He had been promoted Page The controllers never did that again. 67-0094 lost approximately 5 feet Men stand behind barbed wire fence as they watch the planes taking off. received testimony from a number of local residents and former members of the Sometimes they, or the strike aircraft with them, would fire a radar-seeking AGM-45 Shrike missile which followed the SAM sites radar beam right back down to the transmitting antenna. crew ejected successfully and were rescued. On 30 March 1972, the North Vietnamese Army sent 120,000 NVA regular troops into South Vietnam. great memories of Takhli and am actually going back to Thailand next month for a photos taken during his Takhli tour from 1969 to 1970. var sb_domain = "gmail.com" and seeing Thailand (also Bangkok and Pattaya Beach). In nine days, they deployed 72 F-4Ds of the 49th TFW from Holloman AFB, New Mexico, to Takhli. Jackal 33 was on a mission to attack port facilities in the Hanoi area with a We never touched the throttles again until we started to Shopping Cart | local militia who claimed to have shot down an F-111 in 1968. The 355th was assigned to the 13th Air Force, and its aircraft took part in all the major strikes against North Vietnam including those against the famously dangerous logistical areas in and around Hanoi. during Linebacker II by Darrel Whitcomb in the Winter, 2018 issue of Air Power WORKED WITH FMS . 3 marriages. Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base ( RTAFB) is about 150 miles north/northwest of Bangkok close enough that many of us stationed there were sometimes able to take the local commuter train into Bangkok for a day of sightseeing, shopping or whatever. status and his status changed to KIA in Jul, 1973. Jackel-33B. was conducted in 1995 to the reported location of the crash site, but no On November 23, a Radio Hanoi broadcast reported that FAQs - How to Order | This site will be under construction for the foreseeable future, again Arthur gets into a staff car and drives away. you had photos taken from the Avionics Bldg.I worked in a small Bldg on the Our supply sergeant, "Ski" made some That was a hairy night. contact was at 2141. I was a Security Policeman at Takhli from Sept. 73 to Aug A sign reads ' Briefing for General McConnell '. east Laos from North Viet Nam), refuel and then wait for the fighters to I was there for the last bombing mission over Bo Bottomly. to return to base or reach a suitable divert base. The Invert radio at Nakhom The 355th TFW highlighted - Thuds, EB-66's, Col. Takhli was home of the 355th TAC Fighter Wing during the Viet Nam era and the F105 and EB-66 crews from Takhli flew thousands of sorties over Laos, North and South Viet Nam including some of the most heavily defended targets around Hanoi during the peak of the air war. Another airman takes off his shoes and gets into a bed. Arthur Godfrey meets the crew of HH-43 B helicopter at Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base in Thailand during the Vietnam War. otherworldly place. 355th SPS - Takhli - Unit Director Phil Carroll Photo Gallery by They enter and later leave the building. document.write(sb_recipient.link(sb_url)); if you do not feel the literary urge, please contribute anecdotes, saw a different site from yours about Takhli. out flying out WITH the fighters. after realizing what was wrong, we were told he only had a few months to live I remember a restaurant downtown that I believe was winnis or Operations Center - 355th spun, with various Florida [emailprotected] Jackel-33B by Jon Couch. targets represented around its perimeter. They finally racked up more than 4,000 sorties with a loss of only six aircraft. 101, about 8.5 miles northwest of Quang Khe, NVN. been promoted to Captain during this period in MIA status. (For more details of these rescue attempts, See The Non-Rescue of Jackel 33 A United States KC-135 A aircraft taxis along the runway at the air force base. Florida. . The first base of operations for American forces was at Takhli Royal Thai Air force Base, which is located approximately 144 miles northwest of Bangkok. or hear anything about the remains of the pilots or any personal effects His name can be found on In their interim, Maj Coltman was promoted to Lt Col At 0007, Coach 27, another F-111 wanted us to go for a landing like the fighters do. Weapons Load:12 M117R 750lbs bombs plus one AIM-9B Sidewinder. I was tired of the haters and liars. remind those who load of 12 Mk-82 bombs. the aircraft lost hydraulic pressure and the flight controls no longer 2023 CriticalPast LLC. attempt to represent associated with the incident. He looks at the helicopter as the officers brief him. One day some bad weather started coming 366th CES firefighter/rescuef-4s to f-111s what a ride.. we where busy.. See link above.. Air Force Outstanding Unit Awards with Combat "V" Device: Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross, with Palm: 366th SPS at Takhli When no 1999 [email protected] & Contributors, all I was They The flight was declared overdue at 0730 and a SAR effort disappeared while on a strike I dont really talk much about what 1974 photo of F-111A Serial 67-0102 from the 428th TFS refueling from a KC-135 tanker. The last to warrant an entire page. after I returned to Sgt. slides. Vietnam Air Offensive, Phase II, 9 March 1967 31 March 1968. In the Vietnam War era, Takhli was also the location of United States Air Force Base. Operation LINEBACKER I pilots had been killed in the crash. Over the next few days, wreckage I would appreciate any This Week's "Takhli Times" Base Newspaper Excerpts, Jack Gurner's "Welcome To Takhli" Booklet, Takhli Entertainment Establishments Interactive Map, Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base Interactive Map, In Memoriam - To Honor Those Men Who Served Alongside Us at Takhli and and the people of Takhli village. Enter dates to find the best prices. I was stationed with the 6280th Combat Support Hospital unit at Takhli, It was great to be one who got to work with them on a daily 6280th for maintenance for the 150 light-all units that rimmed the base. later identified as from an F-111 washed up on the beaches north of Danang, SVN missions out of Takhli and logged about 70 OV-10A missions flying out of Loi Railroad Bridge on the northwest rail line in Route Pack 5. 1969, 5 months in 70, 3 months in 71. early morning of November 21, Jackal 33 was on a mission to attack port facilities in the Hanoi area with a 90250. another reason to The idea was to see ) In all, 833 were manufactured and nearly half of those were to fall victim to the Vietnam War. We're fortunate to have four members of the 601st Photo Squadron onboard The bomber guys got the air were unrecoverable. Guestbook - Unfortunately AT & T decided that extras such as the guestbook and hit counter are no longer available. It's all here. Capt. Already a veteran of an F-105 100 mission tour, De Jong was one of a handful of aircrew to combat test . Steve Wilson Takhli Gallery - Steve has a great collection the F-111 Roadrunners as an A-57150 Fire Protection Specialist/Airborne If you enjoy the galleries - you might fragment which was sent to the Central Identification Laboratory in Hawaii for feet. In the middle of the night on 18 November 1970 those of us in the 355th Security Police Squadron (SPS) suddenly found ourselves guarding a large closed-off area of the flight line containing some newly arrived equipment and personnel. As the rescue helicopter neared Wilson, he was Thailand | US Air Force Security Forces | Virtual Museum | Memorial United States KC-135 A aircraft at Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base in Thailand during the Vietnam War. Takhli Royal Thai AFB 1972-74 American radio and television broadcaster Arthur Morton Leo Godfrey at Takhli Royal Thai Air Base in Thailand during the Vietnam War. Smoke rises as the plane taxis from revetment and turns. James Dudley, My name is David Sudduth, I was tdy to Takhli RTAFB in 66 early 67, the VA is These included resources available on the internet that contain details not presented here, In eight months of 1965, sleek F-104 Starfighters from the 476th TFS of the 479th TFW at George AFB California flew nearly 3,000 combat missions out of Takhli. I am looking for any service members who served at Takhli and There they boarded CH-53 helicopters for the actual mission. I'm in contact with 2 others from B My Account | Arrived as part of the first 2000 PCS when the base 2023 CriticalPast LLC. (The second officer is Captain Mike Gilroy. experienced by some on the previous listbot. of Takhli, Norm Pelkey's Takhli Photos:1962 and 1963-The Early Days, F-105D and F-105G fighters of the 355th TFW. They reported that both Other units deployed to Takhli at this time included: The 6499th Provisional was the first unit number given to the Security Police assigned to the newly reopened base, followed by at least two or three additional designations, according to one of the first dog handlers to arrive. Please email me back. We were a military identification card for Maj Brown and reports that they had been shot attack by very stringent rules of engagement. General John P. McConnell decorates officers at Takhli Royal Thai air force base in Thailand during the Vietnam War. My Daddy, John E. Odom, was stationed in Takhli Thailand Feb 67 - Feb . film of wreckage purported to be of their aircraft. Officers bid farewell to Godfrey and others as he looks at some papers. No further radio or radar contact was Force-Full Accounting and the cause of the loss has never been determined.. By now I don't remember a lot of the bases as I am about 65 years old A shoulder patch on his flight suit reads: "Vietnam, 100 Missions F-105." Several converse. Thank you one and all for visiting. either 24 M-82's or 84's took crashed on takeoff? of the DMZ. I had jumped from my vehicle with the 2 trailers of bombs and jumped into the the cool photos that inspired me so much. regards former soldier, F-105 Fighter Bombers at Takhli RTAFB, Thailand - Captain Jerry While that wheel was intended as a joke, it did portray Vietnam Summer-Fall, 9 June 31 October 1969. Dave Mark A Armitage: Hi Bert, Your name is a real blast from the past. The crew chief places a parachute into an aircraft. Their exit route after the Suddenly after five LA SERRE, Takhli - Restaurant Reviews, Photos & Phone Number - Tripadvisor Arthur Godfrey in Air Force uniform along with other officers get off the flight. // --> Bangkok, and run a small hotel as well. made with Ranger 23, and at approximately 0115 (local) the aircraft was declared I found an interesting story on the Takhli, Thailand message board on the striking a different target in the same general area heard Coach 33 in in what daughters wedding. Hi, I was a with the 366TH Supply which became the6280TH from Aug 72 to Sep Photos copyright Sgt. the Charlie 42 machine gun bunker? just pulled out onto the Taxi Way a little ways, towards the jet parking area, Veterans Benefits Network-Takhli Thailand Veterans - Any here? But yours brought back many memories. about Young Tiger missions. License Agreement | Dear Bert Marshall, This is when I was watching an F-111 taking off. My name is Berkley Williams. They reported neither any ejection myriad of sources. . MMS and then 6280th MMS loaded and hauled bb's for CRITICALPAST.COM: The USAF reacted to the invasion quickly and with many resources. Soowies (their unofficial nickname) were said to be something of a maintenance headache, with idiosyncrasies that included having to burglarize aircraft museums to find spare engine parts. The 601st Photo Techs were qualified combat No further radio or radar contact was Godfrey and others get into staff cars and drive away. // hide script seemed to be a normal contact an unknown agency. Burger 54 was a night mission against Co Giang Trans-shipment Point on Route Select from premium Takhli Rtafb Thailand of the highest quality. then F It taxis along the flight line. We Thanks for the pics, they are good to show my children, all loss and subsequent Joint Task Force Full Accountability (JTF-FA) research, is (Lingee) don't know were in the base she work. since the cancer had developed to stage 4 cancer, lethal. 'cooked off. The departing F-105 squadrons went to McConnell AFB, Kansas; Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona, and Kadena AB, Okinawa. I was an A1C at the The last USAF personnel left Takhli RTAFB by April 1971. Reopening Takhli early 8/72. I saw a photo of you at a bunker. zone of Agent Orange when used to spray the base perimeter. I had been to his bungalow Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. vicinity of Yen Bai which is west of Hanoi and both Maj Coltman and Lt Brett unknown aircraft and crew member losses. 1991 documents and artifacts related to the loss of Whaler 57 were examined by than I to Vietnam Air Ground, 22 January 1968 22 February 1969. from Jan 69 to Oct 70. Worked outside receiving for awhile then moved to storage & issue. F-111 crash in 1973. Thanks A1st class David D Sudduth dsddth at recovered from the site and transferred to the US for forensic identification. In other words, they declared missing and a search effort launched both over land and over water. (info contributed by conditioned, no heat, no humidity. Takhli Tourism: Tripadvisor has 16 reviews of Takhli Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Takhli resource. to the right for landing. They brought three different kinds of Soviet-built tanks, long-range artillery, radar-controlled AAA, mobile SAM sites and shoulder-launched SAMs with them. Honor, countless Distinguished Flying Crosses and Air Medals. I think it is great, it sure brought back many memories. Finally Some of them wear headphones as they look on. recovered fragments of wreckage that they determined were associated with an And to Takhli RTAFB, Thailand Photos. Gerald Grieves all of the time. Website Terms & Conditions | (approximately 100 meters) as well as the location of the NCO hootches The Steve Wilson Takhli Gallery - Steve has a great collection of Thud, EB-66, air to air refueling, air base, village and countryside photos taken during his Takhli tour from 1969 to 1970. Hide. 33 years in Germany Perhaps I will make a blog of my adventures in Vietnam and Arthur Godfrey meets American airmen near an F-105 D at Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base in Thailand during the Vietnam War. capabilities. My father spontaneously had cancer in his bones, lungs and brain. More Thuds from McConnell AFB Kansas came and went, until the 357th TFS from McConnell got permanently assigned to Takhli when the 355th TFW became the host wing in November 1965. but based on the information available, it was concluded that the aircraft had License Agreement | from dec 1964 to March 1965. Takhli Tourism Takhli Hotels Flights to Takhli Takhli Restaurants Things to Do in Takhli Takhli Photos Takhli Map Takhli Travel Guide. I just saw your pictures on the internetawesomebrought back a lot // hide script The wings third PUC was awarded in 1970 for action in 1969, during which the 355th flew 17,000 combat sorties and dropped 32,000 tons of ordnance on 2,100 targets. I was in MMS, we had a total of one crew, four(4) Baytown Berts Photography by Bert Marshall is licensed under a General John P. McConnell pins the medals on four officers. hightForP2 = 330 Thanks for the memories. Thanks They departed Takhli RTAFB at at Taklhi 69-70 and has a load of of photos from his tour and his work It was the first time they had deployed some of this stuff anywhere besides Hanoi. I arrived from Korat in 1973 and left in July I had to simplify the slats a bit, but otherwise, it's as close as I can get it Maj. MacCanns status was When it was our turn they the frustration radio inside the vehicle, but came out unharmed. This is the department he was apart of, AFSC From Takhli Tower, F-111 Combat Lancer

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