what is a group of bandits called

Nor was it because they lived or died "nobly." Such tales romanticize bandits and ignore their ignoble deeds, such as robbing, terrorizing, and killing peasants. We know that a woman called Mara Bonita died with Lampio in a hail of gunfire in 1938. Gallant, Thomas W. "Greek Bandits: Lone Wolves or a Family Affair?" Despite the popular image, polygyny among bandits was the exception and not the rule. Indeed, when used by state authorities, the pejorative "bandits" labels forms of violent resistance they cannot control except by equally brutal repression. Literary romanticization of bandits was pronounced during the formation of nation-states and was often coupled with the desire of the urban literati to discover sources of opposition (often to foreign rule) in the countryside. Barcelona, 19621963. The victim was therefore defined taxonomically. German authorities suppressed partisan opposition with maximum force[4] To compound matters, official government sources often purposely blur the distinction between bandit and revolutionary. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. The peasant villages that purportedly supported and sustained social bandits did not exist in the bandit-infested areas of western Cuba. Richard W. Slatta, "Banditry as Political Participation in Latin America," in Criminal Justice History: An International Annual 11 (1990): 171-187. The group called on the state government and security agencies to evacuate migrant herdsmen "to where they came from, as was done with Almajiris", to stop the attacks. Most animal studies emphas, Paramilitary Groups. the so-called haiduks were men of the people who stood against the hegemony of foreign rulers and the exploitation of the poor by the nobility. The collective name for a group of apes is called a shrewdness. The term is derived from the Roman-law concept of status rei Romanae, i.e., the public law of th, Bandicoots (Peramelidae and Peroryctidae), https://www.encyclopedia.com/international/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/banditry, https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/banditry, https://www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/banditry. Moss, David. Ruber und Gauner in Deutschland. [30] Other than escaping to difficult terrains, powerful bandits used their connections with high-standing figures in the capital to negotiate safety. SStartingCell= (area ID) and save it. https://www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/banditry, "Banditry Christon I. Archer, "Banditry and Revolution in New Spain, 17901821," in Biblioteca Americana 1, no. In the Balkans, the recorded history of haiduks goes back to the fifteenth century, but popular ballads about their lives and deeds did not flourish before the middle of the eighteenth century. List of Names for Groups of Animals: A Complete Glossary Princeton, N.J., 1985. Women played only a minor role in banditry. The most famous of all privateers is probably English admiral Francis Drake, who made a fortune plundering Spanish settlements in the Americas after being granted a privateering commission by Elizabeth I in 1572. In addition to the highly developed economy of Beijing, the Region also contained numerous commercial cities; these cities not only attracted merchants but also bandits. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues . The Cuban independence period illustrates both political banditry and the interpretive debates going on in the study of banditry. What does the name Bandit mean? Encyclopedia.com. The Uskoks of Senj: Piracy, Banditry, and Holy War in the Sixteenth-Century Adriatic. Nobody likes a know-it-all, especially when youre not actually 100% right. . //]]>. If youre not sure, you can usually refer to a large collection of a bug species as a swarm (for large groups of flying insects) or colony. Looters are the first-tier infantry for Bandits. New York, 1937. The songs about the hardships of bandit life in Corsica, Greece, and elsewhere lament that becoming a bandit was far from glorious. Banditry is an aggressive form of illegality and of adventurist capital accumulation found in certain social contexts, especially those marked by insecurity and violence; in this sense it is a product of political economy. Oxford and Cambridge, Mass., 1992. LOCATION: central and western part of the Balkan Peninsula (Southeastern Europe) , Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo, "Fascism" was the ideology of the movement that, under the leadership of Benito Mussolini, seized power in Italy in 1922 and held power until the All, The independent (and sovereign) political community. What about female bandits? Is there a way to play as another faction (i.e. Bandit) on - Arqade At other times banditry represented an economic alternative in a world of opportunity narrowly restricted by the elite. Neither solely a prepolitical form of protest nor a means of suppressing peasant unrest, it may have performed these functions among others. Morelia, Mexico: Instituto Michoacano de Cultura; Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. Jos Mara Lus Mora, 1999. One example was Gao Yingxiang, who started as a mounted bandit in Shaanxi and later became an important rebel leader in late Ming. In the hands of urban intellectuals it points to the bad old days before the establishment of the nation-state, when life and property were not secure. [27] Similarly, Zhang's comrades Liu Brothers and Tiger Yang had wives and children. 2 vols. Bandit leaders cooperated more often with the powerful, not the humble, elements of society. When caught and juridically processed, their bodies became the subject of a publicly demonstrated spectacle of state power. The use of privateers allowed states to project maritime power beyond the capabilities of their regular navies, but there were trade-offs. Souna is soon rescued by Garami, an Arms Peddler who sells weapons to clients wishing to buy guns. (April 27, 2023). These raids, in turn, endeared them to Spains colonial rivals England and France, which offered various forms of support. But more informal kinds of banditry occurred in other settings. Hobsbawm, E. J. Bandits. Although fear and protection are critical components of bandit power, they are not a sufficient cause for bandits' sustained prepotency. . There can be no doubt that the discontent of the underprivileged, impoverished, and sometimes marginalized sectors of the population occasionally erupted into popular or mostly local food riots; but it also expressed itself on a smaller scale as "social It is a specific form of arbitrary personal prepotency and agency with its own "aesthetic" and accompanying discourses, thriving on, and constituting itself through, a complex array of symbols. Fears of banditry of this sort surfaced in 1789, during the French Revolution, and helped trigger rural risings. Banditry, Chivalry, and Terror in German Fiction, 17901830. Yet more research is needed. Violent retribution was "justice," a private affair not to be reported to the state. J "Banditry (April 27, 2023). Revenge in kind is threatened by the family who made the initial slight. Bandits did not necessarily belong to the peasantry; they often belonged to those groups who sponsored or controlled the production of (often) literary symbols. Also known as the Bandit Queen, Phoolan Devi was born in 1963 in the north of India into a poor low-caste family. That eventually expanded to include creatures that werent hunted (like bugs), and usage that spread beyond just hunters. Now they were seen as living ancestors who inhabited a different time and who had to be tamed in the modern republic. [19] Another report of 1489 attested that soldiers had raided in Henan province. More than most other social phenomena, the characterization of banditry depends upon how it is approached. From the perspective of the "bandit" himself, the situation may look different. Florence, 1977. Gonzlo G. Snchez and Donny Meertens, Bandoleros, gamonales y campesinos: El caso de la Violencia en Colombia (1983). Rescue Imo From Political Bandits, Gangsters, Group Tells Stakeholders Europe, 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World. But betrayal to agents of the state was always a grave danger, unless the individual was protected by powerful interests. But for them, too, it is clear that the structure of their gangs was decisively shaped by people who had a permanent address. So a murder of crows is one of the coolest (or at least memorable) animal group names. So does banditry become a historiographical discourse about order, justice, and freedom. That is, it is an incontrovertible fact that bandits often terrorized peasants who appear to have voluntarily supported them; yet this fact does not exhaust or even address the issue of why and how banditry emerged, how it was sustained, or how bandit myths achieved such potency at both the local and national levels. The closer one gets to it, the more such positive features appear to recede. Equipment Looters can spawn with in battle. Latin American elites long have recognized the dangerous political potential of banditry and have made vigorous efforts to contain it. COW-PUNCHER: Also called Buckaroo, Cow Poke, Waddie, Cowboy, and in Spanish a "Vaquero". Louis A. Prez, Jr., sees banditry in western rural Cuba as motivated by peasant resentment of their marginalization by expanding sugar plantations. Bandits in Peru, Mexico, and Argentina operated in a similar fashion. Robber bands, however, as well as vagabonds and gypsies traveling in groups of varying sizes, were both more incalculable and more dangerous. Encyclopedia.com. Violence and indiscriminate robberies alienated them from the peasantry. The rural poor sometimes used banditry to express political sentiments. Alternatively, the offenders are betrayed by other families, also resulting in their deaths. Following their restoration in 1815, the Neapolitan Bourbons, rulers of Sicily, attempted to abolish feudalism and enclose common holdings, sub, Serbs The state is therefore complicit in the construction and interpretation of banditry. had marks left on them. Some of the most notorious corsairs were the Barbary corsairs of North Africa, who were aligned with the Ottoman Empire but were often beyond the empires ability to control them. In the late nineteenth century Corsican bandits liked to present themselves as "Robin Hood" figures. Driessen, Henk. [17], The Capital Region also housed a huge number of soldiers with Ming's system of hereditary military and a major portion of bandits were actually soldiers stationed in the region. "Il brigantaggio nel Mezzogiorno dopo l'Unit d'Italia." Rome, 1986. Similar views were initially entertained by Byron about the Greek Klephts. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. [39], Marauding was one of the most common peasant reactions to oppression and hardship. Likewise, stories about bandits should not be treated as primary raw data on the bandits themselves or as simple expressions of hidden peasant aspirations, but rather as the result of a process of elaborated discourse (including textual discourse and reinterpretation) about power relations within society. There were basic differences between banditry in predominantly agricultural areas and in mountainous pastoral areas. See "Letteratura e Mafia," pp. Rousseau's imagining of the Corsican way of life contains many of the germinal contradictory notions about bandits that developed in romanticism and have retained popular currency. In Latin America it was part and parcel of an expanding frontier economy. "Banditry Richard Slatta, Gilbert Joseph, and others have begun placing Latin American banditry in a broader, more comparative perspective. Although they were supported by the local community whose yearnings for a prepolitical just world they embodied, they were usually betrayed. Inevitably, state authorities viewed such violence as a sign of "barbarism" to be mercilessly extirpated, and as a moral weakness in the peasants who were duped by the bandits. Because privateering was generally a more lucrative occupation than military service, it tended to divert manpower and resources away from regular navies. As a legal category, banditry is a pernicious form of crime that subverts the state's monopoly of legitimate violence. Bandits are seen as beyond the pale of "civilized society," a symptom of the low level of development of the countryside, a problem impeding progress and thus meriting swift, equally brutal, suppression by the army or police, without much regard to the constitutional human rights the modern state claims to protect.

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