armchair expert transcript

Later, we'll also have some questions from the audience! Anna Kendrick (Alice, Darling, Pitch Perfect, Trolls) is an actor. Certain restrictions apply, visit, Energizer COM, Dax for full terms and conditions. Isn't it I believe me. You want to know just stay with you in the meeting great we're, safe and have them, and then you know, get a minute with them, because if we do a hundred people and they each get a minute to two minutes, each us almost two to three-, then go and you're like crying and quicker hope. With some episodes lasting 2+ hours, it can be difficult to catch minor errors. sliver of time where we could be on the same page and enjoying I'm saying that an air quotes the ivorian thing together. No entrusted me, I was doing quite a bit of babysitting at seven yeah yeah, six and a half Carly was born. This is a theater of sports. This ad, I agree that he'd we like, I don't care what you end up doing in this life. Yet, literally I'm like wiping tears away, I'm like fuck yeah. May 1, 2023. I've never thought of I've, actually never calling the cop. Nothing compares to, being on stage, which is great and for multiple reasons for psychological and physical ones. Stephen sits down with the Armchair Expert to discuss being drawn to counterintuitive thinking, his journey to Judaism and looking at politics through an objective lens. Rachel Bilson (The O.C., Hart of Dixie, Jumper) is an actress and podcast host. I will attempt to discover human truths without any laboratory work, clinical trials or data collection. I should hear you should use weird bring up. Rather not! I don't feel too, because I didn't seem like me. ignored me. Was it absolutely terrible to, oh yeah once a bare arm, Barrack Storm, I'm a control free. Oh, I thought. We are supported by hers skin skin. Why would I think I could you know? You were going to say that you're, one of your earliest memories is looking at a blue whale as a child. She was tempted to get the cookies, but instead she got the call and she felt right so, everything is good and she's going to go home and then drive ten fifteen. You know what I mean, which is kind of cool you're healthier than me, because I said oh wow, yes, let's date and maybe I'll think, I'm great afterwards and then. awaken burden, they desperately trying to retrieve memory, he's from my life before this, because this life is so hyper stimulating, eats all of your old memories. His lab focuses on neural regeneration, neuroplasticity, and brain states such as stress, focus, fear, and optimal performance. I would want to include her too so true into the eighty s yeah. and you love them more than anything in the world and you I don't want to. everything they need is inside each colorful create, so your child can start right away key. Ben joins the armchair expert to discuss starting off in improv comedy, how Eugene Cordero is the funniest person in the world, and dancing with Dax at a pajama birthday party. I literally where I'm at right? I wonder if this is ok, atta care. So you must be met. Down that path, so aggressively and so rapidly. If you dare this, podcast is, Howard by Energizer maker of ultimate lithium, the number one longest lasting double a battery in the business. Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, Stitcher, Castbox, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform. Ethan joins the Armchair Expert to discuss the usefulness of your inner voice and how to harness it. This is interesting. I wanted a match her and then I just had, honey hair on the other side, and I thought this is crazy. It's my computer and everyone was just being so polite about, now. I don't know Pepsi a c. Is I don't think so Antidiarrheal. Yes, yes, let me add: thing with a car in the vaping to look at this. to. Walter Isaacson is an American author, journalist, and professor. Did you ever work with MAC Miller? All that knows all shit, I'm hot, very soon, and I started a kind of a running, a marked with my hardness being like working a scam, can I get free ice cream? I learned about sex through books like I consider myself largely fortunate to be at least remote, sexually empowered and having like a healthy sexual perception of myself, because my first experiences with sex like a book of female right, neurotic that my mom had in the house where most of my other friends, their first experience with sex, was like their creepy cousin telling them, story or like porn or trauma. We most recently. letter all chemical interference. I think it, backfired on my dad being that way, though, because I remember when I was like thirteen, I was living in Jersey and, I wanted to go into Manhattan by myself and my parents were like no, it's not fucking happening, not a chance, so I made a power, point. I've not followed it, but it's true yeah. Eleven I like are in this animal tests, and I like that, take it or leave it urinary like now and so so, teaches you like you're, essentially branding yourself, you ve come up with a one line or on a movie poster totally, worst kept secret yeah. I've never, had this not before, but even as you say it of course, because people that can relate to that that struggle are also trying to just feed themselves with anything that can do, act themselves from those feelings I can totally relate yet and the people that are like, I guess, practicing my, for us, there is not even consuming as much like they're all treadmill of meeting, something to say, shake their anxiety. Jamil Zaki (The War for Kindness) is a professor of psychology at Stanford University and the director of the Stanford Social Neuroscience Lab. That's where you're going to make your living, oh yeah, yeah for sure, which is interesting thing, consider right now. Is there anywhere we can get transcripts of the episodes? I saw like we're kind of posting. Does he read everyone's knows in it were just forced? Yeah. I found myself in a lot of situations like that is well ultimately wish that drug becoming less. Dax asks about Stephen's childhood and Stephen talks about popular Freakonomics pieces. We will celebrate, above all, the challenges and setbacks that ultimately lead to growth and betterment. I would rush from my house to great the middlemen and he would talk to, ass. Yes, so now and then I thought man if Ruth Bader Ginsburg was still alive. Relationship. I think than this I'm just being ompleted candid here, there's a better feeling when you can walk into a room and think to yourself like I am a very, very successful person and there's a lot of things that people in this room would want to talk to me about and a lot of you know cool things. I too much, moving to a non ranch home. Announcement right now. That's a big kid, yeah, I mean the big numbers, I'm just gonna, be completely candid and that's when everyone, You know my album starts streaming. Podcast Transcripts of Armchair Expert | Happy Scribe Russia forgotten my die when he heard all so brush your top, your palette to it so uncomfortable inside honourable I've. worked out the Vienna, so that's important if you ever read fear of flying. My day is not being scheduled, For for me by someone else, and I have no incentive to be productive, put on on a I- I've- no incentive at all, because no one's looking at, is like being home alone when you're a kid where, like the first week was awesome, I was like I'm going to have candy for every meal mentally speaking and then eventually, you feel like shit and your leg? In a new interview with Dax Shephard and Monica Padman on the Armchair Expert podcast, he has opened up about how he wants to "break the cycle" of the "pain and suffering" of his upbringing. This is in. then me right, it's no! Where are your hair is longer than mine? So it's fine. Oh my gosh, your pizza slice. Ethan explains how important context is when triggering emotions, how negative emotions are just as vital as positive ones, and the ways language can shape our emotional experiences. Now you also have a bad age. I've tried to have that risk eleven sitting on it for a while that see. A podcast with Dax Shepard. Oh ok, I got my sexiness was a soup, power. I still hate myself. So then I had to go back to the drawing board and I would hope everyone would be lucky enough to experience that, and so I recognize it's a huge privilege, but also yeah. Laura Labo and Anna Kendrick are now tied for my most favorite episodes of Armchair Expert. Jamil joins the Armchair Expert to discuss all things empathy: why he was drawn to the topic, the roadblocks of it, the erosion of empathy and how to get it back. Alright, thank you! civil disobedience, their books before experienced in the real world. For Christmas, that's native d, o dot com slashed. I was like I'm invincible. You pulled but, I'm not buying it yeah. the really climb, the latter pretty high. Ninety three she's got a bunch of amazing songs that we talk about. like. Enjoy! You want to go further and high diarrhoea. Tracy joins the Armchair Expert to discuss how anxiety can be a tool for people to deal with stress, how it shouldn't always be treated with medication, and that anxiety is a feature of being human and not a malfunction. I ran out and stopped in my tracks and there was a different man. I would hold up in my house and like Red Bukowski I'd, be like I'm the same as him. So I am locked in I'm not just like you know, going through the motions, so I'm giving advice and hearing people stories and taking on their traumas and like yes, you know like filling up with all this stuff. And before we move on to how hideous and discussing you are as a child, which I'm sure you are just please ask, Monica, her dating profile. Let me know I'll pass them along, but Monaco have first wag at him, but you'll definitely be on that. George Saunders (A Swim in a Pond in the Rain) is a #1 New York Times bestselling, Booker Prize-winning author. I just remember that, the winner at the time. one of the first steps of doing that was removing myself from a situation where there is. There is no spark like bitch fucking call your doctor. I'm, Lenny alike. No one will hurt me because I'm hot wrong fucking wrong yeah, because at least before. Like I'm obligated, to tell my story- and this is my story- not that song in particular- but just your music also is very honest about having mental health issues and trauma and all this stuff I started noticing it when I became sensitive to it because post that really. They provide access to online consultations with licensed medical providers who, if appropriate, can prescribe customizable skincare treatment made to target specific adult acne concerns. I historically like an like an older sure. We impossibility. I was ugly until last year and then the year after that I'll go who let me shave my head. We need to exercise all that stuff. of sitting on the toilet too long. So I take Lexapro, and I was on medicated for a really long time, but I just heard taking it like, maybe like six months ago. Halsey is a Grammy Award-nominated, platinum-selling singer songwriter. Be careful at the time was my land to okay. They literally exact same with likes approval is brought about my supper. Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard 1,227 views 29 Mar 2021 Transcribe your podcast [00:00:00] Welcome, welcome, welcome to armchair expert I'm Dan Shepherd. Look at this ridiculous. They say: that's when you ve arrived in Hollywood, ok I'd! His arm believe alarm hook us. And she has a new book out right now, it's poetry and we, lucky enough. If I stay in this relationship is getting to a point now and reflecting and going. She greeted me on that kind of music and she had all these cool fucking erotic book she's in like Atlantis more set and like Anti Defranco she's like a feminist like very cool yeah, but I always thought that I would end up a writer because it was where I felt the most confident in myself. Does it say that does not. I've talked about this a million times in here which is like yeah. I'm selling organic matter. Susan explains that theres no place for blame, shame or guilt in ethics, what incentive people have to make ethical decisions, and the need to make ethics accessible to everyone. out of control and it's this little zone. Oh that's, weird. Oh, my mouth is watering. so whatever I didn't like about myself. Halsey joins the Armchair Expert and the two bond over vaping, ranch-style homes, and both having car salesman fathers. your book, so you you've sold a million albums, which is incredible in this current age of album sales. I gonna might be, how you say his name, Jane discarded is like. I dont want one of those yeah, so maybe what I'll do to recapture that time is all start really gettin neurotic, my oral health care. Tracy Dennis-Tiwary is an author and researcher. Don't talk about drugs around me? Oh my god! When I get coffee. Ok, now we go down to the MAC Miller's, which, look. I don't know if you remember, on Beber cut his hair for the first time. Most people are also deserving of my undivided attention. Knowing I'm not the only one makes me feel validated that yes, that was more than just a bad relationship and I don't have to doubt myself. Is it all kind of culminated for me? I have time, let's do dad and it's funny realizing like how many qualities that you have like unintentional, absorbed or inherited and qualities that you know you perhaps resent in one of your parents and somebody sent, in yourself and you're like well. Now he did they build their own moon rover with wheels in its fully functional moon Robert. I was like all quarantine. you again suitor I want it fairer Minnesota. out of your life and whatever, and it's like what is the life laughed, but also that's kind of why in the quarantine I like have started getting my shit together, because the beginning of the process is really hard. season to celebrate moments of wonder and discovery and with key we co seriously fond and innovative crates. Better they're made better native, has ingredients you've heard heard of like oil oil shade Shea butter, also vegan and never tested on animals and native, never uses ingredients that shouldn't be in deodorant, like aluminum, paraben sulfates or tell their candy cane gifts. Oh you know what I'll do I'll give you a cute one, this one's cute. to have because on one hand, I do believe that people should be compensated for their intellectual property and for their work and for sharing pieces of their life in such a way as I was, and most people when they make something they make like a tangible product and then they sell. I feel great, you know, and I'm not gonna bore you too much. Obviously, because you know the casting director in the direct were like me up, he looks like he's, got bad breath, she's perfect or she looks like she, their candidates appropriately. Rather I catch myself and I think there is some element of older people that listen to the current music and think it sounds a little victim and not a ton of self responsibility or owners, of of anyone's in things but you're doing that, and I applaud that and I think if people listen to the nuance, they'll find that I think music is a difficult thing because-, It goes actually we're just taking about. Forty five? This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. For me at least I love these people and I love spending time with them. Armchair Expert Umbrella with Dax Shepard Armchair Umbrella Comedy 4.6 63.5K Ratings MAY 1, 2023 Danny Ric + Daxy Shep "eff won" Teaser We would trust with that responsibility having a device that doesn't work because the battery has died is the worst thing about it. Amy joins the Armchair Expert to discuss how much she likes to identify as an outsider that worked her way in, how control is the dream state, and how important it was for Dax to do car stuff in Baby Mama. you got me were all wrong. I want that for me for sure, You know the cool thing is I have daddy issues and mommy issues. I learned everything through books, like I learned about misogyny through books through books before experienced in the real world, and I learned. There is a quote from the Jared Cohen episode I want to share with someone and I am losing patience on trying to find it again. Transcript of Day 7 from Armchair Expert | Happy Scribe In what an interesting mousetrap there is not the real, ability factor. never had that conservation ship in world you're always going to take the first step, because all you see is every negative thing. I cried, one Wednesday. yeah pit stops no you'll, stop at the bar egoism, stuff for gas. I'm fine! I like that she compartmentalize the name. Credit has Olga you and. 0:00:00 Well, come on the market, an arm chair, expert, I'm deck Shepard who joined by Monica bad man held ok, so people like Duchess Duluth they wanted to be minister of mice. I looked like a nightmare cartoon rabbit or something over the somewhere like sophomore year, so it, alike did about a girl. I did not think I going be an actor. So with some questions, Monica what's age given to me well, it started. Subscribe Now. will know when they have held a toast because they d, I think they do. kinship I completely cleansed my life and it was like. Bed like. Aaron deals with covid symptoms, his perverted dogs, and binges the Wire. This is a funny thing too, is because you do this work, so you can have. I cannot wait at an end. When the election, I know the pythagorean theorem and I had read three hundred books from the public library plus. I'm like, I am just a bull's eye of the person. The age ranges I want you, Monica was born and eighty seven, so she's thirty three. Well now I know so it's like not to live vicariously through someone's death, which is like a weird, paradoxical statement, but you know it kind of gave me that perspective. thank on it yeah. I think it was in people underestimate how much of the success of war is logistics. Let's just say, in the nineties of South South sold six billion singles. I don't ever need to know that I have no interest. Ethan discusses how having the ability to feel the way we want all the time could be problematic and tips on how to be in the past and the future without being sucked in the chatter. either has oh, my god. Do you have a bicycle? I'm willing to accept this, but I certainly need more information. Welcome, welcome mountain armchair expert, I'm Dan, rather I'm joined by Monica Monsoon Emmy nominated three times decorated three times Thrace times decorate eyelash, not as an economic aegis, thrice times decorated. I really started to understand those relationships and also you know what I think had a lot to do with.

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