poisonous mythological creatures

Have a wonderful month! As our early immigration of convicts from the UK brought with them most of their spirits.. we have a smattering here .. like Water Sprites, Banshees, etc..Various little people, Pixies, Elves & Fairies etc. Cerberus this is one of the most dangerous or evil Greek mythological creatures: a three-headed dog that guards the door of the Underworld in Greek mythology. Andrews, R. C. (1926) On the Trail of Ancient Man. The most common dragon to appear in British folklore and perhaps the earliest root of the dragon legend is the worm,which stems from Norse influences and the Anglo Saxon word Wyrm or vurm. Just another Chinese ghost is E Gui, the hungry ghost. You want to hear something funny I worked hard on this list and after I first posted it, I shared it with an online writing group. My WIP has kitsune and will probably feature a few other creatures from Japanese mythology before the tale is finished. They have similarities to brownies and to dwarves. Have you seen Borgess Book of Imaginary Beings (if Im recalling the name correctly)? They were so big, in fact, that if caught in such a straddle, they could be tied up and used for bridges. Our imagination has always been our greatest ally, and our worst enemy. However, the real identity of the olgoi-khorkhoi is far more prosaic: it is the Tartar sand boa, a desert-dwelling, nonvenomous snake. After hundreds of years, he spontaneously combusts, and a new baby phoenix is born in the ashes. Variations: Lomi, Lossie, Los, Moose, Elk. The primary reference to the asp in Christian symbolism is Psalm 58. Zduha in Slavic mythology, these were men with the natural magical ability to protect their people and their property from storms and hail. In ancient Greek mythology, they were helpful spirit guides, similar to guardian angels. These great worms were often the metal to test the courage of aspiring heroes. Im using the Chupacabra myth h in the Sea Purrtector Files Series. I am currently in the process of developing the plot line for my story, and I need a species for a boy character. Topsell, E. (1658) The History of Serpents. 29, pp. Many mythical creatures have things in common, and this hybrid may remind you of a few others! This was confirmed by Gorelov, who showed a specimen of the boa to people in the Gobi. The olgoi-khorkhoi is a serpent that looks like a sausage, two feet (0.6 meters) long, and lacks a head and legs. As tribes fought for domination and came to be united under a common banner the dragon was adopted as a national icon. chimera in Greek mythology, the chimera has the body and head of a lion, a goats head sticking out of its back, a set of goat-udders just for fun, and a serpentine tail. Banshees appear in Irish folklore and are not necessarily evil or dangerous, but she is strongly connected to the death of someone in the family, and therefore considered both a bad omen and an unwanted visitor. Top 50 Mythical Sea Creatures (Complete List & Guide) The serpent that grows along with the treasure it guards is a recurring motif, first appearing in the saga of Ragnar Lodbrok where the serpent eventually has to be slain by the titular hero. Top 25 Cats From Mythology. II. ), Sirens vs. Mermaids (Differences & Are They The Same? It has a sac-like bladder under its neck. Sirens are sometimes described as a type of mermaid, but in Greek mythology, they were half-bird and half-women, and they would sing an enchanting song to lure sailors to their inevitable death and destruction. Rhys, J. Hi I am in the process of writing a book. Super article! Nuttall, Z. Druce, G. C. (1914) Animals in English Wood Carving. (1840) The Liber Landavensis, Llyfr Teilo. The females have one big breast and one small one. Can both be helpful and aggressive depending on how you treat the woodlands. They are Roman in origin, and this article discusses the difference between fauns and satyrs. Norse Mythology Creatures And as I was going down the list I came across one that not only is perfect for plot but ties in with my MC and now the story has quite a twist to come. keshalyi Transylvanian fairies. angels they show up in Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, and other traditions of belief. (eds.) The lion of Nemea nixies water spirits in Germany, Scandinavia, and Switzerland. Lets see its April 6, youve got lots of time. Williams and Norgate, London. Scholfield, A. F. (1959) On the Characteristics of Animals, vol. hongaek this Korean word means Red Disaster, and describes a cloud of fear and confusion that shows up at the scene of a suicide, murder, fatal traffic accident, or other catastrophes. I havent seen Borgess book! Usually people had not seen one themselves, but knew others who had, and every time they went to a play where the olgoi-khorkhoi was said to be abundant, the inhabitants told them the creature could be found a few miles away. This is a great list! Scholfield, A. F. (1959) On the Characteristics of Animals, vol. The husband of Echidna and the father of many of the monsters found in Greek mythology. Belief in the musca macedda appears to be an ancient one. Theyre Irish female spirits, and if youre about to die, one will show up to wail at you. Thank you so much for commenting! He died because someone took away the water he would have used to rinse out his mouth. According to Apache beliefs, these spirits have healing powers. has a toothed mouth in the middle of its stomach and short, stubby legs that move in succession a description more reminiscent of a millipede or centipede than a spider. Rationalizations for the combinations of features include a snake trying to eat a loudly protesting rooster, and a snake that was sloughing its skin, with pieces of dead skin giving the impression of a crest and wattles around the head. (Actually I first encountered mention of it in a derisive article about Juilie Roberts. fauns C.S. Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, London. We see them as bad fairies because they dance in the night in circles and whoever sees them is cursed. It is covered with feathers just like those of the quetzal bird. Thank you , Im trying to write a supernatural fanasy book and this list helps me alot with the supernatural creatures Im to be putting in it, thank you so much it is great, i am preparing for JRF. The name Rhox indicates similarity to a grape. A. Efremov, and much has been posited since about its appearance, habits, and true nature. Here are links to read about English fairies, Irish fairies, and fairies on the Isle of Man. abiku among the Yoruba and Dahomey people in West Africa, these are evil tree spirits that are born as children and die several times, often within the same family. Julia, these are wonderful! Most of our modern vampire lore comes from early 18th century Eastern Europe, when everyone lost their minds, claimed to see vampires, and tried to stake and kill them. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Typical symptoms include suffocation, convulsions, and retching. King Minos offered it regular sacrifices of young people to feed his hunger. It's as toxic as blue-ringed octopuses. To that may be added the Hypnalis, so called because it sends its victims to eternal sleep. Mythical Creatures If you have read the books Eragon, Eldest, Brisinger, and Inheritance, you learn about a species called Urgals. If you have read the books Eragon, Eldest, Brisinger, and Inheritance, you learn about a species called Urgals. Hi Ioana! The Loch Ness Monster The Loch Ness monster is a mythical sea creature believed to be living in the Scottish Loch (Lake) (1892) Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion. Thank you for making this list. They are versatile shapeshifters. If it shows up in a yurt, the inhabitants move out. Yes! Andrews, R. C. (1932) The New Conquest of Central Asia. Its color is a white brocade. Also, in the morning the grass is burned in the place they danced. Its name starts with an m and spelled something like maniche, but thats not it. WebCeladon: Celadon dishes were said to break or change color if poisoned food was put on them, according to Asian and Middle Eastern legends. Shahmaran, should be in there Shes snake king half snake half human, her down actual body is a head of a snake Her beauty will lead you to death. ). The Journal of American Folklore, v. 8, no. We also have the little people (hairy, scary, evil) in the Endeavour River area of North Queensland Known as Quinkins. Category:Venomous creatures | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom mermaids and mermen dozens of cultures have myths about these half-human, half-fish creatures. Muses in Greek mythology, these nine nymphs or goddesses are patronesses of the arts. , I think you should never take a post down, just because there are some people that dont like it. This treasure may be found all over Sardinia, including near Alghero, Esterzili, Sorgono, the church of Valenza, and many other places. Shircore also attributes to the crowing crested cobra or Inkhomi a diet of maggots, explaining that it kills indiscriminately to create more food for maggots. Free dishes! and try to grab one, the dracae drag her under the water and make her their nanny forever. This list is a life saver! Heylyn, P. (1657) Cosmographie in Four Books. According to myth, they have the faces, wings and front legs of an eagle and the rear, tail and hind legs of a lion. Typhon, the father, was an ancient and monstrous giant who was believed to be the most dangerous creature in all of Greece. winged horses there are many of them, from a few different cultures, besides the famous Pegasus. Mythical Creatures There are three rows of black-bordered rufous spots on its back that join to form a zigzag band towards the tail. Regardless of who it was, they were brought in to kill the serpent, but found the creature too powerful to kill. Mongolian folklore is ambivalent on snakes. This link discusses the lfar (singular, lfr) light-elves in Norse Germanic mythology, which clearly inspired Tolkien as well as some other types. minotaur in Greek mythology, this monstrous creature with the head of a bull lived in a maze. Theres some discussion of Italian fairies, or fatas, in this article about Italian witchcraft. I dont know if this is true in other countries, but in the United States, we associate these cute fantasy creatures very strongly with Saint Patricks Day. Plant Folklore: Myths, Magic, and Superstition | Gardener's Path I stopped on this list when I realized I didnt have a good way to decide what to include and what to leave out. Heylyn, P. (1636) Microcosmus: A Little Description of the Great World. Top Ten: Most Terrifying Monsters Of Greek Mythology All three dogs got regular walking breaks and they were very good travelers! These medieval fantasy creatures have the head, talons, and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion. Thank you for the info, and for the links! I love mythological creatures. Its venom is instantaneously deadly, and known symptoms include web-like strands in the urine. The male crows like a rooster, while the female clucks, te te te te. at least they work in this series , Excellent! (See also: Dandos Dogs.). Have you ever wondered what the most evil mythical creature is? I do recommend the book Encyclopedia of Spirits by Judika Illes. In Orkney, the selkies are seals who can turn into humans. Cloud People also known as the Shiwanna. poltergeists spirits of the dead or malignant forces that live in some houses and throw things around. . I had not heard of any of these. The mosquitos and bumblebees eventually made peace and hybridized. Leo S. Olschki, Geneva. It lives in the sandiest, driest areas of the Western Gobi desert. The child will scream and cry after a chance to rest in peace, this can be achieved if one carries them to a graveyard, the task will get heavier and heavier the closer you get to your goal. Some of these supernatural species are very popular, and some are more obscure to most of us. But wights are great story fodder, so you make a good point! There will always be people who do like it (like me). Any would be very helpful. Waller, H. W. (1874) The Last Journals of David Livingstone in Central Africa, v. II. Robin, P. A. The one reported from Nuchis was as big as an oxs head. Top 10 Most Lethal Mythical creatures - AstroTalk.com igigi in the mythology of ancient Mesopotamia, these spirits hovered above the earths horizon and, like angels, helped the deities. It is probably a typographical error on Heylyns part. Arion was endowed with both eternal life and the ability to speak. There are so many myths from different cultures about forest spirits and forest people But most of us are so out of touch with that kind of connection with nature these days. These pugnacious bees quickly set about battling the mosquitos and gave the lumberjacks a respite. succubi (singular, succubus) in European tales, these female demons have sex with sleeping men. It is close to the gray wolf and bears. mythical Ooh, I should have put chupacabras on here! It stretches across the Niagara Escarpment from Niagara to Tobermory. It would also spew venom onto the land. nats these tree spirits, sometimes worshipped in parts of Myanmar, may guard the environment. Ichneumons also eat asp eggs. Im so glad it was inspiring. I was helpful for me. JPV utgafa, Reykjavik. He also makes separate mention of another, different snake that makes a sound like the crowing of a cockerel, adding that this is well authenticated. skinwalkers in Navajo mythology, a skinwalker can take on the appearance of any person or creature, and they can be terrifying. They be the souls of women who died as virgins. I made up the example to talk about putting the action before the reaction and making more of dramatic moments. elves this is probably one of the best-known supernatural species, and there are so many different kinds. The sphinx is Chimera I needed some unique species for a roleplay and this really helped. The short legs may be a misinterpretation, as the description and lethality both suggest the malmignatte or Mediterranean black widow. Top 10 Terrifying Mythological Creatures Mythic humanoids - Wikipedia Their hard scales cannot be easily pierced by swords, arrows, and other weaponry. Fortunately for humanity, the moskittos had inherited the bees love of sugar. These ladies are beautiful mountain nymphs of Serbia who like to dance in the forest under the light of the moon. Rue, centaury, myrrh, and sorrel, opium, butter, yew leaves, treacle and salt, induced vomiting, garlic and stale ale, aniseed, and a number of other remedies are prescribed. Shircore claimed to have in his possession the bony skeleton of the fleshy comb as well as part of the neck with some vertebrae in it, five lumbar vertebrae, and a single 22-mm by 16-mm dorsal vertebra from a very large snake. kakamora in the Solomon Islands, these little people have long hair, long teeth, and long nails. You cant learn about Charybdis without learning about Scrylla, as the two are connected. In Mesopotamian mythology, the aqrabuamelu is a terrifying creature that is half scorpion and half man. You might want to check it out too. (1640) Serpentum, et Draconum Historiae. They originated with the Chippewa River mosquitos, which were large enough to straddle a stream, pick lumberjacks off logs as they floated by, and drain them dry. Im going to research a little and see what I can find about them. Thank you so much for this list. One of these fantasy creatures shows up when youre about to die. Sahagun, B.; Jourdanet, D. and Simon, R. trans. Various. emandwa these protective household spirits in Uganda are loyal to families and help women to be fertile. Collins, W. B. This is one of those monsters that are described as quite pleasant to look at, but if you failed to answer the impossible riddle of the Sphinx it would viciously attack and kill without its victims standing a chance. They also tend to have fire magic and psychic abilities. He also contradicts himself by saying that the asps bite can be cured through excision or cautery. John Murray, London. It fit. dragons these awesome fire breathing creatures must be one of the most famous fantasy animals of all, and they appear in the mythologies of Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. I think ondines are also a type of nymphs, the sea I think. All three have snakes instead of hair, and they were all turned into gorgons after Medusa had a love affair with Poseidon. Thanks again! If looks could kill certainly fits this beast. [1][2] The only difference between poisonous animals and venomous animals is how they deliver the toxins. Minotaur A human with Oh, thank you, Natalie! The Loch Ness Monster can be described as a prehistoric type beast that lurks under the surface of lake Loch Ness. Other accounts speak of it as a basilisk; the poet Rhys Tenganwy mentions a scaly monster with claws and pestiferous breath. WebThe following is a list of poisonous animals, which are animals that passively deliver toxins (called poison) to their victims upon contact such as through inhalation, absorption One of the victims of this demonization is the creature known in Mongolia as the Olgoi-khorkhoi or intestine worm, also known in English by the even more sensationalistic name of Mongolian death worm. P.S. Just a super enjoyable read. Sikes, W. (1880) British Goblins. Hi, great list. Topsell lists Los and Lossie as synonyms for the elk or moose, and also ascribes the regurgitation of scalding water to the moose. BROWNIE ? In any case the rhox, as described by Nicander, Philumenus, and Pliny, is a sort of spider or phalangion. Hungry Ghost Festival is held in Asia every year. All artwork and text on the official creature entries are A Book of Creatures. A nice list but if you want to update it some here is some suggestions from the Norse folklore: The Myling: Its the spirit of an infant killed by its parents (often the mother) for various reasons. For a mate, he took the next most monstrous creature in Greece, a half-woman, half-serpent named Due to the trauma of its death (drowning is a common method) the soul of the child haunts the area to find comfort. The cloud infects people and brings them bad luck. As such it has garnered a fearsome reputation in classical sources. I scanned the comments but did not find golem on your EXCELLENT list. Check it out! The existence of the olgoi-khorkhoi was popularized by Andrews and fellow paleontologist and science-fiction author I. ganas in Hindu mythology, these are different kinds of supernatural beings in Lord Shivas entourage (though Ganesha, the elephant-headed god, is their boss.). Many cultures have their own version of the incubus. They figure in both Hindu and Buddhist mythology. (1984) Mythical and Real Snakes of Chitipa District. Throwback Thursdaylilacs at our old house in the Kansas City area. Kitchell, K. F. (2014)Animals in the Ancient World from A to Z. Routledge, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon. The snake and rooster are strongly involved in voodoo belief, which give a cultural background to the creature. Youve narrowed the list down to the essentials with mythical creatures yet provided us with plenty of creatures and information. Hope that helps a bit! Charybdis was believed to be a terrifying sea monster that would create whirlwinds out at sea and pull anyone (and anything into it), and he was considered worse than Scrylla, who lived on the other end of the same sea. According to Topsells reference to Aristophanes, the name is derived from an intensive of spizo, to extend. That way you can create them just the way you need them. MASTER LIST of Gestures and Body Language. Variations:Water Serpent, Lake Serpent; Lagarfljotsormurinn, Lagarfljot Worm; Lyngorm, Slug. This snake is rarely seen, and when it does it flies and bites the person seeing it. Id already read and loved Lucy Foleys THE GUEST LIST, and like that one, this is told from several points of view. As a young starting out writer trying to start up a fantasy story, this is absolutely fantastic! I am struggling with the central theme. Blessings Luna. We also have had some really frightening ACTUAL animals that existed in the past, such as the Thylacine A Dog/Hyena type creature with Tiger stripes( also known as the Tasmanian Tiger). banshee youve probably heard the expression screaming like a banshee, but you may not have known exactly what these supernatural creatures are. [spacer height=20px]. For each creature, Ive made sure I could find at least two sources saying the same thing, but in some cases I may not have landed on the most popular or the most accurate version. (By the way, the term chimera also refers to something youre hoping for, but is impossible to achieve.). The poison dart frog The Poison Dart Frog is likely the most poisonous moving creature on earth. The golden poison dart frog, which is only 2 inches long (5cm), carries enough venom to end the lives of 20,000 mice or ten adult humans. As with all snakes, asps are frequently given legs and dragons features in medieval illustrations. Its my main resource for for, at least, non-corporeal creatures. The ptuades (spitters) or spitting cobras are 3 feet long and are grey, green, or gold in color. Bramble: The Mountain King A fox that lives a thousand years turns into a Kumiho. (1972) Icelandic Folktales and Legends. In the stories, they are sometimes explained as the lost souls of those women who never had children of their own. In Jewish folklore, Golems are creatures that can be summoned using certain Hebrew letters in a specific order, or through complex rituals. They are the enemy of the gods, and as the Asgardian gods represent order, the Jotnar embody chaos. 57-73. It will hide in a tree and strike passers-by one after the other, killing them in short order. Its bite is deadly and kills instantly, killing both it and its victim, for it exhales its venom and its life in one go.

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