speyer cathedral architecture features

Postal stamp of 1961 commemorating the 900th anniversary of Speyer Cathedral, Postal stamp of 1995 from the series "Tourist highlights", Plan in the 19th century revealing the "double-bay" system of vaulting, View showing the original westwork in 1606, The new westwork by Heinrich Hbsch, 18541858, The eastern apsidal end, showing the encircling gallery, German Postage Stamps featuring Speyer cathedral. 1854 to 1858, Ludwig's successor, King Maximilian II, had the Baroque Westwerk replaced by a Neo-Romanesque one, with the two tall towers and the octagonal dome resembling those that were lost, thus restoring the cathedral's overall Romanesque appearance. One unique tradition youll find at Speyer is the large bowl (domnapf) in the front of the building near the plaza. This phase of construction, called Speyer I, consists of a Westwerk, a nave with two aisles and an adjoining transept. The choir was flanked by two towers. Is divided into three modules square, whose arms are located at a displaced chapels sides of the east wall of the transept by the presence of a tower block. In a drawing of 1750 depicting the cathedral with the destroyed middle section the latter window is absent. Romanesque architecture features rounded arches, barrel vaults, and thick walls. The Speyer Cathedral is an Episcopal church, a parish church and a pilgrimage destination. The sculpture of the Mount of Olives was destroyed in the great fire of 1689 and left in ruins after the rubble of the cloister was removed in 1820 in order to create some open space. Are covered with domes on edge by bays of 8 square meters in vain. It is, by virtue of its proportions, the largest, and, by virtue of the history to which it is linked (the Salic emperors made it their place of burial), the most important. In 1792 Speyer was again occupied, this time by French revolutionary troops, and once more the cathedral was pillaged. Speyer Cathedral has maintained the overall form and dimensions of the 11th-century structure and, despite substantial losses to the original fabric and successive restorations, presents a complete and unified Romanesque building. The restoration of the cathedral, beginning in 1957 "was directed towards both securing the structure and recreating the original atmosphere of the interior". The Cathedral was the burial place of the German emperors for almost 300 years. German. . Commissioned by the Bavarian King Ludwig I., the interior was painted in late Nazarene style by the school of Johannes Schraudolph and Josef Schwarzmann from 1846 to 1853. Hello You Designs. He is a 3x Lowell Thomas Award winner and a 3x North American Travel Photographer of the Year. On the walls introduces a robust pace of salient elements that reflect light and space in the sequence of corridors established by the vaults. The nave was covered with a flat wooden ceiling but the aisles were vaulted, making the cathedral the second largest vaulted building north of the Alps (after Aachen Cathedral). style/period. Changes in the crossing were also undone, but enforcements from the Baroque were left in place for structural reasons. [16] Some of the plaster and 19th-century paintings from the walls was removed. Today - after the destruction of the Abbey of Cluny - Speyer Cathedral is the biggest Romanesque church in the world. Only the Gothic sacristy kept its slate roof. The cathedral was constructed during the time of Emperor Konrad II and was consecrated in 1061. Later some cannons captured in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870/71 were displayed. It also served as the model for multiple other buildings in Europe. The Speyer Cathedral has all the usual attributes of romanesque buildings: a massive look, thick walls, rounded arches and groin vaults supported by sturdy pillars. Other German Romanesque churches, such as Worms Cathedral have an apse at both ends. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0. It is considered to be the most stunning outcome of early Salian architecture and the "culmination of a design which was extremely influential in the subsequent development of Romanesque architecture during the 11th and 12th centuries". The cathedral was the burial place of the German emperors for almost 300 years. In 1689 the Cathedral was seriously damaged by fire. Today after the destruction of the Abbey of Cluny Speyer Cathedral is the biggest Romanesque church in the world. It was the first building constructed entirely from stone in Europe. In addition to these rulers the cathedral is the resting place of several of the ruler's wives and many of Speyer's bishops. Ambitious as he was, he wanted to build the largest and most amazing church in the Western World. On 24 September 1861, the then Prince of Wales of United Kingdom, Prince Albert Edward, who would later become King Edward VII, first met his Danish born wife, Princess Alexandra later Queen Alexandra at the Speyer Cathedral. This was eventually corrected in the 1800s and the West Wing was again torn down and rebuilt to match the East Wing. The horizontal orientation already points to the development of the Gothic architecture. Conrad surely knew that he wouldnt live to see this magnificent feat of architecture completed, so he also wanted it to serve as his final resting place. This plan is characterized by the equilibrium of the eastern and western blocks and by the symmetrical and singular placement of the towers which frame the mass formed by the nave and the transept. The graves were placed in the central aisle in front of the altar. The keep is located in the second area. The design was common in Romanesque era buildings of the medieval era, particularly in Germany and Italy. Regardless, he partially reconstructed the building by elevating the nave by about 5 meters (16.4 feet). On the eastern side, under the cathedrals choir, there is another room which ends with an apse. Here is another story from us: Aachen Cathedral is the oldest cathedral in Northern Europe and one of the greatest examples of church architecture Today, the Saint Afra Chapel is a tabernacle. And a few words on the Speyer Cathedral Architecture, Indian Scout renovation: when your paint creates generator issues. The cathedral was consecrated in 1061 to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Protomartyr Stephen. On the northern and southern sides of this central room beneath the transepts, separated by mighty pillars, you will find rooms with the same measurements. The cathedral, which is dedicated to St. Mary, patron saint of Speyer ("Patrona Spirensis") and St. Stephen is generally known as the Kaiserdom zu Speyer (Imperial Cathedral of Speyer). In 1689 the town was invaded by the troops of French king, Louis 14th, and the entire town was put to the torch, and the cathedral was severely damaged. The cathedral was built by the Emperor to show his power, which is why it is also known as the Kaiser Dome and a large statue of Conrad II was placed in the entrance hall. "[2][13] Only the lower floors and the crypt of Speyer I remained intact. It was only five years after his death that Henry IV's excommunication was revoked and his body was put to rest in his cathedral in 1111.[24]. The restored coffins were relocated into a newly constructed crypt open to the public under the main altar in 1906. This will also allow our fans to get more involved in what content we do produce. Under the direction of Franz Ignaz M. Neumann, the son of renowned Baroque architect Balthasar Neumann, the building was restored from 1748 to 1772. The sandstone blocks alternate in colour between yellow and rust, a typical design of the Salian and Staufer era, and providing the context of the colour-scheme of the 19th century facade. These buildings are characterized by their massive stone walls, rounded . Changes in the crossing were also undone, but enforcements from the Baroque were left in place for structural reasons. The building became a political issue: the enlargement of the cathedral in the small village of Speyer with only around 500 inhabitants was a blunt provocation for the papacy. In the heat of the fire the western part of the nave collapsed and the late Gothic elements were destroyed.[11]. Criterion (ii): The Speyer Cathedral has exerted a considerable influence not only on the development of Romanesque architecture in the 11th and 12th centuries, but as well on the evolution of the principles of restoration in Germany, in Europe and in the world from the 18th century to the present. Gothic rib vaulting, Reims Cathedral (begun 1221) nave. - - II 1030 . XI . . The West Wing collapsed completely and was removed. Speyer Cathedral, Interior German Romanesque architecture, centered in the Rhineland, was equally conservative, although its conservatism reflects the persistence of Carolingian-Otto-nian rather than earlier traditions. During the Nine Years' War (Palatinate War of Succession 168897), the people of Speyer brought furniture and possessions into the cathedral, stacking everything several metres high hoping to save them from the French troops of Louis XIV marauding the town. We've created a Patreon for Medievalists.net as we want to transition to a more community-funded model. The Speyer cathedral was elevated to the level of a national monument. It serves as the home of the Diocese of Speyer in Germany. Speyer Cathedral in the southwest of Germany, a basilica with four towers and two domes, was founded as a flat-ceiling basilica by Konrad II in 1030, probably soon after his imperial coronation. The height of the towers is 71 meters. Success! In Speyer, all roads lead to the cathedral. The cruise of the transept, a square, highlighted by arches on pilasters, and eventually rises a tower. Speyer Cathedral both suppresses and exalts at the same time, as site https://modernsmilesdesign.com/. Because of the hostility of the people of Speyer towards the bishop it was decided to build a palace in Bruchsal. [15] Neither Conrad II, nor his son Henry III, were to see the cathedral completed. It is one of the most important Romanesque monuments from the time of the Holy Roman Empire. It is the largest Romanesque crypt in the world, built in the form of a hall. With a length of 444 Roman feet (134 metres) and a width of 111 Roman feet (43 metres) it was one of the largest buildings of its time. In 1981, the cathedral was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List of culturally important sites as 'a major monument of Romanesque art in the German Empire'. The system of arcades added during these renovations was also a first in architectural history. The outline of the former cloister can be seen as pavement. Under the direction of Franz Ignaz M. Neumann, the son of renown Baroque architect Balthasar Neumann, the building was restored from 1772 to 1748. For almost a century only the eastern part of the cathedral was secured and used for services. Likewise its crypt, consecrated in 1041, is the biggest hall of the Romanesque era. The building became a political issue: the enlargement of the cathedral in the small village of Speyer with only around . The cathedral was consecrated in 1061 to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Protomartyr Stephen. Characteristics of Gothic Architecture. Gothic architecture features pointed arches, ribbed vaults, flying buttresses, and slender columns. This was replaced by an eastern end that is dominated by twin towers that stand 71.2 meters (233.59 feet) tall and an encircling gallery. The construction of this building began in 1030 on the ruins of a much older temple. Yet, by the start of the 20th century, the mood had changed. The beautiful Speyer Cathedral belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage Site and is almost the only representative of the old Romanesque style in architecture in Europe. In the course of the comprehensive restoration campaign between 1957 and 1972 the original Romanesque interior was reconstructed by deleting the alterations and additions of the Baroque period and the 19th century. The westwork, rebuilt from 1854 to 1858 by Heinrich Hbsch on the old foundations, is by contrast, a testimony to Romanticisms interpretation of the Middle Ages, and as such an independent achievement of the 19th century. The purpose of the building, already a strong motive for Conrad, was the emperor's "claim to a representative imperial Roman architecture" in light of the continuing struggle with Pope Gregory VII. The emperor not only laid claim to secular but also to ecclesiastical power, and with the magnificence and splendour of this cathedral he underlined this bold demand. Cathedral warden, Bernhard Volk, has met many of the world's great and good here: Gorbachev and Yeltsin, Bush and Thatcher, Kohl and Schrder. The funds were not sufficient to rebuild the whole cathedral in the style of the time. . The Speyer Cathedral is considered as the greatest romanesque church in the World. It was just as ambitious as Santiago de Compostela Cathedral (started in 1075), Cluny Abbey (Cluny III, started in 1085), and Durham Cathedral (started in 1093). 1. The church features a Romanesque architectural style and was inscribed in 1981. Some of the contents, e. g. clothing, can be seen at the Historical Museum of the Palatinate near the cathedral. 5,424 3,633 pixel. This makes it the most important burial place of kings and emperors in Germany, comparable to the burial places of kings in other European countries: Among the leaders buried there are; King Philipp of Swabia (died 1208), son of Frederick Barbarossa. Speyer Cathedral, officially the Imperial Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption and St Stephen, in Latin: Domus sanctae Mariae Spirae (German: Dom zu Unserer lieben Frau in Speyer) in Speyer, Germany, is the seat of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Speyer and is suffragan to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bamberg. Architecturally, Speyer Cathedral broke new ground as the first structure to have a gallery encircling the whole building and an innovative system of arcades. The Speyer Cathedral is a cultural UNESCO World Heritage Site in Germany. But on 31 May 1689 the soldiers broke in, pillaged the imperial graves and set everything alight. The fully preserved crypt is another major feature in the Speyer Cathedral. WebGL must be enable, Declaration of principles to promote international solidarity and cooperation to preserve World Heritage, Heritage Solutions for Sustainable Futures, Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, Central Africa World Heritage Forest Initiative (CAWHFI), Reducing Disasters Risks at World Heritage Properties, World Heritage and Sustainable Development, World Heritage Programme for Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Initiative on Heritage of Religious Interest, Der Dom zu Speyer (Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission - german only). All rights reserved. The Romanesque nave was reconstructed, but the Westwerk rebuilt in the Baroque style on its remaining lower section. June 6, 2018. image processing. ", "Romanesque Art and Architecture ninemsn Encarta", Speyer Cathedral / UNESCO Official Website, Rhineland-Palatinate website for Speyer Cathedral (German), Scan of the chapter on early christianity in Speyer, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Speyer_Cathedral&oldid=1151221727, The Imperial Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption and St Stephen, Stages of construction and reconstruction, Total length: 134 m (from the steps at the entrance to the exterior wall of the east apse), External width of the nave (with aisles): 37.62 m (from exterior wall to exterior wall), Height of the nave at the vertex of the vaults: 33 m, Crypt Length: east-west 35 m; north-south 46 m Height: between 6.2 m and 6.5 m, Features of Speyer Cathedral and its surroundings. NARRATOR: Speyer Cathedral, Germany - the jewel in the crown of Romanesque architecture and a medieval monument to imperial power. In those days stone buildings had wooden roofs, but the cathedral had a stone roof from the very beginning. The tradition remains today, except you now have to purchase a cup to get access to the free wine. The four largest bells also serve as clock bells; bells 4 and 3 chime alternately every quarter hour while bells strike 2 and 1 in succession each the number of a full hour. During the Nine Years' War (Palatinate War of Succession 168897), the people of Speyer brought furniture and possessions into the cathedral, stacking everything several metres high hoping to save them from the French troops of Louis XIV marauding the town. Image by Cornelia Schneider-Frank from Pixabay. Laid out in the form of a Latin cross, it is one of Germany's largest and most important Romanesque buildings, and was intended to be no Shortly after his coronation, Conrad II set about creating the cathedral. Year 1050. It is made of brick and its walls are profusely decorated. On that day almost the whole town of Speyer was burned down. De dom van Speyer is het eerste bekende bouwwerk met een galerij die het hele gebouw omringt. The cathedral has recently undergone fundamental restorations, which cost around 26 million Euros. The funds were not sufficient to rebuild the whole cathedral in the style of the time. Some of the contents, e. g. clothing, can be seen at the Historical Museum of the Palatinate near the cathedral. The church had been consecrated in 1061 when it was just about completed and it was one of the main building projects in Europe at the time. When a new bishop was installed, the bowl was filled with wine and everyone in the city could drink freely. Speyer cathedral has had a turbulent history of repeated destruction and reconstruction. and the Speyer Cathedral in Germany. Architectural Life - theory and practice of architecture Architectural Life . In a drawing of 1610 a Gothic chapel has been added to the northern aisle, and in a drawing of around 1650 there is another Gothic window in the northern side of the Westwerk. . "[26](see detail below). This plan is characterized by the equilibrium of the eastern and western blocks and by the symmetrical and singular placement of the towers which frame the mass formed by the nave and the transept. They are all contained in the cathedral belfry, located in the western dome. Initially there were five other chapels on the northern side of the cathedral: Saint Paul, Saint Agnes, Saint Bernard, Saint Henry, and Saint Mary. [14] The red sandstone for the building came from the mountains of the Palatine Forest and is thought to have been shipped down the channelled Speyerbach, a stream running from the mountains into the Rhine at Speyer. Conrad II legde in 1030 de basis van de dom van Speyer, een basiliek met vier torens en twee koepels, die verbouwd werd aan het einde van de 11e eeuw. Alternatively, the stone could be split along the laminations or bedding planes with a suitable hammer and chisel. Imperial Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption and St Stephen. On that day almost the whole town of Speyer was burned down. [1] Pope Pius XI raised Speyer Cathedral to the rank of a minor basilica of the Roman Catholic Church in 1925. In designing the faade of the westwork, Heinrich Hbsch, an architect of early Historicism, created a Neo Romanesque design which drew on features of the original westwork and those of several other Romanesque buildings, scaling the windows differently and introducing a gable on the facade, a row of statues over the main portal and polychrome stonework in sandstone yellow and rust. June 6, 2018. image processing. Only the cycle of 24 scenes from the life of the Virgin between the windows of the nave have been preserved. Because the people of Speyer didnt want to let go of their beloved church, this plan never materialized. The damage was severe and there were even plans to build a palace to replace the church. The Cathedral incorporates the general layout of St Michael of Hildesheim and brings to perfection a type of plan that was adopted generally throughout the Rhineland. Emerging forms of art in the ancient capitals and the cornice of the roof. Speyer Cathedral is located in the Rhineland-Palatinate region of Germany. It is one of the most important Romanesque monuments from the time of the Holy Roman Empire. Conrad II, the Holy Roman Emperor at the time, decided to construct a large cathedral with 4 towers in the town. This Marian cathedral is a beacon of Romanesque architecture in the 21st century. Speyer Cathedral exerted a considerable influence not only on the development of Romanesque architecture in the 11th and 12th centuries, but also on the evolution of the principles of restoration in Germany, in Europe, and in the world from the 18th century to the present. Become a member to get ad-free access to our website and our articles. The columns are built with cylindrical blocks are robust and powerful, and contain cubic bases and capitals, forming a solid note. Protections by other conservation instruments, Speyer Cathedral (Germany) Octogonal cloister vaulted in the dome 3. In the great fire the Prince-Bishops of Speyer lost their residence and a plan was considered to build a new one in the style of a Baroque chteau in place of the cathedral. In terms of its architectural feature, the triple-naved vaulted basilica is the central feature of the element design. The Romanesque nave was reconstructed, but the westwork rebuilt in the Baroque style on its remaining lower section. What are the features of this style? [19] Speyer Cathedral was founded by Konrad II in 1030, probably soon after his imperial coronation. The cathedral, along with those of Worms and Mainz, is a major monument of Romanesque art. He made numerous seemingly impossible demands, which eventually promoted new developments in architecture. Speyer Cathedral is historically, artistically and architecturally one of the most significant examples of Romanesque architecture in Europe. The Hall was built to the north of the cathedral to house the Roman findings in the cathedral area. This design approach was believed to have influenced many other buildings that use the Romanesque architectural style in the 11th and 12th century. The Cathedral is an expression and self-portrayal of the abundance of imperial power during the Salian period (1024 - 1125) and was built in conscious competition to the Abbey of Cluny as the building representative of the papal opposition. It is one of the most important Romanesque monuments from the time of the Holy Roman Empire. In a big excavation campaign in 1900 the graves were discovered and opened and the identity of the rulers was established. Externally, the building was a block as a transept, 30 m wide, in the years 1040 nave reaches 30 m in height. In its size and the richness of its sculptures, some created by Italian sculptors, it stands out among all contemporary and later Romanesque churches in Germany, and it had a profound influence on the pattern of their ground plans and vaulting. maximum image resolution. Von den Saliern bis heute, 1000 Jahre Stadtgeschichte, 2000, Hermann Klein Verlg, Speyer. The roofs were lowered and covered with copper. This makes the cathedral one of the best-preserved feats of Romanesque architecture. Speyer Cathedral The imperial cathedral in Speyer, officially known as the Cathedral of St. Mary and St. Stephen, is the town's most prominent landmark. The plant consists of a body formed by a western portico on the ground floor and galleries on the upper level. In the XIX century, an organ appeared in the cathedral, the sound of which has since filled the distant vaults, going more than 30 meters up. The Speyer Cathedral is a cultural UNESCO World Heritage Site in Germany. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. full/alternative names. Ludwig I was of the opinion that nothing greater had been created than these paintings. This construction is emphasized by the vaults of the ceiling with their alternating bands of red and yellow sandstone. Under Henry IV renovations and extensions were undertaken. Gables which had been removed from the transept and choir during the Baroque era were replaced using etchings and examples in related buildings. Emperors and bishops processed along the city's expansive boulevard. He also integrated a groin vault featuring square bays, an incredible feat of Romanesque architecture. Because Cluny Abbey in France was largely destroyed in the decades following the French Revolution, it remains the largest completely Romanesque building in the world today. These were all destroyed when French troops set fire to the church in the late 17th century. It was rebuilt by Henry IV, following his reconciliation with the Pope in 1077, as the first and largest consistently vaulted church building in Europe. Polychrome masonry Define at least three distinctive architectural features of the Palatine Chapel Benedict Imperial Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption and St Stephen. In April 1981, Speyer Cathedral was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List of culturally important sites. When relations between the pope and German king were good, they were crowned "Imperator Romanum" or Holy Roman Emperor. The successor, Henry III and Henry IV, enlarged and completed. The nave was elevated by five metres and the flat wooden ceiling replaced with a groin vault of square bays, one of the outstanding achievements of Romanesque architecture. The square bays thus formed are groin vaulted and plastered. But on 31 May 1689 the soldiers broke in, pillaged the imperial graves and set everything alight. The apse is linked to in-depth articulation of the walls of the nave, thus generating the transfer from the columns and arches attached blinded straight from the rounded walls, clearly both inside and outside the building there is a conception of the wall facing not only as it closes, it is structured as a plastic mass to form internally and externally. De kathedraal was de begraafplaats van de Duitse keizers gedurende bijna 300 jaar. Why not share it with other people interested in history? The Speyer Cathedral underwent partial restoration, but already in the XVIII century it was again subjected to a mass attack by the same French armies. So essentially these were all eight Holy Roman Emperors, but four of them were "uncrowned".). In 1961 the chapel was restored to its original state as a double chapel. Nonetheless, it is the largest Romanesque church to this day. Speyer Cathedral, a basilica with four towers and two domes, was founded by Conrad II in 1030 and remodelled at the end of the 11th century. 7 m. Forty-two groin-vaults are supported on twenty cylindrical columns with simple cushion capitals. The interior is very luxurious and lavish, and conserves its Mudejar decoration. Construction began 1030 on the site of a former basilica which stood on an elevated plateau right by the Rhine but safe from high water. 300 . A gallery open to the outside around the building starting at the same level inside the dome. Bare arches, vaults and small lancet windows that illuminate the entire space with a quiet, solemn light.And, of course, the main thing: the music that comes as if from heaven is pure and simple it does not change with time, like any mass or liturgy. The double walls are 2.5 m thick and it's circled by a deep dry moat. Emperor Koenraad II wanted to honor a city of his choice with the biggest church of its time. It has a square ground plan, a moat and two walled enclosures, which gives it the air of impregnability for which it has been known over the centuries. There was, however, a renovation project which saw the addition of a new Westwork in the Baroque architectural style. The church features a Romanesque architectural style and was inscribed in 1981. : 'cathedral bowl') It formerly marked the boundary between the episcopal and municipal territories. Image characteristics. "The result is an interior of monumental power, albeit stark and prismatic when compared with contemporary French buildings, but one which conveys an impression of Roman gravitas, an impression singularly appropriate for a ruler with the political pretensions of Henry IV. At the behest of King Ludwig I of Bavaria, Johann von Schraudolph and Joseph Schwarzmann decorated the interior walls of the cathedral with Nazarene style frescoes (18461853). He had the eastern sections demolished and the foundations enforced to a depth of up to eight metres. In addition the frescos by Johann Schraudolph, which were removed in the 1950s, were restored and are now displayed in the "Kaisersaal" of the cathedral. This plan is characterized by the equilibrium of the eastern and western blocks and by the symmetrical and singular placement of the towers which frame the mass formed by the nave and the transept. During this festival, there are choirs and orchestras that play before the crowd. World Heritage partnerships for conservation. Today, it doesn't look unusual - but the construction work done here helped develop techniques that enabled many of the other grand churches in the region to flourish. The expansion phase of Henry IV only preserved the lower floors and the crypt of the original cathedral. Germany. The Salian emperors wanted Speyer Cathedral to bear witness to the sacredness and continuity of the empire and the emperors royal dignity. [2], Over the centuries, crypts developed from tiny chambers into large semi-subterranean and very articulated hall crypts, which became standard forms in Italy and Germany, sometimes extending under the transepts as well as the chancel. In this study I use case-control and observational study of two preexisting styles of architecture: Romanesque and Gothic. Also, the Baroque style curved roof on the eastern dome remained.[24]. There was an error submitting your subscription. "[21], In the course of these modifications the cathedral was equipped with an external dwarf gallery, an arcaded gallery recessed into the thickness of the walls, and which is a natural development of the blind arcade. In terms of form and design, use and function Speyer Cathedral still expresses truthfully the essence of one of the most important Romanesque churches in Europe.

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