why did noah build the ark in 40 days

Where in Gen 6 is it stated that the sons of elohiym originated from anywhere in all of Elohiyms creation other than planet earth? The gyrations you two use to get around what the text says is laughable. No upper or lower case highlighting, no sentence or paragraphing structure indicating beginnings & endings of distinct topics in those early languages, it was context that fixed the start/finish points. the contention here is that the rise of language, partnership society, and complex religious ideas may have occured not far from the area where humans emerged the game-filled, mushroom-dotted grasslands and savannahs of tropical and subtropical Africa. http://www.andrewcollins.com/page/articles/Gobekli_Tepe_interview.htm Point 2 JESUS cast out demons. The two become friends and embarked on an expedition for timber (which, according to Gene B.s comment #24 made Gigamesh a nephilim, or feller) and they kill the guardian of the cedar forest which brings a decree from the gods that Enkidu must die. Permissions And again the Lord said to Raphael: Bind Azzl hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: and make an opening in the desert, which is in Ddl, and cast him therein. 22:30. Who could rightly disagree with the Master. Your email address will not be published. The last great religious movie made in Hollywood was researched, and directed by Cecil B Demille. It may have been a reaction to Greek influences on Jewish society known as Hellenism (named after Helen whom the Achaens allegedly conquered Troy over but was probably the goddess Helle of the strategic Hellenspont waterway whose economic importance was the reason for the Trojan war). devils tower Yellowstone is stump theyre all over world everything pre-genesis was HHUGE oxygen level planet during Pangea incredible ex; dragonfly size pegasus, God did not hold back from punishing the ANGELS THAT SINNED.delivered them to PITS OF DENSE DARKNESS, to be reserved for judgement,and did not hold back from punishing an ancient world. From the giant Rock Giants who help Noah build the Ark and the murderous killing spree Noah embarks on to purge mankind of evil, to the not-so-subliminal messages against the wanton destruction of flora and fauna, the movie takes many liberties to tell a good story, but the plot-line fails to meet the biblical text. I dont think that the author of the movie script was intending on conveying a truth exactly as recorded in the Bible. Eternity is in the balance. Moses met a god with no image and no name I am = Being. 5. This Apamean coin shows Noah and his wife in the ark, which is depicted as a box with an open lid floating on water, with the name Noah written in Greek. God informed Noah that He planned to end sin by killing all the sinners through an enormous flood as judgment on sinners. For no very good reason (probably). and it is assumed that the folks back then would have had more information on the subject that was eventually lost. To be sure, if you listen to what youre being told, that you cant rely on anything that is not approved biblical canon, then you become usefull as building material in someones Tower of Bible. Jareds name means go down.so what, now you sound as if youre comparing one who was in all likelihood a righteous man who had a righteous wife the mother of Enoch & you are comparing them to fallen angels. Where do you stand? Sure the sons of (powers) God did, but you are having a problem discerning the Hebrew & Aramaic definition for elohiym (#430 & 410 Strongs Concordance) derived from two other words 193 & 352 which translated into English means powers, strength, magistrates, judges. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless CHAPTER VIII. It is likely that the cubit of Noahs world was longer than the accepted 18 inches. That based on verse three, it took Noah 120 years to build the ark. Everything on land that needed to breath would die except for those on Noahs ark. Absolutely nothingas long as you understand that Noah is a fictional account of a biblical epicjust as Miriamne the MagdalaThe First Chapter in the Yeshua and Miri Novels is a fictional account of the Jesus personal relationship to Mary Magdalene during the so-called missing years. God instructed Noah to build a large boat called an ark to in which to save themselves and animals of every species. Produced by Mooj Zadie , Luke Vander Ploeg and Clare Toeniskoetter. Christ only is the author of all of Holy Writ, anything else, though it may contain a particle of truth, only leads us further from the truth. Chill out! This event that came to pass was tinged with, according to the Rabbi in another source, woe (Zohar 119b). The higher the vote, the further up an answer is. Hollywood doesnt follow book of genesis or enoch. Why? As for the church father Jerome, to whom we credit for translating the biblical canon into Latin, perhaps he and other church fathers had a vested interest in excluding this book. I got the title wrong in my last post. The LORD God broke up the fountains of the oceans and opened the windows of heaven, and it rained for 40 days and 40 nights (Gen 7:11-12). In addition, springs burst forth under the oceans, pouring in more water. Outside the agents of chaos are searching for him, whose boss is a demon incarnate and who has a fetish for not allowing his supbordinates to have a conscience, or think about the workings of things. This is not unlike the Dead Sea Scrolls with the war of the sons of light against the sons of dakness, the latter under the direction of the demon Belial, which means lawlessness. So it wouldnt be necessarily out of context if I were to frame the term it came to pass as refering to a generation like those who were raised during the Great Depression when they couldnt have anything but produced the iconic image of Rosie the Rivetter and would signify that the daughters of man were good. Contrast that generation with that of Naamah (Genesis 4:22), which means beautiful, at a time when you can have anything, of which Marylin Monroe is iconic. Above the lid is depicted a dove, bearing an olive branch, and a raven (Genesis 8:612). Jeanne, read John 1:1, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God.., this is speaking of Christ himself. So, whats wrong with just sitting back and enjoying an action-packed, roller-coaster ride with Noah? grinding stones and sickle blades with glossy sheen on their bits (the result of silica from cut grass stems adhering to a sickles cutting edge) appear in late Paleolithic tool kits (Egypt Before the Pharaohs by Michael A. Hoffman, p..88). How long were Noah and his family on the ark? Exploring Genesis: The Bibles Ancient Traditions in Context, Lost Roman Army Camps Discovered in Jordan, Lavish New Kingdom Tomb Uncovered at Saqqara. And by then it was too late. 13. I have been studying the Bible from these manuscripts for a couple of decades now, I appreciate their value. So the idea of the ark being a box shape is probably correct albeit WITHOUT legs! Thus, in this context, the vine represented the tree of knowledge that introduces primitive man to civilization while the pristine cedars of the forrest is the tree of life. Weve seen the failed social experiments of the Taliban and other spin-off extremist movements that forbid women to work so that the leaders get to pick which ones to marry after denying them education and perpetuating a cycle of poverty. Build an ark of gopherwood, with rooms inside, three decks, and a door. In the book, Winter Tales by Mark Helprin (not Mark Halperin, the conservative spin doctor), from what I remember from 3 decades ago, begins with the parents who couldnt get through immigration at Ellis Island and place their infant like Moses in a miniature boat which was recieved by Native American Indians somewhere in the marshes of Jersey (apparently they were there in the late 19th century, according to this work of fiction).When he grew up he went to Manhattan and the first thing he did when he saw the painted ladies was perform the foot-stomping mating ritual with extended arms holding a flask of beer and raw fish which none responded to. In those 40 days, Noah was obedient to God's will and trusted that God would keep his word. Did not Enoch live at the time relative to sons of Elohim following their descent? The sons of God (Heb: powers) engaging in betrothed sex producing offspring cant possibly be beings from heaven because we clearly have the words of the one who is the author of the Bible: Yeshua, Iesous Jesus, or whatever other spelling of his name be your choosing. Why did God have Noah build the ark? - Heimduo Making them out to be hard done by and or the Saviors. Why Did God Choose Noah to Build the Ark? - RealFaith In Genesis 6 sons of God is literally transliterated as sons of powers, it becomes a matter of who the powers are as to whether the reference is to earthly powers or the supreme powers in heaven. How Did Noah Build the Ark? - Biblical Archaeology Society he (Jesus) went his way and preached to the spirits in PRISON, who had once been DISOBEDIENT when the patience of God was waiting in NOAHS DAYS, while the ark was being constructed, in which a few people,that is eight souls, were carried safely through the water. (1 Peter 3:19, 20), Then the SONS OF GOD (ANGELSSEPTUAGINT) began to notice the DAUGHTERS OF MAN , that they were good looking; and they went taking wives for themselves, namely, all whom they chose. Im still waiting for yourself, or the other Paul, to produce the scripture that fallen angels are somehow capable of reinventing themselves with capabilities they were never created with by none other than Christ himself, that is with sex organs capable of producing sperm with which to inseminate human women, in other words re-creating themselves to become human beings. If all the translations in existence would simply revise their texts to comport with the oldest Codices concerning the diverse spellings associated with deity, a lot of confusion concerning proper usages of those terms would be set aside. No, I see you do not understand the translation & transliteration differences that occur between languages. Noah built the ark, filled it with pairs of every kind of animal, and prepared for the flood.. Lesson 17: Genesis 6:13-9:29 - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter The NEPHILIM (gigantes -giants-Septuagint) PROVED TO BE IN THE EARTH IN THOSE DAYS, and also after that, when the Sons of God CONTINUED to have relations with the daughters of men and they bore sons to them, they were the mighty ones(gigantes-giantsSeptuagint) who were of old, the men of fame(but still men, not Hollywoods imaginary rock creatures). Paul, I would have to agree with commentator Howard # 11, that the book of Enoch was an authoritative source for early Christians. Why Noah build the Ark in 40 days? - Sage-Answer To find out more about the Genesis Flood and the Book of Enoch, read the full column Noah, Enoch, and the Flood: The Bible Meets Hollywood by Ronald S. Hendel in the July/August 2014 issue of BAR. Whoor whatare the rock giants in Noah the movie? Page 729. It is likely that the ark was much larger than these dimensions or the dimensions in the excellent exhibit at Ark Encounter. Did Noah build the ark in 40 days? Thou seest these things and Thou dost suffer them, and Thou dost not say to us what we are to do to them in regard to these.. Of course this is not the only time angels took on human flesh. Gods with names and images would not evolve into nameless imageless deities. Noahs ark and the biblical flood story are also recurring themes in the mosaic floors that adorned churches and synagogues throughout the ancient world. If Hollywood can screw up WWII movies, with tons of factual, documented evidence to rely on, what do you expect the celluloid folks to do with a Bible story? The English language is much differently constructed than early Hebrew, Aramaic & Greek. The only way, as Jesus said. He acceded to HEAVEN after 40 days. Jesus died for you. These are their chiefs of tens. The coin dates to the mid-third century C.E. The Animals Come to Noah In Food of the Gods, (p.74) Terrence McKenna raises the possibility that Eden was in the African Sahara as evidenced by the rock art at the Tassili Plateau in southern Algeria: When we trust in God, we have the opportunity to see the fruits of our labor. Shall yield up all their virtue, all their fame ignobly, It kept flying back and forth until the . because this occurs prior to the advent of farming and animal husbandry which were already established by Cain and Abel. Nice way to lose your readers in the opening paragraphs. 6. Point 5 to Clone, is to creation of an animal in the womb of host with out sexual intercourse and is possible today. 7. Why did Noah build the Ark in 40 days? - Wise-Answer Noah, being commanded, goes forth from the ark. Read the first six chapters of Genesis & you will have a good idea of what the real book of Enoch was about, and there is nothing in it about fallen angels & all this other mythology captured within the context of the Noah movie garnered from that phony Enoch book you just made reference to in an attempt to bolster your conclusions for a pre-determined outcome. But Id like to talk about Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: 3. Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. The standing stone inscribed with a human with wings may represent one of the sons of God in Genesis 6:2, or Anunnaki. The Nephilim (fallen ones) in Genesis 6:4, otherwise known as the giants, might actually be represented by a 17.5 foot tall standing stone carved in a stylized manner with the ceremonial attire worn by priests at that time.

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