4th battalion border regiment ww2

Alongside the Borders were the 4th 'Buffs' who ran into bombardment in the streets of Fcamp. This dragon now appears on the regimental buttons. However I have been to Rennes, visited his grave and spoke to some local people. Here a lot of the time was spent in processing Greek refugees, who had travelled from German-occupied Greece through Turkey to Syria, and were being sorted out for referral to the Greek authorities, in exile, in Egypt. As the troops were pretty tired from lack of sleep and the exertions of the two days march, I doled out a dose of Benzedrine tablets, which had a miraculous effect in shrugging off the inertia. The following year, 2nd Battalion returned to Britain, while 1st Battalion was sent to occupy Trieste. 1947-1959. was an integral part made a major impact on the Japanese to bring about a withdrawal from the Imphal/Kohima area of operations and they did not again attempt an invasion of India. Many battalions of the regiment were formed as part of Secretary of State for War Lord Kitchener's appeal for an initial 100,000 men volunteers in 1914. The Naga Hillmen were 100% loyal to us and never let us down. The two platoons set up two roadblocks outside the village and H.Q. After a night of patrolling, the next day the enemy withdrew and we reached El Adam aerodrome where there were 10 New Zealand wounded left with a Medical Orderly. Now it was a question of taking over internal security that had been under Vichy French control. 6 Border were a beach landing group at the Normandy landings. When we had an airdrop, with five days rations, our packs weighed 80 lbs., which, along with the troops equipment and weapons was a considerable weight to carry up and down the hills. We then returned to Chittagong where we remained for a further few weeks, before joining a troop train for an 11-day journey to Bangalore in South India. THE BORDER REGT. This story has been placed in the following categories. [All the above were present throughout the siege]. After a week or two of rest at railhead, during which malaria began to take its toll, we once more entrained for the long journey back to our old haunt Bangalore. Almost the last sight of land which we had before going out into the Atlantic Ocean was the coast of County Antrim, Northern Ireland, where my wife, Hazel, was then living and where she stayed for most of the war. But it was in the Napoleonic wars, and particularly in the Peninsula War that the regiment gained its battle honours. The Border Regiment fielded 18 battalions [7] and lost almost 7,000 [8] officers and other ranks during the course of the war. GOOD, T.D., R.A.M.C. It was air-dropped on Arnhem the following month and suffered such heavy casualties during Operation Market Garden that it saw no further action for the rest of the conflict. The early dawn mist gave way to brilliant unclouded weather as the tanks and infantry moved to the attack. This infantry unit was raised in 1680 and subsequently served in many British Army campaigns during its long history. I sourced a 1960 local newspaper article, in French, which gives the best account of June 1940 events in Rennes that I have so far found. I've left a message for Jemma, the co-ordinator for the Radio Cumbria volunteer story gatherers, asking for your question to be passed on to Mr Hutchinson, and if he has further details. H.Q., which was replied to by our R.A. batteries. It remained in Britain re-equipping until April 1943, when it took part in the landings in Tunisia. These were awarded 66 battle honours and four Victoria Crosses. Lineage and Honors - 144th Infantry Regiment - Texas Military Forces Museum The 4th Battalion The Border Regiment had been guarding the Lines of Communications in France since November 1939, but they, inevitably, became heavily engaged in the German onslaught. The result was that out of a battalion of some 950 strong, we had, in just under a year, 1,500 hospital admissions, mainly from malaria and relapses despite full anti-malaria precautions which, by and large, were rigorously carried out. My email address is [email protected] and I would really appreciate any information to that address post the closure. The regiment assaulted Utah Beach on 6 June 1944, as part of VII Corps in the D-Day Invasion, and arrived in the vicinity of Pavenoville, France by the end of D-day. I will try to have it completed for contribution in advance of the imminent closure. As I had an attack of malaria that morning, I was unable to go up to the town and my Christmas dinner consisted of bully beef, army biscuits, pickles, cheese and tinned fruit, whereas all the other officers had their Christmas dinner in the New Imperial Hotel in Delhi. One lot was our battalion and the other lot was the enemy, which we discovered to our cost when they opened up on our truck and ambulance with anti-tank guns. The Kings Own fought with General Moores Army in 1808-9 and took part in the famous retreat to Corunna, and the defence of the town whilst the Army was evacuated. moved north and an armistice was signed on July 14th and we settled in to camping conditions on the outskirts of Qabb Ilyas. The badge of todays regiment includes the Lion of England of the Kings Own and the laurel wreath awarded to the 34th for their part in the rearguard which saved the Army at the Battle of Fontenoy in 1745. Not in any way belittling the heroic battles fought around Kohima by the 2nd British and 7th Indian Divisions, the harassing operations by 23rd Brigade of which 4 Border Regt. After we had travelled a mile or two from the village, Major Scott said that there was a wounded NCO left in the village and would I return there with a section of ten men and try to recover him. The BBC is not responsible for the content of any external sites In the meantime, I've had a look through your postings, and also the CWGC website about their cemetery at Rennes. An uncle of mine was killed along with more than 800 others in an air attack on trains in Rennes, Monday 17th June. Obtaining information from official sources seems to be quite difficult. In 1857 they fought at the Relief of Lucknow. 160th Infantry Regiment | Lineage and Honors | U.S. Army Center of 18 It was redesignated '1st Battalion, The South Saskatchewan Regiment, CASF' on 7 November 1940, 19 and on 15 December 1940 it embarked for Great Britain. Between 1809 and 1814, 11 battle honours were won by the regiment. troops and travelled by road and rail down through Beirut, Tyre and Sidon to Haifa, where we entrained and eventually ended up at Amyriah transit camp west of Alexandria. The 1st Bn The Kings Own fought at Le Cateau and in the retreat from Mons in the first actions in the 1914-18 War. As I had always feared, I had an attack of malaria that morning, but, on taking Mepacrine, and on having my pack carried on a vehicle, I managed to march to the station and duly arrived at Bombay Docks, where we embarked on the Queen of Bermuda. SADF 4 SAI Ratels were known for their conspicuous red call sign markings. Afghanistan War: Commanders; Notable commanders: Halstead Dorey . Again, intensive training was carried out for the next three months and again all enjoyed the amenities, which were just as good as in Hereford. 4th (Westmoreland & Cumberland) Battalion, Border Regiment 5th (Cumberland) Battalion, Border Regiment 6th (East Cumberland) Battalion, Border Regiment 7th Battalion, Border Regiment 8th (Home Defence) Battalion, Border Regiment 9th Battalion, Border Regiment 30th Battalion, Border Regiment 70th (Young Soldiers) Battalion, Border Regiment It was then sent to South Africa in 1899, where it fought throughout the Boer War (1899-1902). 70th Div. But then at night, the Australian artillery returned the compliment tenfold! First of all we had no cover and just lay and slept in the open excepting when we were in the Naga villages and managed to get some shelter from the veranda type fronts of their wooded buildings. The Border Regiment - Cumbria's Museum of Military Life public. packs on my back. To find out more about how we collect, store and use your personal information, read our Privacy Policy. Five of the new Victoria Crosses were awarded to the regiments. The officers were billeted in, and had the Officers Mess in, the school buildings, the school having been evacuated by staff and pupils. In any case, I hope you find out what happened. WO 169 / 1705 4th Battalion, The Border Regiment For any other comments, please Contact Us. At 3pm Orders received for the 4th and 5th Battalions Northumberland Fusiliers to move from huts they are at present occupying to bivouac in H2g - HQ to Hopital Farm. KOSB A2/1& 2. Finally, while still holding Incheville with 'D Company', the Borders and Foresters were driven back, suffering casualties from heavy German mortaring and shelling. Mixed fortunes followed: one company was ambushed before they reached their objective and scattered. BBC - WW2 People's War - 9th Border Regiment, Historical records of events in France, post Operation Dynamo, are sketchy. Alongside this, the 4th (Militia) Battalion was also disbanded in 1908. As the Bn. Now, with some air cover, the Battalion reached the shelter of woods on the outskirts of that town, 'Radio Normandie' being situated there. The 4th Border group that took the train was headed by Captain J.L. The 4th Border Regimentrefers to three individuals battalions of the Territorial Force (Cumberland & Westmorland). Remained in India throughout the war. All volunteer battalions were renumbered to create a single sequential order. It is a tragedy that since Indian independence they have been harassed to this day by the successors to the British Raj. From Brest, they went by ship to Southampton, where they arrived on the morning of June 18th 1940. 1 Kings Own later fought in Italy with the 10th Indian Div. This immediately changed the role of 23rd Brigade. The BBC is not responsible for the content of any external sites The long and illustrious history of the Second Battalion, Fourth Marines began in April of 1914 during WWI when it was activated as one of the three battalions of the Fourth Marine Regiment Normal infantry training was resumed and included two weeks jungle warfare training, which gave us a welcome change of location from our camp area. Shortly afterwards we left Ranchi and went to an area of West Bengal, east of Calcutta, where we were billeted in a deserted village. It shifted to Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) in July 1942, before fighting in Burma from November 1943 onwards. Two whole Divisions, plus many lines of communications and troops were drawn into battle with the Germans. [13] Due to the daytime (or shift working) occupations of the men in the LAA troops, the troops required eight times the manpower of an equivalent regular unit.[14]. It is no longer possible to leave messages here. After an uneventful voyage across the Indian Ocean, we eventually arrived at Bombay. (d.5th Dec 1941) Grant James Alexander. Hutchinson M.B.E. They had not been informed as to our whereabouts. They were highly thought of by the Australian troops and the commander, General Leslie Morshead. At this time things were going well in the second Wavell offensive and the Bn. Organised as "rifle volunteer corps", they were independent of the British Army and composed primarily of the middle class. By 1920, all of the regiment's war-raised battalions had disbanded. The days 16 - 18 June 1940 were really vital to what happened in France, because it was when De Gaulle was trying to get the French Government to continue fighting the war, and Ptain took over and asked the Germans for an Armistice. The regiment was continually called upon to fight hostile Indians, guard the courts of justice, assist revenue officers, aid in executing convicted criminals, supervise elections, pursue outlaws and murderers, and in general institute lawful proceedings where anarchy reigned. moved by road the whole length of the Lebanon and Syria to Aleppo, where we were billeted in the aerodrome with companies on detachment to towns on the Turkish frontier - Djerablus, Actarine and Azzaz. In 1982, 4 SAI converted to a mechanised infantry battalion mainly consisting of Ratel-20 IFVs. The set-up for columns entering Burma proper was that a stronghold was formed from which the columns operated and which contained an airstrip. I could not imagine a more appropriate ending. From there, they went by troop camels up the desert to Sidi Barrani. 4 South African Infantry Battalion - Wikipedia Over the six-month period, the Bn. Unfortunately for this account I do not have contact details for Mr Hutchinson personally. This infantry regiment was formed in 1881. 1st Punjab Regiment, 4th (Outram's) Bn. By the outbreak of the Second World War (1939-45), 1st Battalion was back in Britain. The regiment's territorial components formed duplicate second and third line battalions. Capstick William. Cartwright John. Just at this time the dingdong battles with the Japanese in the Maungdau/Buthidaung area of the Arakom District in Burma flared up and the Bn. In 1919, 2nd Battalion moved from Italy to Ireland. 1st battalion, 8th infantry, 4th infantry division vietnam On the 1st December 1945 the Battalion amalgamated with the 4th Battalion, taking on the name of the latter. As we were not now in touch with the two platoons on roadblocks, and as I was not an infantry officer and Major Scott was wounded, it was decided to withdraw as the party was no longer large enough to carry out an assault on the strong point on the hill from which the LMG fire had come. The 4th and 5th landed with the Army in the Crimea in 1854 and fought at the Battles of Alma and Inkerman. moved from Aleppo to a town called Idlib, some distance away, where we remained for a further three weeks, and then returned to the military barracks in Aleppo. The 4th Battalion of the Borders were given the task of clearing the woods that were partially held by the Germans. had. As darkness fell and both battalions having prevented the German attempt at encirclement, they moved out on the road to Goderville and finally to the woods and port of Le Havre. had attacked a strongpoint ahead of us and occupied it and we passed through them with a squadron of Matilda tanks and, by daylight, had occupied an escarpment short of El Adam. By then, they were surrounded. At the end of the training period, the battalion was not only highly trained in jungle and Chindit operations but, with the constant exercise and increased rations, was very fit. Eighteen battalions were to see active service in the war, in every theatre. Whilst we were there, we received the news that, on its return from its exploits behind the Japanese lines in Burma, Gen. Wingates Chindit force of one brigade was going to be absorbed into what became Special (Chindit) Force India. Border Regiment - The Long, Long Trail Exactly how many were killed in this evacuation I am unsure, but all together, with the Lancastria, other ships and on the trains it must have been 2000+. All three regiments were involved in minor wars on the frontiers of India, and the 4th in the Zulu War of 1879. Indeed, there is a little about this period in the book, which must also be based on the War Diaries and personal testimony only a couple of yearas after the end of the war. Inter-war The inter-war period saw 1st Battalion fighting on the North West Frontier in 1921, garrisoning India and then moving to Palestine. Leaving the desert, the 70th Division, including the 4th Battalion The Border Regiment, were now went to India and Burma.

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