boykin family slavery

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. Perhaps slave emancipation was the only way to undermine the Souths slave-based economy and win the war. Nat Turner changed that.. Other than the four names, the differences between the two documents are negligible. Boykin Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest Mary Boykin Chesnut (ne Miller) (March 31, 1823 - November 22, 1886) was an American author noted for a book published as her Civil War diary, a "vivid picture of a society in the throes of its life-and-death struggle." She described the war from within her upper-class circles of Southern slaveowner society, but encompassed all classes in her book. Did Lincoln foresee a time when all black men in the United States could vote? Carolina Diarist: The Broken World of Mary Chesnut Published long after the war, the diary included many insightful and pointed criticisms of slavery, such as this passage, in which she calls the institution "a monstrous system.a wrong and an inequity." lying above the Meadow Branch running up the Creek to Thomas Nicholns L McCraney 4/01/13. First published on October 2, 2016 / 6:41 PM. 2003 - John P. and Elizabeth H. Fort received the plantation from Mary Boykin DuVal Myers in a family transfer ( 5 ). Black Warriors. The home is now a museum currently operated by the Historic Charleston Foundation. The majority of Confederate soldiers, including those from South Carolina, didnt own slaves. Frederick Douglass urged President Abraham Lincoln to authorize black enlistment in the Union Army. In 1857, the U.S. Supreme Court, dominated by southerners, decided in the Dred Scott case that blacks were not U.S. citizens and that Congress lacked constitutional authority to prevent racial slavery from any U.S. territory. It was no longer for sale in January 2017 ( 3 ). Colored Infantry, Fort Lincoln, guarded the District of Columbia. Introduction. Under southern pressure, however, Congress in 1854 passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which repealed these compromises. Anderson Cooper put the question to them both: Is Nat Turner a hero? They hanged Sandy him after they found him. B.B. Indeed, in the first months of the war, she was surprised that more slaves didnt run away to northern lines and perhaps join the Union effort. Francis says at least 17 of his family members were killed during the rebellion, though he thinks the number could be higher. In point of fact things looked unchanged. Its a model example of antebellum architecture, where you can learn about life in Charleston in the 1800s. Cotton trade--South Carolina. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Gravesites of Enslaved People in Virginia Under slavery, we live surrounded by prostitutes, yet an abandoned woman is sent out of any decent house. He was listed as the only ODOM (or variant) slave owner on the 1850 and 1860 Georgia Slave Schedule in Putnam County. This plantation dates to 1681 and was founded by Major John Boone, who was a descendant of Edward and John Rutledge, signers of the Declaration of Independence. He would stand his ground on the spread of slavery but would not interfere with slavery where it already existed. The Republican Party was Americas first successful sectional political party, its members living almost exclusively in the North. Arthur Allen sold him 525 acres at Blackwater Aug.9, 1692. ? This was a time when the Norths leading intellectualsRalph Waldo Emerson, Horace Greeley, Henry David Thoreau, Harriet Beecher Stowewere eloquent, full-throated abolitionists. Photo: Library of Congress. Each new state would send at least one representative to the House, the number depending on the states population size, which gave the North a crucial advantage in the House. There are also papers related to real estate and some correspondence from the early twentieth century. appears that she was married to Edwards son, John Boykin. Remarkable is the list of the 70 slaves belonging to Boykin Lyles's estate showing their ages and values. South Carolinas planter aristocracy was bitterly anti-Lincoln, although the new president was not an abolitionist as he stepped into office. Mary Boykin Chesnut was born near Camden, South Carolina, the daughter of Mary and Stephen Miller, a plantation owner and politician. Whites who failed to live up to their responsibilities were considered negligent. at Caernarvon in Wales, but this is unsupported tradition. 13, There The Muscogee County deed is more complete, and lists the names and ages of 54 enslaved people, so that is the document from which the names come: In 1820 in Baldwin County, Ga., James Boykin had seventeen of his own slaves (whose names I know of no record yet), separate from his fathers or his brothers. King Charles III's Direct Ancestors Owned Slaves: Documents Within the family, such inequities meant that interactions between white and . Boykin Jr. may have been the son of John Boykin and Anne Gwaltney. Collection is open for research. An 1840 promissory note for a loan of $9,340.00 by James Boykin to his son-in-law James R. Jones, Muscogee County Deed Book B, page 101, included the following individuals with their ages: Gustus age 14, could be the same as Augustus, age 12 in the 1839 document. Plucked. Thus, it was probably a nickname and likely an unpleasant one, unless used ironically, with the medieval sense of humor. Many southerners, rich and poor, joined the war effort in 1861 because they thought it would be easy. Direct ancestors of King Charles owned slave plantations, documents Lincoln did not hate anyone. Mary Boykin Chesnut was not an apologist for slavery. She was relieved by slaverys demise. So Both Turner and Francis are avid students of history, who have researched their own families as well as the historical record of the rebellion. Oct., 1755, one to Henry Boykin of 100 acres on the south fork of War Rec. there are to be found in the State records two early grants, each dated The video above was produced by Ann Silvio and Lisa Orlando, and edited by Lisa Orlando. An American should have the right to own his labor and sell it where and how he wants, Lincoln declared. She thrived on pampering by slaves yet despised slavery as a corrupting institution. Reflecting on a visit to the White House, Douglass wrote that the presidents personal behavior and demeanor expressed an entire freedom from popular prejudice against the colored race., As the war reached a new stalemate that year, Lincoln was under intense pressure to retreat from abolition as a precondition for peace negotiations with the Confederacy. bills of sale for slaves; correspondence from A. H. Boykin taking a cure at White Sulphur Springs, Virginia; a small notebook titled "A. H. Boykin" with . Slavery, in short, was required to protect Africans from themselves. Captives. Today, the Legares own a 300-acre farm outside of Charleston. My disgust sometimes is boiling over. Burwell Boykin in MyHeritage family trees (Weekley Web Site) view all 30 Immediate Family Margaret Boykin wife Solomon Boykin son Alexander Boykin son Burwell Boykin, Jr. son Briney Boykin daughter Jesse Boykin son Franklin Boykin son H. Clarke Boykin son John Francis Boykin son Solomon Boykin, Jr. father Judith Boykin mother Edward Boykin brother I should be damned in time & in eternity for so doing.. Mr. Crawford 3-Martha Boykin mar. The major difference between the two deeds is that there are four peoples names that appear on the Muscogee County deed that do not appear on the Stewart County deed, either because of illegible handwriting or deteriorated paper. Middleton Place is one of Charlestons most visited plantations. And they make no sign. Her journal was published in 1905 and 1949 in aggressively edited versions. Mary Chesnut was not always composed herself. But Anderson Cooper and producer Keith Sharman didnt want their 60 Minutes story to focus solely on the troubles of the movies director. 18th-Century Runaway Slave Advertisements, Runaway Slave Advertisement from Revolutionary Virginia, Runaway Slave Advertisement from Antebellum Virginia, It was toward the end of her life that Mary decided to publish the diary she had kept throughout the Civil War. (Hicholans) line, with all the remaining part of my lands on the Creek Cites: Wills of Isle of Wight Co., VA, Book 3, p . Caroline was one of his slaves, and when . Document 1: . Boykin "of the Upper Parish of Isle of Wight one half of 800 acres of The war, of course, concluded with slave emancipation throughout the United States and its territories, southern families and communities devastated, towns and farms in ruins, planters financially broken, and the Souths influence in the wider world gone up in smoke. Bob age 25 in 1839 could be the same as Bobb age 26 here. Mary Boykin Chestnut was the wife of a wealthy South Carolina planter who kept a diary during the Civil War. He was the son of a Confederate soldier and the descendant of slave owners. The first reading, Mary Boykin Chesnut's Slavery a Curse to Any Land presents the views of a white Southern woman and Harriet Jacobs' Trials of Girlhood present the views of a slave. Copyright 2023 American Social History Productions, Inc. Who Freed the Slaves? Which would agree with other research documentingstatements in the Will of William This crisis moved many moderate Republican lawmakers in Congress to consider an action that had seemed impossible a year beforeuniversal slave emancipation. . Yes, he is, says Bruce Turner, because he saw an opportunity to try to correct something that was an extremely bad evil. He believes Nat Turner was a freedom-fighter who started a movement that helped end the institution of slavery. Nearly a century after Mary Chesnuts death, readers for the first time gained a full picture of this talented, morally torn South Carolinian living at the center of Confederate power, and her book won a Pulitzer Prize. Following are the names and sometimes ages of enslaved people listed in three of James Boykins legal documents. How we used to hate himabuse him, anyway. Judge J. Waties Waring was a U.S. District Judge, who was appointed in 1942. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Expansion at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, Why They Fought: Ordinary Soldiers in the Civil War, Two Wings of the Same Bird: Cuban Immigration and Puerto Rican Migration to the United States, Military History and the LGBTQ+ Community, Industrialization and Expansion (1877-1913), Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945). And that the shells were roofing it overbursting toward the fort. Mary, dreading war, made reference to Shakespeares Macbeth, the Scottish king who killed for power in a bloodbath that ended with his death: Sound and fury, signifying nothing. South Carolina enslaved a majority of its population. How a War for Union Became a War for Freedom. He refused to do so, and he attacked those who have proposed to me to return to slavery [these] black warriors to conciliate the South. The American Civil War: A Military History. Waring is another name you might hear in Chucktown though you may not hear this one as often as some of the others on this list. Thomas Boykin. Jules Washington, of the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Civil War Reenactment Unit, commemorates their service. Army. She filled her days with reading and entertainment. Creating an Empire: U.S. He was tried for conspiracy, treason, and murder, and hanged on December 2. To her maid soon after Fort Sumter fell into Confederate hands, Mary Chesnut declared: Now listen. The rebellion is the subject of a new movie, The Birth of a Nation by writer, director, and star, Nate Parker, whose own troubled past has been making headlines. Slaveholders claimed that owning slaves always entailed a duty and a burdena duty and burden that defined the moral superiority of the South, wrote David Brion Davis, a historian of slavery, in a 2006 book. Photo: The Granger Collection. are conflicting dates and records for Edward Boykin, With this map, Lincoln could visualize, region by region, the Confederacys greatest economic and labor asset: slaves. Photo: Library of Congress. He was the son of Winborne ODOM b. Northampton Co., NC and Mary BENNETT.Mary was the daughter of Bowen BENNETT b. They enjoyed warm friendships and family feeling. And two months later, in April, the Confederacy began the Civil War by firing on Fort Sumter. With the help of their former slaves, now paid farmhands, they were able to rebuild the plantation and became prosperous once again. in Brunswick County not bequeathed already. South Carolinas elite, believing that slavery was directly threatened, responded almost immediately. Vesey, a free black man, was charged with planning a slave rebellion throughout the city, and was hanged. He patented 520 acres on the Blackwater in 1683 and Grief-devoured families might collapse around her, but Mary tried to go on. Many politicians had promoted colonization since the 1830s, though it had little practical traction. To southern planters, John Browns raid was an alarm that slaves, armed or inspired by abolitionists, could rise up. James Boykin (8 August 1823 - 13 July 1907), was one of six sons of Francis Boykin (1785-1839) and Mary Darrington James Boykin (1795-1854), who arrived in Alabama from Camden, South Carolina, about 1818. C) caused . Lincoln soon dropped his emigration ideas, realizing that he could not ask black men to fight for the Union and press them later to leave the country. James began the war as a colonel and served as an aide to Confederate President Jefferson Davis, and later was promoted to brigadier general. After two days, Brown and his followers surrendered to federal troops. How a War for Union Became a War for Freedom. Muhlenfeld, Elisabeth. Each was a devoted spouse. Another famous Charleston family in politics, the Calhouns are descendants of the seventh vice president of the U.S., John Caldwell Calhoun (who served under presidents John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson). Mary Chesnuts diary illuminates the great irony of the rebellion. Foner, Eric. Part of the The University of Alabama Libraries Special Collections Repository. The actor John Wilkes Booth was in the crowd on the White House lawn. It is likely that Stephen, Chancy, Susan/Suzan, Peter, Wilson, Green, and Caroline, listed in the 1846 will, are the same people listed in the 1840 list (Document 2). Magnolia Plantation was passed down through the Drayton family, and the gardens were enhanced by Rev. But she called Africans whom she did not know horrid brutessavages, monsters.. By all accounts she treated slaves well. 2016 - The plantation was for sale with an asking price of $3.5 million. Any lady is ready to tell you who is the father of all mulatto children in everybodys household but her own. Until 1835, her family lived at Mount Pleasant, a plantation owned by her paternal grandparents. Three days later, on April 14, 1865, Booth mortally wounded the president, who died the following morning. Arthur Allen It was awfully nearthat thought of deathalwaysalwaysNoNoI will not stop and think., Marys friends admired her sly, quicksilver intelligence and her conversation that flowed with warmth and humor. We all have heroes and villains in our family tree.. An 1856 daguerreotype of John Brown, the abolitionist who led the ill-fated raid on Harpers Ferry, Virginia. It seemed virtually certain that any U.S. territory allowing slavery within its borders would eventually become a slave state, and that any territory outlawing it would become a free state. In Mary Chesnuts journal entry of May 1865, she wrote, We are scattered stunnedthe remnant of heart left alive within us, filled with brotherly hate.. Chesnut also claimed to dislike slavery because it was unprofitable, and because she believed slaves were "dirty Africans." Porteus's son Robert, who moved his family to England in 1720, inherited his father's estate, including a number of slaves, according to the Guardian.One such slave, referred to in Edward . Boykin - Surnames - DeSaussure family. Are you an American? The second and more important was Abraham Lincolns election to the presidency. Charlestons alleys occupy spaces that blur the line between public and private areas and offer remarkable insight into the citys history. The plantation started by Joseph Gee passed to his nephews Sterling and Charles Gee upon his death, along with 47 slaves. Mary Boykin Chesnut. Lincolns Republican Party was founded in 1856 with the primary goal of keeping slavery bottled up in southern states where it might eventually die a natural death. The war was increasingly bloody, the South a fierce and capable enemy. Mary Chestnut - History In the South Carolina lowcountry, for instance, many slaveholders hired out their slaves as carpenters, bricklayers, and other occupations, driving down wages for free workers and inhibiting new enterprises. Although they did not own slaves, many men from impoverished parts of the South fought for the Confederacy. Although she never doubted her loyalty to the Confederacy, she bitterly criticized southern slave owners for dishonoring marriage and corroding family relationships. Whats more, one of Boykins slaves murdered him with a farm tool. Marys husband, James Chesnut, Jr., was the first U.S. senator in the South to resign in protest. In the intimate setting. Mary Chesnuts Civil War. #78 BOYKIN FAMILY PAPERS Inventory Abstract: Boykin family of Camden, S.C., including Alexander Hamilton Boykin (1815-1866), cotton planter, state legislator, and Confederate officer. God, forgive us but ours is a monstrous system, and wrong and iniquity, she wrote in a March 1861 entry. I even hate the harsh authority I see parents think it their duty to exercise toward their children.. Raised in a prominent Southern family Mary Boykin Miller Chesnut was born on March 31, 1823, in Statesburg, South Carolina. Woodward, C. Vann, Ed. In the map, each county displays its proportion of slave population to its overall population in two ways: numerically and in shading (the darker the shading, the higher the proportion of slaves). Indeed, many were subsistence farmers from sandhills and upland regions where the land was unsuitable for plantation slavery. Learn about current events in historical perspective on our Origins site. This Charleston Mercury Extra heralded South Carolinas Ordinance of Secession passed unanimously on December 20, 1860. The North and South were each fighting for political advantage by trying to spread its labor systemfree or slaveinto U.S. territories faster than its adversary could. Edward Boykin, the first of his family in Virginia, is said to have been born at Caernarvon in Wales, but this is unsupported tradition. Burwell locked him in a shed. C) between one and 10 slaves. Caroline a girl sixteen or seventeen Green a man twenty one or twenty two Peter a man about seventeen and Wilson and their increase from this date in ti[me] to & for the sale and separate use and benefit of my daughter Mrs Clara Billups and her heirs. Boykin family history comes to . Anderson refused to surrender, and Chesnut, after consulting with his superiors, gave orders to open fire. In February 1861, Mary Chesnut condemned the president-elect and his political supporters as that ogre Lincoln and rampant black Republicanism., Days after South Carolina seceded from the Union, Lincoln asked Alexander H. Stephens, who would later become vice president of the Confederacy, Do the people of the South really entertain fears that a Republican administration would, directly, or indirectly, interfere with their slaves, or with them, about their slaves? Lincoln added, There is no cause for such fears.. The southern secession crisis was sparked on November 6, 1860, when Abraham Lincoln, nominee of the anti-slavery Republican Party, was elected president. When he opened the shed Expansion at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, Why They Fought: Ordinary Soldiers in the Civil War, Two Wings of the Same Bird: Cuban Immigration and Puerto Rican Migration to the United States, Military History and the LGBTQ+ Community, Industrialization and Expansion (1877-1913), Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945), Slaves Waiting for Sale, Richmond, Virginia, 1861, "Five Generations on Smith's Planation, Beaufort, South Carolina", Colonial Virginia Laws on Slavery and Servitude, A Plantation Mistress Decries a "Monstrous System", A Former Slave Recalls Slave Quarters and Moments of Leisure, Table of Naming Practices among the Bennehan-Cameron Plantation Slaves, Orange County, North Carolina, 17781842, Background Essay on Slave Communities and Resistance, Making Sense of Evidence: The African Burial Ground, White into Black: Seeing Race, Slavery, and Anti-Slavery in Antebellum America, Doing as They Can: Slave Life in the American South Viewer's Guide. With so many women on the plantation, Chesnut had little to do. Grant, Ulysses S. Personal Memoirs. There he offered a startling proposal, calling for the enfranchisement of literate blacks and black Union military veterans in former Confederate states under control of the federal government. For us, what was most interesting is the story of Nat Turner and this piece of American history that should be discussed in classrooms, Cooper tells 60 Minutes Overtimes Ann Silvio. They lived with James's grandparents, his parents and his two sisters. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Mr. Thornton 4-Elizabeth Boykin mar. There are just some names youll hear over and over in Charleston. In 1862, 22-year-old Smalls commandeered and steered a first-class steamer to a Union-controlled port, freeing himself and his family. Her gravest indignation was targeted at planters who had mistresses and whitey brown children living in slave quarters. Beseiged. South Carolina Cavalry Regiment, 2nd. South Carolina became the first southern state to leave the Union, eventually followed by 10 more. Army. Enslaved People Belonging to James Boykin in Documents from 1839 to B.B. In July 1862, Lincoln told his Cabinet that he was near to a conclusion to free the slaves or be ourselves subdued.. had Anne Gwaltney married to Edward Boykin I, however more recently it But when she revised her manuscript years after the war, she condemned blacks as a race, attacking them with crude, vitriolic language. After all, each new state entering the Union would have two new U.S. Senate seats. Laughter, she wrote, is my forte. But her ambitions always had to be filtered through her husbands opportunities, and she seethed when Confederate hotspurs commanded females to keep quiet in salon debates: SilenceWhat do you know about war, woman?. Descendants disagree about 1831 slave revolt - CBS News Forty years before the Civil War, the number of slave states in the Union had already threatened to outstrip the number of free states. Douglass, early on, had bitterly criticized Lincoln for failing to attack the South and slavery with sufficient force and intensity. died in Dec. 1886 Putnam County. Gwaltney: "I give my Grandson, Edward Boykin one cow". If you use this information, please cite this blog post as you would any source in your research: Citation: Rachel Dobson, The Names of Enslaved People Belonging to James Boykin and his Family in Documents from 1839 to 1846, URL:, accessed [date]. In 1840 she married James Chesnut . His second son, James Boykin, born in 1792 in Kershaw County, SC, was my four-greats grandfather. South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, S.C. Sea Grant Consortium | 287 Meeting Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401 | 843.953.2078 |, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Palmetto Environmental Education Certification, Curricula, Lessons, and Classroom Resources, Professional Marine and Environmental Education Organizations, S.C. Sea Grant Consortium and Agency Logos, Undergraduate Internships and Fellowships, Education for Coastal Community Officials. During South Carolinas sesquicentennial commemorations of the Civil War, there is no better time to acknowledge the greatest literary work of the ConfederacyMary Chesnuts journal of 1861-1865, which she later expanded into an epic of 400,000 words. Rick Francis, county Clerk of Southhampton County, is a descendant of a white slave-owning family that sustained significant losses in Turners revolt. Bruce Turner, a retired computer analyst, says Nat Turner is his great-great-great grandfather. It was based on a notion that all blacks were children and that whites were responsible under Gods plan to watch over them. Boykin is a Slavic surname, from the Slavic bojazli, meaning timid or fearful, deriving from bojazn, for fear or dread. 2-Ann Boykin mar. While reporting in Virginia, Cooper posed those questions to two men, Bruce Turner and Rick Francis, whose ancestors were on opposite sides of the 1831 rebellion. Lincoln by then was reaching out to black leaders, including the author, editor, and orator Frederick Douglass, to ask their advice. Photo: Library of Congress. While her husband supported the war through his political activities, Mary remained at home, sewing shirts for soldiers and providing provisions to local hospitals. Not by one word or look can we detect any change in the demeanor of these negro servants, Mary wrote. Those, she seems to think, drop from the clouds. Later, the kidnapping plot was discarded in favor of assassination. Burwell Boykin, Anderson's 4x great-grandfather, was the most successful farmer in the family, but he also owned 12 people. If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format contact [email protected]. The assault failed to take the fort, but the regiments soldiers were widely hailed for their courage, as were black fighters in other notable battles. land in the Quit Rents of 1704. Early Twentieth Century Mexican Immigration to the U.S. Will of James Boykin, August 1846, Muscogee County Courthouse, Columbus, Ga. Two paragraphs in James Boykins will list individual enslaved people with their ages, and new owners: Item 3. It could also be locational, from the Bojko mountains in western Ukraine. Boykin is a block of land enclosed on three sides by the Alabama River, within a horseshoe shaped turn of the river named Gee's Bend. Shep Rose's Family Gave Him All That 'Southern Charm' But He's - Bustle [5] Rick Francis is no defender of the horrible institution practiced by his forebears, but he does not see Nat Turner as a heroic figure. In her celebrated Civil War journal, Mary Chesnut wondered what her familys slaves were thinking and feeling. Anderson had always presumed his family would have been too poor to own slaves. Photo: South Caroliniana Library, University of South Carolina. . With all his deficiencies, it must be admitted that he has grown continuously, and considering how slavery had weakened and perverted the moral sense of the whole country, it was great good luck to have the people elect a man who was willing to grow., Weeks after Lees surrender, Mary Chesnut visited her Camden plantation, the Hermitage, which had largely survived damage from Union troops. Mary Boykin Chesnut was a plantation owner who became known for the diary she kept during the Civil War. Southern states had always held enough seats in the U.S. Senate to block any anti-slavery bill. It was an inept plan in conception and execution.

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