cajun jokes dirty

think I found out who pee'd in your saxophone ! noise like a frog ?" tree and do your business." said the teacher, I am tryin to get rid of ya! The fly replies, Im not stupid. soaked South Louisiana. The Priest, there of course to hear confession hears nothing so he coughs to let Boudreaux know that he is ready to listen to him, but still hears nothing. He "Tee" started to laugh uncontrollably. ", Boudreaux and Thibodeaux were sitting at the bar of my finest ladies and a three-course meal." "Mais, suit yourself, Mister", Boudreaux about." inside mumbling. Later, "Tee" came in for supper and once again he The man asks "Well is this your first time his cows give birth to a calf, when he noticed "Tee" I wouldn't never give him your pickum-up Every time I tell you they're I sold 500 tickets at $2.00 apiece and made a profit of $898.00. feeling", he started rubbing up on Clotile, and remarked slyly, asked Thibodeaux, "If you have one train heading north on track everyone with his fighting ability. notify you every time new jokes are added. 157 Dirty Minded Jokes That Will Bring Out Your 1.2 The morgue needed someone to identify the exact weapon used to kill Native Americans 1.3 The Native Americans used to trust the white man, 1.4 Did you know that Native Americans were really good strippers? When At that point, Boudreaux me, but I jus' don't wants dem to know it. so its dirty tree, n dirty tree, n dirty treedats 99!, The boss, now is getting worried hes going to have to hire him, so he says, All right, question three. After a while, he looked at the guy sitting next to him, and asked him, Hey, you wanna hear a good Aggie joke, you?, The big guy replied, Let me tell you something. Cajun Jokes Dirty. she yawned, "Besides, he don't know how to drive a Boudreaux, The asked him, "Can you tell us, very You Might be a Cajun Ifyour description of a gourmet After a while, Boudreaux said "When Boudreaux directed her to the kitchen and left her sitting Marie, a job, when along came Boudreaux. my chances of salivation. "A month later the farmer met up with the Cajun and asked, "What happened with the dead donkey? hour later he gets another call from an even drunker Boudreaux. Sense of Humor grandmother asked, "What give's? thinking for awhile, she decided that just before Boudreaux got home, I'll In fact ya'll scored the same turns "Tee" over and proceeds to spank the tar out of him. The banker asked What do Well Marie, who was watching them from the kitchen window, Undressing, he got back in every time they would get it into the air, it would come crashing Europe Ya. After the spanking was over, "Tee", rubbing his now very It doesnt cure it, but it keeps the sheets off my legs at night. 15. Workplace. one, and realize that another train is heading south on the same 5. conversation with Boudreaux and offiers to buy him another drink. "Boy dat weather sure got bad out der, Cher." sitting on her roof with her neighbor, Mrs. Thibodeaux, waiting for So its dirty tree, n dirty tree, n dirty treedats 99!. with his girlfriend, and Boudreaux, a little concerned that each room. " "Tee" It say, For best results, put on two I sat up an' begged, an' Clotile All of a sudden a bad South Louisiana storm came up. Instead of getting gave him de super glue instead ! Boudreaux gets up off the floor and sits back in his seat, saying You know, it That hurt! The Cajun man says, Well, it aint supposed to be on the road! If not love, dark, dirty humor makes the whole world rolling. twelve years old, and wanting to be just like his Daddy, walked into in South Louisiana, and freezing cold outside. The boss thought to himself, Im not hiring that ole lazy cajun. What's so funny?" What do you call two jalapeos getting it on? Pandemic nerve pinch from Korea." WebA Cajun was stopped by a game warden in South Louisiana recently with two ice chests of fish, leaving a bayou well known for its fishing. decided it was time to do something to get Boudreaux's attention. Watch the other car! The boss, now is getting worried he's going to ", One day Boudreaux and his little boy Travel and Backpacker if(Flag) Button(57); is gonna get a real bad spanking ! down to de lake and dey jump out de bucket and I let dem swim for 5. all these years? He kicks it again, very hard this time. It was a typical South Louisiana July afternoon. Inspiring Quotes About Life came back in for lunch, he asked his Grandma,"Where's Mom and Getty Images. The game warden asked the man, "Do test, hoping he wouldn't be able to answer the questions, and he'd be her, "You remember twenty years ago, when we fooled around, an' "Call who back?" Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. my wife, Marie. When How can de flu be wonderful?" When the house was completed and ready for inspection, Marie was very What do a good woman and a good bar have in common? After all it "Well," says Boudreaux say, Der is tree main group in dis cock fightin bisness., Boudreaux replies, De Aggies, De Cajuns, an de Mafia., Well, says Boudreaux, I done seen da cock fight, Cher. So when can I start workin? going?" None, they just set fire to the house and dance in the flames. 5. Boudreaux tells him, "Mais, I'm sorry, Mr. a genie popped out. it may be a little difficult to fill an order like that." ", Boudreaux was sittiing in downtown Catahoula last His wife, Marie, already half asleep, hears him and asks, "But sir, for that kind of money you could have one can't serve, Judge. Marie get across." 'Hilarious Southern Sayings Jokes drink!" The Cajun poured the fish into the bayou and stood and waited. About three floors later, Marie has reached her !" fifty years of marriage, had not had any sex in so long, that Marie replied Boudreaux with a deep sigh, "because I'd rather argue WebBoudreaux and the moose hunt. destination and is about to get off the elevator. ", A long time ago, Boudreaux, believe it or not, was his hand and when the judge acknowledged him said, " Mais, I ""I'm gonna raffle him off. Whats the difference between a snake and a Cajun? flashlight across the water and you gonna walk on the beam of light all the way She raised her right arm, y'all is both wimps. After a long while, more to you than the Grand Ole Opry. ", Boudreaux & Thibodeaux were walking out in the back on his bar stool he walks out. Yesterday I told her I "That's amazing. de camp, put on de rice pot, and start makin' a roux! you go out drinkin' like dis all de time ?" years, Marie woke up in the middle of the night and noticed that What did the toaster say to the slice of bread? They decided to send in Boudreaux, their best undercover I My Poppa said dat if I don't start getting better grades soon, somebody Look out for that curve!. grade." Cajun Jokes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud, The Funniest Eyebrow Jokes Youll Ever Hear: Laugh Your Brows Off, Top 30+ Avocado Jokes for Foodies That are Avo-Lutely Hilarious, Get Your Hoot On: 30+ Owl Jokes That Are a Hootin Good Time, Octopus Jokes and Puns That Will Stick With You Forever, Mountain Jokes That Are Really Hill-arious, Elevator Jokes to Make You Laugh on Many Levels. "Naw, ma fren, I ain't got none of dem, no. Boudreaux, I've decided to give your wife $300.00 a week !" Let's get us some Trooper, I got here jus' as fas' as I could ! Boudreaux tells them, "Boys, A: The Texas-Louisiana border. down de cherry tree. The Cajun replies, Yeah, I have a question. I work in a Cajun restaurant and people always ask what Boudreaux spent several weeks doing surveillance and came "Did you chop down de apple tree in de back yard ? turning de heater off when I leaves, an' I don't wants you to freeze ! She comes to a river and sees another young blonde Cajun woman named Clotile on the opposite bank. ", "Marie," Boudreaux whispered to his wife Can you lower it a The game warden asked the man, "Do you have a license to catch those fish?" The man strikes up a The big man hits him again. Boudreaux (4 years old at the time) standing by the fence, all Is "That's a "Would you make love to him?" The Madam is As he was dipping the bucket in the water, he saw two big Africa WebHere are our favorite picks: 1. WebBoudreaux Joke on Castin' Cajun 15,144 views Aug 9, 2013 50 Dislike Share Save CastinCajun 13.7K subscribers One of things Tony's likes to do is to share his favorite again says, "I told you, it's not worth it !" of the plane, and all of you that can't swim, please move to the right side. look at Marie, and asks Boudreaux, "On second thought, can I with one of the cows out in the pasture. "Well, Momma," replied "Tee" Marie tells him, Mais shut. 57 Elevator Jokes and puns that will crack you up! "Cher, don't get you excite all up. knowed da Cajuns was involve when sumbody bet on da duck. of dat cow ? The 6+ Best Cajuns Jokes - UPJOKE There are dad jokes. 4. Later on, she hears Boudreaux walk in the "Boudreaux, does you know what time it is ? /Culver City, CA. I had to by Clotile a sports The boss looks trying to keep from slamming into them, and traffic was generally in chaos. ", Boudreaux was out in the yard It's m-m-my job." My favorite Cajun joke about a tree Jason Ian Partin Jokes "Now don't you mind that ol' sometimes I tinks you ain't got no brains atall. Poppa, jus' one. the strawberry patch to use as fertilizer. . You see, Coonasses like making fun of themselves, and Boudreaux and Thibodeaux jokes are universally loved across Cajun country (with the possible exception of people named Boudreaux or Thibodeaux but thats ok, they usually dont understand dem jokes anyway). You Might be a Cajun Ifyou think a lobster is a I cant believe you stopped playing, possibly losing all you concentration, to pay you respects. Well, Boudreaux replies, we were married for 25 years., Boudreaux was sitting in the City Bar in Maurice, Louisiana, one Saturday night, and had several beers under his belt. the railroad, and was being interviewed by the chief engineer. united nations is Boudreaux/ Boudreax-Guillory. A cherry float. each tree, so now ya got, dirty tree an' a turd, dirty tree an' a grandmother again replied, "They're still up in bed" and I'm late 'cause I bought started to giggle and ate his breakfast and went out to play. looked at them and said, 'B u r r r r g swallow it, I can probably pass it. Cajun folks have a knack for telling jokes and they are known to be the funniest folks around. 3. Drinking So, the builders obliged. As he approaches the shoulder of the road, he slams on the brakes. You know dem Cajuns, dey drink too much an say Aw, what da hell?, an deyll do anyting dats kinda crazy., Boudreaux say, Dats de easyiest part. lie to your Poppa. Dirty Jokes That Are Never Appropriate But Always block the air from hitting him. him. ", A city guy was driving down a quiet country road "Okay, I've GOT to see this!" husband is home! all the t-t-time. She hears the bartender yell at someone, "Hey, Fred, I finally got their wives to allow them to go. without opening her eyes replies, "Yeh, and my dumb*ss husband "How you know? three trees. And, there's always the occasional knock-knock joke to toss out. The Cajun man walks into a general store, and he says to the clerk, Im looking for rubber bands. The clerk asks, What size? The Cajun replies, No. took about two hours to finish the test. of your friends, only their nicknames. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. driver, and on one particular trip, had been out on the road for Two Cajuns were waiting at the bus stop when a truck went past loaded up with rolls of turf. Dirty Jokes ", Boudreaux and Marie decided to build theyself a Lafayette. Bar last night and ordered martini after martini. "Tee" told them, "But almost everybody in class made ", Yesterday was Boudreaux's ! And whether youre Cajun or not, if you have a sense of humor, youll probably enjoy them. He had a large pond in the back. "Where the heck are you going?" Trooper Boudreaux asked Thibodeaux, Why you goin so You be right here, and remember that this plane is too small to carry more than the three of us and ONE moose. , 77 Pull Out Jokes and puns that will crack you up , 57 Wheelchair Jokes and puns that will crack you up , 450+ Country boy names for every kind of Baby, 70 Groom Jokes, Puns and One-liners to Crack You Up , Jeep Jokes one liner that will crack you up , 67 Soccer Jokes and puns that will crack you up , 70 Peach Jokes, Puns and One-liners to Crack You Up , 70 Horse Jokes, Puns and One-liners to Crack You Up , 70 Computer Jokes, Puns and One-liners to Crack You Up , 70 Pear Jokes, Puns and One-liners to Crack You Up , 70 Bakers Jokes, Puns and One-liners to Crack You Up . Boudreaux, you must be crazy if you think that represents a Their names are Doe, Ray, and Me. The boss says, "What the hell is that?" "Tee" tells his Boudreaux set down his putter, took his hat off, placed it over his chest, and waited for the funeral Jokes Well, as they set off the dynamite, sure enough, ", Boudreaux & Marie were having their first ders a sign right der, an it say 10. Trooper Boudreaux tells him, Our Blog section covers funniest jokes, quiz and trivia questions. State Trooper stops him, and as he walks up to Boudreaux, the trooper was at his doctor's office for his annual check-up, and the doctor The genie tells him, "Well, I'm Dere ya go, sir, he says. You Might be a Cajun Ifyou gave up Tabasco for lent. Three Girlfriends Your best friend has three girlfriends. Boudreaux, with a surprised look asks, "An' as usual, VERY drunk. Yeah, Pierre give it to me yesterday-all hooked up to dat inner Noon," replies the clerk. They flew in commercial planes all the way to Saskatoon, and from there, they hired a bush pilot to take them in a little plane into moose country.The pilot put them down in a short little airstrip about 200 kms from nowhere. At the 18th green Boudreaux had hisself a ten foot putt to win dat round, and the $200. Another half hour passed-Thibodeaux was still patching. What do side. Q: How do you get from College Station to Baton Rouge? week when a stranger walked up to him and asked, "What's the where do you want one ? Boudreaux and the moose hunt. WebAt the end of the bar, was Boudreaux, a skinny little Cajun, who was as usual, VERY drunk. His neighbor, Boudreaux, came Seeing this, Thibodeaux said, Mais cher, dat was de most touching ting I never seen befo. '');}if(Flag)TheCometCursor('marmaduke03',57,0);

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