ed, edd n eddy big picture show transcript

[Ed crawls from the swamp.] You interrupt Rolf's study! ]Marie: "Watch your back!" "Eddy: "Not in my brother's car, you're not! "Jimmy: "Ow, ah! "Ed: "No, no home should be without one, Eddy! ]Nazz: "Dude! In addition to the lane, a house has suffered remarkable damage, and there is even an overturned ice cream truck in its backyard. Eddy locks it and begins to roll up the window. Like twins! ]Kevin: [wiping his hands] "Sorry about that. "And you Double D can be the clown! The car flies into the air and over the wood. Quotes / Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show Analysis Awesome Characters Fridge Funny Headscratchers Heartwarming Laconic NightmareFuel Quotes Recap TearJerker Trivia WesternAnimati WMG YMMV VideoExamples Create New Edd and Eddy fight. His friends have gone missing. ]Nazz: "THAT'S WHAT I THINK OF YOUR STUPID BIKE! 12.7K ViewsDec 4, 2021. "Ed: "Got that right, Eddy! "Dearest Mother and Father. ]Eddy: "I'm really starting to hate slapstick." "Edd: "Yes, wellwhat's our estimated time of arrival to your brother's sanctuary, Eddy? The Kankers are focused on something else entirely: dragging Eddy's brother inside the trailer. IT'S ME! "Eddy: [cowering] "Okay! ]Nazz: "Hello. When this fails to get a spark, she tries again. "[Nazz, who has fallen into the file cabinet, rubs her head. "You got spunk. "Marie: "You'd lose your head if it weren't nailed down. "YEAH, YOU HEARD ME! ]Captain Melonhead: "It's Melon Time! [He looks through the device. It is with great sh-shame" [Edd puts down his pen and begins to cry. [She pins Edd against the trailer.] ]Ed: "I got it! Bunch of mascot-hating, lemon-sucking" [Ed takes his comic back. ]Nazz: [carrying Jonny piggyback-style] "Go, Rolf, go! And? "[Nazz grabs the whole sandwich and scarfs it. [He runs off. Edd walks to the factory floor. "Guard the provisions. She finds the dumpster with Rolf's indentation and stops. ", [Edd is snoring peacefully away. That one day these short-sighted sophomoric shell games would go too far!" "Edd: "It's commonly known as a sextant, Eddy" [Ed and Eddy burst into laughter. I'm flying! As he works to get it loose, he hops around his room, destroying it. Quick, my brother's room! [releasing his repressed rage] "A SAP?!?! "Lee: "What is it? ]Ed: "The hills are alive, Eddy! ], [Wilfred is following the trail. [He realizes who it is.] These nocturnal luminescent beetles will help shed light on our journey. "Oh, for Pete's sake. "[Eddy kicks the gate open, and he and Ed enter. "Jonny: "I ain't goin near that one with a ten-foot pole, buddy. Lee goes flying backwards. "Ah, success. His bike continues at it's high pace and slams into a concrete barrier, crumpling into a complete wreck. "Ed: "I think he flew over here, Eddy! ]Eddy: [lifting the cleaver] "It's a gag, see? The factory is littered with the snakes. Horrid! [Ed and Edd's heads pile on top of Eddy's. Ed! Lee steals Jimmy away. [He rushes into the darkness in the back of the cave. ]Eddy: [exhausted] "Bro! Ed and Eddy are in front of him, covered in mud but otherwise no worse for wear. His friends are no more. [He tries to open the lid twice, with no success.] [He tosses the tree over his shoulder and runs towards the sound. ]Sarah: "Ew, that's so gross! ]Captain Melonhead: "A bus? "[Edd stops dead. Ed Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show contains the following tropes: 13 Is Unlucky: Among the Minimalist Cast of the show, Eddy's Brother is the thirteenth character to be revealed; and boy howdy, is he unlucky. Hair extensions, exfoliating scrubs, spray tan, fingernails glued and polished, a pustule of"Rolf: "Shed tears no more, fussbucket Nazz-girl. Say, you got one of those hairpin things? GO HOME! They're going to Eddy's brother's place!" Ed hungry! Unsaid! Aw, bro, what'd I do without you?" "[Plank, ripped and torn and almost destroyed, tumbles onto the windshield. Eddy looks in, and an arm reaches out from inside the jacket and grabs him. "You're just in time. "Eddy: "Ed! "[Ed leads them into a clearing and sits down. Has anybody seen my pal? He must have mailed it from this amusement park! "[Two masked figures leap from the bus and rush towards Eddy. You're headin back into the swamp!" Do you see him?" He looks at it; it appears to be Eddy. ]Edd: "Is anyone there? "[Suddenly, a bus honks as it pulls in. ]Kevin: "I just don't get her, man. Give it up! ]Marie: "Yeah, you heard her. [Edd stares at the board in quiet contemplation. Bad! "Edd: "Edifying." [Ed casts the sponges skyward, grabs his bag, and runs off.] "Edd: "Perhaps the front doors will yield a response! I still have bad dreams, and my mom had to buy a mattress cover! It drops six floors, and Jonny exits. Eddy's brother removes his shades. I thought you wanted to hang with your hero." Where are ya? Bro guy! Save yourself" [He crumples to the ground. "May: "My head ain't nailed! [quieter] "Buses sure pack a wallop, huh, Plank? [He clutches his forehead before turning back to Eddy, grinning.] Search metadata Search text contents Search TV news captions Search radio transcripts Search archived web sites Advanced Search. Edd then turns back to Eddy and resumes screaming at him. "Ed: "Gag factory, yay! About; Blog; Projects; Help; Donate. "Marie: "Looks like it's whats-his-face! "Ed: "Oh boy, oh boy! ]Eddy: [whispering] "This is all your fault, Sockhead! [running after his friends] "Wait for me, fellows! Big bro says so. My bike's thrashed!" It parks by a truck, and the doors swing open. "Edd: "Sanctuary at long last! I do wanna add, I really don't think it retcons "Take this Ed and Shove It." Sure they're respected better at the end of Big Picture Show but I don't see that lasting a whoole lot. [Marie hits her with a giant bag of soap. ]Ed: "Uh-uh, Eddy, no autograph, no comic book. "Uh-oh. ], [Outside the Melon Cave, a tree stump's top slides open and two heroes burst out. Stream Ed, Edd n Eddy on HBO Max. "Ed: [excited] "He's gonna feed us, Eddy? The picture is only marred by a despondent boy wheeling his bike across the grass. "Kevin: "It's the dorks! Another. The swing responds by ascending skyward, and another one descends, carrying a replica of Jonny and Plank. At this moment, they reach the end of the fence and fly out over a dumpster. "[Ed burrows into the ground and wiggles around until he finds a big rock. "Marie: [eating croissant] "She's kinda homely, if you ask me. "Ed: "Does it hurt, Double D? When they come out, they are blanketed in dead flies. Ed, Edd N Eddy Sesong 1-6 + Ed, Edd n' Eddy's Big Picture Show. Ed dives into the grass and leaps out of it. ]Eddy's Brother: "All for nothin, huh?" ]May: "You bet, Lee! "You're awesome. ]Ed: "Pardon me, miss, but I think you dropped your lunch!" "If we're goin anywhere, I know a place so out of the way, it's practically invisible. The door, Lumpy! "Eddy: "Bro! Sarah has fallen off the pig. "Kevin: "Shup! Honest! "Like this one? [He hugs them close.] We're kinda connected! A FOUL-UP WANNABE LOSER!" Ed runs up and yells: "NO! ]Rolf: [finishing] "The interrogation is complete, Wilfred. "Eddy: "That's why we came all the wayUncle! Wait for them to come back?" Find me an omelette, Ed! The transcript of Pooh's Adventures of Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show . [The factory is completely dark and nonoperational.] Rolf will draw forth the"Nazz: "Wait up, Kev!" "[They stop talking. Can we go now? About the ending of Big Picture Show. ]Sarah: "I think they're gone, Jimmy." I think I'm gonnaBLLAAAH!" I wouldn't miss this Ed-thrashing for all the shoulder pads in the world! If this is some kind of foolish joke you're playing, it's not funny. Think I was cool. ]Kevin: "Um, I got a peanut butter sandwich. "OH, WHAT HAVE WE DONE?! ]Marie: "Pinocchio head." "Kevin: [spotting Nazz] "You okay? Over there! "You won't be giggling when this unnamed device triangulates our position and gives us a precise heading to the true direction of the gag factory. Lived a life of decency and principle! "Eddy: "Yeah, with the sounds of an idiot. Lion from outer space! As we watch, it lifts its head a few inches before dropping the beak back into the murky water. Edd reaches for it. Ed, Edd n Eddy. Like up, up, but no away! He heaves himself up onto it. [to his friends] "LOOKING KEEP LOOKING! ]Edd: "Gotcha! Not finding his friends, he becomes scared. [He sits up.] "Eddy: [enraged] "Like you were picking daisies!! Eddy tries again, and the engine coughs again. [He shows off a postcard.] This continues until they enter the woods, where Jimmy slows, then stops. "No one beats up our little love muffins! "Oh dear. ]Ed: "Chickens, Double D! Repost is prohibited without the creator's permission. It's a shortcut." [He throws the pipe away. ]Kevin: "How do you like your faces? "This way. [He yawns.] ]Edd: "Seat belts certainly are a trusted friend." The car leaps into the air and slips upside down. Duh! Edd makes a label reading "Caution", slaps it on a puddle, and continues walking. "[A piece of the door breaks loose. Jimmy falters and falls. "Still the troublemakin Eddy, I see." At this moment, a truck horn honks and lights shine on Rolf's face. ]Sarah: [gleefully] "Yowzers! ]Sarah: "Pigs are so gross. "[Edd tries to get loose. "Edd: "How can you be so certain, Eddy? ]Edd: "Beloved parents. Among those, his shuddersome stink bomb recipes, his heinous hot sauces, oh and my favorite, malicious misleading treasure maps, together with other contentious callous cons, lead me to suspect your brother's quite the jokester. "Edd: [shocked] "May? "Eddy: "My bro's got a billion cows. ]Eddy: "It was just a scam, Double D! "Where are you? He clambers onto the mailbox and looks in at the mail. He then rushes into the bathroom and tears down the drywall to reveal his sponge collection. After they escape, Ed, being himself, crashes the car into a giant rock in the middle of nowhere, damaging it beyond repair and leaving the Eds stranded and forced to travel on foot. "Kevin: "That little twerp wouldn't have the" [realizing something] "That's it! Nazz warms her hands by the fire. I almost had em! Seeing no sign of trouble, he shuts the door. ]Ed: [showing off his artwork] "I drew a picture for your brother, Eddy! This is followed in short order by several more. ]Edd: "Mondo A-Go Go! ]Kevin: "He's lookin at you, Rolf. ]Eddy: "Idiot." [Edd turns around and walks off. Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show (2009 TV Movie) : Cartoon Network/Warner Bros. Television/a.k.a. "Kevin: "Oh, man! Finders keepers!" I DON'T BLAME YA! "Nazz: "Sounds like something Double D would say. "[Eddy waves the flies away. They slam into a tree and stay there, pinned. Edd looks at them and then back at the wreckage of the car. "Eddy: "Say what? Lee screams in pain. "[Rolf has clamped down on Ed's leg with his teeth. The machinery begins moving for perhaps the first time in 10 years. ]Nazz: "Fine. Suddenly, he spots something, and his eyes bulge. [polishing it] "It mimics the common mallard in order to offer minimal disruption to the local fauna. "Edd: [sweating] "Make no sudden movements. ]Rolf: "Who goes there? Eddy looks up and sees Ed eating the toast. [disgruntled] "You got somewhere to be? Explore. ]Jimmy: "Forest imps! All for nothin! ]Edd: "Motels cost money, Eddy." "Eddy's Brother: "Say what? Prepare yourself for a merciless thrashing!" "Edd: "Fireflies, Eddy. [He bursts into tears. [Ed falls out of the car.] ]Lee: "Dutch ain't a baby." It doesn't go that way! Eddy's brother will murder us if he finds out we're after his little brother! ]Ed: "Look, guys! "Where is everybody? His head gets stuck between two boards, but he manages to pull it out. ]Kevin: "Yo, Nazz! "Rolf: [puffing out his chest] "Rolf has had enough of your platdoodle, elder one! "I am okay. Uncle!" [He unbolts the door as Marie, Jimmy, and Sarah get closer to the others and he steps out.] I mean no. "[Eddy's brother sets Eddy down and laughs as Eddy spins uncontrollably. Bad! "Ed: [on the camel] "Over here, guys! "[They crawl through the field. "Eddy's Brother: [throwing Eddy down] "Wanna crash at my place, don'tcha? Where are we going? It does this again. "Nazz: "What was up with that? [His belt gives way, and he plunges to the ground.] ]Ed: [impressed] "Fancy trick, Eddy! "Eddy: "If only you had a brain, Ed. ", [A rumbling and and screaming from a pipe as a heavy load travels along it. Among the destroyed items are a record and a bowling ball. "Edd: [whispering, shocked] "My fault? "Eddy: "My mom's got fifty pounds of blubber in the freezer as we speak! Plaid? "Lee: [leering] "A little far from home, aren't ya, Dutch? ]Ed: "Hi, Double D! Ed has just burst out of the house. They enter the lane and come to a fence. [He tosses some fake vomit onto the floor. SLAHEE FISHMONGER! [He dives behind the vacuum cleaner. The pipe spits its load out in the swamp. "Jimmy: "What'd I ever do to you?" "[Ed runs off. [Eddy chuckles. Another machine is turning on. [He dives into the water. Ed, Edd n Eddy tells the story of three best friends, who band together to tackle life's most daunting challenge - puberty. "[Kevin runs into the swamp and begins to clamber up the tree. Shortly thereafter, the Eds fly out of the car and hit a sign over the amusement park's entrance. "[They come to a gate marking off private property. "Oh! "I'll go examine the factory's filing cabinets and see what I can find." Stumbling backwards, he spots his shoe and rips it off before trying to get his sock off with his teeth. "Kevin! "Eddy: "And away we go! The wheels continue to carry them forward until Ed resumes his position as the motor and runs again. And we got burned again. Rolf will unearth the Ed-boys and squash them like the parasite that infests Wilfred's tuchis! An illustration of a heart shape ; Contact; Jobs; Volunteer; People . "That I would forsake my home and family for something as trivial as"Ed: "Buttered toast!" Edd is about to say something when he sees that they are approaching the playground. "Hey hey hey! "Eddy: [scared] "Quicksand?! [He takes the crayon.] Are you okay?" [He starts the climb. Sorry I slapped you. Nazz follows, shutting the door behind her. Unfortunately, it runs out of momentum just short of the side and hangs there, swinging. ]Eddy: "What happened? You're it! "[A thump comes and they turn to the source. ", [Eddy is shoving things into his suitcase. [finishing] "I got it!" He is about to take a seat when the bus moves forward, sending him tumbling into a man's legs. "We gotta go. ]Ed: "Eddy's brother is so cool! "[Sarah reaches out and thwacks the ladybug with her finger. ], Voice Actors:Matt Hill (Ed)Samuel Vincent (Edd)Tony Sampson (Eddy)Keenan Christensen (Jimmy)David Paul Grove (Jonny)Janyse Jaud (Sarah, Lee)Kathleen Barr (Kevin, Marie)Erin Fitzgerald (Nazz, May)Peter Kelamis (Rolf)Terry Klassen (Eddy's Brother), Character/Prop Design:Cory ToomeyHyuck Lee, Additional Storyboard Artists:Sabrina AlberghettiSheranne JohnsonSimon Piniel, Supervising Animation Director:Marlene Robinson May, Exposure Sheet Directors:Ron CampbellSherann JohnsonKaren PetersonMarlene Robinson May, Animation Directors:Kwang Jin KimChul Ki Kwon, Assistant to the Animation Director:Theresa Pukarnyk, Sound Effects Editors:Jeff DavisDean GiammarcoBill Sheppard, Dialogue Editors:Johnny LudgateJeremy Duayne Elzinga, Audio Technical Support:Gordon SprouleRobert Hunter, Studio Audio Assistants:David LivingstoneElla Pincknery. ]Kevin: "Hey! "Eddy's Brother: [as Eddy tries to get away] "Belittle? He did?" [He gobbles it. My bro'll make us eat a barnacle if we show up while he's watching Matlock. "Eddy: "Quit talking in your sleep, Ed. "[Nazz ignores him. "Ed and Marie: [shocked] "Double D! Eddy jumps in fear and clambers over a rock to a hiding spot. It will appear on Pandora.TV in the near future. "Nazz: "That'd be the last thing they'd do. Skip to main content [grabbing his friends] "He's here?" ]Eddy: "Lighten up, Sockhead. He fell for it like a ton of canned hams. Where're you going? [showing him the boat] "It's a duck! [He hugs the sponges.] "[The horn honks again right before the truck hits Rolf. Gimme it!" "Eddy: "Looks real, don't it? Wilfred! ]Kevin: "Wicked fire, Nazz. These bugs are like freaking me out! They soon decide to search for Eddy's brother as a means of finding shelter and protection from the other kids . It rolls up, revealing a vent. "Ed: "Cheap movie. It's time to call in the special forces. "Kevin: "Nazz! They land on top of one another, and Captain Melonhead leaps on top of the pile of Eds. [whispering] "I'm frightened. ]Eddy: [awestruck] "Really? "[May picks herself up off the ground. "[Sarah skips into the trailer park. Unfortunately, on the way out, his mask gets twisted, rendering him blind. [She pulls Jimmy out from the pile. [unwrapping the caramel apple] "See? [She throws Jimmy down.] "Nazz: "What about his brother? "Accursed swine! "Edd: "If you had paid attention to what I said and not pushed the red button" [Ed comes out of his spot only to witness the start of a brawl. "Ed: "I helped too! He then looks at it. Pain! ]Ed: "Gotcha, Eddy!" He's talkin to me right now! ]Eddy: "RUN DOUBLE D! "Nazz: "I'll get it!" The boy looks exhausted, as though he's been up all night. ]Edd: "Eddy! "Lee: "You see em, May?" Writers: Jono Howard Mike Kubat Rachel Connor Stacy Warnick Danny Antonucci A sprinkler is watering Kevin's lawn. Eddy could be the world's"Eddy: [being twisted into a strange shape by Ed] "Hey, ow, stop! "Eddy: [looking at Ed's glasses] "Man, that joke's old. Edd stops in his tracks.] When Eddy finishes, his big brother grabs him. "Lee: "Quit your squawkin and keep it movin!" ]Eddy: "Hey, muscles! [He reaches solid ground. There's a creaking and some noises outside. At this moment, the wood erupts into flame. Edd hesitates. "[Eddy steps out with a cleaver buried in his forehead. A bunch of clothes are on his bed, next to an empty suitcase. "You are so my hero! Suddenly, Ed grabs him. The sow has ruptured! "[Ed dives into the backseat while Edd rides shotgun. Eddy quickly directs them upstairs. ", [The moon shines down brightly on the swamp. [He tosses it in the sand.] [He looks around.] [helping Edd up] "Don't answer that. "[A gear wheel clatters to the floor and rolls out from a gap between two machines. [Eddy twangs Edd's nose. The cork lodges in Wilfred's nose, and the pig begins to snort. As the kids finish the song, the screen fades to black, and Edd uses his labeler one last time, in order to put a label reading "The End" on the screen. Behind the pool is a clothesline, strung with clothes. "Nazz: "They're gonna wish they never messed with Nazz Van Bartonschmeer! Splinter steers the bus downtown as Captain Melonhead joyfully rejoices in finding his friend again. Whoa. [She runs into May. An illustration of a heart shape ; Contact . Following said trail, we find some broken chalk, two abandoned shoes, a skateboard with the wheels still rolling, and a dropped ice-cream cone on which ants are crawling.Lightning flashes, and we see the lane, utterly destroyed. Wait!" He puts Plank on a melon-shaped chair and spins it before going to another one, sitting on it, and spinning it as well. Help! [He races around the park, looking for his brother.] As the older sibling, don't you think you should rather be setting an example for Eddy, and notum" [Eddy's Brother smiles sinisterly.] Nazz and Jonny rejoin the chase. ]Rolf: "Wilfred!" [He tries to pull himself free, and instead pulls him to another rock before getting loose. They come to the front door and skid to a halt; something outside is hammering on it, trying to get in. ]Eddy: [peeling off the label and reading it] "Yet. "Thank you. If I might partake in this chat? . "See ya. ]Ed: [drenched and shivering] "Cold! "Marie: "Yeah!" The car, having jumped somehow, lands on the fences bordering the lane. Eddy leaps up, terrified. "Edd: "I think you mean naive, Eddy. [She stomps off. ]Edd: "Ed? At this, Wilfred's eyes widen, and he charges. "Ed: [awed] "Eddy's brother's autograph!" The door slams behind them. "Ed: "Me too! ]Sarah: "Get off me, lemme go! [He picks up the note, folds it, and puts it in the trash along with many other failed attempts before starting again.] "Jimmy: "Sarah? "Sarah: "Let's have a picnic and watch! "Edd: "Dare I ask?" "Sarah: "Golly gee whilikers, thanks, Lee! [She hugs Eddy and gives him a big kiss.] "Marie: "Pinocchio head. They reach the edge of the junkyard and crash through the fence. Though they have the same first name and live on the same cul-de-sac in the suburbs, the three youths have very different personalities, which contribute to the confusion, contradiction and just plain awkwardness that defines growing up. ]Sarah: "Gee, Lee, I love your toenail polish! "Edd: [reading] "In case of movie, break glass? IT'S ME! ]Kevin: [shoving her aside and examining the rat] "What is this, a joke? [Wilfred noses at Jimmy. [putting his hat on] "Thank you. ]Jimmy: "Oh, please! I'll make the fire." "Uncle! It was Double D."[Eddy ducks into Ed's sleeve. "Ed: "Choo choo!" "Together, we will exact revenge, on the entire cul. In the lane, a familiar red hedge rises. Eddy lies there. "Kevin: "Dusty dusty dusty? "[The Eds look up with a start. He milks it. Kevin's bike is leaned against the garage. "May: "Aw, he's squirming! ]Eddy: "Ed!" You see, this stream is a veritable highway that will lead us straight to it. "[The car twists onto the road and slams into a hydrant before turning and running into a garage. HEY! "The Eds did something really bad! To the shed! "Eddy: "You heard my pal, Ed! ]Nazz: "Kev? "The Ed-boys shall riddle Rolf's rind no more! "[Splinter pulls him forward. "Splinter the Wonderwood:[Captain Melonhead turns his mask and can once again see. SHOOKEE! "[Rolf has found an extremely fat cow. ]Edd: [bringing up the rear] "Wait! [He smiles sadistically. My candied apple, Sarah. ]Lee: [unravelling Kevin] "So much for your ride, huh, tough guy? "Eddy: "I am? What? "Eddy: "I'll autograph your head with my foot! Eddy, can I have a good night kiss? Rolf opens the canteen and pours oil out of it, onto the seat. "Edd: "But Eddy, your brother's always been somewhat of an enigma! "Splinter the Wonderwood:Captain Melonhead: "We're takin the what? Wilfred is the first to fly off. "[Nazz slams into Kevin, and both of them fall into the funnel, followed by the bike. [He pulls the land the boat is onout from under them so the boat lands in the water.] The Ed-boys now have desecrated the sack of sustenance! Jonny enters his backyard and pretends to nonchalantly swing. We're trespassing! "'Cause I got like a million things to do! "[Rolf crashes through the door, and Nazz, Kevin, Jonny, and Plank follow him in. ]Captain Melonhead: "Shed a tear, 'cause Captain Melonhead and Splinter the Wonderwood are here! He flew like a canoe!" [He takes the card.] ]Edd: "So much undone! "Eddy: [slapping a mosquito] "Unbelievable! "Edd: [considering] "I suppose one could get used to the confining nature of tights. "A peanut? [The tree lands on Eddy. When he does so, he breaks the tree in three and falls in the water. "[Edd is hanging from a ledge on top of a waterfall by his hat. "AAAAHHHH!!! What do you think? This is Rolf's word! [holding up Ed's comic book] "This publication was printed over ten years ago! This muck's only ankle deep! 'Cause I ain't laughin. [Wilfred lets go. "[Kevin slams them a third time, and this time they spin in circles. ]Edd: [disgusted] "Goodness. "[The wooden bar breaks, and a foot kicks through the doorknob. [He frantically searches through the mud.] A secret door opens in front of him on the branch he is balanced on. [sadistically] "Don't forget to wipe your feet. This happens numerous times as the kids watch, shocked. Peeling it off, he has Wilfred sniff it to get the scent. "[Nazz and Kevin stare at each other for a few seconds. "Ed: [panicking] "What do we do, Eddy? "Aah!" Edd joins them. He was the royal cook for the king of Englishland. ]The Gourd: "And his evil cohort, Timber, the Dark Shard!" "[Eddy looks disgusted. ", [Nazz rubs two sticks together. "Splinter the Wonderwood:Captain Melonhead: "Huh? "Eddy: "That's his place!" Suddenly, he spots a glint of metal up ahead, and he leaps off. "Sarah: [lifting Jimmy's chains] "Move it, Jimmy! Wilfred!" [May begins to chase them in circles. "[May and Marie shake off their daze and run after their sister. "Eddy: [awestruck, to Edd] "I told you he's a whiz at telling time! May then turns Sarah's head on its side, and Lee holds her finger above Sarah. "[Eddy looks down. "[Kevin ducks behind him. When they don't, he crosses the line. "Edd: "Stand clear, gentlemen! They are but a few blocks from Mondo A-Go Go.]. He turns it, and the engine barely coughs. Rolf's wheel slams into the back of the car, and he and Wilfred fly upward. Foul!" "Edd: "Coleoptera Lampyridae, Ed. "Ed: [grabbing Eddy] "Oh, oh, Eddy! "[As he looks for them, a long hedge rolls out. One false move, and they will fall to their quite probable deaths. "Edd: [angry] "NO!!!! Eddy finds something and hides it behind his back. Eddy! "Eddy: "Nope. "[The roof tears off, and Rolf, Nazz, Jonny, and Plank fly away. Seeing nobody, he wheels his bike in. ]Ed: "Eddy!" "May: "Looks like someone left something in their pocket! ]Lee: "So none of our beeswax, huh? Get your mitts off my wallet. [Kevin blindly rubs at his eyes.] TAKE ME!" "That didn't even hurt." "Jonny: "Plank's freaking out! "[Wilfred noses into the bushes and peeps out. "Eddy: "Don't bite me, oh, Agama, whatcha-whatchamacallit! "Ed: [running around] "Eddy's big bro! "Eddy: "This comic's useless!" "[Nazz smiles. I could eat a horse." Eddy looks up and spots a congratulatory glass on top of the fridge. "[Marie giggles. ]Sarah: [following him in] "I swear if he eats one more corn dog off the ground, I'll"Marie: "Look! [The two burst into laughter. What movie? It was produced by a.k.a. ]Eddy: "Better hurry up, big bro's a-waitin. "Ed: "Trade ya, Eddy! It's me, Eddy! SHLOOHORM! An abandoned basketball is seen next to a game of hopscotch. ]Eddy: "Over here, Sockhead, hey!" "Edd: "And a boat it is, Eddy." "May: [to Ed] "They were chasing you to beat you up! "[He waits for his friends to come back. "BIG BRO! I'm pretty sure they won't be going back to the cul-de-sac. "Ed: [still giggling] "Aw, we're sorry, Double D. Jelly bean?" [He grabs a stick and pulls. "[Edd swings the bottle forward. Discussion. ]Eddy: "Hey, quit tossing my cookie! "Eddy: "We passed a motel a ways back. [He grabs Nazz in a hug.] "[Kevin turns around. ]Ed: "Ahh, comfy." ", [The factory bulges and explodes, raining down a tremendous amount of rubber snakes. Ed notices and has a sudden idea. And they wanna beat me up! "Sarah: "Aaaandaction! Suddenly, Kevin throws her off. Nazz slams it shut, and a label reading "Dusty Dusty Dusty" peels off. They painstakingly yank Ed back into the still-moving car, although Rolf refuses to let go. He reaches over and pulls the pin from one of the hinges. [sinister] "And cry." ]Ed: "I am Ed! It looks peaceful and quiet. What's taking you? But they can help us find a safe place to rest for the night. We then see the ants again before getting a long shot of the destroyed area. ", [A familiar pair of legs tramples down the sidewalk. "Edd: [worried] "Wait! "Kevin: "Those thieves couldn'tve got far. [trying to grab it] "I think I can reach it, Kev. "Sarah: "Don't touch it! Where are you two going?" ]Nazz: "What do we do now? [He points to it. I forgot my big bro hates back doors. [He removes his gloves.] Teach em a lesson, May!" "[Eddy's feet pound the ground as he races to escape Kevin. As it was the series' final . "Eddy: "Yeah, right. Rolf fears a omen has befallen us." ]Edd: "Hardly." [leaping into the air ecstatically] "WE'RE HERE!" "Eddy's Brother: "Anyone know you're here? Moo-moos everywhere! ]Edd: "I think you just have, Eddy." "Nazz: [pointing to the lever] "I fell on that thing! Nazz reaches their back and grabs onto the open trunk. 11.5k. The bug flies off and hits a sunflower. "[Suddenly, the screaming stops. ]Ed: "Say it again, Double D! ]Kevin: "Gotcha!" "[Sarah and Jimmy race to the sidewalk just in time to see the car go by, followed immediately by Kevin, on his bike; Rolf, on his pig; and Nazz, running after them. [wrestling with it] "This thing must come" [It snaps back onto his head. This." [Ed, terrified, breaks out of the exhaust pipe and dives behind Eddy. "Lee: "What's he doin to my man! "Splinter the Wonderwood:Captain Melonhead: [leaning towards his sidekick] "They did, didn't they?" Perhaps old customer receipts or employee records will unearth a clue to his whereabouts. ", [A bus pulls up to the curb. [He goes after them, tiptoeing from tiny island to tiny island.] Sarah looks at the ladybug.] At that moment, a drawer behind her slides open, bashing her on the head again. ]Ed: "Stop! "Kevin: "Nazz. [Eddy climbs the steps to the trailer. Kevin picks one up. "[Kevin is torn off by the pressure, and he flies off, slams into the slide and falls on Rolf. He gropes for shore; finding it, he hauls himself up. It's gone! ]Rolf: "Wilfred! Eddy's brother stumbles around, dazed. But they have yet to feel the wrath of this SON OF A SHEPHERD! "[The Kankers abruptly let go. What scares Rolf is not the udder, but the drawing on ita mustached Eddy with "I Bro" on his shirt. Ed!" "Eddy: "Good idea! "Eddy: [smug] "Forget to pay the brain bill? C'mon! Voice Production:VoiceBox Productions Inc. On-Line Facility:Studio Post & Imaging Inc. Post Audio Facility:dbc sound incVancouver, Canada, Executive in Charge of Production for Cartoon Network:Jay Bastian, [The sun rises on a bright new day in the cul-de-sac. They fall everywhere, including on Nazz and Kevin. "[Jonny escapes the hole. [He grins insanely.] Kevin kicks open the door and it crumbles to dust. "Edd: [creating a rope from vines as his friends cry for help] "Stay calm, don't panic."

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