game of thrones si fanfic spacebattles

Ah, havent they told you? he asked, a smile forming as he stepped aside to finally let her pass. It was no surprise that afterwards they, as well as Naerys son, future King Daeron II, shared a great rapport between all five of them. A sideblog created with the intent of shining a spotlight on fanfiction related posts not composed by your's truly. The problem was I am in Westeros where people are falling dead like flies. The Red Kraken at first only laughed when he heard the Spartan was coming to stop him, not believing in the legends of how the Spartan had summoned a great storm to sink the ironborn in ages long past. I sat on a bed and stared at the words floating in front of me. Here, the Spartan and the Maidens influence is felt most strongly. Or; How an Engineer saved the world. I'm not going to show it or write about it - violence, injuries and the sort will be the only NSFW content here. Game of Thrones - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 36 - Words: 187,266 - Reviews: 212 - Favs: 171 - Follows: 259 - Updated: Oct 13 - Published: Jun 1, 2012 - Gendry W., Arya S. Mentioned by firefossil. The following clash, remembered today as the Battle for the Crossroads, was a battle only in namemore accurately, it was butchers work. Pardon, she muttered, barely loud enough for him to hear it as she moved to go around him. Once he had secured peace for the realm, he instituted massive reforms to the system of taxation, which while unpopular at the time, helped to fill the royal coffers and fuel the Conciliators future endeavors. Her sister was gone. The Aglow Lady was with him as well, though some claim something seemed amissher glowing form, said to be of a tranquil, comforting celestial blue, seemed to shudder and flash an eerie red, and her kind voice seemed to suddenly speak in a disturbing tone, ominous words escaping her lips. He wouldnt be able to make the journey with them. Out of those, here are my personal favorites: The Bastard of Highgarden (author -> bastard son of Stannis Baratheon) . He was the doctor of the Dreadforta maester, they called them in Westerosa man of knowledge and healing. From reading your other works I believe this could be a really good story. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Following this, the Spartan and the Maiden returned to the Forward Unto Dawn and continued their eternal sleep. by Archmaester Yandrew of the Citadel, 513 MC Will Briony change the Game of Thrones or will she have an insignificant effect? What words passed between them afterwards is entirely unknown, but some witnesses claim that the Spartan seemed somehow smaller when he departed that next morning, and when the royal family had come to see him off, he lingered to look down at the newborn girl, before he whispered some mystery to the sleeping baby, and then slowlyalmost reluctantly, some would claimhe departed in silence, returning at once to his slumber within the Dawn. Before the Lannister host could properly retaliate, the Spartan had fled, leaving the whole of the Westerlands shaken and in disarray in one terrible moment. He chose instead to support his half-brothers claim, publicly bending the knee and swearing fealty to Aenys in a display of great humility and subserviencea decision likely due in no small part due to the known friendship between them. But Princess Cortana herself swayed him to allow her to leave, for the sake of sustaining good relations with the Iron Throne, under the condition the Spartan would go with her as a deterrent to any possible advances on King Aegons part. Despite this, Naerys would maintain good relations with Cortana, and the two shared a love of the harp. The full fruits of his labors would ripen during the reign of his grandson and heir, King Viserys I, who completed his grand-sires endeavor of building the Realmroad, and would come to rule the Five Kingdoms at the very height of the Targaryen dynastys power. Perhaps the most tragic confrontation that day, she swooped down low to the ground to snap the Spartan in her jaws, only for him to leap above her, before slamming a crushing kick downwards into her neck, and breaking it and killing her instantly. ERRYK CARGYLL I No matter what genre the book was I would read it, be it regarding science, economics, history, politics, and especially fantasy. But the infamous death of Rhaenyras second eldest son at the hands of Aemond Targaryen, and the retaliatory murder of Aegons eldest son and heir, would shatter any notion of peace between the Blacks and Greens, and soon all the South was awash in dragonflame as the dynastic dispute transformed into a war of annihilation. Cregan would come to be a great influence on Aegons future rule, and the latter would consider the former something of a second father figure. Each time Lightbringer and Dark Sister clashed, the roar of thunder and the shriek of steel filled the air and made a most terrifying noise. She is. He summarily pardoned Cortana of all charges put against her, and received both her and the Spartan back to the Red Keep and seeing that both were treated for any possible injury. 11 notes. I am, she said with a grin. Dany lowered the tip of the sword to the floor and leaned on the handle. E se [ASOIAF/SI AU] Os Negros, os Verdes e os Vermelhos Game of Thrones Aemon, out of honor, did likewise, and the two battled long and hard with the utmost conduct of chivalry. After your fathers execution, Tywin had his sword, Ice, melted down and split into two arming swords. This is a Time of Dragons and Peace. And you know what's going to happen in the future of that king. Whilst their arrival was abrupt, they were nevertheless received with great ceremony, as there still lived men from the days when the Spartan had brought an end to the Dance of Dragons. A self-insert story (obviously) where a random college student gets dumped into the body of Tywin Lannister on the eve of House Reyne's demise. He shouted for his men to slay the Spartan, but none who remained dared approach, and indeed many fled screaming for their lives, so struck with terror at the Spartans massacring of their comrades. Dany thought that was what he was apologizing for. The latter, then., I do hope youll be less unpleasant on the Kings Road, he said. POPOLA I But I did, and now, I want to stay a live for as long as possible in a story where Death has his scythe closely carresting my neck and everyone, and I'm one of the character's who pushes the others onto the blade. and our The Longest Day But another, arguably even worse blow befell her that daywhen her two eldest sons saw their mother in peril, they both mounted their dragons and flew to aid her, and joined the fray. Daeron, perhaps feeling insulted, mocked Cregan as a craven, and instead stated perhaps the Spartan would surly aid in the cause of uniting the South, to which Cregan had reportedly guffawed so hard that his maester had to treat him for chest pains. When the Andals came, King Theon the Liberator rallied the North behind the Spartan, and marched south of the Neck to aid their First Men brethren in the south. So first, a quick disclaimer - I am in no way a lore buff when it comes to the Song of Ice and Fire or its world. Torrhen met him with half that number, but the sight of the Spartan, his fabled war machines, and the fearsome arms and armors of the North, gave Aegon pause. As soon as his foot were within range, the Spartan unleashed his cannons, blasting into the riverlords ranks with explosive missiles and tearing apart their vanguard with seven devastating volleys. and when Robert asks about the false Aegon. She opened her mouth, an apology forming on her tongue, but it dissolved away when she realized who it was. Wildly he swung his sword in the air even as he fell, attempting to land a killing blow on the Spartan, but it was for naught, as even Blackfyre in the hands of Maegor had failed to breech the Spartans armor. Izembaro had blessed by being born and raised in Bravos. Of all her features, the most striking were the vibrant blue eyes which seemed too vivid and lively for mere mortals, seemingly alive with a celestial blue light only the Aglow Lady could match. See you on the next update, when I hopefully will have written more than 5k words. For though the Targaryens counted in all seventeen dragonsthe highest number they would ever reachthe memory of the Spartan slaying two of the mightiest of all their mounts, Vhaegar and Balerion the Black Dread themselves; and of the humiliating and decisive defeats he rendered unto both Aegon the Conqueror and to his son, Maegor the Cruel, had haunted the Targaryens to that day. She resisted the urge to wrinkle her nose against it. . Arya Stark was up there, as well, not too close the dragon, but watching her. Asides from private life, I returned to what I had published for a mass edit. Tearing her bonds with his own hands, he picked her up in the crook of his arm, and rescued Cortana Stark before the flames could reach her. Strangely, they never conquered the lands they took, instead liberating them from the Andal yoke and restoring their holdings to their rightful lords and rulers. What followed was a duel immortalized in song, chronicle, and shows alike. All that was known was that the Spartan had returned to Winterfell the very night Queen Rhaena gave birth. The Spartan would return Princess Cortana to Winterfell, where he was once more received as a hero. Arya pulled it partially out of the scabbard, examining it, from the golden lion on the handle to the red Valyrian steel blade. Shortly after, he made a pact with Kermitin exchange for the young lord putting up his sword and disbanding his armies, and allowing his men to return home, the Spartan would release Kermit as well as all other prisoners taken, and would march south to defend the Riverlands from the greens, who would doubtlessly seek to consolidate the Trident for the cause of Aegon, and put the riverlords to the sword for siding with the blacks. Kermit, left with little other choice, agreed to the terms, and returned to Riverrun shortly after. Belarion was crippled, and Aegon was burned so badly in some places his armor was fused to his flesh, but the Spartan, in an act of compassion, saved and spared their lives, and the Maiden tending to Aegons wounds, and had Visenyas body pulled from the waters of the Neck. But as more refugees came flooding in from the South, and reports of the Targaryens dragons burning and sacking the countryside become increasingly dire, Cregan could not help but feel pity for the smallfolk, and became convinced that something had to be done to end the violence in the South. In an event which seemed all too convenient for Aegons interests to be considered coincidence, the Alchemists Guild reported that a grave error had been made. The next, you are suddenly stuck in the body of a warrior king. There is a God. Slowly and steadily the memories of my life, or should I AN: A combination of HOTD canon and F&B canon. So did Aegon the Unworthys men die by the score, turning the yard before the Great Sept red with blood. Also, if I've missed any or there's been issues in which fics are in which category let me know. But if you're very lucky, you may live to see Aegon V ascend the throne! Covered a lot of typical SI stuff but it was written well. Hed known Lord Eddard Stark for over a decade and had probably shared fewer words with him than he had in the past thirty seconds with his daughter. Unfortunately, an opportunity arose for him when disaster struck the city. First flinging open the Dragon Gate to welcome the Spartan as their savior, as he had been decades before when he ended the tyranny of Maegor, they called on him to once more save them, this time from 'Maegors Teats. Dragonseed Thu, Dec 17, 2020, 08:43 AM. I believe that it was one of the earliest self inserts to appear on AH, around the same time as the original Connecticut Yankee in King Roberts Court. Maegor, in hopes of restoring Balerion the Black Dread from his crippled state and into his former glory to face the Warrior Made Flesh, had allegedly used the blood of his own kin and the burnt body of Quicksilver in some dark sorcery. With their sovereign dead, the Northmen retreated back to the North, utterly defeated. The North is the largest region in all of Westeros, but has a relatively small population despite its size. An s.i. But in the shining brilliance of this time of prosperity and peace, Viserys had been blinded to the division within his own court that came late in his reign. Cregan at first believed Baelor a somewhat zealous yet ultimately harmless ruler, and continued to maintain good relations with the South for a time. Once the city was in good order, he then marched his army west to confront the green army camped in the ruins of Tumbleton. I'll never stop until those 4 are dead What if after his death against Robert Baratheon and the Hammer. E se [ASOIAF/SI AU] Os Negros, os Verdes e os Vermelhos Game of Thrones Fanfic OP #gameofthrones #asongoficeandfire #gameofthronesseason7 #gameofthronestheories #gameofthronesmod #thrones#fanfiction #webnovel #webnovelrecommendations #fanfic #webnovel #fanficnovelas #novel #webnovels #marvelfanficOs negros, os verdes e os vermelhos [ASOIAF/SI AU] Por: Leonie46Postando isso aqui do AH. However, sex is the world's oldest profession.. An SI becomes a prostitute in A Song of Ice and Fire . There, he would have died, had it not been for the Spartans timely intervention and his summary use of his advanced healing arts to heal Aemons otherwise fatal wounds. Your Grace, if you are in need of moon tea He gestured to the assortment of jars on his shelves. Link to my Venmo if you feel like sending me something,,, Leveling the Playing Field - an ASOIAF Self-Insert. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Jaime followed her movements to block her path. However, Joffrey, the character, has a terrible reputation and now is up to Kim, also known as Lloyd Frontera, to fix that. Wisely, he didnt attempt to wholly follow in his forebears foot-steps, as he remained in good relations with the Kingdom of the North, at least at first. Well, that last scene hit hard, and was an ideal of a time and place to drop the otherworldly knowledge bomb. Her stomach plummeted into her shoes and she quickly stood, hoping if they couldnt see her, theyd forget she existed and couldnt make any plans for her future. Once the situation is realized, he's left scrambling to plan his long term survival. But as she watched them, the queens eyes landed on her and she watched her with muted interest for a moment before leaning over to say something else to her mother, who smiled before meeting Aryas eyes, as well. And with the Spartan aiding them, and with him the promise of newer innovations and technologies to further advance civilization, a new day was seemingly on the horizon. Astride Balerion, and with his sister-wife Visenya astride Vhaegar, the Conquorer sought to blast Moat Caitlin as he had Harrenhal, and allow his army to storm the North. I like what you went over in terms of what's not feasible, I do think this, I could sell them to the North after fully developing the first two? I don't like slash nor crack nor drama. The Spartan flew his flying machine right into Aegons camp, and with him was King Torrhen. Uncle, my ear, my ear! tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from [email protected]. The Extraordinary Life of And WTF am I going to do about the White Walkers? An SI becomes a prostitute in A Song of Ice and Fire. King Aegon seethed and trembled with rage at this, causing his morbidly obese body to quake with a hideous quiver. May I ask, are you experiencing the pain of your moon blood or?. Aside from an attempted invasion of the North by the King Beyond the Wall, Raymond Redbeardwhich was swiftly averted when the Spartan met with the freefolk king and negotiated his armys disbandment in exchange for an increase in the settlement of freefolk around the Dawntownthe Starks continued to enjoy the peace that had lasted for generations. As an incentive, he released all captives taken during the battle, and also forewarned her that Dalton Greyjoy, Lord Reaper of Pyke, was likely to attack the now-weakened Westerlands. You are using an out of date browser. The only thing more noticeable than his soaked person was the immense pain that wracked his body, rivaled Threadmarks: Succession CrisisChapter One: The Afterparty. Gladius when he realizes he has become Robert. Balerions flames, black as night and hot enough to melt steel, failed to so much as singe the Spartans legendary armor, his spear-like claws, sword-like fangs, and battering ram-esqe tail all too slow and lumbering to land a single blow against the Master Chiefs otherworldly speedJust as it had failed to do so to his great war machines so many year before. The greens, upon hearing of these accounts, were wary as to the intentions of the Spartan, and could not discern to which side he had taken in the warfor while he had come to the blacks aid in the Battle of the Gullet, his victory over the riverlords had doubtlessly aided the cause of the greens. Seeing the Spartan destroy all but one of Rhaenyras dragons, which the Shepherd had convinced the people were monstrous demons, the smallfolk rioted in the streets and chanted the Spartans name. The Spartan gave a single warning to Lord Dalton, ordering him to turn his fleet back to the Iron Isles and cease his attacks on the coast. I shut my eyes, feeling a rapid pulse behind them and a slight ringing in my ears. No harem, but there might be some side chicks, Daenerys will be the main though. A subtle hint of a grim fate he had barely escaped. The first, and arguably his most ambitious project, was the construction of the Realmroad; the vast, expansive network of paved highways criss crossing throughout the realm. Daerons conquest of Dorne would quickly prove to be a disaster, with Daeron losing ten thousand men to claim it, fifty-thousand more to hold it, and then his own life of eighteen years when Dornishmen ambushed and murdered him under a banner of peace. Refusing this time around to be vexed by a mustache, lack of indoor plumbing, and no more guacamole in favor of keeping her eyes on the prize: Surviving the upcoming Long Night and not letting Melisandre go Full Melisandre. While there was no indication that it was anything more than a close partnership, perhaps even a friendship, it nevertheless filled the people with thoughts that the Spartan would wed the princess, and from their union would bring a golden age for all, as the Starks would join their house with the Norths fabled champion of yore and form a doubtlessly matchless alliance. The wailing of an infant pulled me out of my thoughts. Oww! This is Valyrians in Planetos, so there's going to be incest. This was the first mistake Elmo Tully would make that day. Nevertheless, he could not deny his beloved daughter, and so bade her enter the hallowed halls of the Forward Unto Dawn. The inspiration of this mighty endeavor could be attributed to the famous tour of the North that Jaehaerys and his sister-wife, Good Queen Alysannee, shared early in their reign. U could have waited a few more years for the death to happen . The latter is the answer, oh most definitely the latter. . Much more of the city was comprised of stone buildings as well, and in no time at all, Kings Landing had become the crown jewel of the South, truly a capitol worthy of a great dynasty. Fantasy Romance R18 MAGIC HARRYPOTTER GAME OF THRONES. With the Dragon King defeated, the North was saved, and the battle forever afterwords known as the Field of Thunder was won for House Stark, and one of the most crushing defeats House Targayen would ever suffer. But to the stunned shock of the realm, the Spartan did indeed come out of the Dawn beside her. Welcome to another ASOIAF quest, this one set entirely within Westeros and the wars over it, in the vein of my prior quest. Hope you can forgive me! Regardless, the Starks maintain that the Dawntown is wholly independent of their rule, though the city-state had nonetheless sworn allegiance to the Starks. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Ser Arthur Dayne held the head high by its dark strands before dropping it before Prince Rhaegars feet. With growing unease, I note that the so venerated Maesters at Oldtown have started to adjust the events of my reign in a nearly utopian narration. Curious, I glance at my reflection.And thats when I almost faint, for the second time this day.Theres the bloody goddammed face of Joffrey fucking Baratheon, staring right back at me. The town surrounding Winterfell had long since expanded into an outright city centuries before, its thatched huts and hovels transformed into great stone houses. I chose to add my story here because of amazing fics I've come to cherish, like Dread Our Wrath and Deeds, not Words. Inside, she was found clutching a dagger close to her, her garments half-ripped, and the king was found writhing on the floor in agony, with blood seeping out between his legs; King Aegon was so fat that they could not see it at first, but it was later confirmed by the Grand Maester that he had been emasculated in his entirety. In the ensuing melee, Jon and Maegor both immediately sought each other out, their long-standing enmity climaxing in a brutal, raging clash of blades between them.

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