leadership lab deep canvassing

She recounted that when Jie was 3, the toddler responded to a question about possible Christmas presents by asking: Could Santa turn a girl into a boy?, Rileys devotion to Jie had a visible impact on several voters, including the mother of a 7-year-old girl. The Leadership LAB The study's conclusions differ from the conclusions of the LaCour's falsified study from 2014 in one crucial way, Broockman says. Steve Deline has been organizing around the methodology of deep canvassing, across multiple movements, for 13 years. Its about sharing and listening, all the while nudging people to be analytical and think about their shared humanity with marginalized groups. Does this give us any guidance on how to talk to folks we dont agree with? But remember, the impact of these conversations can last nine months or more. This article covers the basic components of a deep canvassing script. Williams says the man said he hadn't considered what that might be like. Its worth noting that some of the results were less strong than those Broockman and Kalla reported in their 2016 paper. Twitter is obviously full of the notion that what we should do is condemn those who disagree with us. The Leadership LAB of the Los Angeles LGBT Center trains people in canvassing techniques aimed at reducing prejudice. Is First Republic Banks failure sign of a slow-motion banking crisis? Maybe, as The Wall Street Journal suggested, Fleischers efforts merely flattered the ideological sensibilities of liberals. But this week, a new study published in Science by David Broockman, an assistant professor of political economy at Stanford, and Joshua Kalla, a graduate student in political science at Berkeley, appears to serve as vindication of Fleischers work. See video at 10:20 mins for script development process. Giving grace. In a deep canvass, we go to the turf where voters have voted against our causes in the past, and we find out why. The groups feared a backlash against a recent ordinance that prohibited discrimination based on gender identity. Listening to a political opponents concerns. As part of the LA LGBT Centers groundbreaking Leadership LAB team, he helped create the original deep canvass approach. Though Fleischer thought his new approach was working, he wanted to know whether the persuasion lasted. As part of the LA LGBT Center's groundbreaking Leadership LAB team, he helped create the original deep canvass approach. That doesnt tell you about the person inside., On this particular day, volunteers would be canvassing in a predominantly black neighborhood, so Gardiner reminded them to be sensitive to experiences of race-based discrimination. The technique might be used to target any societal prejudice or be used to increase prejudice, Broockman acknowledges. Our Current Campaigns - The Leadership LAB Typically, in a political canvass, an activist might list a bunch of facts or statistics about why the voter should support their cause. He ran a phone program in the 2020 general election that canvassed over 15,000 people in battleground states, and also led the deep-canvassing phones program in support of the Minneapolis public safety charter amendment in 2021. Its not about listing facts or calling people out on their prejudicial views. Most people have been judged because of gender, race or some other issue. But Fleischer is wary of what he calls the anti-discrimination declaration. At the Leadership Labs two-hour pre-canvass training that morning, volunteers were warned about fake 10s, people who think of themselves as against discrimination many of them Democrats but who can nonetheless be swayed by emotion-based appeals that provoke prejudice and fear. Broockman says they didnt set out to find the exact mechanism. Long Form Canvas, One such activist is Vivian Topping, who decided, along with other LGBTQ activists and allies, to try deep canvassing in Massachusetts in 2018, when transgender rights were on the ballot. He responds by telling his story of being discriminated against for being gay. Its much easier to put all your volunteers in a cozy phone bank where everyone gets to hang out and eat pizza.. Paid for by Up PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. particularly those who are most at-risk for missing critical elections. After the first canvass I attended, the Leadership Lab project manager Ella Barrett seemed uncharacteristically sullen. Thats not known.). There are three things. She talks about being picked on at work and feeling different. Jeffrey Fountain/Courtesy of Los Angeles LGBT Center He began by sharing his experience of losing the 2008 California marriage equality referendum campaign, which led David and his Leadership Lab colleagues to develop the deep canvassing approach to determine why people were susceptible to the anti-marriage equality campaign. But the more they analyzed LaCours study design and results, the more problems they found. Massachusetts voters could choose to keep or throw out a law that banned discrimination based on gender identity. We trained our volunteers to connect with voters at the door on a personal and values level, not to talk at them with scripted talking points. He said I blew his mind, and that he would never forget the conversation we had! Meg Riley, a 60-year-old Unitarian Universalist minister from Minnesota who volunteers with a racial-justice group, recounted her eventful day. It costs money. We can change the minds of 1 in 10 people we talk to. This is the You Are Not So Smart Podcast. When the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage nationwide in 2015, Fleischer and his team could turn their focus to the next L.G.B.T. People are resistant to changing their mind during an argument, the hypothesis goes, because it threatens their self-image. It has also attracted controversy. You will also need a team of at least three full-time organizers, which is the majority of the budget, and you need a dedicated team of volunteers (ideally 200 or so). "When we were nonjudgmental and vulnerable with them and when we exchanged our lived experiences about marriage and gay people, that's when we started changing people's minds," he says. Which is to say: Republicans assume Democrats dislike them more than they actually do, and vice versa. After the canvass, the study participants answered the same questions about transgender people that they had answered before the study, including how positively or negatively they felt towards transgender people on a scale of 0 to 100. Fleischer is especially interested in learning whether deep canvassing can affect peoples thinking on two issues racial prejudice and abortion rights. Were a progressive country, but were also a voting-suppressed country. Its only right. He vowed to keep at it, but soon there was no need. #KnockEveryDoor The news crushed Fleischer. Were asking voters not to discriminate, to be less prejudiced, and we need to walk that walk, she said. Were a 10! Even as Trump was talking about the caravan, we see that Republicans in our study are moving.. "I needed to be sure people knew that we no longer had evidence. This tactic is the only thing that has been proven to work on nondiscrimination, so without it we wouldnt have been able to win, they say. 5. How much does a deep canvass program typically cost? I know it exists, and I hear stories, and I see them on TV. The idea is that people learn lessons more durably when they come to the conclusions on their own. The leaders worked to keep the mood relaxed and optimistic. Do you have a few minutes today to talk about transgender people?, Williams played a busy voter. The Leadership LAB of the Los Angeles LGBT Center trains people in canvassing techniques aimed at reducing prejudice. Instead of pelting voters with facts, we ask open-ended questions and then we listen, Dave Fleischer, the LGBTQ rights organizer who developed the technique, told me in 2016. 3. I have to teach my hamster to speak Finnish today., Gardiner turned to the volunteers. Matthews career as an organizer started in on the west side of San Antonio, where he worked with other students to push back on the absurd amount of debt first-generation immigrants like himself were having to take on to have a chance at a college degree. If youre talking about having real, quality conversations with voters, you cant bring that to scale without a really large number of people, says Tim Saler, a Republican strategist at Grassroots Targeting, which works to mobilize and persuade voters. In 2020, these seem like radical propositions. Its up to volunteers to add specific candidates, districts, elections, or geographically-specific voting information to our templated #KnockEveryDoor scripts. But I dont have any friends like I do my gay friends., Fleischer nodded and removed a picture of his friend Jackson from his wallet. Script structure used to guide SURJ-NYC deep canvassing conversations on reparations, A Qualitative Examination of Dialogical Elements in Anti-Racist Deep Canvassing Conversations, 2021 (Journal article see fig. Over 8 years on the LA LGBT Center's groundbreaking Leadership LAB team Steve helped create the tactic of deep canvassing. In Pennsylvania and beyond, Eboni has also supported organizations on outreach, strategy, program management, leadership development and political education. But how does it work? The design of this tool was inspired by the Business Model Canvas. "So it's about 15 years of progress that we've experienced in 10 minutes at the door," he says. Because abortion is such a politically polarized issue, he said, it could just be that we have to get better at making voters trust us and open up. But it could also be that the Leadership Labs transgender canvassing success is an anomaly. Though there is scant research on transgender prejudice, what is known suggests transgender people face widespread prejudice and discrimination, Aaron Norton and Gregory Herek wrote in their 2012 study of heterosexual attitudes toward transgender Americans. I made a mistake, she said. The biggest gift you can give someone whose mind you want to change is a supportive environment that lets them think about their experiences and how those experiences affect their opinions on issues. But what weve learned by having real, in-depth conversations with people is that a broad swath of voters are actually open to changing their mind. Matthew Rodriguez Matthew is an organizer from El Paso who believes the only way we fight against the systems of oppression is by building collective power. groups argued that transgender people (or those pretending to be) would pose a threat to children in public restrooms. And 75 percent of the people who start the conversations with the canvassers share a story about their own lives. 1), Unpacking Deep Canvassing, Indivisible, 2021 (see right to vote video example at 19:49 mins), Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA, Contact a Commons librarian if you would like to connect with the author. Have more questions about long form or deep canvassing? Tweet Its too bad that the takeaway was that only gay people could persuade people about gay marriage, Broockman says about LaCours retracted study. Im with Black Lives Matter, and I know a lot of trans people, the woman told Riley. Broockman and Kalla found that the treatment group was considerably more accepting of transgender people and that a single, approximately 10-minute conversation with a stranger can markedly reduce prejudice for at least three months. Unlike LaCours invented finding that the messenger matters more than the message, Broockman and Kalla found that both transgender and nontransgender canvassers were effective. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Transcript: Interview from Episode 080 - You Are Not So Smart . Keep in mind the media environment the canvassers were working in. Eden Mayle Field Manager Maria Do Field Organizer Deep canvassing has since been proven to change hearts and minds and find common ground across differences by. Study Finds Deep Conversations Can Reduce Transgender Prejudice He handed her a small video player, on which she watched a Baptist minister in Houston make the case about bathrooms. Fleischer headed west to work with the Los Angeles L.G.B.T. Dont try to change someones mind alone. Give me a few years, and I know Ill be a 10!, How Do You Change Voters Minds? In the face of this defeat, the Leadership LAB was established at the LA LGBT Center to embark on a radical project - knocking on voters' doors to learn why and make a case for love. If you would like to see first-hand what these one-on-one conversations are like, we encourage you to. You can also go more in-depth on the science behind deep canvassing by reading the academic study referenced by the New York Times that was published by political scientists David Broockman and Josh Kalla in the peer-reviewed journal Science. The new research shows that if you want to change someones mind, you need to have patience with them, ask them to reflect on their life, and listen. This is an edited version of a longer conversation. She ended a solid 10, a rating he was confident could survive opposition messaging. News of the retraction stunned Fleischer, who worried that the Leadership Labs marriage canvassing would be tainted by association. UC Berkeley, Stanford study finds canvassing conversations reduce But even if that happens, he says, it at least will encourage people to think deeply about the issues they're going to vote on. Join us for the following two webinars on Effective Lobbying and Deep Canvassing, both presented by Olivia Chow and the Institute for Change Leaders in partnership with the Sustainability Network. Thats what the Mormons use, he said on this sunny, bird-chirping Saturday in February. Connecting and Inspiring Voters Through Deep Canvassing - MyLO Specifically, the canvasser asks the voter to recall a time when he or she was discriminated against. Share on Facebook Instead of a script that lasts 60 seconds, volunteers spend 10 or 20 minutes talking with each voter. They share takeaways on how to construct outreach scripts that bridge divides and move people powerfully, with practical examples from advocacy campaigns on the ground. She said she was trying to evolve on the issue, though. He also helped lead a second Deep Canvass operation in three states in 2021 during the federal immigration debate. Over the last six years, Fleischers unorthodox canvassing technique has attracted the attention of social scientists, liberal groups and even presidential-campaign consultants. If only I could have 10 minutes with Ted Cruz, Fleischer said once. And while the effects may be small, only moving opinion a handful of percentage points among those canvassed may be worth it, too. After the canvass, the groups filled out four follow-up surveys, up to three months later. Approaching voters with emotional honesty and vulnerability. Broockman and Kalla (2016) assessed the impact of the . These conversations arent arguments. Deep Canvassing with Dave Fleischer of The Leadership Lab The effort helped defeat the anti-L.G.B.T. But for transgenders? David directs the Leadership Lab at the Los Angeles LGBT Center. Fanned out across the neighborhood were more than three dozen Leadership Lab volunteers, many of them local college students, as well as progressive activists from around the country hoping to learn about changing voters minds. Canvassers (who may or may not be members of the impacted community) listen nonjudgmentally. Broockman says this research can at least lend ordinary people a new script when dealing with people in their lives who hold prejudicial opinions. Which makes it feel like a big departure from a lot of the current political dialogue. Those appeals worked last November in Houston, where the same voters who elected a lesbian mayor in 2009 repealed a city ordinance protecting transgender people from discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. The effect of most campaign messaging is short-lived and can evaporate in as little as 3-5 days. Im a campaign person; youd do anything for 3.5 points, says Fran Hutchins, the deputy director of the Equality Federation who worked on deep canvassing efforts reported in the new study. Thats likely a lot of people. Over a 2-hour shift, our volunteers will complete an average of 5 conversations. The Leadership LAB works to reduce prejudice and change voters hearts and minds. Were literally iterating this model every day with a handful of full-time paid organizers working as peers with hundreds of volunteers to figure out whats working, whats not, and what needs to be added, subtracted or changed from our processes. The activists and scientists I spoke to for this story all agree that you cant change everyones minds. Dates: March 31 from 1:00-2:00 PM EST and April 7 from 1:00-2:00 PM EST. Whats the best way to convince a voter at the door? Insights from Deep Canvassing: Proven Scripts for Transformational Outreach, The New Conversation Initiative, Netroots Nation, 2021 (Video 60 mins). Leadership Lab volunteers spoke with 3,330 residents in Pocatello, Idaho, a small, heavily Mormon city facing a ballot referendum that would have reversed a local nondiscrimination ordinance protecting gay and transgender people. Its almost the opposite of growing up today in the age of Facebook and political polarization, where its easy to always be among like-minded people, your self-isolation complete before you have your first beer., At first, Fleischer and his team tried cerebral arguments and appeals to fairness in their doorway conversations with same-sex-marriage opponents who didnt express deep religious objections. And then we continue to ask open-ended questions based on what they just told us. The idea is that people learn lessons more durably when they come to the conclusion themselves, not when someone bitch-slaps you with a statistic, Fleischer said. Volunteers who dont have a specific election or issue they wish to canvass on can use a listening script. newsletter. Oh, yes, Nancy said. Then theres the duration and longevity of the impact. After disappointing outcomes on Election Day for Democrats across the country, plenty of folks are wondering how we move forward and run better campaigns in the future. Knocking on a strangers door is scary, and a lot of that mornings training session was spent boosting the confidence of first-time canvassers. The canvassers thought the conversations were changing people's minds, but Fleischer says he couldn't know if it was working without independent verification. Her passion for social justice and teambuilding began in the woods of Timber, Oregon, where her family built a large community home around the core value of radical acceptance. First, theres the magnitude of the impact. Our organizing philosophy was outlined in the book Rules for Revolutionaries: How Big Organizing Can Change Everything which was co-authored by Becky Bond, one of the volunteer chief organizers at #KnockEveryDoor and featuring stories about several other co-founding staff and volunteers who worked together on the Bernie Sanders 2016 presidential campaign, including Texas Zack Malitz, Hannah Fertig, Lynn Hua, Sam Ghazey, Cole Edwards, Kenneth Pennington, Hector Sigala and Max Cotterill. When working with new groups, new staff, on a new issue and at bigger scale, I think its natural to expect smaller effects, he says. If you would like to see first-hand what these one-on-one conversations are like, we encourage you to sign up to canvass with us. In many campaigns, polling data and focus groups tell us that very few people are persuadable, so we ignore those voters and stick with talking to the voters who are already on our side. Susmik now works on Peoples Actions National Field Team, supporting deep canvassing and movement politics work. To run an ad campaign you just need a bank account and a media consultant. Why is deep canvassing relevant to the world we live in today? Tennessee and the Central Valley have been the sites of large-scale workplace raids by ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] in recent years, she says, and various cities in Orange County have attempted to opt out of the California Values Act. Thats a state law that limits the collaboration between local law enforcement and federal immigration enforcement. "Burning the mental calories to do effortful thinking about it, that leaves a lasting imprint on your attitudes," he says. They may come in organically through the website. They, along with Yale statistician Peter Aronow, discovered that LaCour's work was almost a complete fabrication. What does it take to divert someone away from prejudice and toward greater acceptance of others in order to build support for progressive causes? For instance, Donald Trump won Michigan by 10,000 votes. #KnockEveryDoor serves as a nationwide hub for progressive canvassing training and deployment. Dave Fleischer a short, bald, gay, Jewish 61-year-old with bulging biceps and a distaste for prejudice knocked on the front door of a modest home in a middle-class neighborhood on the west side of Los Angeles. activists in another state. Effective Lobbying and Deep Canvassing - Institute for Change Leaders The mans daughter, though, would have none of it: She practically pushed him out of the way to tell Riley they were a 10. That, Williams thinks, might have helped persuade him to be more supportive of nondiscrimination measures. Not so with deep canvassing. Deep Canvassing and The Power of Active Listening - MWI | MWI In the experiment on immigration, Broockman and Kalla found that 78 percent of all the people who came to the door when the canvasser rang ended up staying for the entire conversation. Give me a five., Nancy wasnt the only person to significantly decrease her support after watching the video. Check out Dave's Ted Talk here, or ask them below! Ella Barrett has a deep love for building dynamic teams and innovative systems to create measurable social change. PDF Book Club Synopsis We are still in the process of figuring this out. And in that moment, he points out that a transgender nondiscrimination law would help people who feel discriminated against at school or work. (One clinical therapist I showed it to said it sounded a bit like motivational interviewing, a technique used to help clients work through ambivalent feelings.) We hope to provide both new and seasoned grassroots activists with a quality canvassing training that will allow them to enhance their local power building around whichever issue or candidate of their choice. Are Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney in love, or are they good actors? Those who had discussed prejudice they'd experienced felt about 10 points more positively toward transgender people, on average. In 2018, Kalla and Broockman published a meta-analysis of 49 experiments that were designed to test whether voters are persuadable by conventional means: phone calls, television ads, traditional canvassing, and so on. She smiled shyly and asked Fleischer, the Leadership Labs director, how she could help him. Youve probably had a time when people have judged you unfairly? he asked.

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