violet flame relationship clearing

When you feel ready, state the following affirmation aloud: Use the violet flame to heal past lives. The book will transform you. So if the violet flame does not appeal to you, there are always other methods of relieving negative energies and transforming them with positive energies. Use your breath to direct the thought forms into the fire. There There are meditations for the violet flame and it talks about how they can help you. the free flow of the cosmic energies into our physical as well as elemental Try it! Some call it The Fool's Journey. When they have reached a point whereby they are radiating this violet light all the obstacles that have been in the way to prevent this connection will fall by the wayside and from there on the relationship will be unstoppable. I call to the Angels of the Blue Flame serving under Archangel Michael to assist me to cut me free (say cut me free 3 times) and dissolve any and all psychic bonds and karmic ties between me and any person, place, condition, or thing that is no longer serving my highest good, and the fulfillment of my Divine Plan for which I embodied. Sometimes hypnosis or psychotherapy shows us too much information to absorb all at once. Just as a ray of sunlight passing through a prism is refracted into the seven colors of the rainbow, so spiritual light manifests as seven rays. The Thanks for writing. It works in microcosmic and macrocosmic worlds, from the smallest particle of matter to molecule to mind to materialization in man and mundane circles. Save by clicking the button below to add code to your cart! Saints and adepts of the east and west had to be proven worthy to be privy to this valuable healing tool. our resistance and immunity level to deal with these dis-eases. It can extend from beneath your feet to well over the top of your head. These ceremonies are very intense, and one should never attend under the influence of anything. inner change and transformation versus external change, the Violet It will raise your vibration. Once your clear yourself always fill the vacuum created with Christ Light, Divine Love, Peace, Harmony, Perfect Health and Wholeness, Abundance, any Divine Qualities you need at this time. We can easily pick up these energies around us. hear it, you may simply feel tingling, or positive energies around and like a Or as they continue saying decrees over time, they become tingly and begin to dream of past lives and what happened to them in other incarnations to cause current pain and trauma. What is your Galactic Heritage or Star Lineage? If you want to learn more about chakras and chakra healing, check out my book, The Ultimate Guide to Chakras. Most of us are living with high stress or depression simply because we have lost touch with the Earth & Archangels. So they uplift us. We all have an electromagnetic field that surrounds us and we vibrate on different frequencies depending on our current mental, emotional, spiritual and physical state. You will feel a large energy boost while working with either one. Continue reading, The violet flame has the quality of permeation and penetration of all substance, of all rays, even to the heart of the secret rays of all of the seven rays. Thank you I will check out bloodstone. I have felt this when in a meditation group with others; or by repeating decrees to help purify my aura. At the cellular and molecular level this substance appears as a sort of soot, dust or cement. The reason these relationships work without conditions is that both individuals have high levels of integrity, are accountable for their errors and they are radiating with pure love. You can also change some of your preferences. Love, Light, Peace, Gratitude and Blessings to all!!! Anything of Spirit is All of us, which means its within you just as much as without. Try again. The more we slow down, listen, and clear the interference weve become accustomed to, the more we remember. I'm going to give it a try. This is what spiritually kills us. It can be used for different purposes such as healing physical, emotional problems and improves relationships. However, there are 12 rays and many of these we cannot Your stress will be relieved. Reciting violet flame decrees aid recollection of past traumas and gradually help one to release them. And while you are at it, please send healing light to either those in your life who need help with their own problems and difficult situations, or to those you dont even know, but have heard of or read about. The violet flame passes through these clogs between electrons and nuclei. Ascended Masters are Saints and sages who once lived on Earth, but fulfilled missions and reunited with Spirit. and be caught up in the Violet fire. It's the most spiritual color, so load up on it! Every time you read, share, comment or heart you help an article improve its Ratingwhich helps Readers see important issues & writers win $$$ from Elephant. may its purifying light devour all that I send it. , ISBN-10 : Learn to control yourself, Not the whole world. I love all of her books, If you work with angels you need to read this title, Reviewed in the United States on August 12, 2021. 1) Invoke it within yourself by saying: I AM the Violet Flame. Say it as often as you think of it. Our vibration is raised and propels us into a more spiritual state of being. Tantra is a powerful and transformative way to bring new meaning and joy to every aspect of your daily life. By creating an account you agree to Elephant's Terms and Privacy Policy. She has been doing this for about fifteen years now, and her list keeps growing. Be honest. Blessed . Try hard to do this once a day, so you make better progress on the issues you need to heal. The ascended master Saint Germain brings a solution to the problem of the ancient, complex, and often intense karma that we face on a national and personal scale. Clear Your Energy Using The Violet Flame | Insight Timer When I meet with my metaphysical group, many of them are serious about using the violet flame. of these the 7th Ray is This ray is of change, transformation and transmutation, magic, the Its physically and emotionally healing and brings ease, harmony, and spiritual growth. is this violet flame used mainly for physical or it used spiritual healing as well ive only ever used violet in chakra visualizations for clearing the energy centers with my therapist. diplomats, priests & guides of the sacred fire, actors, writers and Well lets face it, even without this freeing light, people try to get away with murder. If people think they could practice a spiritual exercise to undo all their mistakes as a Get out of jail free card, then unfortunately we would see people using the exercise in less than an altruistic way. What Is the Violet Flame? | The Summit Lighthouse Join my Perfumery community on Facebook where you can learn about the properties of certain essences, how to work with certain blends to manifest your intentions, and engage in lively, wild conversations with like-minded people.I absolutely love and encourage all magical feedback from my readers! is not just a ray or beam of light; it is much more than that. PDF Violet Flame Relationship Clearing Practice Those negative emotions get a solid grip around our souls, and we must work to break the cycle. Create a Free Account & Get 2 Free Reads. Angela is an avid and passionate spiritual helper who spends most of her time exploring the magical worlds of spirituality. It can be very helpful during those moments when we feel weak, low on energy, fatigued, anxious, fearful etc. This helps dissolve any group or planetary karma. clogged. Always nice to hear from you John. Ancient alchemists were thought to be attempting to change lead into gold. Also, until the vision I had no clue about the Lacota Indians or a sweat lodge but I was guided. Spirit has the highest frequency (imagine a wheel turning so rapidly it appears to be still). Continue reading. But right now, I dont want to get complicated or too prescriptive because that can get in the way of actually working with itand doing it consistently. Are you curious about the medicine of gemstones and crystals? Some look like static electricity, these can be stress or anxiety. Disease occurs when the body is vibrating at a different rate from the mind and is unable to communicate with our Higher Self. Or you will feel affinities to certain historical periods or places. It raises and frees up energy, especially anything thats become stuck, heavy, and sluggish. Transmutation is to change the form, nature, or appearance of something, and shape it into a higher form. nucleus and the outer edges of the mass of atom, where the negative energy gets Try to focus on the area, and the chakra color is yellow. A Lightworker in service of God forever, Learning & Development Consultant, Assertiveness/Life Skills Coach, Public Speaker, Author, Holistic Wellness Coach, Clear Conscience - Spiritual Blog. Light a candle in front of you, a few feet away, just a foot or two below eye level. They impart vibrancy and hope, making us more forgiving and merciful. Julie Rodriguez is an INFJ Leo in the throes of reinventing herself after a great loss. works. Feel it coming from your heart, expanding and growing in momentum. Block the negative projections of others. So, you feel like washing yourself off any kind of negativity, call the St. There was an error retrieving your Wish Lists. Violet Flame, Clearing & Healing, energy shift, & Violet Flame Reiki guided meditations; How to fight off illness with visualization secrets; A unique visualization to boost the aura of your home that will leave your guests awestruck; What your sore throat & stomach ache is trying to tell you; Violet Flame Reiki secrets Elizabeth The Violet Flame emerges from the Violet Ray, possessing the qualities of mercy, forgiveness, freedom, love, justice, and transmutation. Just make sure you don't give up too much of your own energy. This you do by transmuting that karma through the action of the violet flame as soon as that karma descends. : A spiritual level vibration is the rate of spin of the electrons as they move around the nucleus of the atom. What is the violet flame? It is capable of transforming us by providing us with a very powerful and unique spiritual energy that will enhance all aspects of our lives. The Violet Flame now transforms and transmutes all of these energies across all timelines, lifetimes, dimensions, and realities back to their origination to the Heart of God. A simple way to invoke the violet fire daily is to give the mantra I AM a being a violet fire, I AM the purity God desires! Put your heart into it as if the world depended on you to dissolve the mountain of karma that besets us and our nations! Its a universal gift of god, which once you learn to use, The night I met my very scientific husband, he said to me, You vibrate faster than anyone I ever met. I was not yet a student of metaphysics then, and it seemed like an unusual first attempt at conversation between a guy and girl who didnt know each other! with these negative energies causing more problems, blockages and imbalances We can imagine that the flame is burning through any negativity that we bring in to the mantra so that we destroy all thoughts of anger or fear and replace them with ones of love and peace. Reviewed in the United States on May 2, 2022.

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