what type of plate boundary caused the 1964 alaska earthquake

The San Andreas Fault Zone is not the only active transform plate boundary with U. S. National Park Service sites. The friction between these massive plates means they dont move fast. The movement releases stored-up 'elastic strain' energy in the form of seismic waves, which propagate through the Earth and cause the ground surface to shake. Cabrillo National Monument south of San Diego also lies within the broad zone of deformation between the two plates. , Divergent boundaries where two plates are moving apart. These strike-slip faults and their associated structures are defined by linkage of mid-ocean spreading centers and subduction zones, and are exposed onshore as they traverse the continental crust between mid-ocean ridges and other plate boundary segments (Figure 2). This report is presented in Portable Document Format (PDF); the latest version of Adobe Reader or similar software is required to view it. Short video (4 min) by Stephen Wessells, USGS relating how the largest quake in U.S. history had profound and lasting impacts on our lives. Naturally, most of the action occurs along the edges of tectonic plate. It was the first time we had physical proof of plate tectonics, concludes Mike West. Like modern subduction zones, the region had an accretionary wedge (Coast Range), a forearc basin (Great Valley), and a volcanic arc (Sierra Nevada). UAF is an AA/EO employer and educational institution and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual: If you have difficulty accessing the information on this website due to a disability, please contact the web administrator by email at [email protected] or by phone at 907-474-7320. Through very complete mapping of vertical deformation and faulting and the application of tectonics, he was first to propose in 1965 that the source of the 1964 Alaska earthquake was a low-angle thrust fault. The March 27, 1964, earthquake was accomp anied by crustal deformation-including warping, horizontal distortion, and faulting-over probably more than 110,000 square miles of land and sea bottom in south-central Alaska. The only stronger trembling ever recorded was a magnitude-9.5 monster that shook Chile in May 1960. Oct. 16, 2012. Some start and then stop, only to start again much later. Monday Saturday: 9:30 am 5 pm This was a great leap forward in resolving key mechanisms of the developing theory of plate tectonics. epicenter The underground location along a fault where an earthquake starts. The valleys are commonly due to erosion along individual fault lines. Geologists call plate tectonics a unifying theory. Thats because it explains practically everything about Earths crust. The rocks pulled down under the continent begin to melt. This is because the plates slide past each other without moving up or down. The major area of uplift trended northeast from southern Kodiak Island to Price William Sound and trended east-west to . Out of great catastrophe arises innovation and a new hope for the future of disaster preparedness. This causes the crust to crack and form faults where earthquakes occur. Rocks have been disrupted by shearing and other forces associated with the transform plate motion and, in some instances, transported northward a long distance from where they originally formed. Photo by Robert J. Lillie. Convergent (Colliding): This occurs when plates move towards each other and collide. Tomales Bay. Warping resulted in permanent tilt of larger lake basins and temporary reductions in discharge of some major rivers. NRA = National Recreation Area These tectonic plates move gradually, bumping and grinding against each other. When the earthquake hit, the ground underlying the road shimmied, fissured and then split apart. This USGS Fact Sheet by Thomas M. Brocher, et al. The large white star represents the zone where plates lock together for centuries then suddenly let go, causing the largest earthquakes. The Ring of Fire also marks the edge of the Pacific Plate. An expanded version (11 min) is also available: 1964 Quake: The Alaska Earthquake Seismic waves caused the earth to ring like a bell.. What Can the Ocean Floor Tell Us About Tsunamis? The fault responsible was the Aleutian Megathrust, a reverse fault caused by a compressional force. As the plates move past each other, they sometimes get caught and pressure builds up. Both plates are capped by oceanic crust. Poster: Tsunami Sources 1610 B.C. Photo by Robert J. Lillie. Over time, the San Andreas transform plate boundary has grown longer as the Farallon Plate split into two separate platesthe Juan de Fuca Plate on the north, and the Cocos Plate on the south. As convergent plates collide, the overriding or top plate gets slowly pushed up. Plafker spent most of the summer in Alaska researching and documenting the earthquake. Volcanic rocks at Pinnacles National Park were displaced about 190 miles (305 kilometers), while granitic rocks of Point Reyes National Seashore have moved about 310 miles (500 kilometers). Articles with the HISTORY.com Editors byline have been written or edited by the HISTORY.com editors, including Amanda Onion, Missy Sullivan and Matt Mullen. In fact, the locations of earthquakes and the kinds of ruptures they produce help scientists define the plate boundaries. Is earthquake a result of plate tectonics? They tend to subtly creep along. In Mexico, a combinatiion of divergent and transform plate boundary motion is opening the Gulf of California, causing the Baja Peninsula to separate from the rest of Mexico. Scientists also confirmed that earthquake-related tsunamis arent always localized and can happen thousands of miles from the epicenter. The three main types of plate movements include: Divergent (Spreading):This is where two plates move away from each other. Tsunamis trek traced in the sky. Science News for Students. It should come as no surprise that this perimeter has been nicknamed the Ring of Fire.. Earthquakes can strike any location at any time, but history shows they occur in the same general patterns year after year, principally in three large zones of the earth: The world's greatest earthquake belt, the circum-Pacific seismic belt, is found along the rim of the Pacific Ocean, where about 81 percent of our planet's largest earthquakes . National Park Service sites in the San Francisco Bay Area reveal a sheared-up, ancient subduction zone landscape developed along the San Andreas Fault. In Alaska, the flattening caused some of the affected land to drop. The collision of tectonic plates can result in earthquakes, volcanoes, the formation of mountains, and other geological events. Shallow earthquakes and little volcanism occur where one plate slides laterally past another. Earthquakes occur along fault lines, cracks in Earths crust where tectonic plates meet. Transform boundaries - where plates slide passed each other. Ideas for using videos, articles, and infographics about earthquakes in the classroom. They also sought to locate the quakes epicenter. Along much of the boundary, the bulk of the motion occurs along the San Andreas Fault. Here, that 11-foot (3.4 meter) drop or subsidence took a line of parked cars with it. You'll be happy you did. Credit: Photo Courtesy of Robert J. Lillie. Sometimes the extraction of groundwater leaves a hole that cannot support the ground above. Subduction zones occur when one or both of the tectonic plates are composed of oceanic crust. Farther to the south, the Pacific Plate slides past the North American Plate. As the two tectonic plates converge, friction between them causes coupling of the plates on locked patches of the fault (yellow line, part A). Convergent boundaries , where two plates are moving toward each other, are of three types, depending on the type of crust present on either side of the boundary oceanic or continental . You push and push. This photo shows a small snow slip in the center foreground. The 1964 earthquake in Anchorage, Alaska occurred as a result of an oceanic plate sinking under a continental or land plate. Eyewitnesses described hearing a crunching, grinding noise as the earth shook. . Such movement on the faults is generally a response to long-term deformation and the buildup of stress. The purpose of the group is to bring together both institutions and individuals who have an interest in reducing earthquake hazards in Alaska. The broad zone of transform motion between the Pacific and North American plates formed numerous slivers of mountain ranges with narrow valleys in between. The motion on the north is not pure transform; there is some convergence that contributes to uplift of the topography. Depending on how you count them, there are about 12 main tectonic plates, and numerous smaller ones. On the east, the North American Plate is subducting westward, forming volcanoes of the Lesser Antilles Island Arc. When this happens, some part of the surface is said to subside. Tsunami waves can hit with the devastating force of a powerful tornado. briefly recounts the events of March 27, 1964 and explains the scientific and societal importance of the earthquake. Today, almost 60 years since the Great Alaska Earthquake, the Tsunami Warning Centers issue tsunami warnings in minutes, not hours, after a major earthquake occurs. Find out what you can do right now to protect yourself in the event of an earthquake. Feature labels. Though this hazardous event developed the moniker of the Great Alaska Earthquake, it was actually the ensuing tsunamis that did the greatest damage and took the most lives. In that one quake, it was the first time you could actually see plate motion in action. Find History on Facebook (Opens in a new window), Find History on Twitter (Opens in a new window), Find History on YouTube (Opens in a new window), Find History on Instagram (Opens in a new window), Find History on TikTok (Opens in a new window), Education Images/Universal Images Group/Getty Images, Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management, https://www.history.com/topics/natural-disasters-and-environment/1964-alaska-earthquake. All rights reserved. Now, 50 years later, plate tectonics is no longer a clever hypothesis. Photo courtesy of Robert J. Lillie. Underwater landslides along the Seward, Alaska, waterfront triggered the strong waves which hit here, 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) from Seward. A map of some dozen major tectonic plates and several minor ones. All rights reserved. Earthquake history, photos, videos, and more from the Alaska Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management. Learn about the great leaps in research over the past 50 years. Earths big breakup. Science News for Students. the first to be generally understood by earth scientists as having occurred on a subduction zone interface: the slip was along the gently dipping boundary, or "megathrust fault," between the denser downgoing oceanic plate and the lighter overriding continental plate. And it moved parts of the Alaskan coast 15 meters (50 feet) toward the sea. The epicenter is that X-marks-the-spot site where the tremors commenced. One was figuring out why some parts of Alaska had risen as much as 11.5 meters (38 feet), while the ground at other sites had dropped, or subsided. . And they are powerful. Explains Fuis: This was some of the first clear evidence that plate tectonics was right.. Ned Rozells personal account of his meeting with George Plafker, one of three USGS Geologists who responded to the Alaska quake a few days after event. IRIS video directed by Robert F. Butler explaining the science behind the earthquake. Aftershocks from the quake continued for three weeks. Their thickness ranges from 80 to 200 kilometers (50 to 124 miles). These cracks generally ran at high angles to the faults and could run a few hundred feet and span 6 inches (15 centimeters). Along these boundaries, earthquakes are common and magma (molten rock) rises from the Earths mantle to the surface, solidifying to create new oceanic crust. The second-largest earthquake in the U.S. was a magnitude-9.0 in 1700, which occurred at the Cascadia Subduction Zone, site of the leak. When two plates are moving away from each other, we call this a divergent plate boundary. To view this site, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options and try again. Trenchward velocities are found also for some sites in the Anchorage area. Layers of ocean sediment were squeezed and contorted as they were caught in the vise of the converging plates at the ancient subduction zone. If a segment of the San Andreas Fault is locked for a century, then a large earthquake might result in 200 inches (2 inches/year x 100 years) of movement along the fault in less than a minute. Policies and Notices, U.S. Department of the Interior | S. Ornes. Summary of the earthquakes cause and effects from the Alaska Earthquake Information Center. Register to access: Already Registered? Seiches, a sloshing of water back and forth in a small body of water, were observed as far away as Louisiana, where a number of fishing boats sank in a harbor. For example, moving at about 2 inches (5 centimeters) per year, in our lifetime the Pacific Plate moves 10 to 15 feet (3 - 5 meters) past the North American Plate along the San Andreas Fault, a transform plate boundary in California. And as the Pacific Plate dives, it slopes downward. Hear a first-person account of the event, watch an animation that illustrates the subduction of the Pacific plate under the North American plate, and observe how Valdez was affected. Channel Islands National Park, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area and Joshua Tree National Park are within the Transverse Ranges, a block of crust that rotated as a result of the shearing motion. National Park Service sites along the transform plate boundary in California contain rocks formed during the earlier subduction that occurred in western North America. Systematic horizontal movements of the land relative to bodies of confined or semiconfined water may have caused unexplained short-period wavessome of which were highly destructiveobserved during or immediately after the earthquake at certain coastal localities and in Kenai Lake. The Virgin Islands are in a broad zone where the landscape is being sheared up as the Carribean Plate slides eastward past the oceanic part of the North American Plate. The earthquake triggered a swell of devastating tsunamis, landslides and submarine. The types are ocean-ocean, ocean-continent, and continent-continent. aftershock One or more smaller earthquakes that often follow a major earthquake. Produced under a Cooperative Agreement for earth science education between the National Park Service's Geologic Resources Division and the American Geosciences Institute. That is where the plates push into, against or away from each other. This is an earthquake. It was the largest U.S. earthquake ever recorded, and a turning point in earth science. Abridged from The data helped engineers develop earthquake-resistant structures to limit future casualties and property damage. Parks in western California contain blocks of crust that have moved great distances north-northwestward along the San Andreas Fault. It includes many lesser faults in addition to the San Andreas Fault. Most plates (like the North American one) span both land and seafloor regions. There are three types of tectonic plate boundaries: Plates rip apart at a divergent plate boundary, causing volcanic activity and shallow earthquakes; At a convergent plate boundary, one plate dives ("subducts") beneath the other, resulting in a variety of earthquakes and a line of volcanoes on the overriding plate; First posted September 10, 2012 Revised August 8, 2013, For additional information: During the earthquake, its estimated the fault slipped between 30 to 60 feet, an immense shift. Includes extensive archival footage of the earthquake and aftermath. Each giant slab was expected to be moving slowly. Lucky for this team, 70 new seismographs (SIZE moh grafs) had recently been installed all over the world. Modified from Parks and Plates: The Geology of our National Parks, Monuments and Seashores, by Robert J. Lillie, New York, W. W. Norton and Company, 298 pp., 2005, www.amazon.com/dp/0134905172. The dynamics of a subduction zone explained why the 1964 earthquake was so massive. Map showing plate boundaries that were active during the 1964 Great Quake. uplift A upward shift in some section of Earths surface due to tectonic activity along a fault. In particular, We were looking for evidence of surface faulting, he recalled at a press briefing earlier this week. In central and southern California, for example, the volcanoes have largely eroded away and massive areas of granite from the cooled magma chambers form portions of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, including Yosemite National Park. In bays and inlets, the quake also triggered underwater landslides. They have been transported about 300 miles (500 kilometers) in a north-northwestward direction along the transform plate boundary. Plate Tectonics and Our National Parks (2020), Text and Illustrations by Robert J. Lillie, Emeritus Professor of Geosciences, Oregon State University [E-mail]. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. Parks in the Sierra Nevada, including Yosemite, Kings Canyon, and Sequoia national parks, contain granite-type rocks that cooled within magma chambers beneath ancient subduction zone volcanoes. Imagine that your left hand is the undeformed Pacific Plate, your right hand the intact North American Plate. The devastating 9.2 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunamis ravaged coastal communities and took over 139 lives. For more information on how you can prepare for a tsunami, visit the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program. But its interesting to note that this region is so heavily populated because of the same tectonic forces that sometimes shake it up with such violent consequences during earthquakes. The 1964 earthquake was a defining moment in a territory that had just achieved statehood. UAF is an AA/EO employer and educational institution and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual: If you have difficulty accessing the information on this website due to a disability, please contact the web administrator by email at [email protected] or by phone at 907-474-7320. The primary fault, or zone of faults, along which the earthquake occurred is not exposed at the surface on land. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1527, The compressed and uplifted region includes the Santa Monica Mountains north of Los Angeles as well as the Channel Islands south of Santa Barbara. Seafloor topography map source: Global sea floor topography from satellite and ship depth soundings, 1997, by W. H. F. Smith and D. T. Sandwell, Science, v. 277, p. 1956-1962. Seismic waves caused the earth to "ring like a bell." As bad as the tremors were, the worst was yet to come. Finally, the transform boundary, that the San Andreas . Plate Tectonics and Our National Parks (2020), Text and Illustrations by Robert J. Lillie, Emeritus Professor of Geosciences, Oregon State University [E-mail]. Aug. 16, 2013. Photo courtesy of the National Parks Conservation Association. Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management.The 1964 Great Alaskan Earthquake and TsunamisA Modern Perspective and Enduring Legacies. Alaskan tectonics are dominated by the Pacific-North American plates. Tsunamis caused loss of life, extensive flooding, and damaged harbors along the North American Pacific Northwest coast. Many transform boundaries are found on the sea floor, where they connect segments of diverging mid-ocean ridges. One of many trees damaged by quake impacts. A documentary chronicling the first 72 hours after the 1964 Alaska Earthquake and the response to the disaster by the United States Office of Civil Defense, U.S. Military, and local, state, and federal officials. USC Tsunami Research Group.Seismic Seiches from the 1964 Alaska Earthquake. UA is committed to providing accessible websites. Point Reyes National Seashore and Golden Gate National Recreation Area are the only two NPS sites that are right on the San Andreas Fault. At 5:36 p.m., the ground began shaking violently. How do earthquakes occur at convergent plate boundaries? NCEI is the global data and information service for tsunamis. Massive landslides were triggered by the quake near downtown Anchorage and several residential areas, damaging or destroying about 30 blocks of dwellings and commercial buildings. Virgin Islands National Park in the U. S. Virgin Islands is located on another transform plate boundary, where the Caribbean Plate is sliding past the oceanic part of the North American Plate. Earthquakes and tsunamis can happen along any coastline, at any time of the year, but Alaska is particularly prone to them because it sits on the convergence of two tectonic platesthe Pacific Plate and the North American Plate. There are three types of tectonic plate boundaries: Another large-scale feature is a hotspot, where a plate rides over a rising plume of hot mantle, creating a line of volcanoes on top of the plate. Transform boundaries are places where plates slide sideways past each other. Sometimes tectonic activity just shifts large portions of Earths surface, thrusting upward some portions along a fault. They were lifted out of the ocean as part of the accretionary wedge of an ancient subduction zone. Answers for geologist, scientists, spacecraft operators. Regional uplift and subsidence occurred mainly in two nearly parallel elongate zones, together about 600 miles long and as much as 250 miles wide, that lie along the continental margin. Sunday: 11 am 5 pm (Click on arrows and slide left and right to see labels.). Seismicity of the United States, 1568-1989 (Revised), The control tower at Anchorage International Airport collapsed, killing an air traffic controller. There, in California, that motion causes earthquakes along the infamous San Andreas Fault. It seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser. Uplift that averages 6 feet over broad areas occurred mainly along the coast of the Gulf of Alaska, on the adjacent Continental Shelf, and probably on the continental slope. Although the school was destroyed, the nearby water tower was undamaged. After wreaking havoc on southeastern Alaskan coastal towns that had already endured local tsunamis, the tectonic tsunami made its way to British Columbia where it ravaged small villages along the coastline near Vancouver. Eventually the weakest card face (the San Andreas Fault) dominates within the broad transform plate boundary. Those instruments also helped identify the shape of the fault responsible for all the shaking. Maximum indicated uplift in the Alaska and Aleutian Ranges to the north of the zone of subsidence was l feet. The Sierra Nevada are the eroded remnants of the volcanic arc developed when the Farallon Plate subducted beneath the continent. Alaskas continental shelf and North American plate rose over 9 meters during the earthquake. Download the official NPS app before your next visit. Learn about the Great Alaska Earthquake of 1964 in this video adapted from the Valdez Museum & Historical Archive. The lower portion (right center) is white from the dried out remains of shellfish that had lived on this rock when it was still part of the seafloor. What boundary was the 1964 Alaska earthquake? Scientists are still working out many details of plate tectonics. Remove unwanted regions from map data QGIS. Ground subsidence due to the earthquake created a huge, deep ditch (a graben) that ran through the yard and under this house in Anchorage. Compaction in the Rock Cycle: Understanding the Process Behind Sedimentary Rock Formation, Crystallization in the Water Cycle: A Fundamental Process in Water Distribution and Purification, Understanding Crystallization in the Rock Cycle: A Fundamental Process in Rock Formation, Extracting Lat/Lng from Shapefile using OGR2OGR/GDAL. View from the playground of the Government Hill School in Anchorage, showing damage from the 1964 earthquake. The cards slip along their faces, forming a broad zone of shearing between your unaffected hands. Such boundaries are called transform plate boundaries because they connect other plate boundaries in various combinations, transforming the site of plate motion. Subduction zones usually have a deep trench along the top. Deformation along the transform plate boundary in California can be visualized by placing a deck of cards between your hands in a praying position. Retriangulation over roughly 25,000 square miles of the deformed region in and around Prince William Sound shows that vertical movements there were accompanied by horizontal distortion, involving systematic shifts of about 64 feet in a relative seaward direction. Page Contact Information: Contact USGS Before the event, the sidewalk (left) had been as high as the street (far right). But Alaskas 1964 Great Quake led to a huge leap in their understanding. Instead, blocks of crust are torn apart in a broad zone of shearing between the two plates. Like many of the rocks that are caught up in the zone of transform motion between the Pacific and North American plates, the rocks at Channel Islands National Park were deformed as part of the accretionary wedge during earlier subduction of the Farallon Plate. Plate boundaries from The Plates Project, University of Texas Institute for Geophysics. 1719 N Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, People and animals sometimes team up to hunt for food, Pokmon evolution looks more like metamorphosis, These beetles drink water using their butts. Its a well-documented certainty. Typically, a convergent plate boundarysuch as the one between the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plateforms towering mountain ranges, like the Himalaya, as Earths crust is crumpled and pushed upward. This can lead to the formation of huge, high mountain ranges such as the Himalayas. These forces also create a sheared-up landscape that includes spectacularly beautiful coastlines and economically important harbors. It turned out that the ramps shape was very, very significant. A massive tidal wave crushed the small, coastal village of Chenega four minutes after the tremors subsidedthe town lost a third of its population. In fact, West notes, four out of every five U.S. quakes occurs in this northernmost state. Together, these destructive waves swept Alaskas coastline with devastating speed and power. seismograph (also known as aseismometer) An instrument that detects and measures tremors (known as seismic waves) as they pass through Earth. No safe motoring here anymore. Other rocks in the San Francisco Bay Area were originally part of an accretionary wedge, similar to rocks found today in the coastal ranges of the Cascadia Subduction Zone in northern California, Oregon, and Washington. July 26, 2013. Identifying port numbers for ArcGIS Online Basemap? In the Caribbean Sea, the U. S. Virgin Islands lie along a transform plate boundary where the small Caribbean Plate moves eastward past the oceanic part of the North American Plate. You can now see under the house to the yard beyond (center right of photo). Since neither plate is stronger than the other, they crumple and are pushed up. in that one quake, it was the first time that you could actually see plate motion in action. All articles are regularly reviewed and updated by the HISTORY.com team. But Plafker saw it first, there in Alaska. Get a new perspective on earthquakes with this rich collection of multimedia resources. This resulted in a line of volcanoes stretching all the way from what is now Alaska to Central America. This subduction zone landscape was later plucked from the edge of the North American Plate and transported nearly 200 miles northwestward along the San Andreas Fault. Tectonic plates move very slowly relative to each other, typically a few centimetres per year, but this still causes a huge amount of deformation at the plate boundaries, which in turn results in earthquakes. It is also the second largest earthquake ever recorded, next to the M9.5 earthquake in Chile in 1960. But 50 years ago, that now infamous Alaska quake shook steadily and terrifyingly for almost five solid minutes. Movement on the megathrust was accompanied by subsidiary reverse faulting, and perhaps wrench faulting, within the upper plate. Enter your e-mail address above. Sign up for event updates and exciting announcements. Along convergent boundaries, neighboring plates either collide head-on or a denser ocean plate dives beneath a lighter continental plate. What are the three types of convergent boundaries? Thousands of strong aftershocks continued for weeks after the earthquake, some measuring greater than magnitude 6.2.

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